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I think they use Pertamina product, as far as I know Timor Leste hasnt yet had any oil refinery, they just produce crude oil.

Maybe they learn management, fuel distribution and supply chain and gas station operation from pertamina.

Yup, you are both right. Did some digging. That SPBU is supplied solely by Pertamina, furthermore the SPBU design, equipment, and management/logistics all from pertamina. Timor Gap only provides workforce, land, permits & construction.

Indonesia is moving up in the world. We like British Petroleum now. :p:

You know, if BIN had any interest in Timor leste at all, there are so many conduits to put undercover agents or recruit, what with the influence of Indo companies (A lot of them SOEs at that) hv on Timor soil in crucial sectors such as telecoms, construction, and energy.

Like, I know this is off topic, but if BIN is a bit more vicious, they can use Timor Leste as a proving ground for new techniques and agents. Not doing anything illegal, but puting agents in Timor Leste posing as SOE 'staff' learning spying techniques and how to recruit agents.

(Sorry for random spy talk, just read "Intel" by kenneth conboy, best birthday present ever)



Yup, you are both right. Did some digging. That SPBU is supplied solely by Pertamina, furthermore the SPBU design, equipment, and management/logistics all from pertamina. Timor Gap only provides workforce, land, permits & construction.

Indonesia is moving up in the world. We like British Petroleum now. :p:

You know, if BIN had any interest in Timor leste at all, there are so many conduits to put undercover agents or recruit, what with the influence of Indo companies (A lot of them SOEs at that) hv on Timor soil in crucial sectors such as telecoms, construction, and energy.

Like, I know this is off topic, but if BIN is a bit more vicious, they can use Timor Leste as a proving ground for new techniques and agents. Not doing anything illegal, but puting agents in Timor Leste posing as SOE 'staff' learning spying techniques and how to recruit agents.

(Sorry for random spy talk, just read "Intel" by kenneth conboy, best birthday present ever)



Sir this is not some kind of James Bond movies. :)

President holds meeting with associations to boost textile exports
21st Nov 2019 17:30


President Jokowi held a meeting with the Association of Indonesian Textile (API) and the Indonesian Fiber and Filament Yarn Makers Association (APSyFI) at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta on Thursday, Nov 21, 2019. (ANTARA/Bayu Prasetyo/sh)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a meeting with businesspersons in the textile industry at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Thursday to deliberate on approaches to boost the garment industry through measures including stepping up exports.

"First of all, how can we increase our exports, both in terms of the value and quantity," President Jokowi remarked during the meeting with the Association of Indonesian Textile (API) and the Indonesian Fiber and Filament Yarn Makers Association (APSyFI).

The head of state is on the lookout for businesspersons willing to invest in the country's textile industry, as the government has prepared an apparel park, a special zone for the textile industry.

"It is a special zone that will pool in all elements from (textile) raw materials to its industry in one place," Jokowi elaborated.

The president has also highlighted the flow of garment and textile products to bonded areas. Related news: Indonesia's textile and clothing industry's growth reaches 18 percent

"There are flows of goods also produced by our textile industry, and this will become our tough competitor in the market," Jokowi pointed out.

At the meeting, the president was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Sutarto, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang, Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto, Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia, and presidential spokesman Fadjroel Rachman.

Other attendees at the meeting included API Chairman Ade Sudrajat, President Director of PT Sritex Iwan Lukminto, Vice Director of PT Pan Brothers Anne Patricia Sutanto, President Director of PT Rayon Utama Mandiri Purnomo, Vice Director of PT Busana Apparel Marisa Manimanen, President Director of PT Mulai Kniting Hanan Supangkat, President Director of PT Jaya Perkasa Garment Bintoro Dibyoseputro, and President Director of PT Adikencana Mahkotabuana Joy Citradewi.

Chairman of APSyFI, concurrently President Director of PT Asia Pacific Fiber Ravi Shankar, APSyFI Secretary General Redma Gita Wirawasta, Director of PT Polyfun Canggih Sinatra Arti Ardi, President Director of Indorama Grup S.P Lohia, and Director of PT Asia Pacific Rayon Basrie Kamba were also present at the meeting.

