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PT KAI launches Dharmawangsa train
9 minutes ago


PT KAI Managing Director Edi Sukmoro launches the Dharmawangsa train at the Pasar Senen Station in Jakarta on Monday (2/12/2019).

Jakarta (ANTARA) - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI), Indonesian major railway operator, launched the Dharmawangsa Train on the Pasar Senen-Surabaya Pasar Turi-Pasar Senen route along with enactment of the 2019 Train Travel Chart (Gapeka) from December 1.

KAI's Managing Director Edi Sukmoro inaugurated the Dharmawangsa Train at Pasar Senen Station in Jakarta on Monday.

The Dharmawangsa train departed from the Pasar Senen Station at 8:25 a.m. local time and will make a stopover at several stations, including Pegadenbaru-Cirebon Prujakan-Brebes-Tegal-Pekalongan-Waleri-Semarang Tawang-Randublatung-Bojonegoro-Babat-Lamongan, and arrive at the final station Surabaya Pasar Turi at 19:30 WIB.

Every one-way train journey would take 11 hours and five minutes, using three executive trains of 150-seat capacity and six 636-seat capacity economy trains.

"The philosophy behind the naming of Dharmawangsa train is since Dharmawangsa was the name of a king of the Medang Kingdom. Such a kingdom, which originated from East Java, was a large undertaking that sent down the great kings on the island of Java. Hence, it is expected that with the launch of the Dharmawangsa rail, PT KAI will, in future, get bigger and better as well as continue to improve services to customers," Sukmoro stated.

In terms of the ticket prices, PT KAI applies the lower and upper limit tariffs. For Pasar Senen-Surabaya Pasar Turi, the price of executive class tickets for weekdays reaches between Rp350 thousand and Rp390 thousand, whereas an economy class ticket is priced at Rp150 thousand.

On weekends, executive class tickets cost between Rp350 thousand and 480 thousand and economy class tickets lie the range of Rp150 thousand to 160 thousand.

Tickets for the Dharmawangsa train can be booked through the KAI Access application, KAI Website, and all other official KAI sales channels.

"The launch of the Dharmawangsa Railway is expected to cater to the train travel requirements of customers looking to head to Central Java and East Java. At the same time, it can increase the public interest in using the train for every trip," Sukmoro explained.

The increasing number of new train departures in the operational area (Daop) 1 of Jakarta is in accordance with the application of the 2019 Train Travel Chart (Gapeka), starting December 1, according to Minister of Transportation Decree Number KP 1781 in 2019 on the Establishment of the 2019 Train Travel Chart PT KAI (Persero).

Related news: PT KAI to operate 114 train trips daily for Christmas holiday makers

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Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga

Indonesia economy minister giving a warn against European business community to treat Indonesia biodiesel products fairly, if not Indonesia will cancel the order of more than 300 Airbus made planes

Hai Eropa, Ancaman RI Soal Airbus Tak Main-Main Lho!
Tirta Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

29 November 2019 17:07


Foto: Jokowi/Bank Indonesia
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Produk sawit tanah air kena diskriminasi di Uni Eropa. Pemerintah tak tinggal diam dan akan ambil langkah. Apakah ancaman tentang Airbus mampu meningkatkan bargaining position Indonesia?

Hubungan dagang antara Indonesia dan Eropa tengah dilanda masalah lantaran negosiasi perdagangan bebas masih berjalan alot perihal diskriminasi produk kelapa sawit Indonesia oleh Uni Eropa.

Kemarin di Istana, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menegaskan tak akan tinggal diam melihat produk sawit didiskriminasi. Pernyataan tersebut disampaikan saat menerima kunjungan delegasi Dewan Bisnis Uni Eropa-ASEAN.

"Tentunya, Indonesia tidak akan tinggal diam dalam menyikapi diskriminasi ini," kata Jokowi di Istana Merdeka, kompleks Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Kamis (28/11/2019).

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto tak memungkiri jika masalah ini menjadi pembahasan khusus. "Mereka mendorong CEPA, tapi saya sampaikan bahwa sawit diskriminasi, terutama untuk biofuel, di mana market Indonesia di Eropa US$ 650 juta dan [kerja sama] perdagangan kita di Eropa US$ 31 miliar," kata Airlangga.

