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LAPAN jajaki kerja sama internasional pembangunan Bandar Antariksa
Kamis, 7 November 2019 15:26 WIB - 294 Views
Pewarta : Katriana

Ilustrasi - Kepala Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin menaiki Dadali, drone tanpa awak untuk mengangkut manusia, Jakarta, Selasa (24/9/2019) (ANTARA/Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak)
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) sedang menjajaki kerja sama dengan sejumlah pemerintahan atau pihak swasta di luar negeri untuk kemungkinan kerja sama dalam pembangunan Bandar Antariksa di Biak.

"Sangat mungkin dengan pihak internasional juga. Jadi ini juga sedang diupayakan untuk nantinya bukan Bandar Antariksa kecil, tetapi Bandar Antariksa Internasional," kata Kepala LAPAN Thomas Djamaluddin kepada ANTARA melalui sambungan telepon di Jakarta, Kamis.

Ia mengatakan LAPAN saat ini belum menghitung seberapa besar pendanaan yang kemungkinan akan dikeluarkan untuk pembangunan Bandar Antariksa yang rencananya akan dibangun di Desa Soukobye, Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua.

Ia menyebutkan pendanaan pembangunan tersebut kemungkinan akan diperoleh dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) serta Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU).

Namun, ia juga mengatakan bahwa LAPAN sedang menjajaki kemungkinan kerja sama dengan sejumlah pemerintahan dan lembaga swasta dari luar negeri.

"Kami berharap nantinya ada mitra-mitra internasional yang bersedia untuk berinvestasi untuk Bandar Antariksa tersebut," katanya.

Ke depan, Indonesia dengan keunggulan lokasinya yang berada di garis khatulistiwa atau ekuator bisa memberikan layanan peluncuran roket satelit.

Baca juga: Indonesia harapkan bisa miliki bandar antariksa

Sejauh ini, LAPAN telah menghubungi bebeberapa mitra internasional, baik pemerintahan maupun lembaga swasta dari Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT), Jepang, Korea, India dan Rusia.

Sebagian dari mereka, katanya, telah menyampaikan ketertarikan untuk bekerja sama, tetapi beberapa hal yang lebih rinci masih dalam proses diskusi.

"Semuanya punya peluang. Sekarang tinggal menjajaki, mana yang nantinya dapat mewujudkan (kerja sama) itu," katanya lebih lanjut.

Ketika ditanya tentang perkembangan penjajakan kerja sama dengan RRT, Thomas mengatakan bahwa LAPAN telah melakukan beberapa kali pembicaraan dengan mereka terkait rencana kerja sama tersebut.

Dalam pembicaraan itu, RRT pada prinsipnya berminat dan membuka kemungkinan untuk berbisnis dalam jasa peluncuran di wilayah Indonesia.

"Tinggal pihak kitanya perlu menyiapkan regulasi yang saat ini juga sedang disiapkan terkait dengan peraturan pemerintah, turunan dari Undang-Undang Keantariksaan untuk menjadi pedoman dalam pembangunan dan pengoperasian Bandar Antariksa," ujarnya.

Baca juga: Dua jenis bandar antariksa akan dibangun di Pulau Biak

Ia mengatakan dari aspek bisnis, produksi satelit di dunia saat ini semakin meningkat, sementara penyediaan Bandar Antariksa untuk peluncuran roket satelit menjadi semakin terbatas.

Oleh karena itu, rencana pembangunan Bandar Antariksa di Biak membuka kesempatan bagi Indonesia untuk menyediakan jasa lokasi peluncuran roket satelit luar negeri.

"Apalagi posisinya di ekuator. (Selain Indonesia) kan hanya di Amerika Selatan, miliknya Prancis dan Brazil. Harapannya di Asia Pasifik ada satu, di Biak itu."

"Nantinya, harapannya kita bisa menyediakan jasa peluncuran satelit dengan roket-roket yang disediakan juga oleh mitra-mitra internasional," katanya.

Baca juga: China-Jepang tertarik dukung pembangunan bandar antariksa Indonesia

Editor : Masuki M. Astro

Sah! Biak jadi Bandar Antariksa pertama Indonesia

Kamis, 7 November 2019 14:29 WIB


Ilustrasi - Kepala Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) Thomas Djamaluddin menaiki Dadali, drone tanpa awak untuk mengangkut manusia, Jakarta, Selasa (24/9/2019) (ANTARA/Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) memilih Biak Utara sebagai lokasi untuk rencana pembangunan Bandar Antariksa pertama Indonesia yang sedang mereka kaji dalam Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) LAPAN di Tangerang, Banten.