President Jokowi remarked that the meeting was a follow-up of the earlier meeting with the associations in September.

"We are optimistic that with the formation of the new cabinet, we would continue what we had discussed earlier," the president stated.

Related news: Domestic machinery instrumental in strengthening textile industry

Related news: ASEAN Traditional Textile Symposium organized on Nov 5-8 in Yogyakarta


Editor: Fardah Assegaf



Pelindo II to Allocate Rp7.6 Trillion for Capex
Petir Garda Bhwana
21 November 2019 05:37 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - State port operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (PT Pelindo II or IPC) plans to allocate Rp7.6 trillion for capital expenditures (capex) next year.

"Investment or capex for 2020 in our plan reaches Rp7.6 trillion," Pelindo II President Director Elvyn G. Masassya said in Jakarta Wednesday.

The capital expenditure will be used to complete several ports which are now under construction, he said.

Pelindo posted a profit of Rp2.21 trillion until the third quarter of 2019, up 18.38 percent compared to the same period last year.

The company also saw its operating income rising 2.41 percent to Rp8.56 trillion compared to the corresponding period a year earlier.

Pelindo is optimistic that its net profit this year will exceed its last year's profit of Rp2.43 trillion.

Pelindo II will focus on exploring opportunities to increase its revenues and throughput in the last two months of 2019, Elvyn said. The upward trend of the company's profit must be maintained, he added.

Viewed from its operational performance, the traffic flow of containers until the third quarter of 2019 was recorded at 5.62 million TEUs compared to 5.58 million TEUs a year earlier. Similarly, the non-container traffic flow reached 43.2 million tons, up 1.14 percent compared to the same period last year when it was recorded at 42.7 million tons.

Pelindo II also witnessed an increase in the number of passengers to 905.5 thousand until the third quarter of 2019 from 505 thousand the year before.


Indonesia Looks to its Past to Solve Modern Energy Troubles

Andy Corbley
Nov 23, 2019


As a nation made up of 17,000 islands, one of Indonesia’s most challenging problems in the 21st century has been modernizing her electric grid.

But now on the island of Siberut, some electricity-starved hamlets are sustainably developing their own energy by relying on a material that has been part of their lives for thousands of years: bamboo.

According to Jaya Wahono, CEO of Clean Power Indonesia (CPI) there are around 50,000 villages that don’t have reliable access to electricity. But in 1,200 households in 3 villages on the remote Mentawai Islands where CPI has set up their test bio-electric plants, people are enjoying reliable power for the first time ever.

The Center for International Forestry Research continues saying that “bamboo harvesting provides jobs, and also allows farmers to diversify their income streams, reducing their vulnerability to crop failure and helping them adapt to climate change”.

An Ancient Technology
For the peoples of the Indo-Pacific, bamboo can truly be called the tree of life.

Young bamboo shoots are a local staple. Various structures like scaffolding are made of bamboo to protect them from earthquakes, the fibers can be woven together to make everything from clothing to baskets, and dry or dead bamboo is a ready source of firewood. Indigenous Indo-Pacific communities use bamboo for everything—including making spears, rafts, and even pipes.

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According to early modeling on the viability and cost-benefit of these bio-electric power plants, merely 750 acres (300 hectres) of bamboo forest are needed to power one plant that provides 700 KW—the equivalent of 48 gallons per day of the expensive and unreliable diesel fuel many villages use currently.

Bamboo > Palm Oil
Biomass-energy production in Indonesia has had some success, but the main crop used until now has been palm oil. Though palm oil has contributed significantly to the economy of nations in the Indo-Pacific where the trees can grow best, the destructive effects of their cultivation are well-documented.

Bamboo grows well on land that has been degraded over time—especially peripheral land on the edge of roads and fields—and requires minimal water or fertilizer input.

MORE: New Power Plant Turns Waste into Energy—and Doubles as a Ski Slope and Climbing Wall

Rather than clear-cutting virgin tropical rainforest as has been generally required of palm oil plantations, local bamboo thrives alongside other crops in forestry and agroforestry systems, without overtaking them. Furthermore, bamboo grows fast; really, really, really fast. Some species can grow up to three feet a day (one meter); and as such there’s no need to chop whole forests down and start again when it’s harvest time.

