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Indonesian Strategic Industries

Indonesian private owned company specialize in defense electronics

PT Sembada Karya Mandiri

State owned electronic company PT LEN Industry has completed the order to build Operation Control Center (OCC) for Manggarai train station in Jakarta. It is the biggest and most modern OCC in South East Asia according to LEN. PT LEN Industry has defense and non defense products.

The video is also showing other OCC built by LEN across Indonesia.

Medium Speed Train program, 250 km per hour.

BPPT (Gov Research Agency) and state owned train manufacturer, PT INKA, are involved in this program. This is a consortium, other parties involved are PT Barata and PT Pindad (both are state owned companies specialized in heavy industry), PT INTI (state owned electronic company), LIPI (another Gov research agency), and universities (ITB and UNDIP).





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PT LEN Industry has said that it has completed developing HILS (Hardware In the Loops Simulation System) and Ground Control System (almost complete) and currently been developing FCS (Flight Control System) for Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV. It will have both surveilance and attack capability if any thing goes smoothly inshaAllah.



PT Boma Bisma Indra, a state owned company specializing in heavy industry


Pressure Vessel Delivery, JTB Bojonegoro Project

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at exactly 01.00 WIB, PT Boma Bisma Indra (Persero) successfully completed and delivered the product order for the Gas Development Project - Jambaran Tiung Biru Field, namely the Pressure Vessel Feed Gas Coalescer. This project belongs to Pertamina EP Cepu, which is a National Project Strategy which is quite important for Indonesia, because this project brings closer to the goal of self-sufficiency in BBM / BBG.

Successively completed by BBI personnel, orders from the Jambaran Tiung Biru Project, starting from the Absorber and Selexol Regenerator Tower, 16 units of Pressure Vessel (CS-Cladding), and today successfully completed and delivered 2 units of Pressure Vessel Feed Gas Coalescer (GFC) with the material specifications used 516 70N + cladding 304L.

The function of the FGC is as a fluid filter in the form of natural gas that enters the FGC with an operating pressure of 38.5 bar and an operating temperature of 22.7 degrees Celsius. The success of BBI in completing the products in this project is expected to increase confidence in the work of BBI personnel as well as concrete evidence in developing Indonesia.

PT LEN Industry CMS (Combat Management System), Mandala. It is installed in Van Speijk frigates, including in Oswald Siahaan frigate that has VLS for Yakhoon missile.



Latest adds from PT Polytron Indonesia, a private owned company specializing in electronics for consumer market.


Another national private own companies.

Indonesia made laptop,



PT LEN Industry has said that it has completed developing HILS (Hardware In the Loops Simulation System) and Ground Control System (almost complete) and currently been developing FCS (Flight Control System) for Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) MALE UCAV. It will have both surveilance and attack capability if any thing goes smoothly inshaAllah.

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Is this a military drone or commercial?
Is this a military drone or commercial?

Both, civilian and military, but mostly for military I think


Jokowi orders local military drone manufacturing to start by 2022

Marchio Irfan Gorbiano

The Jakarta Post Jakarta / Fri, February 7, 2020 / 09:55 am


A number of invited guests closely examine a full-scale demonstration model of an unmanned aircraft, a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) drone, developed by a consortium consisting of several Indonesian organizations. The MALE drone was recently unveiled at a hangar of PT Dirgantara Indonesia in Bandung, West Java. (JP/Arya Dipa)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has expressed a desire to accelerate the local manufacturing of long-range military drones — the first of their kind in the country — to 2022. The drone, technically known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is to be the first medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV in the country.

State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is to manufacture the vehicle's airframe, while state-owned PT Len is to build the military equipment, such as sensors, radar and weapon systems. Vehicles in the MALE UAV category are designed to fly at altitudes of between 3,000 and 9,000 meters for extended lengths of time.

