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Indonesian Strategic Industries

Indonesian made vaccine is 50 % complete according to Research Minister and is expected to reach its final development in the middle of 2021. Indonesian made vaccine which is called as red and white vaccine is being developed by Eijkman Institute. The institute belongs to Indonesia government and was founded by Dutch before Indonesia independence.

PT Barata exported Condensor to Russia


Local BMS (Battle Field Management System) CY-16, installed on all Leopard 2s MBT and Marders IFV as well as Anoa APC

by PT.Hariff DTE (Private Owned electronics Company)


CY 16

Production Facility






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PT PAL Indonesia has completed weapon and sensor integration work for KRI Gusti Ngurah Rai frigate.

GMF AeroAsia targets 10% revenue from gas turbines

By Cirium 22 October 2020

GMF AeroAsia is looking outside its core aviation business and targets over 10% revenue to come from the industrial gas turbine engine (IGTE) sector.

“In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which greatly affects the business climate of the aviation industry, the company needs to diversify its business and optimise its resources in business segments that are not too affected by the Covid-19 pandemic such as the IGTE business segment,” the MRO provider states in a 21 October disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Hangar 4

Source: GMF AeroAsia, A GMF AeroAsia hangar (GMF AeroAsia has 4 MRO hangars)

The company says that it developed capabilities within and beyond the aviation sectors since before it went public, in October 2017.

The MRO services it has provided to the IGTE sector include maintenance and repair of power plant generators; repair and installation of gas turbine rotors; as well as the repair of compressor motors and traction motors, among others.

“Going forward, the company will develop the capability and capacity of IGTE maintenance and repair through collaborations with various parties, in order to increase the company’s business volume in the non-aviation segment.”

GMF AeroAsia expects to increase activity in the IGTE sector such that it exceeds 10% of the company’s total revenue, with the rest to come from the aviation industry.

Earlier in January, the Indonesian government committed to replacing coal power plants more than two decades old with renewable energy power plants.


GMF AeroAsia is a state owned company which focuses on aircraft MRO and has become the biggest MRO company in Indonesia.

It has defense division as well thus it has the possibility to be included into state owned defense holding that is currently being prepared.

PT INKA test their first tramp prototype that uses battery

90 percent of the components are local, including electric motor (main engine). The only imported components are battery and wheels.
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PT LEN Industry company profile (new)

Some of the new products

State owned company, PT LEN Industry, made a trial on signaling system for mega project, LRT Greater Jakarta. PT LEN Industry has previously exported their signaling system into Malaysia and Bangladesh rail system. The train and the infrastructure are also made by another state owned company which are PT INKA (train/bus maker) and PT Adhi Karya (constructor). The operator is also a state owned company, PT KAI.

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20 November 2020

Batamec Shipyard is Back to Work on Building Tanker Ship for the Indonesian Navy


Liputan6.com, Jakarta - PT Batamec Shipyard, a national shipbuilding company, is again trusted by the Indonesian Navy to provide one unit of ship designed as a Liquid Oil Assisted Ship (BCM).

This was marked by the keel laying and the official statement of the construction of the BCM Ship with the procession of pressing the siren button by Asintel Kasal Rear Admiral TNI Angkasa Dipua, at the PT Batamec Shipyard, Tanjung Uncang, Batam Kepri.

During the ceremony, the President Director of PT Batamec Shipyard, Maya Miranda Ambarsari, SH, MIB, signed the official report of the ship building laying ceremony, together with the Head of the Navy Material Service (Kadismatal) First Admiral TNI Budi Sulistyo, CHRMP as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) who witnessed by Asintel Kasal.

Maya Miranda Ambarsari, President Director of PT Batamec Shipyard, expressed her gratitude to the Indonesian Navy for giving confidence in Batamec to rebuild the BCM 4 ship with a capacity of 5,500 tons.

“This BCM ship is the second ship we built for the needs of the Indonesian Navy. We will maintain this trust, hopefully everything will run smoothly, on time, and with the right quality so that it can support the operational activities of the Indonesian Navy, "said Maya Miranda Ambarsari, during her speech at the BCM Ship Keel Laying Ceremony, Wednesday (11/18/2020) .

The ship building process is carried out multiyears from 2020 to 2022 using APBN funds. Prior to the Keel Laying procession, previously on August 5, 2020, First Steel Cutting had been carried out.

