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Indonesia warns of 'mistrust' over US base in Australia, Supports China

Developereo thinks by screaming "RACIST" about everything and anything, it validates what he is saying.

Either use the word by it's definition or don't use it at all.
Developereo thinks by screaming "RACIST" about everything and anything, it validates what he is saying.

Either use the word by it's definition or don't use it at all.

Are you SURE you want to take the thread in that direction? Because you won't like the result, I guarantee you!

If someone said, "hey, look I can prove I am an American because I have white skin", that would be considered racist by most people.
you see thats where your wrong.. australia is actually very hard to defend... due to its massive size, and our limited armed forces... china would see it as easy pickings...

Dear friend , Australia is a harsh country its around 5000 kms wide , you cant take over it without taking out all of its population or majority of it.

Look , how would one {im not assuming China} bring enough soldiers to invade ? -Ships maybe? which would be vulnerable to attack for weeks. There is no country in the world with enough marine landing ships to be able to invade and take over australia.
china has every intention of going to war over whatever it decides belongs to them

Cant agree with you , they haven't invaded anyone yet , have they ? Not even Taiwan which they can take over in "hours".

and just look at the rhetoric chinese people in here talk, the world belong to them, they will take it by force bla bla.. its the way they think..

Well , i don't care much about rhetoric , i have met many Indians who have obsessive thoughts about Taking over the world. Chinese could have taken over the world centuries ago when they had the largest Naval fleet humanity has ever seen so far and they navigated Europe and Africa upto Greenland. But they didn't colonize , we all know "who" colonized.

well actually, australia has some of the largest resources in the world.. pakistans and other coutries are more limited.... australia is the pearl in the eyes of the world when it comes to natural resources.. that is a fact no one can escape from..

Yes , but the price of your resources are too high , and Australia is not the only country with resources. I mentioned Pakistan in terms of coal so far. We have enough coal , to go around for centuries. Same is the deal with Mongolia in terms of Iron-ore. It takes alot of pain to ship stuff from Australia to China , where as they can just use a train to take it out of Pakistan or Mongolia - much much cheaper and consistent !

well 2000 troops is hardly a big force dont you think?

Its not the troops but their political implications , Australia would be housing Nuclear subs too. F-22s too maybe
Are you SURE you want to take the thread in that direction? Because you won't like the result, I guarantee you!

If someone said, "hey, look I can prove I am an American because I have white skin", that would be considered racist by most people.

no that would be considered stupid to think thats racist

and media does not control australia government.. you see , in our country.. government is held accountable.. and one way to do that is to let the public know whats going on...

thats something pakistan doesnt have much of, instead your government controls the media and does whatever it wants to
Developereo thinks by screaming "RACIST" about everything and anything, it validates what he is saying.

Either use the word by it's definition or don't use it at all.

I would urge you guys to stop discussing something that doesn't belong to this thread or i will have it closed ASAP.
Dear friend , Australia is a harsh country its around 5000 kms wide , you cant take over it without taking out all of its population or majority of it.

Look , how would one {im not assuming China} bring enough soldiers to invade ? -Ships maybe? which would be vulnerable to attack for weeks. There is no country in the world with enough marine landing ships to be able to invade and take over australia.

Cant agree with you , they haven't invaded anyone yet , have they ? Not even Taiwan which they can take over in "hours".

Well , i don't care much about rhetoric , i have met many Indians who have obsessive thoughts about Taking over the world. Chinese could have taken over the world centuries ago when they had the largest Naval fleet humanity has ever seen so far and they navigated Europe and Africa upto Greenland. But they didn't colonize , we all know "who" colonized.

Yes , but the price of your resources are too high , and Australia is not the only country with resources. I mentioned Pakistan in terms of coal so far. We have enough coal , to go around for centuries. Same is the deal with Mongolia in terms of Iron-ore. It takes alot of pain to ship stuff from Australia to China , where as they can just use a train to take it out of Pakistan or Mongolia - much much cheaper and consistent !