Di depan para pengusaha kawasan benua biru, Airlangga mengaku tidak ingin hubungan kerja sama dagang kedua negara terbelah, hanya karena persoalan diskriminasi sawit. "Jadi jangan sampai US$ 650 juta itu mengganggu bilateral dengan EU," kata Airlangga.

Airlangga kemudian menyinggung bahwa Indonesia adalah satu salah konsumen terbesar dari Airbus, perusahaan pesawat terbang yang berbasis di Blagnac, dekat Kota Toulouse, Perancis.

"Kami ingatkan, Indonesia is the biggest buyer Airbus dan masih ada order 200 unit pesawat. Jadi kami jalan keluar terkait masalah biodiesel di Eropa," kata Airlangga.

Pemerintah Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu memang sempat berbalik mengancam Uni Eropa untuk menyetop pembelian Airbus atas diskriminasi yang dilakukan terhadap komoditas sawit.

Berdasarkan penelusuran Tim Riset CNBC Indonesia, total order pesawat Airbus dari Indonesia hingga Oktober 2019 mencapai 313 unit sedangkan total delivery mencapai 95 unit. Indonesia menyumbang 5,7% dari total order di kawasan Asia Pasifik.


RI Ancam Boikot Airbus Gegara 'Bully' CPO, Ini Komentar Eropa
Rehia Sebayang, CNBC Indonesia

03 December 2019 14:06


Foto: Demi Sawit, RI Ancam Batal Beli Airbus
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Rencana Uni Eropa (UE) membatasi penggunaan minyak kelapa sawit (crude palm oil/CPO) sepanjang 2021-2023 berbuntut panjang. Sebab, langkah ini dinilai cukup merugikan Indonesia, salah satu eksportir terbesar minyak kelapa sawit di dunia.

Meski UE telah berulang kali menegaskan alasannya melarang penggunaan minyak sawit terkait masalah lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dari pertanian sawit. Namun, pemerintah RI mengaku tidak akan diam saja melihat sikap UE tersebut, bahkan berencana memboikot Airbus.

Macam-macam dengan CPO RI? Waspada Airbus-mu Eropa!
Saat ditanya tanggapannya mengenai masalah ini, Duta Besar Uni Eropa untuk Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam Vincent Piket mengatakan bahwa apa yang dilakukan UE terhadap sawit Indonesia bukanlah sebuah bentuk diskriminasi. Namun lebih kepada upaya penyelamatan lingkungan, mengingat banyaknya lahan yang digunakan untuk bertani sawit di Indonesia.

"Kami tahu betul betapa pentingnya sektor minyak kelapa sawit bagi perekonomian Anda, untuk pekerjaan Anda dan kehidupan di daerah pedesaan. Kami berada di pihak Anda. Juga, sangat tertarik pada minyak sawit. Hampir setengah dari impor minyak kelapa sawit kami berasal dari Indonesia," jelasnya saat diwawancarai CNBC Indonesia di Jakarta, Selasa (3/12/2019).

"Jadi itu menunjukkan kami mengambil bagian penting dari produksi Anda di sana dan karenanya kami harus menyatakan bahwa tidak ada larangan mengimpor minyak sawit ke UE. Tidak akan ada larangan ke depannya. Apa yang ada adalah dorongan dari pihak kami untuk mencoba memastikan bahwa minyak sawit dan biodiesel yang kami peroleh dari Indonesia mempromosikan keberlanjutan (sustainability)."

Lebih lanjut, ia mengatakan bahwa Eropa juga tidak diam begitu saja membiarkan minyak sawit Indonesia yang kurang memenuhi standar keberlanjutan UE. Selain mempromosikan minyak sawit yang berkelanjutan, UE terus membantu Indonesia dalam mencapai keberlanjutan yang dimaksud, kata Piket.

"Kami berpikir bahwa di beberapa negara, kelapa sawit yang berasal dari Indonesia tidak memenuhi kriteria keberlanjutan. Kami sudah menghitungnya." jelasnya.

