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Indonesia Economy Forum

Pengusaha Indonesia Ambil Alih Saham PMA Galangan Kapal di Batam

Pemilik dan Presiden Direktur PT Batamec Shipyard Miranda Ambarsari. istimewa ©2019 Merdeka.com

"Setelah lebih dari 35 tahun menjadi PMA, akhirnya PT Batamec Shipyard resmi menjadi perusahaan milik anak bangsa. Perusahaan lokal dengan skala internasional," ujar Maya Miranda Ambarsari, Pemilik dan Presiden Direktur PT Batamec Shipyard.

Pengusaha berusia 46 tahun ini mengatakan keinginannya mengakuisisi bisnis tersebut karena dia optimistis dengan prospek usaha di bidang perkapalan. Apalagi, Indonesia sebagai negara maritim tentu saja membutuhkan kapal-kapal terbaik yang diproduksi oleh anak bangsa.

"Saya melihat Batamec bisa menjadi market leader untuk perusahaan galangan kapal di Indonesia. Dengan pengalaman yang sudah lebih dari 35 tahun sejak berdiri pada 1984, Batamec sudah memiliki sistem kerja, produksi, dan men power yang sangat professional sehingga mampu memproduksi kapal-kapal terbaik," ujar Maya.

Istri dari Andreas Reza ini juga mengatakan bahwa keputusannya untuk mengambil alih kepemilikan saham Batamec bukan hanya sekadar mencari keuntungan semata, tetapi sebagai kesempatan untuk bersama-sama membangun Indonesia.

Selain itu, keberanian wanita kelahiran 9 Juli 1973 ini untuk masuk ke dalam bisnis yang sempat berhenti sekitar 1,5 tahun ini, karena dia melihat bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki lebih dari 500 karyawan ini akan membawa kemaslahatan.

"Dengan saya men-takeover perusahaan ini dan menjadikannya sebagai perusahaan nasional, diharapkan bisa membawa kedigdayaan Indonesia pada bidang perkapalan di mata dunia. Selain tentunya dapat menyerap tenaga kerja dan membuka lapangan pekerjaan yang akan membangun perekonomian," tuturnya.

PT Batamec memiliki berbagai fasilitas lengkap untuk pembuatan dan perbaikan kapal. Berdiri di atas lahan sekitar 70 hektare dengan fasilitas seperti graving dock yang sudah dilengkapi 2 grantry crane berkapasitas 160 ton dan tinggi 32 meter.

Perusahaan yang berlokasi di Batam ini telah menerima penghargaan ISO 9001:2008 tentang sistem manajemen berkualitas, serta sistem keamanan dan kesehatan dari BS OHSAS 18001:2007, serta sistem manajemen lingkungan.

Batamec sendiri saat ini mampu memproduksi berbagai jenis kapal mulai dari Kapal Tanker, Kapal Kargo, Kapal Bantu Cair Minyak, Kapal Tandu, dan lainnya tergantung dari permintaan. Permintaannya pun tidak hanya berasal dari dalam negeri, Batamec bahkan pernah memproduksi kapal yang dipesan langsung dari luar negeri seperti Norwegia.

Maya Miranda Ambarsari adalah Pemilik dan President Direktur PT Batamec Shipyard (galangan kapal).

Sebelumnya, sekitar bulan Agustus 2019, Maya juga baru saja mengakuisisi kepemilikan saham PT Tawu Inti Bati (pabrik pengolahan minyak) yang juga awalnya miliki perusahaan asing atau PMA. Artinya, dalam tiga bulan, peraih 'Best Achiever in Women Entrepreneurs' ini telah mengakuisisi dua PMA menjadi PMDN.

Selain itu, Maya juga merupakan salah satu pemilik perusahaan E commerce JD.ID shopping online, shareholder di Pertambangan Emas PT Merdeka Copper and Gold Tbk, pemilik guest houses di area-area elit (Elliottii), klinik kecantikan, serta memiliki yayasan untuk kegiatan sosial, yaitu 'Rumah Belajar Miranda'.

Maya memiliki latar belakang di bidang hukum dan merupakan lulusan dari Master of International Business, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

New Indonesian minister signals increase in export of manufacturing goods
Publication date 27 October 2019 | 20:52 ICT

Indonesia’s newly appointed Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita is to focus on the development of industrial zones and to increase exports of manufacturing goods during his five-year working term.

In addition to increasing exports, he said he also plans to reduce imports of consumer goods and to promote import-substitution industrialisation to reduce the country’s current account deficit, which has continued to increase in recent months because of the country’s sluggish exports.

