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China inks import contracts with Indonesia worth Rp35.1 trillion
19th Nov 2019 15:32


Signing of business deals between Indonesian and Chinese businessmen during the BRF Summit held in Beijing last April 2019. (ANTARA/Irfan Ilmie/ FA)

Beijing (ANTARA) - Several Chinese businessmen signed contracts of imports valued at Rp35.1 trillion, or US$2.5 billion, with their Indonesian counterparts.

"The deals were struck during the Indonesia-China Business Forum and China Coal Import Summit," Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun stated in Beijing on Tuesday.

Coal imports dominated the contracts inked on the sidelines of the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai.

Furthermore, the contracts encompassed the imports of other products, including electronics, agriculture, food, beverages, plastic pellets, and mining products, the ambassador noted at the Indonesian Pavilion of the CIIE officially opened on November 5, 2019.

"Swallow nest products, recycled plastic pellets, oleochemical, coal, and food products are among Indonesian products liked most and well sold in Chinese markets," the former Indonesian ambassador to Russia remarked.

Related news: China offers its vast market for Indonesia's fishery products

The 34th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) organized in Serpong, Banten Province, on October 16-20, 2019, drew 312 Chinese businessmen.

At least 16 trade and investment deals worth $2.68 billion, or Rp37.7 trillion, were signed during the 2019 TEI between Indonesian and Chinese companies.

The 2019 TEI organizing committee bestowed awards on the Indonesian Trade Attaché in Beijing and the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Shanghai for their success in contributing to transaction deals reaching $221 million, or some Rp3.1 trillion.

"Incessant, tireless, and hard work coupled with prayers, cooperation, and synergy among every stakeholder are the main factors in every step that we have been taking in China," Oratmangun added.

Related news: Indonesia seeks import tariff relief for steel products to China
Related news: Indonesia to showcase swallow nest at China Import Expo
Editor: Sri Haryati

Sirkuit MotoGP Mandalika Lombok Indonesia, Update 11-2019
Amateur helicopter maker wishes to complete his project
19th Nov 2019 21:07


Jujun Junaedi , an amateur helicopter maker shows his unfinished helicopter during a visit from LAPAN at his house located in Sukabumi, West Java, Tuesday, November 19, 2019. (ANTARA/Prisca Triferna)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Jujun Junaedi, an amateur helicopter maker from a village in Sukabumi, West Java, hopes to complete his own-cost production of an aircraft following discussions with researchers at the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). "After a discussion with some experts here, I have encouraged myself to proceed with this project by conducting some procedures and perhaps undertake tests later," Junaedi said during the visit at his residence Tuesday.

LAPAN conducted this visit to follow up on the instructions from the Minister of Research and Technology, Bambang Brodjonegoro, regarding the viral YouTube video of Junaedi making some efforts to manufacture a helicopter using two 700 cc cylinder generators set machine and daily materials.

The helicopter is not ready for tests since there are various stages still to be completed, a researcher of the Centre of Aviation Technology, Teuku Mohd Ichwanul Hakim, said during the visit.

However, thanks to this breakthrough, Junaedi has been invited to an event held by the global internet technology company, Google for Id in Jakarta.

Related news: Lapan highlights roadmap for aviation industry at AeroSummit
Related news: N219 aircraft under certification phase: National Aeronautics Agency
Related news: More human resources needed to develop science, technology: Lapan
Related news: LAPAN to collaborate with Cenderawasih University

Editor: Azis Kurmala


Remind me of Bell 47 Soloy

Indonesia has been selected to host U 20 World Cup in 2021.

Central Java’s realized investment reaches Rp 47.24 trillion, higher than that of Jakarta
  • Inforial
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta, Indonesia / Wed, November 20, 2019 / 12:02 am
Central Java Governor GanjarPranowo (center) witnesses the signing of a business cooperation agreement during the 15th Central Java Investment Business Forum (CJIBF) 2019 at Hotel Bidakara in Jakarta on Nov. 5. (./.)

A conducive business environment with various incentives offered by Central Java makes the province an attractive destination for investment.