"Tentu saja, saya pikir ada dialog yang dimulai ... kami akan terus mempromosikan pembangunan berkelanjutan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan sektor minyak kelapa sawit."

Sebelumnya, Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menegaskan sikap tegasnya pada diskriminasi ini saat menerima kunjungan delegasi Dewan Bisnis UE-ASEAN pekan lalu. Tidak hanya Jokowi, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto juga turut menyinggung masalah ini.

CPO RI 'Dibully', Mungkinkah Pesanan Airbus Diganti Boeing?
Airlangga mengatakan tidak ingin hubungan kerja sama dagang kedua negara terganggu karena persoalan diskriminasi sawit. Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan bahwa Indonesia bisa saja membalas UE.

Salah satu caranya adalah dengan membatalkan pembelian pesawat Airbus. Indonesia merupakan salah konsumen terbesar dari Airbus, perusahaan pesawat terbang yang berbasis di Perancis.

"Kami ingatkan, Indonesia is the biggest buyer Airbus dan masih ada order 200 unit pesawat. Jadi kami jalan keluar terkait masalah biodiesel di Eropa," kata Airlangga beberapa waktu lalu.

Berdasarkan penelusuran Tim Riset CNBC Indonesia, total order pesawat Airbus dari Indonesia hingga Oktober 2019 mencapai 313 unit sedangkan total delivery mencapai 95 unit. Indonesia menyumbang 5,7% dari total order di kawasan Asia Pasifik.

Jika semua order tersebut dijumlahkan maka nominalnya bisa mencapai US$ 42,8 miliar atau setara dengan Rp 599,4 triliun. Jika benar RI menggunakan peluru ini untuk menggertak Eropa tentu akan berdampak pada berkurangnya pangsa pasar Airbus di Asia Pasifik hingga 5%.

Jumlah itu jelas jauh lebih besar dari ekspor minyak sawit Indonesia ke Eropa pada 2018. Pada 2018 Indonesia mengekspor sawit hingga 4,8 juta ton ke Eropa dengan perkiraan nilai mencapai US$ 4 miliar - US$ 5 miliar. Pasar Eropa menyumbang 18,75% pangsa pasar minyak sawit RI.
Indonesia posts trade balance surplus amid steep decline in imports
  • Marchio Irfan Gorbiano
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, November 15, 2019 / 06:32 pm

Shipping containers are moved at a container terminal at Tanjung Priok Port in North Jakarta.

Indonesia posted a surprise trade surplus in October, beating economists’ expectations of a deficit, as imports declined more than exports amid sluggish global and domestic growth, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Friday.(Antara/Dhemas Reviyanto)

Indonesia posted a surprise trade surplus in October, beating economists’ expectations of a deficit. Imports declined more than exports amid sluggish global and domestic economic growth, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Friday.

With a US$161.3 million surplus in October, Indonesia’s trade balance reversed an earlier $163 million deficit in the previous month. From January to October of this year, Indonesia booked a $1.78 billion trade deficit, significantly lower than the $5.57 billion recorded over the same period last year.

Exports declined for 12 consecutive months, with a 6.13 percent year-on-year (yoy) contraction in October to US$14.93 billion. The manufacturing sector, which was responsible for three quarters of total exports last month, declined by 2.49 percent yoy to $11.34 billion. The sharpest drop in exports was recorded in the oil and gas sector, slumping 40.07 percent yoy to $920 million.

BPS head Suhariyanto said the decline in Indonesia’s exports was caused primarily by the sluggish growth of commodity prices while the volume of commodity exports increased.

“The volume [of commodity exports] still recorded an increase, but because of falling prices, particularly in coals, compared to the previous year, the value of our exports declined,” said Suhariyanto in Jakarta on Friday.

Global trade is expected to grow significantly slower at 1.2 percent this year down from 2.6 percent in previous estimates by World Trade Organization (WTO). Economies around the world are stagnating amid ongoing trade wars and heightened geopolitical risks, including Brexit uncertainties.

Indonesia’s economic growth rate hit the lowest level in more than two years in the third quarter of this year. Economists said contraction in imports indicated weaker domestic economic activities, from the manufacturing industry to consumer demand.