“The most important thing is that we should reduce the current account deficit so we will need to substitute for imported products,” Agus told reporters in his address during the transfer of duties ceremony at his new office in Jakarta.

Indonesia’s exports dropped 5.74 per cent year-on-year last month to $14.1 billion, marking an 11th consecutive month of year-on-year declines, Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS) reported. Imports, meanwhile, were down 2.41 per cent year-on-year in September at $14.2 billion, resulting in a trade deficit of $160 million.

Agus said he is planning to develop more economic and industrial areas and also looking to strengthen inter-ministerial coordination in a bid to remove bureaucratic hurdles in executing the government’s programmes.

“President [Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo] has given me the task of immediately completing the B100 [100-per cent palm oil-based biofuel project],” said Agus upon being asked about his short-term plans. The former social affairs minister said he was also tasked by the president to reduce imports of consumer goods.

Agus replaced Airlangga Hartarto, who was appointed coordinating economic minister.

Economists said they believe the government’s lack of focus on industrial development was the reason for the decline of the contribution of the manufacturing sector to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which was almost 30 per cent in 2002.

BPS data shows that the manufacturing sector’s GDP contribution fell to 19.52 per cent in the second quarter of this year, as the sector only grew 3.5 per cent annually, below GDP growth of five per cent.


the news of GSP came in line with Indonesia intent to purchase new equipment from US

Indonesia's five export commodities listed in US GSP programme
30th Oct 2019 16:57


Indonesia Minister of Trade Agus Suparmanto. (ANTARA FOTO/Wahyu Putro A/foc/Sw)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia will be able to enjoy the United States' Generalized System of Preference (GSP) facility in the form of rate cut for five of its export commodities.

Cited from the United States Trade Representative's (USTR's) official site https://ustr.gov, the export products eligible for the GSP tariff cut are laminated bamboo plywood (HS 44121005), thin plywood measuring less than 66 mm (HS 44123141155), dried onion (HS 09082220), simple syrup, honey, caramel (HS 17029052), and rattan for hand-made souvenirs (HS 46021223).

"This positive result is linked to the written submission officially proposed by Indonesia’s government through the Ministry of Trade," Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto noted in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Indonesia’s trade attaché also attended a hearing with Washington to defend the suitability of products to receive the GSP facility, which the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) had observed since April, 2019.

Related news: Minister sees progress in GSP negotiation with the US

Apart from Indonesia, other US partner countries -- Pakistan, Thailand, Brazil, and Ecuador -- were subject to the assessment.

GSP is Washington's unilateral programme of duty-free products under which currently the number of designated beneficiary countries reaches 121, with 5,062 products of eight-digit post lines. This programme enables the production of items required by the US in addition to encouraging developing nations to conduct more exports to the US.

Initially, six Indonesian products were assessed, but stearic acid (HS 38231100) apparently failed to clear the requirements since its export value had surpassed the number of competitive need limitations.

That means Indonesian stearic acid product has its own market share in the US, as it does not need any special treatment.

Related news: Indonesia hopes US to maintain GSP facility

Speaking in connection with the five commodities, Suparmanto explained that the GSP facility is one of the priority issues under the trade relations between both nations, especially to "open widely the opportunities of boosting Indonesia's export volume to the US."

The government has pinned high hopes on businessmen to capitalize on the scheme.

"For now, we just have 836 products out of the 3,572 products listed on the GSP scheme," Director General of International Trade Negotiation of the Trade Ministry Iman Pambagyo stated.

The main products exported by Indonesia within the GSP programme are tires (US$138 million), gold necklace (US$126.6 million), fatty acid (US$102.3 million), jewelry (US$69 million), and leather hand bag (US$4.8 million).
Related news: Manufacturing industry contributes 75 percent of total exports

Related news: Deputy Minister Jerry Sambuaga to improve trade balance


Editor: Fardah Assegaf


Domestic machinery instrumental in strengthening textile industry
31st Oct 2019 14:15


Director General for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Textile Industry of the Industry Ministry Muhammad Khayam. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti/sh)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The domestic machinery industry has a crucial role in bolstering textile production in the country, according to the Industry Ministry.

"The machinery sector plays a key role. Our textile industry is yet supported by the domestic machinery sector. We rely on imported machinery," the ministry's Director General for Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Textile Industry, Muhammad Khayam, stated here on Wednesday.

Khayam remarked that the ministry had encouraged development of the domestic machinery industry, so it will support other industries, including textile and textile products.

Related news: Big investment expected in pharmaceutical and textile industries

"Development of the domestic machinery industry will have a significant impact on the textile industry, as it will cut production cost," he stated.

According to data of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), in the past decade, the national textile industry had registered a three percent spike in exports.