Its not the troops but their political implications , Australia would be housing Nuclear subs too.

i guess you have absolutely no idea when it comes to military strategy

australia is too big to DEFEND... so many places another country could invade from.... it is easy to invade here, set up base of operations, then take the rest of the country bit by bit... especially if you have a large force

they havent tried to invade anyone because they know if they do, it would end in major conflict and they would lose as it stands now

i have noticed a lot of indians in here.. but compared to chinese in here.. they are very humble lol

then buy resources elsewhere?? lol pretty simple
Do you have a source for this "story" ? It seems a bit far fetched. The U.S has had ships docking here since the 30's

Comes from intel sources.

It's only 2,500 troops here for training. You are over playing the significance.

What about Nuclear subs or F-22s?

umm ok a list of tv stations????

Private , TV stations , we don't have "state controlled media". There are only Two Govt Channels in Pakistan.

List of newspapers in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, we know how you feel about them "foreigners" in Australia. Most Australians would cringe to have someone like you represent the country.

You are a disgrace to decent Australians like me and my friends.

As for the media's role on government, your naivete is quaint and amusing. You just go on believing that...

you are far from being australian... LOL you dont even think like australians would... you head is filled with pakistani rabble... twisted logic.. twisted sense of morals and principles etc.. thats evident

i dont hate foreigners here>?? but to think you can come here, and end up with permanent residency or citizenship and you think your australian?? your loyal to pakistan... how are you australian??

List of newspapers in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

fair enough
you are far from being australian... LOL you dont even think like australians would... you head is filled with pakistani rabble... twisted logic.. twisted sense of morals and principles etc.. thats evident

i dont hate foreigners here>?? but to think you can come here, and end up with permanent residency or citizenship and you think your australian?? your loyal to pakistan... how are you australian??

You are just babbling your racist stereotypes. Two posts ago you were attacking Chinese-Australians.

i have noticed a lot of indians in here.. but compared to chinese in here.. they are very humble lol

Once again, you are a disgrace to decent Australians like myself and most people I know here. I have noticed most of the Australians on the forum are either Indian-Australian, or from the extreme right wing loony fringe.
i am not talking anything racist... you seem to think anything is racist... racism essensially means hating someone because of their race.. or skin color.... but people like you like to play the race card soooo much you transform it and give it meaning it doesnt really have... you would tell me im racist if i said dilmah tea sucks lol.. because its indian made.. im racist huh?? what a joke wake up to yourself

you are not australian, you will never be australian, it is people like you who come here and try to destroy our culture, change our laws and traditions... stop mcdonalds being able to cook bacon... try get same rights for muslims as aboriginals have?? lololol... prevent christmas being celebrated here... you claim your hard done by, you have it better here then you do in your home country and it not good enough for you still.... if i went pakistan and tried to change things how you do here, id be shot dead lol... and you call me racist? lol.... if i lived in pakistan and got citizenship.. even you would not call me a pakistani lol

Comes from intel sources.

Ah yes. I totally believe you then. Have you heard the story of Pakistan planning to nuke Eygpt in response to Indian sheep herders incorrectly feeding their stock?

It's a true story, it comes from intel sources. :lol:

What about Nuclear subs or F-22s?

Nuclear subs have been visiting Australia for the past 40 years,

I would urge you guys to stop discussing something that doesn't belong to this thread or i will have it closed ASAP.

Please have it closed. Developereo has already derailed it with his garbage and i asked him pages back to stop derailing and he continued.

I also told mods via the report system but as usual they never do their job.
xdrive question.. are you white? european? etc born in australia??

or did you migrate here?

reason why i ask is, because if you are subcontinental or something else.. i would make point to tell desperado there that you are more australian then he will ever be

you at least identify yourself as australian, nothing else
i am not talking anything racist... you seem to think anything is racist... racism essensially means hating someone because of their race.. or skin color.... but people like you like to play the race card soooo much you transform it and give it meaning it doesnt really have... you would tell me im racist if i said dilmah tea sucks lol.. because its indian made.. im racist huh?? what a joke wake up to yourself

The fact that you don't see why equating skin color with Australian nationality is racist seals the deal.

Developereo has already derailed it with his garbage and i asked him pages back to stop derailing and he continued.

The topic is Indonesia's concerns about Australia's intentions. In that context, the fragility of the relationship and the Australian media's toxic role in influencing that relationship is very relevant.

Just because you have no rebuttal to the media's role in shaping this relationship doesn't make the point any less valid.
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