Meanwhile, Asintel Kasal Rear Admiral TNI Angkasa Dipua said the construction of the BCM Ship was a follow-up to the procurement of Alutsista in an effort to increase the strength and capability of the Indonesian Navy which referred to the established Minimum Essential Force.

Furthermore, Angkasa Dipua said that currently the Indonesian Navy continues to modernize its Alutsista, one of which is the KRI. In the ship building process, the Indonesian Navy has entrusted domestic companies along with the expanding national shipbuilding industry, one of which is PT Batamec Shipyard.

"We hope PT Batamec able to improve the quality and ability in building ships of war domestic production of high-tech that PT Batamec could be a reference to the Navy to establish cooperation in the future," he said while giving a speech.

Attending the event were Christmas, Admiral TNI Udyatmiko, Danguskamla, Admiral TNI Yayan Sofyan, ST, Kasubdis Dalada, Kasubdisadalut, Aslog Danlantamal IV, Marine Colonel (T), Cok Bagus Alit Y., ST, Aslog Danguskamla, Colonel Laut (T) , I Negah S., Dansatgas BCM Ship Colonel Laut (T), Dody.


First delivery

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BATAMEX Shipyard was previously a foreign own shipyard but later taken over by Indonesian businesswomen and become a national shipbuilding company.

Maya Miranda Ambarsari Officially Owns the Majority Shares of PT Batamec Shipyard

Sunday, 27 October 2019 - 08:19
Maya Miranda Ambarsari with husband at PT Batamec Shipyard. documentation picture

Jakarta . Akuratnews - Indonesian entrepreneur Maya Miranda Ambarsari took over the ownership of shares in a shipyard company and changed the status of Foreign Investment (PMA) to Domestic Investment (PMDN)

The largest shipbuilding company in Indonesia which is engaged in the construction of new ships, repair and conversion of ships, which has been established since 1985, is now officially owned by the nation.

"After more than 35 years as PMA, finally PT Batamec Shipyard officially became a company owned by a national subsidiary, a local company with an international scale," said Owner and President Director of PT Batamec Shipyard Maya Miranda Ambarsari via an electronic message received by Akuratnews. Sunday (27/10) ).

PT Batamec has various complete facilities for ship building and repair. Namely standing on an area of about 70 hectares with facilities such as a graving dock equipped with 2 grantry cranes with a capacity of 160 tons and a height of 32 meters.

The company, which is located in Batam, has received an ISO 9001: 2008 award regarding quality management systems, as well as safety and health systems from BS OHSAS 18001: 2007, as well as an ISO 14001: 2004 environmental management system.

This 46-year-old entrepreneur said that he wanted to acquire the business because he was optimistic about the business prospects in shipping. Moreover, Indonesia as a maritime country certainly needs the best ships produced by the nation's children.

“I see Batamec as a market leader for shipyard companies in Indonesia. With more than 35 years of experience since its establishment in 1984, Batamec already has a very professional system of work, production and power men so that it can produce the best ships, "said Maya.

The wife of Andreas Reza also said that her decision to take over the ownership of Batamec's shares was not just for profit, but as an opportunity to jointly develop Indonesia.

In addition, the courage of this woman who was born on July 9, 1973 to enter into a business that had stopped for about 1.5 years, because she saw that this company with more than 500 employees would bring benefits.

Batamec itself is currently capable of producing various types of vessels ranging from tankers, cargo ships, liquid oil auxiliary vessels, stretchers, and others depending on demand. The request did not only come from within the country, Batamec even produced ships ordered directly from abroad such as Norway.

Previously, around August 2019, Maya had also just acquired the share ownership of PT Tawu Inti Bati (an oil processing factory) which originally owned a foreign company or PMA. This means that within three months, the winner of "Best Achiever in Women Entrepreneurs" has acquired two PMAs to become PMDN.

In addition, Maya is also one of the owners of an E commerce company - JD.ID online shopping, a shareholder in PT. Merdeka Copper and Gold Tbk, the owner of guest houses in elite areas (Elliottii), beauty clinics, and has a foundation for social activities, namely "Miranda Learning House".

Maya has a background in law and is a graduate of the Master of International Business, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne - Australia. (dk / accuratenews).

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