Requiring brief trimming every season, bamboo can actually become more productive while preventing soil erosion, and ensuring wildlife habitat as well as energy production.

Looking Forward
Indonesia’s 2045 pledge for electrifying the country involves tripling the power output for their citizens and providing energy for the last 10% of the country that doesn’t have regular access to electricity.

CHECK OUT: First Fully Rechargeable Carbon Dioxide Battery is Seven Times More Efficient Than Lithium Ion

According to the cost-benefit-analysis from Indonesia Defense University, every $1 million investment by CPI in bamboo bioelectric plants will see 100% returns in 16 years, and 65% net earnings by the Indonesia national deadline of 2045.

While nations around the world plan how to equip their infrastructure for the changing climate, Indonesia might have found their path into the future by looking back into the past.

Power Up With Positivity By Sharing The Good News To Social Media – File photo by Joey Zanotti, CC

Wakil Duta Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia Keiichi Ono (Istimewa)

Jepang menyebut pembangunan berkelanjutan di Kepulauan Natuna penting dalam pengembangan strategi Indo-Pasifik yang bebas dan terbuka (Free and Open Indo-Pacific) yang didorong negara tersebut.

Dilansir dari laman Kantor Berita Antara (25/ 11/ 2019), Wakil Duta Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia Keiichi Ono menjelaskan bahwa strategi tersebut mempromosikan kemitraan yang dapat menghubungkan Samudera Pasifik dan Samudera Hindia, serta benua Amerika hingga Afrika.

“Pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia, salah satunya Natuna, terletak di titik penting yang menghubungkan kedua samudera ini. Itulah sebabnya saya menekankan bahwa kepulauan ini juga sangat penting bagi pengembangan strategi kami,” ujar Ono di sela-sela diskusi berjudul Engaging Potential Partners on the Sustainable Development of Indonesia’s Outer Islands: the Case of Natuna Islands di Kementerian Luar Negeri RI, Jakarta, Senin.

Mengklaim bahwa strategi Jepang memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan Pandangan ASEAN tentang Indo-Pasifik (AOIP) serta visi poros maritim Indonesia, Ono menilai ketiga pihak harus bersinergi untuk membangun pulau-pulau terluar yang menjadi salah satu kepentingan utama dalam pengembangan berbagai konsep kerja sama tersebut.

Untuk itu, Ono menjelaskan bahwa Jepang telah membantu pembangunan di Kepulauan Natuna dengan fokus pada dua sektor, yaitu perikanan dan pariwisata.

Pada sektor perikanan, Jepang tengah membangun dermaga dan fasilitas ruang penyimpan beku (cold storage) di Sentra Kelautan dan Perikanan Terpadu (SKPT) Selat Lampa.

Selain itu, Jepang juga membangun pasar ikan baru, cold storage, dan mesin es di Kota Ranai.

Sedangkan pada sektor pariwisata, Jepang telah mengirim sebuah tim yang bertugas melakukan survei soal potensi pariwisata di Kepulauan Natuna.

Tim yang berkunjung ke Natuna pada April 2019 itu menemukan sejumlah potensi yang dimiliki kepulauan tersebut, yakni keberadaan bangkai-bangkai kapal dan terumbu karang di bawah laut, pantai dengan jajaran batu-batu granit di Alif Stone Park, serta Desa Penagi.

Namun, Ono mencatat bahwa aksesibilitas masih menjadi tantangan utama untuk pengembangan pariwisata Kepulauan Natuna.

Dari Jakarta, misalnya, perjalanan ke Natuna harus ditempuh dengan perjalanan udara selama kurang lebih 90 menit ke Batam, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penerbangan ke Ranai, Natuna selama kurang lebih 90 menit.

Padahal, Ono melanjutkan, pariwisata adalah sektor penting yang menunjang konektivitas antarmanusia dan ekonomi.

“Pariwisata berkaitan dengan arus manusia yang akan berkontribusi pada aliran uang dan ukuran ekonomi. Itu sebabnya kami menekankan pentingnya pariwisata,” ujar dia.

