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Indonesia Leaders : We Stand With The People of Palestine

Palestinian man who lost his 4 sons will take great comfort in knowing that Indonesia supports him from thousands of miles away.
Palestinian man who lost his 4 sons will take great comfort in knowing that Indonesia supports him from thousands of miles away.

Indonesians are in Gaza as well

Indonesian NGO, ACT, support thousands liter of fuel to Gaza hospitals during the attack, there is shortage of electricity during the bombardment so it is essential to supply fuel to hospitals during this moment

Indonesian NGO, ACT, supply Gaza with 100 ton of free food during Israeli current attack

The donations comes directly from Indonesian people

Indonesian Hospital in Gaza (finance by Indonesian people (NG0)

The hospital is enlarged and second phase of development has been reported to reach 80 percent last year, so it must be already completed this year


Indonesian NGO, ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap) keep sending free food to Gazan during Israeli attack

Looks like Israel is set to invade. The Israeli army all lined up on the border. Though the last time they invaded, they got their asses handed to them so maybe they'll be more open to a negotiated ceasefire.

@Indos Soft power can only get you so far. Especially when Israel has got the US to veto any UNSC action beyond strongly worded statements. Sometimes in order to achieve a ceasefire you need to make continued conflict too costly. Selling Palestinians defensive weapons is one way to achieve this.
Demonstration on 18 May in USA embassy and UN office, Jakarta

Indonesian hospital in Gaza gets effected by Israel attack, several rooms are reported get damage.

Indonesian Foreign Minister speech on UN General Assembly

Something that is need to get attention is the demand from Indonesia to have UN present in Gaza which could mean UN troops present just like what happen between border of Israel and Lebanon.

Currently Indonesia UN military soldiers are the biggest contingent in Lebanon with more than 1300 troops and guard the most crucial region which is the border line between Israel and Lebanon

Indonesian UNIFIL Contingen during Idul Fitri, Lebanon. Indobat (Indonesian Batallion)

Indonesia will hush hush unless Indonesia wishes to jeopardize their F-15EX deal with America to phase out Su-27 and Su-30 and their KF-X deal with South Korea which uses American engines which America can block to Indonesia @Indos
Every decent human being will stand with Palestinians there are no two ways about it.
Standing around is of no use. Action is the need of the day. Messages of support from a safe distance of thousands of miles away achieves only one thing which is to console the pain of the heart in the poster and achieves nothing else.
Indonesia will hush hush unless Indonesia wishes to jeopardize their F-15EX deal with America to phase out Su-27 and Su-30 and their KF-X deal with South Korea which uses American engines which America can block to Indonesia @Indos

Indonesia will try to solve the Palestinian-Israel conflict through both UN and OIC frame work. Our position is clear which is two state solution under 1967 pre line border which is supported by huge majority UN members



Indonesia is a vital partner in the Indo-Pacific Region and U.S.-Indonesia relations have taken on increasing importance. Indonesia is the world’s third largest democracy, largest Muslim-majority country, the seventh-largest economy by purchasing power, and a leader in ASEAN.

It possesses the world’s greatest marine biodiversity and its second greatest terrestrial biodiversity. Indonesia also borders the South China Sea, which has the world’s busiest sea lanes — over $5 trillion in cargo and as much as 50 percent of the world’s oil tankers pass through the South China Sea every year.

The United States was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Indonesia in 1949, following its independence from the Netherlands. Indonesia’s democratization and reform process since 1998 has increased its stability and security, and resulted in strengthened U.S.-Indonesia relations.

The United States and Indonesia initiated in 2010 a Comprehensive Partnership to foster consistent high-level engagement on democracy and civil society, education, security, resilience and mitigation , maritime, energy, and trade issues, among others. Based on its success, in 2015, the two countries upgraded the relationship to the U.S.-Indonesia Strategic Partnership , extending cooperation to issues of regional and global significance.

Correct, but they dont lost many civilians lives like what happen in GAZA.

If I think like you, I will also support Uigyur military struggle against HAN Chinese, but I know they cannot withstand it, so I also dont support Uigyur freedom fighter

your support uhigur is shit, does it affect anything?

By your logic, I support East Timor and Java island independence and fight against you militarily
This thread will shows supports for Palestine coming from Indonesian leadership and also public figures regarding Israel attack on Palestinian soil.

I will start from Twit coming from Indonesia President, Joko Widodo

lip service only, by the way who is the only country blocking unsc resolution for cease fire?

A hint, your military ally and protector and weapons provider
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