Nationally, realized investment in the third quarter of 2019 reached Rp 205.7 trillion, according to the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). Central Java contributed realized investment of Rp 47.24 trillion, higher than the Rp 41.1 trillion contributed by Jakarta province.

Ratna Kawuri, chairwoman of the Central Java One-Stop Integrated Services Agency,

Integrated One-Roof Service and Investment Office, says foreign investment contributed Rp 32.27 trillion to the total value and domestic investment Rp 14.97 trillion.

“The achievement shows that 99.6 percent of the investment target of Rp 47.42 trillion has been realized,” Ratna says.

She says the increasing investment reduced the unemployment rate in Central Java from the first to the third quarter with a total of 71,639 people having been absorbed in a number of companies.

The companies are spread across several areas in Central Java, including Jepara, Batang, Semarang, Brebes, Cilacap, Sukoharjo and Boyolali.

“In the business sector, companies operate mainly in electricity, gas and water. Other businesses are involved in leather goods, textiles, automotive parts, food and property,” she says.

Ratna has expressed optimism about the prospect of investment in the coming years to meet the targeted 7 percent economic growth.

“We are optimistic the expected 7 percent economic growth can be achieved because Central Java has all [supporting factors] – infrastructure, land, skilled labor force and [the government’s] commitment to pro-investment policies. All this gives us confidence the 7 percent target is not difficult to achieve,” she says.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has pointed out that his administration is attracting investment in all sectors by providing incentives and facilities, one being in the form of an eased integrated one-stop service.

“I have even arranged tourism packages for prospective investors. We have prepared a culinary tour for them while they look into investment opportunities in Central Java. It must be fun,” he said at the Central Java Investment Business Forum (CJIBF) in Jakarta recently.

He says Central Java has become one of the most attractive places in Indonesia for foreign investors given the positive indicators, which include a conducive investment climate, developed infrastructure and social well-being.

“Central Java people are attractive, humble, smart and adaptive to change. This is one of the factors that makes it a favorable destination for investment,” he says.

Speaking about the labor force, he says Central Java has such big demographic bonuses that investors should not fear a lack in competent human resources with the province being home to 378 colleges and universities as well as 1,588 vocational high schools (SMK).

“Even if Bapak and Ibu wish to request a specific culture [competence] through our educational institutions to meet your business requirements, we can see to it,” he says.

Dubes AS Minta Perusahaan Amerika Dapat Akses Setara di Indonesia
Fajar Pebrianto
Rahma Tri
Rabu, 20 November 2019 15:04 WIB


Duta Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk Indonesia Joseph R Donovan Jr saat menyambangi kantor PP Muhammadiyah di Jakarta, Selasa, 15 Oktober 2019. TEMPO/Hilman Fathurrahman W

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia, Joseph R. Donovan Jr. menyampaikan komitmen negaranya untuk meningkatkan nilai perdagangan dua kali lipat. Nilai perdagangan yang saat ini sebesar US$ 30 miliar, akan ditingkatkan menjadi US$ 60 miliar.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, Joseph meminta agar perusahaan Amerika Serikat bisa diberikan akses yang setara di pasar Indonesia. “Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Menteri Perdagangan AS Wilbur Ross saat ke Indonesia, Indonesia bisa mencapai pertumbuhan GDP 7 persen dengan memberi perusahaan AS kesempatan yang sama untuk berkompetisi di pasar Indonesia,” kata Joseph dalam media roundtable di kediamannya di Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa, 19 November 2019.

Saat ini, kata Joseph, Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi ingin mengembangkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Untuk itu, Joseph menyebut perusahaan-perusahaan Amerika seperti IBM, Apple, Qualcomm, Mastercard, Citibank, hingga Cargill, siap membantu melatih tenaga kerja dan mengembangkan teknologi di Indonesia.

Saat ditanya apakah selama ini Amerika merasa perusahaan mereka tidak mendapat akses setara dibandingkan negara lain, Joseph tidak bersedia menjelaskannya. “Saya tidak bisa bicara soal negara lain,” kata dia.