Imports in October contracted 16.39 percent yoy to $14.77 billion, with all types of goods freefalling. Raw and auxiliary goods, which accounted for almost three quarters of the month’s total imports, slumped by 18.76 percent to $10.89 billion.

The value of capital goods imports also declined 11.35 percent yoy to $2.44 billion, with a notable decline recorded in notebooks and machinery, among other goods, said Suhariyanto.


- (JP/Statistics Indonesia (BPS))

Bank Central Asia (BCA) chief economist David Sumual said the negative growth of capital, raw and auxiliary goods could indicate a slowdown in domestic demand down the road.

“If the imports of capital goods as well as raw and auxiliary materials have fallen, it is not a good indication, as there may be slowdown [in domestic demand],” said David, adding that a drop in domestic demand is usually felt in the following three to six months.

University of Indonesia (UI) economist Fithra Faisal said the decline of imported raw materials and capital goods, both of which are important indicators for domestic industries’ activities, pointed to the general decline of the manufacturing industry.

“This signaled there is a deindustrialization process that could continue in the years ahead,” said Fithra, pointing out that the manufacturing industry posted lower growth than the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expansion.

In the third quarter of this year, the manufacturing industry, which accounted for around a fifth of the GDP from the production side, grew 4.15 percent, BPS data showed. It was lower than the 5.02 percent GDP expansion booked over the same period.

The manufacturing industry’s difficulty expanding was related to the recent World Bank report presented to Jokowi, Fithra added, which detailed the relative disconnect between domestic industry and global value chains.

“Imports tariffs on goods needed for the industry are relatively high, so it is no wonder that the increased the cost of production made them struggle to expand,” said Fithra.

Samuel Sekuritas Lana Soelistianingsih, meanwhile, said that capital goods imports were expected to decline following the completion of some of the government’s big infrastructure projects.

She also added that the government’s 20 percent blended biodiesel (B20) policy, which widens the mandate of biofuel usage to lower diesel fuel imports, also contributed to the decline in oil and gas imports.

Imports of crude oil contracted 59.12 percent yoy in October to $359.1 million, lower than the $878 million of imports recorded over the same month last year.

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‘I have a vision’: New BKPM boss wants domestic investment to overtake foreign investment
  • Riza Roidila Mufti
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, November 1, 2019 / 08:13 am

Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) head Bahlil Lahadalia talks to the press on Thursday. (JP/Riza Roidila Mufti)

The new Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) chairman, Bahlil Lahadalia, has shared his vision that domestic investors should overtake foreign investors, as Indonesia booked a 12.3 percent growth in realized investment in the January-September period of this year from the same period last year, led by gains in domestic investment.

Throughout this year up to September, overall realized investment reached Rp 601.3 trillion, a 12.3 percent increase from the nine-month period ending last year, the BKPM announced Thursday. Domestic investment grew 17.3 percent to Rp 283.5 trillion while foreign direct investment (FDI) rose 8.2 percent year-on-year to Rp 317.8 trillion.

The gap between foreign and domestic investment this year up to September looks narrow at Rp 34.3 trillion but historically, looking at 2014 to 2016 annual data, the discrepancy between the two sources of investment has been wide, reaching Rp 140 trillion to Rp 190 trillion per year, BKPM data show.

“We still expect FDI to remain big, but I have a vision that domestic investment must be stronger and much more than FDI,” Bahlil, a former chairman of the Association of Young Indonesian Businesspeople (HIPMI), told reporters on Thursday.

Investment is a top priority for President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to jack up Indonesia’s economic growth, which declined to the lowest level in two years in the second quarter of this year, as trade weakens amid the ongoing trade war-driven global economic slowdown.

Investment realization from January to September represents 75.9 percent of the BKPM’s overall target this year to net Rp 792 trillion in realized investments from both domestic and foreign investors.

In terms of the origin of FDI so far this year until September, Singapore tops the list with a 25 percent share, or $5.4 billion in investment, followed by China and Japan with $3.3 billion (15.6 percent) and $3.2 billion (15.1 percent) respectively. The Netherlands and Hong Kong were the fourth- and fifth-biggest foreign investors in Indonesia.