"Our original plan was to put the drone — we named it Elang Hitam [black eagle] and it will be specifically used for military purposes — into mass production by 2024," Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said at the Presidential Office in Jakarta after a Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

“But considering the domestic demand, as well as the preparedness of its design and manufacturing process, the President had instructed that [the drone’s mass manufacturing] be moved forward to 2022.” The drone was jointly designed by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space and the Defense Ministry’s research agency.

Bambang added that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Indonesian Military commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto had expressed interest for the long-range drones, particularly for operations to secure the country’s borders.

PTDI and PT Len were to originally manufacture five Elang Hitam drones by 2022 before beginning mass production. The first five drones would be prototypes to ensure that the vehicles were in line with the market's demands, Bambang said. The accelerated development of the drone’s prototype would mean that an investment of Rp 1.1 trillion (US$ 80.51 million) was needed, up from the Rp 800 billion based on the original development plan, the minister said.

Indonesian smartphone brands
Advan G9 pro
Advan sketsa

Evercoss Tera S6

Evercoss M6A

Mito Z2

Mito W1

For Advan and Evercoss the local content is about 65% or more... Complex components were still imported
A private owned company, specializing in electronics. PT Hariff

Their defense division products







Their non defense products


News about the company

Developing defense technology, Hariff DTE invests Rp 100 billion

Monday, 26 August 2019 / 15:01 WIB


PT Harrif CEO and owner, Budi Permana, explain his company products to Jokowi during an events. (Photo)

KONTAN.CO.ID -BANDUNG. A company engaged in the telecommunications technology sector, PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering develops defense products through the Mandiri Safe Network (JAM).

This advanced technology product is called the Battlefield Management System (BMS). President Director of PT Hariff DTE, Budi Permana, said that to develop this communication product, they have invested Rp 100 billion.

Also read: BNI, Pindad, and Indonesian Aerospace Provide Clean Water and Home Surgery Action

He explained that this is in line with the government's plan to organize a special telecommunications network that is safe and independent. This program launched by the government has certainly received a positive response from various groups due to the vulnerability of the use of public networks by state institutions in communicating.

Furthermore, this network will be separated from the public network so that it has a high level of security. Unfortunately, the implementation of this independent secure network requires the readiness of national technology products made domestically by the nation's children to ensure the network is safe from possible wiretapping.

So from there, PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering, which is engaged in developing these telecommunications products.

They developed an Independent Secure Network called the MerahPutih Network, this network is a telecommunications network using a broadband, with special protocol and encryption technology fronted by local workers who have been tested and certified.

Also read: Pindad aims at Asean and South Asia to market Tiger Tank products

This Merah Putih network is used for special purposes, designed, developed and operated specifically and integrated for the benefit of the country with a high level of security and reliability because it is supported by secure devices using self-produced software, hardware and brainware. "So that it is free from the possibility of information leakage," he added.

The MerahPutih Network application has several benefits as the only gateway for a reliable source of information, then helps maintain public order and security, strengthens the independence of resilience and defense and cyber security, and strengthens disaster preparedness.

In addition, there are several other benefits as a digital transformation of core business processes, not only as administrative support and office liaison and as an anti-corruption platform enabler for all e-government applications .

By looking at the great benefits obtained from implementing an independent secure network, he continued, it is time for the Government to immediately realize the plan. He said that once the independent secure network program was implemented, various problems related to digital security that were currently occurring could be resolved.

Budi assessed that the government's plan to build a secure and independent national telecommunications network is very likely to be realized. "Based on local human resources, locally made hardware and software created by the nation's children, it will break the chain of dependence on foreign technology products, which are very vulnerable to tapping," he explained, Monday (26/8).

He gave an example of various countries that have prepared themselves to provide separate technology platforms to protect the sovereignty of their respective countries, such as Britain.

"They protect telecommunications and information systems (hardware, software and infrastructure), especially for networks used by government agencies. Then Singapore by strengthening security measures for government systems and networks, and Japan, which has a cyber and information security strategy not only at the central government level but also from local and regional governments, "he explained.