Namun, Joseph mengakui perusahaan Amerika kerap kecewa ketika berinvestasi di Indonesia. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah regulasi yang suka berubah-ubah. “Ini yang sedang kami selesaikan dengan pemerintah Indonesia,” kata dia.

Counselor for Economic Affairs, Kedutaan Besar Amerika untuk Indonesia, Andrew Shang, merinci, salah satu yang dikeluhkan pengusaha AS yaitu soal aturan Daftar Negatif Investasi (DNI) yang sangat panjang di Indonesia. Selain itu, masalah juga ada pada ketentuan Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN) di Indonesia. “Ini bertentangan dengan tren di banyak negara yang lebih terbuka,” kata dia.

Permasalahan yang dikeluhkan Amerika ini sebenarnya tengah diselesaikan oleh Indonesia. Dalam waktu dekat, pemerintah akan menerbitkan Omnibus Law, salah satunya menghapus DNI. “Kami menyambutnya,” kata Joseph.

PT. NIPPON SHOKUBAI INDONESIA obtained Halal certification for all products
20th Nov 2019 18:14


Halal Assurance System Status (Antara/BUSINESS WIRE)

OSAKA, Japan--(Antara/BUSINESS WIRE)-- PT. NIPPON SHOKUBAI INDONESIA (hereafter referred as “NSI”), an Indonesian subsidiary of NIPPON SHOKUBAI CO., LTD. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Osaka City; President: Yujiro Goto)(TOKYO:4114) obtained Halal certification in Indonesia from LPPOM MUI who is a Halal certification authority affiliated with Majelis Ulama Indonesia, with regard to Acrylic Acid (AA) and acrylates (AES) used as main raw material for ink, paint, adhesive etc, and super absorbent polymer (SAP) used as main raw material for disposable diaper, on October 16, 2019.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191119006178/en/

Halal certification is given for things such as foods, beverages, medicines, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, bio products, genetically modified products and machine & equipment engaged in producing foresaid products that complies with Islamic law.

The demand for AA, AES and SAP is expected to keep growing firmly in Southeast Asia and the Near and Middle East. In these regions with a large Muslim population, Halal certification draws a great attention, and product fields that require Halal certificate is even expanding. This Halal certification can provide assurance to the customers who produce their products with using NSI’s AA, AES and SAP. NSI will keep corresponding to demand increase not only in Indonesia but also in Southeast Asia and the Near and Middle East.

1. Corporate outline of NSI
Established : August 1996
Head Office : Cilegon, Indonesia (headquarters and plant)
Representative : Hisakazu FUJITA (Mr.), President Director
Business : Production and sales of AA, AES and SAP
Capital : 120 million US$ paid in capital,
99.9% owned by Nippon Shokubai
Number of employees : 458 as of March 31, 2019

2. Halal certified products

All products produced by NSI (AA, AES (Ethyl acrylate, Butyl acrylate, 2-ethylhexyl acrylate) and SAP)

About Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.: Since 1941, Nippon Shokubai has grown up its business with unique catalyst technology. Nippon Shokubai has supplied, for example, ethylene oxide, acrylic acid, automobile catalysts, process catalysts and so on. Among all, our global market share of superabsorbent polymer is the largest in the world now. Nippon Shokubai is a global chemical company operating under its corporate mission "TechnoAmenity-Providing affluence and comfort to people and society with our unique technology." http://www.shokubai.co.jp/en/

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191119006178/en/


Akira Kurusu
Investor & Public Relations Dept.
TEL: +81-3-3506-7605
E-mail: shokubai@n.shokubai.co.jp

Source: Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.
Reporter: PR Wire

Editor: PR Wire

Sept-end Investment realization in Surabaya touches Rp36.89 trillion
21st Nov 2019 15:00


Surabaya western outer ring road is expected to serve as access to the new logistics network in Surabaya.

Surabaya, E Java (ANTARA) - The realization of investment in Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, in the year ending Sept 30 had touched Rp36.39 trillion, according to the Investment and Integrated One-Stop Service (DPM-PTSP).