Sesuai instruksi Presiden RI Joko Widodo, Kepulauan Natuna sebagai satu dari 111 kepulauan terluar Indonesia yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut China Selatan yang dinamis, telah ditetapkan untuk dikembangkan sebagai pusat perikanan, pariwisata, ekonomi kerakyatan, konservasi, dan pertahanan militer.

Editor: (D.E.S).
South Korea and Indonesia reach final agreement on free trade deal
Countries to sign pact next year, removing tariffs on steel, autos and beer

KIM JAEWON and SHOTARO TANI, Nikkei staff writersNOVEMBER 25, 2019 18:26 JST

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, left, and South Korean President Moon Jae-in intend to sign the trade deal early next year. © Reuters
BUSAN/JAKARTA -- South Korea and Indonesia on Monday wound up seven and a half years of negotiations on a free trade deal, with an agreement to remove tariffs on steel, autos and beer.

South Korea's trade ministry said ministers from the two countries signed a joint announcement on the completion of the South Korea-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement at their bilateral summit.

The two sides will officially sign the deal early next year after reviewing the agreement. Once the deal is signed, it will be subject to ratification by each country's parliament. If the South Korea-Indonesia CEPA goes into effect, 93% of Indonesia's market will be open to South Korea, up from current level of 80.1%.

The meeting was part of the Republic of Korea-ASEAN Summit, which South Korea hosted in the port city of Busan.

In the deal, Indonesia agreed to lift tariffs on South Korean steel, autos, auto parts, textiles and machine parts, while Seoul will exempt tariffs on bunker C oil, sugar and beer from Indonesia.

"We evaluate that this will help our companies investing in Indonesia establish their bases in ASEAN by removing tariffs on steel, auto parts and petrochemical products," said the ministry in a statement. "We set up a framework for cooperation in which both governments and companies can strengthen their ties in many fields such as industrial development, energy, cultural content, infrastructure and health."

Indonesia's minister of trade Agus Suparmanto added in a statement that this will also provide Indonesia with "wider access" to the South Korean market compared to what has been provided through ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement. "The partnership between the two parties will be mutually beneficial," he said.

The announcement comes as South Korea's largest automaker Hyundai Motor is expected to ink an investment deal with Indonesia to build a factory in the archipelago, which would partly be used to manufacture electric vehicles. The deal will be worth $1 billion, according to Indonesia's coordinating minister of maritime affairs Luhut Panjaitan.

The deal is a boost for Indonesia, which is hoping to become an EV manufacturing hub; the country has one of the largest reserves of nickel, a key component in lithium batteries for the vehicles. Hyundai's Japanese rival Toyota Motor is also looking to invest around $2 billion over the next five years, including spending to launch production of EVs.

Hyundai declined to comment on the deal.

The two countries' bilateral trade stood at $18 billion in 2018, up 14% over the previous year. Indonesia exports raw materials like coal briquettes and petroleum to South Korea, and imports such things as machinery and processed metals.

South Korea has also risen as a major investor in Indonesia. It was the eighth largest investor in the archipelago in the nine months ended September, with realized foreign direct investment reaching $638 million.

In December last year, Korean-Japanese conglomerate Lotte Group has pledged to invest at least $3.5 billion in what is to be Indonesia's largest petrochemical plant. The Indonesian industry minister recently said the chemical company LG Chem has run a preliminary study to invest $2.3 billion in an integrated battery plant in Indonesia, according to Reuters.
Home Ekonomi Berita Makro
Presiden Korsel Tawarkan Kerja Sama Pindah Ibu Kota ke Jokowi
CNN Indonesia
Selasa, 26/11/2019 10:48
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Presiden Korsel Moon Jae-in menawarkan kerja sama pemindahan ibu kota kepada Jokowi. (ANTARA FOTO/Puspa Perwitasari).
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Presiden Korea Selatan Moon Jae-in menawarkan kerja sama pemindahan ibu kota kepada Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Tawaran tersebut disampaikan Moon dalam pertemuan bilateral kedua negara.

"Saya mengerti pemindahan ibu kota merupakan tugas dan fokus pemerintahan di periode kedua ini," kata Moon, seperti dikutip dalam keterangan resmi Sekretariat Presiden, di Westin Chosun Hotel, Busan, Senin (25/11).