Related news: Textile industry still requires skilled workers

However, imports had recorded a higher growth of 10.4 percent during the period.

Old textile production machines were supposedly the chief factor behind the slowdown of the industry coupled with the influx of imported textile products, uncompetitive pricing of Indonesian textile products in comparison with their imported counterparts, and high import of fabric that failed to be balanced with garment exports.

Related news: Indonesia's textile and clothing industry's growth reaches 18 percent Related news: 32 leading global fashion and textile companies make commitments on climate, biodiversity and oceans


Editor: Fardah Assegaf


In Vietnam they called their four coaches carriage trainset as MRT, but in here we called six coaches trainset such as this as LRT, for better ours had more rapid headway than their (in planning) ?
I see it as a normal thing seeing our population compared to Viet.

and also yes, in terms of planning ours planned much better compared to viet aldo i hope in the near future there's a plan to build skytrain on DPS and YIA airport seeing that airport going to be populated one.
Number of satellite owned by Indonesia or Indonesia based organization is still in two low digit, only measly 19. Surely need more to giving more communication coverage accross the archipelago, also the needs for Specialized satellite like weather, fish tracking, military communication, forest tracking and so on.

Number of satellite owned by Indonesia or Indonesia based organization is still in two low digit, only measly 19. Surely need more to giving more communication coverage accross the archipelago, also the needs for Specialized satellite like weather, fish tracking, military communication, forest tracking and so on.

Incoming our military satellite (SatKomHan) then multifunction satellite (Satria) and something to support satellite (HAPS) have been projected by goverment.

Pretty nice planning right there i hope current IT minister don't ruin the plan.
In Vietnam they called their four coaches carriage trainset as MRT, but in here we called six coaches trainset such as this as LRT, for better ours had more rapid headway than their (in planning) ?

LOL no surprise there, they seem to love using grandeur narrative.
Anyway the key difference between MRT and LRT is their rail gauge and load. MRT typically based upon standard gauge (1,435 mm) and outside Indonesia the term is use interchangeably with commuter train. While LRT is typically narrow gauge (1,067 mm) or narrower. Although in Indonesia even our mainline is narrow gauge (1,067 mm) since the the day of Japanese occupation 1942 - 1945
LOL no surprise there, they seem to love using grandeur narrative.
Anyway the key difference between MRT and LRT is their rail gauge and load. MRT typically based upon standard gauge (1,435 mm) and outside Indonesia the term is use interchangeably with commuter train. While LRT is typically narrow gauge (1,067 mm) or narrower. Although in Indonesia even our mainline is narrow gauge (1,067 mm) since the the day of Japanese occupation 1942 - 1945

Jakarta and greater Jakarta LRT along with Hanoi MRT using standard gauge 1,435 mm, only Palembang LRT and Jakarta commuter lines using narrow gauge 1,067 mm though Jakarta commuter lines is using the same gauge as Tokyo Metro as our coaches trainset is using the same coaches as Tokyo Metro, but here we are never called our commuter lines as mass rapid transit although from the standard arrangement our commuter lines is more complex , got more longer carriage per trainset (typically 8-10 coaches) and had more rapid headway (3-10 minutes) compared to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh Metro or even Manila Metro. To me, it seems Jakarta only see MRT is system using underground railtrack as key character to differentiate between Mass Rapid System and the rest, the very same thinking along with what Japanese had.
Indonesia Perluas Wilayah Perairan di Tiga Lokasi
Meski telah memiliki wilayah lautan yang amat luas, Indonesia yang disebut juga sebagai Benua Maritim ternyata masih berpotensi memperluas wilayah perairannya, yaitu di landas kontinen. Bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi?

4 November 2019 08:01 WIB·7 menit baca

Presiden Joko Widodo, Kamis (23/6/2016), meninjau kondisi perairan Natuna. Presiden Jokowi kemudian menaiki KRI Imam Bonjol-383 yang pekan sebelumya menembak kapal nelayan China di perairan Natuna, wilayah zona ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE) Indonesia.

Sebagai negeri kepulauan terbesar di dunia, Indonesia memiliki hamparan laut seluas 6,4 juta kilometer persegi atau 77 persen dari total wilayahnya. Perairan di Nusantara ini bahkan lebih luas dari daratan Asia Barat—6,2 juta kilometer persegi—yang di atasnya berdiri 19 negara.

Laut negeri bahari yang begitu luas ini terdiri dari landas kontinen, laut teritorial, dan zona ekonomi ekslusif (ZEE). Meski telah memiliki wilayah lautan yang amat luas, Indonesia yang disebut juga sebagai Benua Maritim ternyata masih berpotensi memperluas wilayah perairannya, yaitu di landas kontinen. Mengapa hal itu dapat terjadi?