“The most interesting thing is if we look at investment distribution, it is spread evenly and doesn't only focus on Java Island. This means that investment prospects outside Java are beginning to be more promising as a result of the infrastructure development that has been pursued in the last few years,” said Bahlil. In the January-September period, investment outside Java accounted for 45.1 percent of the overall investment value.

Looking at the business sectors, 18.5 percent of the overall realized investment in the first nine months of this year went to transportation, warehouse and telecommunications, followed by 16 percent to electricity, gas and water, 8 percent to construction, 7.9 percent to housing, industrial zones and offices and 7.4 percent to mining.

Ini dia daftar BUMN yang rentan bangkrut
Selasa, 03 Desember 2019 | 05:36 WIB


Reporter: Yusuf Imam Santoso | Editor: S.S. Kurniawan

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) mencatat sejumlah badan usaha milik negara (BUMN) yang bergerak sektor aneka industri dan pertanian rentan mengalami kebangkrutan. Sebab, kinerjanya buruk.

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati menyebutkan, indikasi kinerja keuangan yang buruk terlihat dari indeks Altman Z-Score. Skor rata-rata BUMN aneka industri berada di level 0, sementara BUMN pertanian negatif 0,4.

Itu berarti, perusahaan pelat merah di kedua sektor itu masuk zona merah. "Untuk sektor lainnya masih terbilang aman, rata-rata ada di zona kuning dan hijau," kata Sri Mulyani dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi XI DPR, Senin (2/12).

Baca Juga: Tak dikenal Menkeu dan DPR, inilah sepak terjang bisnis PANN

Z-Score untuk menilai kerentanan kondisi keuangan BUMN. Untuk cap merah alias financial distres artinya kondisi keuangan perusahaan sebelum terjadi kebangkrutan

Nah, berdasarkan data Kemenkeu per 31 Desember 2018, sembilan BUMN aneka industri terancam gulung tikar. Mengacu perhitungan Altman Z-Score, PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) memiliki skor negatif 0,84 dan PT Pindad (Persero) ada di level 1,02.

Lalu, skor PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) 0,92, dan PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) 0,83, PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) 0,47, PT Dok dan Kodja Bahari (Persero) negatif 1,72, PT Dok dan Perkapalan Surabaya (Persero) negatif 1,23.

Sedang skor PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero) 0,89 dan PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) negatif 0,1.

Untuk BUMN pertanian yang masuk zona merah alias financial distress adalah PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) dengan skor negatif 14,02, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (Persero) sebesar 0,35, dan PT Pertani (Persero) 0,82.

Baca Juga: Erick Thohir ingin peran Kementerian BUMN diperluas

Selain Altman Z-Score, Kemenkeu menggunakan dua rasio keuangan yakni return on equity (RoE) dan debt to equity ratio (DER). RoE adalah rasio kemampuan perusahaan untuk menghasilkan laba, sedang DER untuk mengukur kemampuan perusahaan membayar utang.

Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kemenkeu Isa Rachmatarwata mengatakan, salah satu penyebab banyak BUMN aneka industri dan pertanian berada di zona merah lantaran kurangnya aset lancar pada perusahaan-perusahaan itu.

Selain itu, laba sebelum bunga dan pajak (EBIT) yang BUMN aneka industri dan pertanian kantongo tidak cukup untuk menghadapi tekanan perekonomian.

Oleh karena itu, pemerintah akan menggelontor tambahan modal berupa penyertaan modal negara (PMN) kepada BUMN yang mengalami financial distress. Sehingga, bisa menjadi stimulus kinerja keuangan perusahaan-perusahaan itu.

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Tentu, berbekal penilaian tersebut, Kemenkeu bisa lebih berhati-hati dalam memberikan PMN. Sebab, tujuan utama suntikan modal tersebut adalah menciptakan leverage dari setiap uang yang pemerintah injeksi kepada BUMN.

"Memang, ada beberapa BUMN yang overleverage saat diberikan bantuan modal. Ini yang harus kami perhatikan dan kendalikan secara mendalam," sebut Isa.