"Alasan utamanya pertama karena Biak itu paling dekat dengan ekuator," kata Kepala LAPAN Thomas Djamaluddin melalui sambungan telepon kepada ANTARA di Jakarta, Kamis.

Selain dekat dengan ekuator, pemilihan Desa Soukobye di Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua, sebagai lokasi rencana pembangunan Bandar Antariksa itu adalah karena posisinya yang sekitar satu derajat Lintang Selatan dan berhadapan langsung dengan Samudera Pasifik, sehingga aman untuk dijadikan sebagai lokasi peluncuran.

"Untuk peluncuran, itu aman bagi titik jatuhnya," katanya.

Saat ini, LAPAN tengah menggelar Rakornas untuk menyatukan pandangan dari berbagai stakeholder terkait perencanaan pembangunan dua Bandar Antariksa pertama di Indonesia, yaitu Bandar Antariksa skala kecil untuk uji terbang dan peluncuran roket-roket kecil serta Bandar Antariksa besar.

"Karena keterbatasan anggaran, LAPAN akan membangun Bandar Antariksa atau space port skala kecil untuk uji terbang dan peluncuran roket-roket kecil. Bandar Antariksa yang besar akan dibangun dengan kemitraan internasional," katanya.

Baca juga: Dua jenis bandar antariksa akan dibangun di Pulau Biak

Baca juga: China-Jepang tertarik dukung pembangunan bandar antariksa Indonesia

Baca juga: Indonesia harapkan bisa miliki bandar antariksa

Dalam Rakornas itu, LAPAN berdiskusi dengan beberapa pihak terkait diantaranya Pemerintah Daerah Biak, Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan juga Pemerintah Kabupaten Biak, selain juga dari Kementerian dan lembaga terkait lainnya.

Mulai tahun depan LAPAN akan memulai sejumlah kajian untuk menghasilkan perencanaan dan pembangunan Bandar Antariksa tersebut.

"Karena Bandar Antariksa itu sangat mahal, kami memulai dari tahapan (pembangunan) Bandar Antariksa skala kecil terlebih dahulu," katanya.

Saat ini, LAPAN sudah memiliki 100 hektar lahan di Biak Utara untuk pembangunan Bandar Antariksa skala kecil yang akan difungsikan sebagai lokasi uji terbang.

"Memang sebenarnya itu tidak cukup. Tetapi kami akan mengoptimalkan lahan itu lebih dahulu. Meskipun ada komitmen dari Pemkab untuk menyediakan lahan tambahan," ujarnya.

LAPAN menargetkan pada 2024 pembangunan Bandar Antariksa tersebut sudah dapat diselesaikan, walaupun belum sempurna. "Setidaknya bisa kami pakai untuk uji terbang," katanya.

Pembangunan Bandar Antariksa tersebut, katanya, dilakukan untuk memberikan ruang lebih luas bagi peluncuran roket bertingkat yang juga sedang mereka kembangkan.

"Jadi kalau roket yang biasa kecil-kecil itu biasa dilakukan dari Garut. Tapi untuk ukuran besar dan bertingkat itu riskan kalau diluncurkan di Garut karena lokasinya sudah padat penduduk, sehingga kami harus menyiapkan tempat peluncuran yang lebih aman. Dan posisi terbaiknya ada di Biak," katanya.

Saat ini, LAPAN tengah mengembangkan roket Sonda atau roket penelitian atmosfer yang secara bertahap target ketinggiannya akan terus ditingkatkan.

"Jadi roketnya masih dikembangkan. Karena roket yang ada saat ini belum bisa mencapai orbit. Jadi roket yang sudah ada capaiannya baru sampai beberapa puluh kilometer. Targetnya minimal 300 kilometer," katanya.
Economists Are Suspicious of Indonesia’s Steady GDP Figures
Karlis Salna
Rieka Rahadiana
, and
Viriya Singgih
November 5, 2019, 2:13 AM ESTUpdated on November 5, 2019, 4:23 AM EST
  • GDP figures have hovered around 5% for several years already
  • Subdued growth leaves door open for more interest rate cuts

Customers walk past vegetable stalls at the Masomba traditional market in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Photographer: Putu Sayoga/Bloomberg
Explore what’s moving the global economy in the new season of the Stephanomics podcast. Subscribe via Pocket Cast or iTunes.

Indonesia’s economic growth has barely moved in three quarters, prompting some analysts to cast doubt over the data.