For information, PT Hariff Daya Tunggal Engineering PT Hariff is engaged in electronic engineering, hardware and software for industry and products of defense systems, telecommunications technology and energy systems. The company claims that the factory, which is located in Bandung, is capable of producing more than 100 units of BMS per year.

Separately, Marsda TNI Rus Nurhadi Sutedjo, Deputy VII for Communication, Information and Apparatus Coordination, Ministry of Political, Law and Security added that domestic products such as those of PT Harrif could be a solution in organizing a special secure and independent telecommunications network. Unfortunately, until now there has been no specific legal umbrella regarding this matter.

"(The regulatory target) does not yet exist, but the term we want to brainstorm first is to what extent we will determine future steps," he concluded.

MAB (PT. Mobil Anak Bangsa) is an Indonesian automotive manufacturer owned by retired TNI General Dr. H. Moeldoko

PT Mobil Anak Bangsa Indonesia (MABI) was established in 2017 and founded by Mr. General TNI (Retired) Dr. Moeldoko as an act of supporting the Government’s program in the General Plan of the National Energy of the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance to the Government's commitment through the memorandum of understanding signing in The 21st Climate Change Conference held in Paris, French in 2015 (Paris Protocol).
MABI is a national automotive company engaged primarily in the supply of electric vehicles and its supporting industries, including manufacturing, distribution, spare parts and supporting infrastructure for electric vehicles.


MAB MD12-E low entry city bus

MAB MD12-E Normal floor city bus

MAB MD12-E Intercity bus

MV5-E electric minivan

Upcoming electric motorcycle

State owned train manufacturer, PT INKA, new products

Electric Tram

90 percent of the components are local, including electric motor (main engine). The only imported components are battery and wheels.

Electric Bus

Undergoing test in Jakarta to win tender for Jakarta administration needs.


Exporting locomotive for Philippine National Railways

I would put this company under Indonesian strategic industry since IT security is very crucial in this modern world. It has national and international clients.

Private owned company focusing in IT security


We provide real and positive security.

At Noosc, we believe security must not impede progress and freedom. Instead, like physical health exam report will give you the confidence to try new sports and exercises, our managed services will help you take more calculated risks based on informed decision, in order to maximize the use of technology for your business.

Noosc is not your typical Indonesian security services company. Operational security is all we focus on — and that makes us exceptionally good.

Our team of experts have gained myriad of loyal clients, including major national and multinational companies, banks and financial institutions, telecommunication companies, security-sensitive government agencies, resource-strap non-governmental agencies, retail companies, and many more.

Started in 2010, through strategic partnership we have now become a preferred managed security services provider in Indonesia serving several of the largest financial and service institutions in the country.

Some of our key advantages:

  • Dedicated 24x7 Security Operation Centre with disaster recovery protection
  • Expert professionals, verifiable international credentials & records
  • Best-practice, service-level driven delivery process (ISO27001 compliant)
  • Active R&D investment covering new emerging security threats & technologies



Jim Geovedi is the brain of the company


Jim Geovedi (born 28 June 1979), is an IT security expert from Indonesia who focuses on the discovery of computer and network security vulnerabilities. BBC News described him as a guy who "doesn't look like a Bond villain... but possesses secrets that some of them might kill for".[1]


Information security
Geovedi co-founded and ran several IT security consulting companies. In 2001, he co-founded C2PRO Consulting, providing general IT consulting mostly for government agencies and, in 2004, co-founded Bellua Asia Pacific, (renamed Xynexis International later in 2010) and Noosc Global, a managed security services company. He was part of hackers group that began in 1996 called w00w00, where he met the future co-founder of Bellua, Anthony Zboralski.

He is currently based in London and has been interviewed on issues including: satellite security system,[1][2][3] banking security[4] and law enforcement.[5][6]

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