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Influential MQM leaders to be targetted during second phase of Karachi operation

According to your MQMite logic, no action should be taken against criminals and terrorists of MQM because there are also other criminals walking on the surface of earth

Still ten points, I see.
The next phase wouldn't be so MQM based ?
its more of paid & deliberate media sensation just created to get more advertisements ?
2nd phase will begain with OZAIR BALUCH & TAPI babu , sherjeel memoon , aka sistam Manzoor kaka jee & the model aressted at Islamabad .
Yesterday message been sent to zardari to vacate the roads & the land he took in the bilawal house & that's the 2nd time ?
Today zardari has sent the message back through media , that he is going to lyari & will hold , the jalsa ?
I guess super play of Mr ghadari is about to happen when , he will be in lyari crying crocodile tears , to a crime loving , gangsters paradise lyari that after ZAB , & BB he is the next establishment target to be killed ?
Man he is taking head on , the newly borned super patriot genrl raheel Sharif ?
All this been decided to , crack the rightly over objecting army & its leadership against the criminal rule of noora & ghadari mafia on Pakistan .
It was all decided , planned by noora & zardari to bring army in a jamming position , making it quite forever ?
Whole MQM episode was created by zardari & noora leagues which could benefit them in longer terms ?
opps against criminals was started on the request of MQM & its leadership but later its been directed against the whole party in the media court house .
Any way , if the operation is against only about crimes & criminals then it should prove it by going against all the criminals in all the parties , shouldnt lead to media trials of just one political party .
Both zardari & Nawaz are playing a dangerous game with pal army & I am listening long boots in the backyards of raiwind mahaal & zardari , bilawal house ?
Both havnt learned any lessons from the past .
Whatever the mess as a nation we are into in Karachi , sindh or even whole Pakistan is just because these criminal politicians took the national wealth out of Pakistan ?
what could a poor Pakistani do , when his family is dying with hunger ?
He can target kill any one for anyone in the end & even can take a bomber jacket to blow himself , for the rest of his family.s comfort ?
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Sir this 'only MQM' and 'solely MQM' argument is incorrect and has been repeated ad nauseam. Please don't repeat it like that.

Most news outlets have reported the statistics, and clearly MQM is not 'solely' being targeted as 60% of the casualties and encounters have been in Lyari, which is a PPP constituency. Militants from the TTP and affiliates, along with political groups like ANP and the PAC have been targeted too and equally.
Lyari chalked up 60% of Karachi operation fatalities: Shah - The Express Tribune
Arrests in Karachi operation: ‘Most criminals have political affiliations’ - The Express Tribune

Law Enforcement standards and actions are far from the best, but when they're idle we criticize them for it and when they're too active we criticize them for that too - it's pointless.

MQM has the opportunity to gain considerable popular support and political ground if it supports the Law Enforcement and severs ties with any militants among them; instead, they're on the defensive, victimizing themselves. They drag ethnicity, politics and even personal issues into this in attempts to divert Law Enforcement, which suggests that they do actually have a militant wing under their leadership.

If they want to criticize, they should help with constructive criticism and attempt to gain positive influence instead of giving their political opponents ammunition by publicly threatening to kill people and bad-mouthing everything and everyone that challenges them.

The only difference is that parties like ANP handle it like this:
ANP ready to hand over ‘wanted men’ to authorities - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

While MQM says:
Rangers raid was ‘an attack on my residence’: Altaf
Altaf accuses Rangers of only targeting MQM
Conspiracy theory: No militant wing in MQM, says Altaf Hussain - The Express Tribune
MQM holds protest demonstration over ‘media trial’ | ARY NEWS

