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Indus script early form of Dravidian

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Arey Bhai, unlike some of the other posters, I have no axe to grind in this discussion. I am just interested in history, especially of South Asia. Thanks for the link.

I have read about it.
1. Ghaggar-Hakra dried in 1900BC in an earthquake causing desertification and many cities being abandoned and people moving Eastward in Ganges plain.
2. The indus was confined to three disjoint localized region called Jhukar, cemetery H and Rangpur.(as shown in the map).
3. At some cities, Indus valley civilization of Continous until 1000BC. Pirak(IVC site) remained continuously inhabited even at the time of Alexander's invasion.
4. Moreover, historians believe Ghaggar-Hakra is Saraswati of Rigveda( it flowed between Satluj and Yamuna) matching the description matching Ghaggar-Hakra and thus Rigveda must be older than 1900BC as one of its river mentioned in Rigveda dried in 1900BC and that Indus valley geography is same as Sapta Sindhu of Rigveda(land of 7 rivers).

Bs hindutva history which no one else believes in it.
btw bro .. is it possible that tributaries that formed sarswati merged into indus or Yamuna from upstream when the tectonic plates moved further into the himalayas?

I heard Satluj went west to join Indus after the river dried and there are seasonal rivers which have names resembling Saraswati in Uttarakhand, Haryana and Rajasthan in the same ancient course. The ancient riverbed with water is still present and put into use for irrigation in Haryana and Rajasthan.
This is just Dravidian feel good article
I heard Satluj went west to join Indus after the river dried and there are seasonal rivers which have names resembling Saraswati in Uttarakhand, Haryana and Rajasthan. The ancient riverbed with water is still present and put into use for irrigation in Haryana and Rajasthan.
yeah there is Ghaghar river which kind of dies at the border of haryana rajsthan. It is seasonal though.
yeah there is Ghaghar river which kind of dies at the border of haryana rajsthan. It is seasonal though.

Have you seen this documentary about IVC, mentions about the drying of Ghaggar-Hakra river and showing ancient riverbeds some of it still containing water and put for irrigation purpose.

Have you seen this documentary about IVC, mentions about the drying of Ghaggar-Hakra river and showing ancient riverbeds some of it still containing water and put for irrigation purpose.

I must bookmarking these vids ... kabhi aaram de dekhunga.
Why Dravidian spamming this thread? You guys are from Australian Indigenous. Pariahs
Tamil is the most oldest surviving language with all forms. So the followers of tamil be one of the oldest civilization.

Some researchers say there is a submerged continent down to tamil nadu and srilanka called kumari kandam. Tamil have their own set books which also mentioned about vedas & poetry at tamil sangam 1 & 2, which are submerged now. Sangam 3 was held after that in madurai, which have references to samgam 1 & 2. Also details about submerged continent.

Lot of history of tamil civilization is not researched by GoI. It even bans most of the costal waters of present day tamil nadu.

I saw a discovery channel documentary regarding submerged city of dhuvaragai in gujrath in last ice age. Search for it...
Tamil is the most oldest surviving language with all forms. So the followers of tamil be one of the oldest civilization.

Some researchers say there is a submerged continent down to tamil nadu and srilanka called kumari kandam. Tamil have their own set books which also mentioned about vedas & poetry at tamil sangam 1 & 2, which are submerged now. Sangam 3 was held after that in madurai, which have references to samgam 1 & 2. Also details about submerged continent.

Lot of history of tamil civilization is not researched by GoI. It even bans most of the costal waters of present day tamil nadu.

I saw a discovery channel documentary regarding submerged city of dhuvaragai in gujrath in last ice age. Search for it...

Tamil is oldest surviving language... LOL!!!! Is this what they teach you in indian textbooks
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