Jokowi menyambut positif tawaran kerja sama teknis pembangunan ibu kota baru itu. Rencananya, RI memindahkan ibu kota dari DKI ke wilayah Kalimantan Timur. Rancangan pembangunan ibu kota baru ini sendiri dimulai akhir 2020 mendatang.

"Saya harapkan kerja sama tersebut dapat mengembangkan ibu kota Indonesia baru yang smart, green, safe, inclusive dan resilient," ujarnya.

Lihat juga:
Di depan Ahok, Dirut Nicke Widyawati Pidato soal PR Pertamina Di sisi lain, Jokowi mengharapkan investasi Korea akan terus meningkat di masa depan. Ia juga menyambut positif peningkatan kerja sama ekonomi kedua negara, terutama di tengah situasi ekonomi dunia yang sedang sulit.

"Di tengah situasi sulit seperti ini, upaya memperkuat kerja sama di antara kita menjadi lebih penting artinya," tutur Jokowi.

Mantan wali kota Solo itu juga berharap perundingan Indonesia-Korea Selatan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IK-CEPA) segera ditandatangani awal tahun depan.

"Saya harap dokumen ini ditandatangani pada awal 2020. IK-CEPA adalah simbol komitmen kedua negara bagi keterbukaan ekonomi," tandasnya.
S Korean corporations to make $8.8 billion investment: Board
26th Nov 2019 23:01


Head of the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, addressing the press in Ulsan, South Korea, Tuesday (26/11/2019). (ANTARA/Joko Susilo/ac)

Busan, South Korea (ANTARA) - Head of the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, said that three giant South Korean corporations are prepared to invest US$8.8 billion in Indonesia next year.

"On Monday, November 25, President Joko Widodo had a lunch meeting with 10 CEOs of giant Korean corporations that have been operating in Indonesia for quite some time," he said in Busan, South Korea, Tuesday.

The 10 corporations are Lotte Corporation, Posco, Hankook Technology Group, SK E&C, CJ Group, LG Chem, GS Global, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, Doosan Corporation, and the Korea Exim Bank (Kexim).

The BKPM Chief said that the companies have previously been operating in Indonesia, but they are looking to increase their investments in the country.

"Our visit this time around surely looked at how we can boost the existing investment in Indonesia. We also talked about the potential to manage natural resources, especially nickel, to be used as a material for batteries," he said.

He further said that the investments that were previously mentioned would come from Hyundai for approximately $1.5 to 1.6 billion, divided into two parts.

"Posco will also up their investment, working together with PT Krakatau Steel, for around $2.9 to 3 billion. Lotte will also realize its investment from $3.5 to 4.2 billion. These have all been confirmed for realization in 2020," he said.

He is optimistic that the investment climate in Indonesia will continue to improve.

"I am optimistic about the future (of the investment climate), if we speed up the ease of doing business, then we can work together to create a good investment climate," he continued.

Aside from the BKPM Chief, during the meeting with the CEOs, President Joko Widodo was also accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto; Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan; Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi; Minister of Trade, Agus Suparmanto; Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita; Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono; Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno; and Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir.

Related news: Indonesia-South Korea bilateral trade intensified in past five years
Related news: Indonesia, Korea ink MoU to collaborate on capital city relocation

Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Rahmad Nasution


Possibility of Indonesia-Busan direct flights being explored
27th Nov 2019 11:48


Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan held talks with Busan Mayor Oh Keo-don in Busan, on Nov 26, 2019. (ANTARA/HO/Kemenko Kemaritiman dan Investasi)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan met Busan Mayor Oh Keo-don to discuss the possibility of opening direct flights on the Indonesia-Busan route.

The meeting with the Busan mayor is part of a series of Pandjaitan's activities in South Korea to accompany President Joko Widodo during the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit 2019 on Tuesday.

In a written statement released on Wednesday, Mayor Oh urged the Indonesian government to consider opening direct flights linking Indonesia to Busan to cater to the increasing number of tourists.

Related news: Indonesia-South Korea bilateral trade intensified in past five years

"Every year, the number of Indonesian tourists visiting South Korea increases, and we have high hopes that the direct flight would ensure smooth economic relations between Busan and Indonesia," Oh remarked.