Lol, Indonesia economy growth is already slumped when looking at our standard, but then Englishman and Nguyen woman said we fudge the datas to look more credible in which we cant do that as the more credible econom around the world is closely monitor us like bloomberg, IMF, World bank, moody and so on
Economists Are Suspicious of Indonesia’s Steady GDP Figures
Karlis Salna
Rieka Rahadiana
, and
Viriya Singgih
November 5, 2019, 2:13 AM ESTUpdated on November 5, 2019, 4:23 AM EST
  • GDP figures have hovered around 5% for several years already
  • Subdued growth leaves door open for more interest rate cuts

Customers walk past vegetable stalls at the Masomba traditional market in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Photographer: Putu Sayoga/Bloomberg
Explore what’s moving the global economy in the new season of the Stephanomics podcast. Subscribe via Pocket Cast or iTunes.

Indonesia’s economic growth has barely moved in three quarters, prompting some analysts to cast doubt over the data.


Lol, Indonesia economy growth is already slumped when looking at our standard, but then Englishman and Nguyen woman said we fudge the datas to look more credible in which we cant do that as the more credible econom around the world is closely monitor us like bloomberg, IMF, World bank, moody and so on

Even funnier is that Indonesian government set target based on IMF and WB prediction prior of each year. If anyone should be blamed for the 5 percent growths, they should blame IMF and WB for keep predicting Indonesian growth around 5 percent. Lol
Bloomberg is well known to make story like that, I dont know for sure but I think their business editor or even their managing editor get so much pain to see that Indonesia is not affected too much with trade war that is going on :lol:

They should have understood that Indonesia economy growth is mainly driven by domestic consumption. So it is understandable that we dont get affected too much on global economic slow down.

Some westerners some how have this kind of hatred toward Indonesia, this is also not surprising to see westerners reporter on Jane defense or on other publication always say CN 235 is produced by Indonesia under licensed despite they can find the truth easily on this internet era that we have 50 % stake since the beginning.
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Even funnier is that Indonesian government set target based on IMF and WB prediction prior of each year. If anyone should be blamed for the 5 percent growths, they should blame IMF and WB for keep predicting Indonesian growth around 5 percent. Lol

Well IMF and WB use the govt data. Any issues other economists bring up with credibility/applicability/standardisation etc etc....are issues already baked in with the projection. IMF, WB take all govt data in good faith....they dont go anywhere through fine toothed comb...there are just 3 basic standards countries (depending on their institutional development) subscribe to.

Bloomberg is well known to make story like that, I dont know for sure but I think their business editor or even their managing editor get so much pain to see that Indonesia is not affected too much with trade war that is going on :lol:

They should have understood that Indonesia economy growth is mainly driven by domestic consumption. So it is understandable that we dont get affected too much on global economic slow down.

Yup bro, they all have globalist bias. They are quite frankly cherry picked stupid authors lot of the time. They dont get challenged enough, because a week down when you bring response (in say another media outlet), these people have already done damage and moved onto 10 other topics.

Economists Are Suspicious of Indonesia’s Steady GDP Figures
Karlis Salna
Rieka Rahadiana
, and
Viriya Singgih
November 5, 2019, 2:13 AM ESTUpdated on November 5, 2019, 4:23 AM EST
  • GDP figures have hovered around 5% for several years already
  • Subdued growth leaves door open for more interest rate cuts

Customers walk past vegetable stalls at the Masomba traditional market in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Photographer: Putu Sayoga/Bloomberg
Explore what’s moving the global economy in the new season of the Stephanomics podcast. Subscribe via Pocket Cast or iTunes.

Indonesia’s economic growth has barely moved in three quarters, prompting some analysts to cast doubt over the data.


Lol, Indonesia economy growth is already slumped when looking at our standard, but then Englishman and Nguyen woman said we fudge the datas to look more credible in which we cant do that as the more credible econom around the world is closely monitor us like bloomberg, IMF, World bank, moody and so on

Hi I just did quick look at Indonesia underlying numbers of note (stuff Indonesia govt cannot "manipulate" as they are vetted by other parties....like P/E trends in market, market cap, foreign investment, exports etc) and its looking solid enough.

A lot of problem also arise because lot of people treat GDP as be all end all number. When really it is just one number out of many (and its not perfect or even reasonable estimate lot of the time at all).

EDIT: I would like to add, if Indonesia is not growing well and is lacking credibility to extent these bloomberg twits claim, these numbers would not be growing like they are at all:


....because simply there would not be the buffer leverage (given this is investment you are diverting for OUTSIDE countries) to do that when you are growing slowly. It is all accounting confirmed by OTHER countries outside Indonesia.