Ministry projects Indonesia to exit middle income trap by 2036
6th Dec 2019 13:26


Director for Center of Macro Economy of the Finance Ministry Hidayat Amir stated on the sidelines of the 9th Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy (AIFED) in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Friday, Dec 6, 2019. (ANTARA/Dewa Wiguna/sh)

Denpasar, Bali (ANTARA) - Indonesia is projected to exit the middle income trap by 2036, bolstered by the development of human resources, according to the Finance Ministry.

"Economic transformation has been carried out to build a strong basis for improving Indonesia's economy," the ministry's Director for Center of Macro Economy, Hidayat Amir, remarked on the sidelines of the 9th Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy (AIFED) in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Friday.

In 2036, public income is expected to reach US$12,233 per capita and will continue its rising trend to touch US$23,199 per capita by 2045, he noted.

In 2020, Indonesia is projected to become a nation, with public income surpassing the middle income level.

Related news: Jokowi pledges to enable Indonesia to get out of middle income trap

Govt Set to Launch B30 Biofuel Mid-December
Dewi Elvia Muthiariny

Markus Wisnu Murti
6 December 2019 20:52 WIB


, South Tangerang - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said the government will announce a mandatory use of diesel fuel mixed with 30 percent palm oil (B30).

“We will launch B30 on date 20s. That will reduce our oil imports,” said the President after inaugurating the JORR II toll road in South Tangerang, Banten, Friday, December 6.

On several occasions, he frequently said that oil and gas imports were the highest contributors to the current account deficit and the trade balance deficit. During a limited meeting at the presidential office last August, he targeted the use of 30 percent palm oil-based fuel in early 2020.

The former Jakarta governor also hoped palm oil production could be consumed domestically, and thus Indonesia did not have to fret about the European Union's palm oil discrimination.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said the program could save up to US$8 billion or Rp112 trillion, with an assumed rate of Rp14,000 per US dollar.

The mandatory use of B30 is one of the government’s quick win programs expected to be completed soon. The government is presently applying B20 mandatory and will further develop it to B50, B70, up to B100.

In addition, the government is designing a road map on green avtur, which within a year could save up to US$2 billon or Rp26 trillion. “The program is expected to recover trade balance and lower the dependence on oil and gas,” Airlangga said.



Indonesia Corner to highlight trade, tourism potential in Qatar
7th Dec 2019 17:08


Indonesian Ambassador to Qatar Muhammad Basri Sidehabi opened the "Indonesia Corner" at the main lobby of Landmark Mall, Gharaffa, Doha, on Thursday (Dec 5, 2019). (ANTARA/Indonesian Embassy in Doha)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Doha set up the "Indonesia Corner" at one of the malls in Doha as a platform to promote Indonesia's trade, tourism, and investment potentials in Qatar.

The Indonesian promotion booth, called "Indonesia Corner," is located in Landmark Mall, one of the big malls in Doha, Qatar, according to a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Doha received here on Saturday.

Indonesian Ambassador to Qatar Muhammad Basri Sidehabi, accompanied by Qatari businessmen and Indonesian citizens residing in Qatar, opened the "Indonesia Corner" at the main lobby of Landmark Mall, Gharaffa, Doha, on Thursday (Dec 5, 2019).

After the successful launch of the Indonesia Expo 2019, the first solo exhibition of Indonesian products in Qatar, the Indonesian Embassy in Doha has striven to maintain the momentum by continually stepping up promotion on Indonesia, particularly those linked to the trade, tourism, and investment potentials, through direct engagement with the Qatari community by setting up the Indonesia Corner.

The Indonesian Embassy in Doha utilized the nine-square-meter booth of the Indonesia Corner to promote varied tourism, trade, and investment opportunities through the dissemination of brochures, books, product samples, and videos.

Ambassador Basri, in his opening remarks, was buoyant that relations between Qatar and Indonesia, specifically in the economic field, will strengthen in due course of time and was optimistic that the Indonesia Expo 2019 and Indonesia Corner would contribute to boosting trade exchange, tourist visits, and investment between the two countries.