Busan also established sister-city cooperation with the Indonesian city of Surabaya. As a city built on the concept of smart city, Busan offers to share experiences with Indonesia that plans to build a new capital city in East Kalimantan, he stated.

Pandjaitan responded warmly to the proposal for opening direct flights connecting Indonesia and Busan. He affirmed that the direct flights will link not only Jakarta to Busan but also Medan and Manado to Busan," he explained.

"Apart from Jakarta, we can also open direct flights from Medan and Madao to Busan," he stated.

The meeting also encompassed discussion pertaining to Busan businessmen's plan to expand their investment in Indonesia. Several Busan investors are currently engaged in the footwear and textile industries.
Related news: Indonesia, Korea ink MoU to collaborate on capital city relocation

Related news: Suparmanto leads Indonesia's trade mission to South Korea


Editor: Fardah Assegaf

Hyundai Motor to invest $1.55 billion in first Indonesia car plant
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea’s Hyundai Motor (005380.KS) said on Tuesday it has signed a preliminary deal to build a new factory in Indonesia, which would be its first car plant in Southeast Asia and a crack at Japanese rivals that dominate the market.

The deal comes as Hyundai and affiliate Kia Motors (000270.KS) struggle with a prolonged sales downturn in China, where they suspended two factories this year.

Hyundai Motor said it will invest about $1.55 billion in the Indonesia auto manufacturing plant from now until 2030, including product development and operation costs.

The facility, to be built in the city of Bekasi, east of Jakarta, will start production in late 2021, with an annual capacity of 150,000 vehicles and a plan to grow that to 250,000 vehicles a year, Hyundai said.

Hyundai plans to make small sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs), while electric vehicles (EVs) tailored to Southeast Asian market are under consideration.


Hyundai said it is building the production facilities to avoid import tariffs ranging from 5% to 80% in the ASEAN region. The plant will cater to Indonesia, the region’s largest automobile market, and other countries belonging to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), it said.

The plant will allow the automaker to secure future growth to help it “combat slowing demand in the global automotive market”, Hyundai said in its statement.

The deal was signed at an event attended by Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Hyundai Motor Executive Vice Chairman Euisun Chung. Widodo is in South Korea for a meeting of ASEAN leaders hosted by South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

Moon has been pushing a “New Southern Policy” aiming to deepen ties with Southeast Asia as Seoul seeks to curb its reliance on traditional trading partners like China and the United States.

Hyundai is far behind Japanese rivals in Southeast Asia, with its sales reaching 122,883 vehicles versus Toyota’s 854,032 from January to September this year, according to research firm LMC Automotive.

LMC Automotive forecast a 4% year-on-year decline in total vehicle sales in the ASEAN region in the fourth quarter, partly because the slowdowns in the Thai and Indonesian economies show no signs of abating.

Hyundai said key ASEAN countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore are expected to see combined vehicle sales grow to 4.49 million units in 2026, from 3.16 million in 2017.

Reporting by Hyunjoo Jin; Editing by Tom Hogue
November 26, 2019 / 3:35 PM / a day ago


Pertamina Berencana Kembangkan Energi Nuklir
Oleh Liputan6.com pada 27 Nov 2019, 17:45 WIB
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - PT Pertamina (Persero) mengaku siap untuk masuk ke dalam energi terbarukan atau renewable energy di Indonesia. BUMN sektor minyak dan gas itu berencana masuk melalui bahan bakar hidrogen dan nuklir.

"Kita akan masuk ke area hidrogen kemudian nuklir. Karena tren yang ada dekarbonisasi, tidak lagi menginginkan yang ada karbonnya," kata Senior Vice President Research and Technology Center (RTC) Pertamina, Dadi Sugiana saat ditemui di Jakarta, Rabu (27/11/2019).


Dia mengakatan hidrogen yang akan dicoba dikembangkan pihaknya adalah hidrogen di use refinery, untuk memproduksi metanol dan mobility. Sementara sebagai penggerak hidrogen akan menggunakan nuklir agar bisa memproduksi energi murah.