The investment constituted domestic investment, valued at Rp4.29 trillion; foreign investment, worth Rp0.14 trillion; and non-facilities, reaching Rp32.46 trillion, Chief of the Investment Promotion and Development Section of the DPM-PTPS Agus Setyoko noted in Surabaya on Thursday.

"Non-facilities remain the dominant contributor to the achievement," he remarked.

Related news: Malaysia explores investment opportunities in E Kalimantan

Non-facilities refer to local investors including start-ups; micro-, small-, and medium-scale businesses; and other home industries. However, digital start-ups constitute the largest share of the local economy.

"It turns out that digital economy is quite a defining trending. Transactions at malls are made digitally. Looking ahead, we will attempt to enter this type of business and study thoroughly the digital economy," he stated.

To aid in improving the trend of investment in Surabaya, the local government has eased all licensing procedures, including those for start-ups, with the objective of drawing more domestic and foreign investment, he stated.

Chief Executive Officer of Agenda Kota. Syamsul Qomar and his colleagues affirmed that the licensing procedures helped them in obtaining permits.

"We are assisted extensively by the existing licensing procedure at Siola," he emphasized.

Related news: Jokowi discusses investment cooperation with Singapore parliament

Editor: Rahmad Nasution

EU launches WTO challenge against Indonesian restrictions on raw materials

Today, the EU has brought a dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Indonesian export restrictions for raw materials used in production of stainless steel. These restrictions unfairly limit access of EU producers to raw materials for steel production, notably nickel as well as scraps, coal and coke, iron ore and chromium. The EU is also challenging subsidies that encourage use of local content by Indonesian producers and give preference to domestic over imported goods, which goes against WTO rules.

Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: “EU steel producers are under a lot of pressure and are suffering from the consequences of global overcapacity and unilateral trade restrictions. The export restrictions imposed by Indonesia put further jobs in the EU's steel industry at risk. Despite our concerted efforts, Indonesia has maintained the measures in place and even announced a new export ban for January 2020. We must now act to ensure that international trade rules are respected. That's why today we are taking a legal action in the WTO to get these measures removed as soon as possible.”

This decision affirms the EU's commitment to resolute and strong enforcement of multilateral and bilateral trade rules where European interests are at stake. It also underlines the EU's continued commitment to the WTO and its dispute settlement system as an impartial and efficient means to get global trade rules upheld and enforced.

The measures that the EU is challenging include:

  • export restrictions and export prohibitions on raw materials for the production of stainless steel, notably nickel;
  • domestic processing requirements and domestic marketing obligations, as well as complex and unclear export licensing procedures and requirements affecting access to raw materials such as nickel but also iron, chromium, metal waste and scraps, coal and coke;
  • an import duty exemption scheme which makes certain benefits for the import of machines, goods and other material for the production process in newly established or modernising factories conditional upon the use of at least 30% of domestic equipment and machinery.
The consultations that the EU has requested today are the first step in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. If they do not lead to a satisfactory solution, the EU can request that the WTO set up a panel to rule on the matter.


Currently, the EU is involved in 42 WTO disputes, and 3 disputes under its trade agreements. The disputes brought by the EU have led over the last five years to the removal of discriminatory taxes, illegal customs duties or export restrictions in key markets such as Russia, China, US, and South America and reopening of markets worth €10 billion per year.

EU launches WTO challenge against Indonesian restrictions on raw materials

Today, the EU has brought a dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Indonesian export restrictions for raw materials used in production of stainless steel. These restrictions unfairly limit access of EU producers to raw materials for steel production, notably nickel as well as scraps, coal and coke, iron ore and chromium. The EU is also challenging subsidies that encourage use of local content by Indonesian producers and give preference to domestic over imported goods, which goes against WTO rules.

Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: “EU steel producers are under a lot of pressure and are suffering from the consequences of global overcapacity and unilateral trade restrictions. The export restrictions imposed by Indonesia put further jobs in the EU's steel industry at risk. Despite our concerted efforts, Indonesia has maintained the measures in place and even announced a new export ban for January 2020. We must now act to ensure that international trade rules are respected. That's why today we are taking a legal action in the WTO to get these measures removed as soon as possible.”