The Indonesia Corner will remain open to the public for at least three months on all days from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time, except Friday, when it will operate from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. local time. Periodic cultural performances will also enliven the Indonesia Corner.

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By Yuni Arisandy Sinaga

Editor: Sri Haryati

Indonesia’s US$40 billion rail expansion could rival Hong Kong, Singapore while reigniting China-Japan rivalry
  • Project is part of President Joko Widodo’s ambitious road map to create a US$7 trillion economy by 2045, with an emphasis on infrastructure
  • Japan was awarded the first subway line in the capital, while China secured the first high-speed train deal connecting Jakarta and Bandung
Indonesia is preparing to spend about US$40 billion to extend Jakarta’s metro network, a bigger than expected outlay that’s poised to boost the country’s construction companies and reignite a rivalry between China and Japan over building the project.

The spending plan, detailed in an interview with the head of the operator of the capital’s subway, is part of President Joko Widodo’s ambitious road map to create a US$7 trillion economy by 2045. While his administration has outlined a requirement to spend about US$455 billion on infrastructure over the next five years, policymakers have until now revealed few specifics.

Indonesia must ‘be careful’ with Chinese firms, watchdog warns
PT MRT Jakarta is currently selecting financiers to help fund the expansion, said William Sabandar, its president director. It’s seeking to add an additional six lines to the one that partially opened earlier this year, he said, which could rival Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of length. The decision to broadly extend the network may surprise some analysts who were expecting the operator to work only on completing the first line.

“We have a target of building 230km by 2030, that’s the masterplan,” Sabandar said in an interview in Jakarta. “We only have 16km right now, so the key is how we can do this in an accelerated way. We can no longer just build them one by one.”

Improving the country’s rail network is a crucial next step in Widodo’s ambitions to develop the Southeast Asian country’s infrastructure, expediting the flow of goods and people and alleviating congestion, after he spent aggressively to build the tollway network in his first team.

But his efforts to date, which also include the construction of ports, dams and power plants, have put a strain on the banking system and the balance sheets of state-owned construction companies.

Indonesia will need assistance and funding from abroad for the plan to materialise, according to Yayat Supriatna, a transportation analyst at Trisakti University in Jakarta. That opens the door for China and Japan to renew their rivalry in the country, something that Indonesia will have to navigate, he said.

“We have to acknowledge that Indonesia doesn’t have the technical capabilities and the financial resources for this,” Supriatna said in a phone interview. By making Japan and China compete against each other, “we can make sure that we can pick the offer that gives us the best benefit.”

The two Asian powerhouses have both had success in winning rail-related projects in Indonesia. Japan was awarded the first subway line in the capital, while China secured the first high-speed train deal connecting Jakarta and Bandung.

“The Asian Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are among those who are serious and have submitted financing commitments,” Sabandar said, adding that the Japan International Cooperation Agency has also expressed interest in the new lines.

The plan has some overlap with an earlier goal to spend about US$43 billion to sort out the city’s traffic, which includes extending the MRT, completing a 44km light rail project, rejuvenating the bus system and developing overpasses and other tollways.

In September, Indonesia signed an agreement with JICA for a 60 trillion rupiah (US$4.3 billion) project to add an express line between Jakarta and Surabaya on the island of Java.

Indonesia has also commissioned a US$6 billion, 142km high-speed train to connect Jakarta and Bandung, the capital of West Java. The project, which was awarded to China Railway International Co. and a consortium of Indonesian state companies, was scheduled to be completed last year but has faced several delays.

Here’s who wins the next China-Japan economic battle
Indonesia is also planning to build train networks in Sulawesi and Kalimantan as well as connecting some of the country’s key airports with nearby cities by rail, according to a document from the National Development Planning Ministry.

Indonesia’s railway and subway expansion plans mean more opportunities for the country’s construction companies, such as state-owned builders PT Waskita Karya, PT Adhi Karya and PT Wijaya Karya, according to Jemmy Paul, chief executive officer of Sucorinvest Asset Management, whose equity fund has beaten 97 per cent of peers over the past five years.