Saat ini, Pertamina memiliki pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi yang menghasilkan sekitar 700 MW dan akan ditambah 55 MW lagi pada 2020. Dadi mengakui penambahan ini kecil karena banyaknya tantangan dalam pengembangan geothermal.

"Yang sudah komersial adalah geotermal kita udah 700 sekian MW. Nanti 2020 tambah 55 MW ini masih rendah, banyak persoalaan," katanya.

1 of 3
Harga Mahal

Ilustrasi Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas Pertamina
Sebelumnya, Dadi mengakui cukup sulit untuk mengembangkan energi terbarukan atau renewable energy di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah harga yang terlalu tinggi untuk bisa masuk ke arah sana.

"Renewable energy itu mahal," kata dia.

Kendati begitu, dirinya meyakini ke depan energi terbarukan bisa dapat lebih murah sehingga bisa dikembangkan di Indonesia.

"Sebenarnya seiring berjalannya waktu degan produk semakin massal produk bisa makin murah, tapi memang di awal butuh kerelaan dari pemerintah dan konsumen," jelas dia.

Reporter: Dwi Aditya Putra

Sumber: Merdeka.com

Wow! Pertamina Bakal Kembangkan Energi Nuklir
Rahajeng Kusumo Astuti, CNBC Indonesia

27 November 2019 16:38


Foto: Gaya Ahok di Pertamina Energy Forum 2019/CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- PT Pertamina (Persero) mulai fokus mengembangkan energi baru terbarukan (renewable energy), terutama untuk memenuhi energi di wilayah terpencil. Bahkan Pertamina berencana masuk ke area hidrogen dan nuklir, sebagai upaya memproduksi energi non karbon.

SVP Research and Technology PT Pertamina Dadi Sugiana mengatakan nuklir merupakan salah satu opsi untuk memproduksi energi murah dan ramah lingkungan.

Dahlan: Rudiantara jadi Bos PLN Bukan Turun Kelas!
"Hidrogen yang kami akan coba adalah hidrogen di use refinery, dan untuk memproduksi metanol, ketiga baru mobility. Sebagai penggerak hidrogen yang digunakan adalah nuklir supaya bisa memproduksi energi murah," kata Dadi dalam paparannya di Pertamina Energy Forum 2019, Rabu (27/11/2019).

Saat ini Pertamina telah memiliki pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi yang menghasilkan sekitar 700 MW dan akan ditambah 55 MW lagi pada 2020. Dadi mengakui penambahan ini kecil karena banyaknya tantangan dalam pengembangan geothermal.

Selain itu, perusahaan juga berencana mengembangkan biogas atau biomassa dari buangan pengolahan crude palm oil (CPO). Sebelumnya, Pertamina melalui anak usahanya Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) menyiapkan investasi sebesar US$ 2,68 miliar atau setara Rp 38,05 triliun untuk menambah kapasitas terpasang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) sebesar 440 MW sampai dengan 2026.

2 Hari Jabat Wakomut Pertamina, Ini Fokus Budi Gunadi Sadikin
Dalam kesempatan yang sama Director For Planning, Investment, and Risk Management Heru Setiawan mengatakan untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan energi global dan trade balance, Pertamina memiliki tiga skenario yang dirancang. Pertama menjalankan bisnis seperti biasa.

Kedua, pasar sebagai penggerak dan ketiga mengupayakan energi hijau (green as possible). Heru mengatakan Pertamina memilih strategi pasar sebagai penggerak (market as drivers), karena perkembangan industri energi secara global pada akhirnya mengarah pada energi hijau.

Selain itu kecepatan dari menjalankan bisnis seperti biasa ke penerapan energi hijau, akan menyesuaikan dengan kebijakan regulasi dan kesiapan pasar. Untuk Indonesia, skenario pasar sebagai penggerak merupakan langkah transisi penerapan energi hijau.

"Demand energi bersih masih akan dipenuhi oleh minyak bumi dengan porsi yang dominan. Namun mulai ada substitusi ke gas bisa secara masif, dan EBT secara bertahap," kata Heru.

Saat ini, menurutnya pemanfaatan EBT di Indonesia masih belum agresif karena ada beberapa faktor seperti model bisnis yang belum mendukung terciptanya ekosistem bisnis yang atraktif.


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