Landas kontinen secara fisik akan cenderung bertambah akibat proses deformasi geologis di dasar laut, yaitu di zona subduksi lempeng samudra terhadap lempeng benua. Di bawah perairan Indonesia terdapat zona pertemuan tiga lempeng dunia, yaitu Eurasia, Indo-Australia, dan Pasifik—yang saling mendesak.

Proses tektonik inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan topografi dasar laut di zona pertemuan lempeng tersebut. Zona ini merupakan ujung dari landas kontinen yang menjadi ”tumpuan” bagi kepulauan di Nusantara.


Berdasarkan ketentuan hukum laut internasional, yaitu Konvensi PBB tentang Hukum Laut (UNCLOS) tahun 1982, suatu negara dapat memiliki landas kontinen hingga 200 mil laut. ”Klaim perpanjangan landas kontinen dapat disampaikan ke PBB dalam hal ini United Nations-Commission on the Limits of Continental Shelf (UN-CLCS) disertai dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah,” papar Ade Komara Mulyana, Kepala Pusat Pemetaan Batas Wilayah Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG).

Indonesia dapat mengajukan klaim ekstensi landas kontinen karena telah meratifikasi konvensi tersebut. Usulan klaim ekstensi landas kontinen dapat dilakukan untuk dua kondisi, yaitu pertama, klaim tambahan maksimum 350 mil laut (648,2 km) dari garis pangkal, dan kedua, memperluas batas landas kontinennya sampai 100 mil laut (185,2 km) dari garis isobat atau yang memiliki kedalaman laut 2.500 meter.

Penarikan batas landas kontinen itu diperbolehkan dengan salah satu syarat, yaitu jaraknya tidak lebih dari 60 mil laut (111,12 kilometer) atau ketebalan sedimennya tak kurang dari 1 persen jaraknya ke kaki lereng landas kontinen. Usulan klaim dapat diajukan kepada UN-CLCS dengan bukti ilmiah berupa survei batimetri di lapangan. Selain itu, tidak berbenturan atau tidak berbatasan dengan landas kontinen negara lain dalam jarak 200 mil. Usulan itu selanjutnya akan dikaji oleh UN-CLCS untuk kemudian mengeluarkan rekomendasinya.

Ekstensi LKI Aceh

Penambahan luas wilayah perairan Nusantara ini berpotensi dicapai di tiga lokasi, yaitu pada landas kontinen yang berada di perairan barat Aceh, utara Papua, dan selatan Pulau Sumba. Temuan itu berdasarkan desktop study atau studi pendahuluan sebelum dilakukan investigasi fisik terinci di lapangan.


Tiga lokasi (IOCS-1, IOCS-2 dan IOCS-3) yang memiliki prospek untuk melaksanakansubmisi ekstensi Landas Kontinen Indonesia.

Sejak 2005 hingga 2019, survei kedalaman laut atau batimetri telah dilakukan di barat Aceh dan utara Papua. Pembuktian adanya potensi perluasan landas kontinen di perairan barat Aceh dilakukan dua bulan pascatsunami Aceh, 26 Desember 2004.

Survei batimetri diprakarsai Bakosurtanal (kini BIG) dengan membentuk Tim Penyelenggara Survei dan Kajian Landas Kontinen Indonesia di luar 200 Mil Laut. Tim ini terdiri dari 13 instansi (kementerian dan lembaga), perguruan tinggi, perusahaan dan asosiasi terkait, termasuk Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT).

Setelah survei pertama 2005, survei lanjutan dilakukan pada 2010 menggunakan kapal survei Baruna Jaya II milik BPPT. Tujuannya untuk memverifikasi data survei awal. Hasilnya kemudian diajukan BIG kepada UN-CLCS.


Pemandangan lautan di Aceh, tepatnya di Lamno, Aceh Jaya, dilihat dari Puncak Gunung Geurutee.

Setelah melalui sidang pembahasan akhirnya pada 2012, Indonesia mendapat pengakuan dari PBB tentang tambahan luas landas kontinen Indonesia (LKI) di perairan barat Aceh seluas 4.209 kilometer persegi atau seluas Pulau Madura.

Survei LKI Papua

Survei LKI di perairan utara Papua ditandai dengan pelepasan Kapal Riset Baruna Jaya I milik BPPT di Tanjung Priok pada 10 April 2019. Survei ini dilaksanakan selama 73 hari hingga 20 September 2019 lalu oleh tim gabungan BIG dan Balai Teknologi Survei Kelautan BPPT.
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