Indonesia’s US$40 billion rail expansion could rival Hong Kong, Singapore while reigniting China-Japan rivalry
  • Project is part of President Joko Widodo’s ambitious road map to create a US$7 trillion economy by 2045, with an emphasis on infrastructure
  • Japan was awarded the first subway line in the capital, while China secured the first high-speed train deal connecting Jakarta and Bandung
Indonesia is preparing to spend about US$40 billion to extend Jakarta’s metro network, a bigger than expected outlay that’s poised to boost the country’s construction companies and reignite a rivalry between China and Japan over building the project.

The spending plan, detailed in an interview with the head of the operator of the capital’s subway, is part of President Joko Widodo’s ambitious road map to create a US$7 trillion economy by 2045. While his administration has outlined a requirement to spend about US$455 billion on infrastructure over the next five years, policymakers have until now revealed few specifics.

Indonesia must ‘be careful’ with Chinese firms, watchdog warns
PT MRT Jakarta is currently selecting financiers to help fund the expansion, said William Sabandar, its president director. It’s seeking to add an additional six lines to the one that partially opened earlier this year, he said, which could rival Hong Kong and Singapore in terms of length. The decision to broadly extend the network may surprise some analysts who were expecting the operator to work only on completing the first line.

“We have a target of building 230km by 2030, that’s the masterplan,” Sabandar said in an interview in Jakarta. “We only have 16km right now, so the key is how we can do this in an accelerated way. We can no longer just build them one by one.”

Improving the country’s rail network is a crucial next step in Widodo’s ambitions to develop the Southeast Asian country’s infrastructure, expediting the flow of goods and people and alleviating congestion, after he spent aggressively to build the tollway network in his first team.

But his efforts to date, which also include the construction of ports, dams and power plants, have put a strain on the banking system and the balance sheets of state-owned construction companies.

Indonesia will need assistance and funding from abroad for the plan to materialise, according to Yayat Supriatna, a transportation analyst at Trisakti University in Jakarta. That opens the door for China and Japan to renew their rivalry in the country, something that Indonesia will have to navigate, he said.

“We have to acknowledge that Indonesia doesn’t have the technical capabilities and the financial resources for this,” Supriatna said in a phone interview. By making Japan and China compete against each other, “we can make sure that we can pick the offer that gives us the best benefit.”

The two Asian powerhouses have both had success in winning rail-related projects in Indonesia. Japan was awarded the first subway line in the capital, while China secured the first high-speed train deal connecting Jakarta and Bandung.

“The Asian Development Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are among those who are serious and have submitted financing commitments,” Sabandar said, adding that the Japan International Cooperation Agency has also expressed interest in the new lines.

The plan has some overlap with an earlier goal to spend about US$43 billion to sort out the city’s traffic, which includes extending the MRT, completing a 44km light rail project, rejuvenating the bus system and developing overpasses and other tollways.

In September, Indonesia signed an agreement with JICA for a 60 trillion rupiah (US$4.3 billion) project to add an express line between Jakarta and Surabaya on the island of Java.

Indonesia has also commissioned a US$6 billion, 142km high-speed train to connect Jakarta and Bandung, the capital of West Java. The project, which was awarded to China Railway International Co. and a consortium of Indonesian state companies, was scheduled to be completed last year but has faced several delays.

Here’s who wins the next China-Japan economic battle
Indonesia is also planning to build train networks in Sulawesi and Kalimantan as well as connecting some of the country’s key airports with nearby cities by rail, according to a document from the National Development Planning Ministry.

Indonesia’s railway and subway expansion plans mean more opportunities for the country’s construction companies, such as state-owned builders PT Waskita Karya, PT Adhi Karya and PT Wijaya Karya, according to Jemmy Paul, chief executive officer of Sucorinvest Asset Management, whose equity fund has beaten 97 per cent of peers over the past five years.

So let me get this straight, the gov plans to build six mrt lines simultaneously??? Not just the extention of the current line, but also... 6??

Like, weren't there only 3 on the drawing board? And, its mrt not krl right? Can someine clarify this?

Good god. Thats amazing and scary at the same time. Think of all the traffic that would cause!
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