Honestly I don't know what these "economists"/"experts" cherry pick sometimes. They go in with one uni-model (which they badly apply as well) for everyone, its frankly so stupid.
Well IMF and WB use the govt data. Any issues other economists bring up with credibility/applicability/standardisation etc etc....are issues already baked in with the projection. IMF, WB take all govt data in good faith....they dont go anywhere through fine toothed comb...there are just 3 basic standards countries (depending on their institutional development) subscribe to.

Yup bro, they all have globalist bias. They are quite frankly cherry picked stupid authors lot of the time. They dont get challenged enough, because a week down when you bring response (in say another media outlet), these people have already done damage and moved onto 10 other topics.

Hi I just did quick look at Indonesia underlying numbers of note (stuff Indonesia govt cannot "manipulate" as they are vetted by other parties....like P/E trends in market, market cap, foreign investment, exports etc) and its looking solid enough.

A lot of problem also arise because lot of people treat GDP as be all end all number. When really it is just one number out of many (and its not perfect or even reasonable estimate lot of the time at all).

EDIT: I would like to add, if Indonesia is not growing well and is lacking credibility to extent these bloomberg twits claim, these numbers would not be growing like they are at all:

View attachment 588203

....because simply there would not be the buffer leverage (given this is investment you are diverting for OUTSIDE countries) to do that when you are growing slowly. It is all accounting confirmed by OTHER countries outside Indonesia.

Honestly I don't know what these "economists"/"experts" cherry pick sometimes. They go in with one uni-model (which they badly apply as well) for everyone, its frankly so stupid.

Sometimes if good to had people to badmouthing you, the feeling to rebukes them openly in formal meeting with solid data is quite refreshing as we always do during IMF and World bank or Davos summit.
Economists Are Suspicious of Indonesia’s Steady GDP Figures
Karlis Salna
Rieka Rahadiana
, and
Viriya Singgih
November 5, 2019, 2:13 AM ESTUpdated on November 5, 2019, 4:23 AM EST
  • GDP figures have hovered around 5% for several years already
  • Subdued growth leaves door open for more interest rate cuts

Customers walk past vegetable stalls at the Masomba traditional market in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Photographer: Putu Sayoga/Bloomberg
Explore what’s moving the global economy in the new season of the Stephanomics podcast. Subscribe via Pocket Cast or iTunes.

Indonesia’s economic growth has barely moved in three quarters, prompting some analysts to cast doubt over the data.


Lol, Indonesia economy growth is already slumped when looking at our standard, but then Englishman and Nguyen woman said we fudge the datas to look more credible in which we cant do that as the more credible econom around the world is closely monitor us like bloomberg, IMF, World bank, moody and so on
Lol, as I said, since the global financial crisis un 2008, we've had the most stable economic growth in THE WORLD.

Reason is that modest reforms at home have been just enough to counteract worsening glibal condition. Furthermore, government programs in import substitution such as the B20 biodiesel project and other oil & gas policy has been quite successful, causing imports to contract faster the exports.

Hell, as bloomberg stated, our GDP figures are IN LINE with median estimate from economists surveyed AND in line with World Bank and IMF estimates.

I kinda feel bad for jokowi in this, if the global condition did not deteriorate so badly the last 2 years, we should hv had improving growth momentum to 5.2-5.4 % instead of flatlining at 5% again.
The Jakarta Provincial Government signed a cooperation agreement to construct an Intermediate Treatment Facility or ITF in Sunter, North Jakarta on October 16. The government also signed the agreement to purchase electricity produced by the waste treatment plant. Construction starts next year and is targeted for completion in 2022.
An ITF is an urban solution for waste management that uses eco-friendly technology. The construction of the waste processor also aims to reduce the waste burden at Bantargebang integrated waste disposal site.
ITF Sunter will become the largest Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) in Indonesia, using a technology that has been utilized in many developed countries. ITF Sunter will also become the new face of waste management in Jakarta.
ITF Sunter has a waste processing capacity of 2,200 tons per day and produces electricity up to 35 MWh. The ITF is expected to be able to reduce 80-90 percent of the incoming waste weight.


It's really nice isn't it?

LAPAN jajaki kerja sama internasional pembangunan Bandar Antariksa

Sah! Biak jadi Bandar Antariksa pertama Indonesia

This basically playing just as property developer, in this case Indonesia gov't provide the real estate and let see which company will bite.
As some of you may had read my posting in Defence thread, Biak is the best spot on Earth for orbital & GEO launch (notice the bold lining phrase, that carry technical significant), although it going to compete against Guiana Space Center due to the latter has already have extensive infrastructure in place.
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