This decision affirms the EU's commitment to resolute and strong enforcement of multilateral and bilateral trade rules where European interests are at stake. It also underlines the EU's continued commitment to the WTO and its dispute settlement system as an impartial and efficient means to get global trade rules upheld and enforced.

The measures that the EU is challenging include:

  • export restrictions and export prohibitions on raw materials for the production of stainless steel, notably nickel;
  • domestic processing requirements and domestic marketing obligations, as well as complex and unclear export licensing procedures and requirements affecting access to raw materials such as nickel but also iron, chromium, metal waste and scraps, coal and coke;
  • an import duty exemption scheme which makes certain benefits for the import of machines, goods and other material for the production process in newly established or modernising factories conditional upon the use of at least 30% of domestic equipment and machinery.
The consultations that the EU has requested today are the first step in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. If they do not lead to a satisfactory solution, the EU can request that the WTO set up a panel to rule on the matter.


Currently, the EU is involved in 42 WTO disputes, and 3 disputes under its trade agreements. The disputes brought by the EU have led over the last five years to the removal of discriminatory taxes, illegal customs duties or export restrictions in key markets such as Russia, China, US, and South America and reopening of markets worth €10 billion per year.


Good put more pressure against their steel industry, even further collaborate with China and India to presurre the price on global market
EU launches WTO challenge against Indonesian restrictions on raw materials

Today, the EU has brought a dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Indonesian export restrictions for raw materials used in production of stainless steel. These restrictions unfairly limit access of EU producers to raw materials for steel production, notably nickel as well as scraps, coal and coke, iron ore and chromium. The EU is also challenging subsidies that encourage use of local content by Indonesian producers and give preference to domestic over imported goods, which goes against WTO rules.

Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: “EU steel producers are under a lot of pressure and are suffering from the consequences of global overcapacity and unilateral trade restrictions. The export restrictions imposed by Indonesia put further jobs in the EU's steel industry at risk. Despite our concerted efforts, Indonesia has maintained the measures in place and even announced a new export ban for January 2020. We must now act to ensure that international trade rules are respected. That's why today we are taking a legal action in the WTO to get these measures removed as soon as possible.”

This decision affirms the EU's commitment to resolute and strong enforcement of multilateral and bilateral trade rules where European interests are at stake. It also underlines the EU's continued commitment to the WTO and its dispute settlement system as an impartial and efficient means to get global trade rules upheld and enforced.

The measures that the EU is challenging include:

  • export restrictions and export prohibitions on raw materials for the production of stainless steel, notably nickel;
  • domestic processing requirements and domestic marketing obligations, as well as complex and unclear export licensing procedures and requirements affecting access to raw materials such as nickel but also iron, chromium, metal waste and scraps, coal and coke;
  • an import duty exemption scheme which makes certain benefits for the import of machines, goods and other material for the production process in newly established or modernising factories conditional upon the use of at least 30% of domestic equipment and machinery.
The consultations that the EU has requested today are the first step in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. If they do not lead to a satisfactory solution, the EU can request that the WTO set up a panel to rule on the matter.


Currently, the EU is involved in 42 WTO disputes, and 3 disputes under its trade agreements. The disputes brought by the EU have led over the last five years to the removal of discriminatory taxes, illegal customs duties or export restrictions in key markets such as Russia, China, US, and South America and reopening of markets worth €10 billion per year.


By the time the WTO rules one way or another it'll be too late. As noted in the article (unrelated matter):

A WTO dispute takes on average 3 years to conclude. By then the smelters and other downstream industries wpuld already be running!

So happy that the EU is getting slapped around. The utter arrogance of their dealings with Indonesia and their protector America is rage inducing.

For decades the EU has been selfishly leaching off the globalized world order. Depending on America to defend them while they pretended to be peace loving hippies, making america shoulder the costs while also exploiting the globalized economy to cheat america and push their corporations into developing countries.

Hell, they encroached into former soviet countries and had the hipocrisy to paint the russians as the bad guys! Made Turkey bleed and sacrifice for them while never allowing to join the EU.

No surprise everyone is happy to kick the EU while they are weak. Bastards deserve it.
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