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Induction of Astra missile into IAF fleet will tilt the scales in India's favour


May 9, 2019
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United States
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has begun the process to procure and induct the indigenously developed Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Astra missile into its fleet. Along with induction of the Astra, it is also currently integrating the Israeli I-Derby Extended Range missile on its Su 30 MKI. Speaking to the media, IAF representatives explained that, along with the medium-range BVR MICA, and the long-range Meteor missile, India’s air strike capabilities would be significantly enhanced with the Astra’s induction.

The move comes over a year after the Balakot strike that saw Indian aircraft cross the Line of Control, enter into Pakistani airspace, and conduct a series of strikes in retaliation to a Jaish-e-Mohammad suicide bombing in the Pulwama district of Kashmir. What followed was a dogfight between Pakistani F16s, equipped with the American-made BVR missile, AMRAAM, and India’s Su 30 MKI and Mirage aircraft. It was noted at the time that Pakistan’s AMRAAM missile had higher capabilities than the R-77 and MICA, used by India’s fleet.

Pakistan’s AIM-120 C-5 AMRAAM missile, reportedly, has a maximum range of approximately 105 km. The MICA has a maximum range of just 50km, and the R-77, supposedly Russia’s answer to the American missile, has a range of 80km.

Reclaiming the skies ::

In a frank disucssion, following the Balakot strike, IAF chief RKS Bhadauria stated that India’s air strike capabilities were superior to Pakistan’s during the Kargil War, but India had since let that advantage slip. He stressed the need to improve the IAF’s weapons capabilities stating, “In air engagement, especially in a deeply contested area, it is important to have a weapon’s edge. Once we retain this edge, it is important that we don’t allow to slip back this edge.”

The IAF chief was alluding to the procurement of the European-made Meteor missile that, reportedly, has a range of 150km. These missiles, when integrated with the newly purchased Rafale jets, the first batch of which are expected to arrive in May, would allow India to recapture the advantage in the skies.

However, the foreign Meteor missiles are expensive, and as such, there has been a growing need to develop an indigenous missile on par with those of Pakistan’s. As such, the Astra, with a reported range of 100km, will prove to be a fine addition to the spine of the IAF’s fleet. Future versions of the missile currently being developed, are also likely to have a comparable range to the Meteor, according to some reports.

Induction of PL 15 missile into PAF fleet will tilt the scales in pakistan's favour.
BTW we have been hearing this non sense since long. su 30 will eat f-16s and JFT, tejas will be far superior then f16 and JFT, 126 MRCA will tilt the scale in india's favor. then the world saw what happened 27 feb 2019.
We need the indigenous solid fuel ducted ramjet engine to make any real headway.
A decade or two ago similar articles used to surface how 'worldclass','best in class','top class','gamechanger' n what not LCA tejas is,,,,,n now this manjan.

The actual hidden message in such articles--- dpsu doing grt,make in india grt,,its all conspiracy of phoren maal,,,,chai biskut zindabad.
Induction of PL 15 missile into PAF fleet will tilt the scales in pakistan's favour.
Errr... nope. First its a Chinese weapon. Second its more like an AWACS/Tanker killer. Its range and kinematics against fighter is limited at best.
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has begun the process to procure and induct the indigenously developed Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Astra missile into its fleet. Along with induction of the Astra, it is also currently integrating the Israeli I-Derby Extended Range missile on its Su 30 MKI. Speaking to the media, IAF representatives explained that, along with the medium-range BVR MICA, and the long-range Meteor missile, India’s air strike capabilities would be significantly enhanced with the Astra’s induction.

The move comes over a year after the Balakot strike that saw Indian aircraft cross the Line of Control, enter into Pakistani airspace, and conduct a series of strikes in retaliation to a Jaish-e-Mohammad suicide bombing in the Pulwama district of Kashmir. What followed was a dogfight between Pakistani F16s, equipped with the American-made BVR missile, AMRAAM, and India’s Su 30 MKI and Mirage aircraft. It was noted at the time that Pakistan’s AMRAAM missile had higher capabilities than the R-77 and MICA, used by India’s fleet.

Pakistan’s AIM-120 C-5 AMRAAM missile, reportedly, has a maximum range of approximately 105 km. The MICA has a maximum range of just 50km, and the R-77, supposedly Russia’s answer to the American missile, has a range of 80km.

Reclaiming the skies ::

In a frank disucssion, following the Balakot strike, IAF chief RKS Bhadauria stated that India’s air strike capabilities were superior to Pakistan’s during the Kargil War, but India had since let that advantage slip. He stressed the need to improve the IAF’s weapons capabilities stating, “In air engagement, especially in a deeply contested area, it is important to have a weapon’s edge. Once we retain this edge, it is important that we don’t allow to slip back this edge.”

The IAF chief was alluding to the procurement of the European-made Meteor missile that, reportedly, has a range of 150km. These missiles, when integrated with the newly purchased Rafale jets, the first batch of which are expected to arrive in May, would allow India to recapture the advantage in the skies.

However, the foreign Meteor missiles are expensive, and as such, there has been a growing need to develop an indigenous missile on par with those of Pakistan’s. As such, the Astra, with a reported range of 100km, will prove to be a fine addition to the spine of the IAF’s fleet. Future versions of the missile currently being developed, are also likely to have a comparable range to the Meteor, according to some reports.


Astra No but Meteor will surely tilt the balance in India's favour.
95% of Indian defence exports were from private sector .......
A decade or two ago similar articles used to surface how 'worldclass','best in class','top class','gamechanger' n what not LCA tejas is,,,,,n now this manjan.

The actual hidden message in such articles--- dpsu doing grt,make in india grt,,its all conspiracy of phoren maal,,,,chai biskut zindabad.
Errr... nope. First its a Chinese weapon. Second its more like an AWACS/Tanker killer. Its range and kinematics against fighter is limited at best.
it was only about induction of the new technology. whether it was chinese, pakistani, US or may be from antartica.
if it is awacs killer even then it will be a huge advantage to have it in your fleet. awacs are the eyes and ears of today's aerial warfare. if you take them out you will have great advantage over your adversary. firing BVR missiles at extreme ranges can easily play havoc with the incoming fighter jets formation. they will lose their focus on the mission and will use evasive maneuvres giving ample time to defenders to get close and launch AMRAAMs. i am sure you will agree to the fact that AIM 120 is probably the only combat proven missile in the world.
having said that i am not sure how PAF will develop tactics with PL 15 on their thunders but they sure will keep any indian aggressor far from our air space.
awacs are the eyes and ears of today's aerial warfare.
Actually if you want a true AWACS killer you need something like Novator KS-172. PL-15 with just 150KM range is too little too late.

China uses PL-15 in a very different role btw. It uses them in conjugation with J-20. Idea is for J-20 to sneak past detection using stealth and fire PL-15 on unsuspecting Tankers/AWACS.

Unless Pakistan gets its hands on stealth it is hard to see what difference PL-15 will make.
Actually if you want a true AWACS killer you need something like Novator KS-172. PL-15 with just 150KM range is too little too late.
who exactly knows the actual range other then the chinese?
who exactly knows the actual range other then the chinese?
Then how do you know it tilts things in favor of Pakistan?

who exactly knows the actual range other then the chinese?
Read my other point as well. PL-15 works in conjugation with J-20. Its J-20's stealth that makes PL-15 useful for China. That is assuming if it works at all.
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