No it isn't incorrect, we can see it on the ground as it happens. You think everyone is being targeted? No dear, the blockades are still there on the Bilawal house and you should see the extensive white-house like security arrangements there sometimes (turns out that Rangers isn't going to do anything about it on orders from Home Dept), the weapons are still stacked inside the Noor Haq, Bacha Khan markaz or the famed Pir Pagara house, all illegal of course. The drug dealers at Kati Pahari, Bhutto colony, Purani sabzimandi and Nazimabad no2 (famed den of Mr Saifullah) still intact and prospering, the street crimes at the same level, the other mafias still doing great and the count, the daily body count refusing to come down to below eight. The little angels of Hizb ul Tehrir still distributing the pamphlets and the SSP owned mosques still shouting Shia kafir. And Liyari is still a no-go area, the area surrounding the Cheel chowk and Buzinjo is still off limits to Sindh rangers, they operate on the outskirts. Please, don't tell me about the place I live, I know it intimately.

And I needn't remind anyone here that the rangers have been here for almost two years now, whats the progress report? If they have been operating indiscriminately as alleged, then why is it so bad? Clearly, these boys are drawing a distinction between terrorists who need to be dealt with and ones who need to be left alone. Otherwise, what exactly is the point of this news. Influential MQM leaders to be targeted really? Again, I am obliged to ask the same question? Is this political party the only one with a militant wing? Because, I don't see the others being named here in this news even though that it was the same 90 which asked for operation in the first place. Again, why are the others safe?

This political party is involved in everything the others are involved in, I am not here to defend. Understand that the current manner of operation is only increasing the supporters/voters of the said party, you are creating insecurity amongst a certain brand of people by operating I will repeat again solely. But this isn't how you operate, if you have to settle political rivalries, don't waste time of the residents.

P.S ANP knows it wont be targeted. Just like others do. Wait and watch.
No it isn't incorrect, we can see it on the ground as it happens. You think everyone is being targeted? No dear, the blockades are still there on the Bilawal house and you should see the extensive white-house like security arrangements there sometimes (turns out that Rangers isn't going to do anything about it on orders from Home Dept), the weapons are still stacked inside the Noor Haq, Bacha Khan markaz or the famed Pir Pagara house, all illegal of course. The drug dealers at Kati Pahari, Bhutto colony, Purani sabzimandi and Nazimabad no2 (famed den of Mr Saifullah) still intact and prospering, the street crimes at the same level, the other mafias still doing great and the count, the daily body count refusing to come down to below eight. The little angels of Hizb ul Tehrir still distributing the pamphlets and the SSP owned mosques still shouting Shia kafir. And Liyari is still a no-go area, the area surrounding the Cheel chowk and Buzinjo is still off limits to Sindh rangers, they operate on the outskirts. Please, don't tell me about the place I live, I know it intimately.

And I needn't remind anyone here that the rangers have been here for almost two years now, whats the progress report? If they have been operating indiscriminately as alleged, then why is it so bad? Clearly, these boys are drawing a distinction between terrorists who need to be dealt with and ones who need to be left alone. Otherwise, what exactly is the point of this news. Influential MQM leaders to be targeted really? Again, I am obliged to ask the same question? Is this political party the only one with a militant wing? Because, I don't see the others being named here in this news even though that it was the same 90 which asked for operation in the first place. Again, why are the others safe?

This political party is involved in everything the others are involved in, I am not here to defend. Understand that the current manner of operation is only increasing the supporters/voters of the said party, you are creating insecurity amongst a certain brand of people by operating I will repeat again solely. But this isn't how you operate, if you have to settle political rivalries, don't waste time of the residents.

P.S ANP knows it wont be targeted. Just like others do. Wait and watch.
Sir ,
I won't disagree with your POV but , just want to add a thought which you can brighten by yourself later?
Establishment knew well what will happen if they just go against MQM ?
they needed a spark , they have created it ?
They are pushing MQM to do the protest to go make it a reason going against all & in the end target the damocarzy ?
If they won't allowed against others then monster MQM is there to protest & then there will be personalities asking why not others , slowly will build the momentum toward s a major hit on damocrazy ?
Which is the mother of all ills in this country ?
So basicly & cleverly MQM is the political tool of them , which will create the required crunts .
Here is MQM asking these questions to PM ?

MQM team to meet PM today
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