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Indonesia Economy Forum

Look like this year we will become upper middle class country .

Meanwhile persistent deflation and low level inflation keep lingering

Consumer Price Index: Deflation Due to a Drop in Prices of Foodstuff Commodities
14 Oktober 2019 |

In September Indonesia’s consumer price index (CPI) deflated by 0.27 percent month-to-month (m/m), particularly due to a decline in food commodity prices. This is good news as we had detected some potential threats to Indonesia’s inflation rate in the August 2019 edition of out monthly report. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s core inflation has remained stable, signaling that deflation is not caused by weakening purchasing power.

In fact, Suhariyanto, Head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) that always releases the country’s consumer price data at the start of the month, said Indonesians’ purchasing power remains firm. He added that while Indonesian inflation is under control, there is the need to remain cautious ahead of the holiday period around the turn of the year (specifically Christmas and New Year celebrations).
Look like this year we will become upper middle class country .

Best not reading too much into such labeling (middle income, high income, etc). What truly matter is the Adjusted PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) basically it indicate what we can buy domestically using certain amount of money (local currency). Living expenses in Indonesia has always been generally low compare to neighbouring countries and not because we are poorer or lower living standard, but because the price is generally cheaper.
Best not reading too much into such labeling (middle income, high income, etc). What truly matter is the Adjusted PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) basically it indicate what we can buy domestically using certain amount of money (local currency). Living expenses in Indonesia has always been generally low compare to neighbouring countries and not because we are poorer or lower living standard, but because the price is generally cheaper.

Altough Jokowi keep made adjustment toward oil prices and several times hikes in electricity rates, but his administration effort to keep the rates of inflation in low number must be applauded. One cant deny, better infrastructure development is key to control the prices of goods and services along with better policy in management especially among local governments. All in all there is rare demonstration and ruckus is about prices hikes for foods commodities (last times concern is about garlic, onion and chilly oh almost forgot meats and jengkol ).

There is concern in several remotes area about high prices for foods commodities even news about hunger malady and such, but as i said before infrastructure development must going on as it is a key toward social justice in Indonesia.
Altough Jokowi keep made adjustment toward oil prices and several times hikes in electricity rates, but his administration effort to keep the rates of inflation in low number must be applauded. One cant deny, better infrastructure development is key to control the prices of goods and services along with better policy in management especially among local governments. All in all there is rare demonstration and ruckus is about prices hikes for foods commodities (last times concern is about garlic, onion and chilly oh almost forgot meats and jengkol ).

There is concern in several remotes area about high prices for foods commodities even news about hunger malady and such, but as i said before infrastructure development must going on as it is a key toward social justice in Indonesia.
Yet,the dumb opposition keep ranting about "kami tidak makan infrastruktur"
Yet,the dumb opposition keep ranting about "kami tidak makan infrastruktur"

Contoh aja, lewat jalan tol tarif emang mahal tapi beban yg bisa dibawa sama cargo truck bisa lebih besar kapasitasnya sehingga bulk cost transport bisa ditekan dari sisi muatan. Belum lg fokus pembenahan freighter kereta api supaya cargo barang macam baja, semen dan batu bara bisa dibawa lewat kereta api. Di China, kereta api juga bawa hasil industri macam mobil, motor, mesin, elektronik dan spare parts dari pabrik langsung ke pelabuhan ga perlu stop dan ga ada pak ogah atau pungli dijalan, langsung scan dokumen pengiriman langsung masuk antrian. Dari pelabuhan kargo langsung dikirim ke negara tujuan.

Makanya infrastructure penting supaya cost pengiriman lebih murah kalau dikirim dalam partai besar
Contoh aja, lewat jalan tol tarif emang mahal tapi beban yg bisa dibawa sama cargo truck bisa lebih besar kapasitasnya sehingga bulk cost transport bisa ditekan dari sisi muatan. Belum lg fokus pembenahan freighter kereta api supaya cargo barang macam baja, semen dan batu bara bisa dibawa lewat kereta api. Di China, kereta api juga bawa hasil industri macam mobil, motor, mesin, elektronik dan spare parts dari pabrik langsung ke pelabuhan ga perlu stop dan ga ada pak ogah atau pungli dijalan, langsung scan dokumen pengiriman langsung masuk antrian. Dari pelabuhan kargo langsung dikirim ke negara tujuan.

Makanya infrastructure penting supaya cost pengiriman lebih murah kalau dikirim dalam partai besar
Ambil contoh yang baru2 ini aja, pengangkutan kereta LRV Jabodetabek dari Madiun ke Jakarta ya lewat tol dibanding make kapal yang lama ato pesawat yang mahal turns out kalo tol lebih efektif
Altough Jokowi keep made adjustment toward oil prices and several times hikes in electricity rates, but his administration effort to keep the rates of inflation in low number must be applauded. One cant deny, better infrastructure development is key to control the prices of goods and services along with better policy in management especially among local governments. All in all there is rare demonstration and ruckus is about prices hikes for foods commodities (last times concern is about garlic, onion and chilly oh almost forgot meats and jengkol ).

There is concern in several remotes area about high prices for foods commodities even news about hunger malady and such, but as i said before infrastructure development must going on as it is a key toward social justice in Indonesia.
Agree. One thing that surely make politician reluctant to build massive infrastructure in the past was the effect to the economy might take years to happen. This could jeopardize their political postition/popularity, thats why on the old days the infrastructure developement concentrate on Java as it will make faster impact on economy. The downside is we pretty much act as continent country instead of archipelago country. Java products would be expensive to ship outside the island as other islands dont have infrastructure large enough to accomodate large volume shipment and vise versa.

Despite some of the controversy on some of the infrastructure developement I respect Mr.Jokowi for having the balls to build infrastructure on massive scale in and mostly outside Java.
Wapres JK resmikan Indonesian Aid, bentuk diplomasi "tangan di atas"
Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019 12:53 WIB


Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla didampingi Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi (kedua kiri), Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati (kedua kanan), Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Bambang Brodjonegoro (kanan) dan Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri AM Fachir (kiri) memberikan pernyatan usai meresmikan Indonesian Aid di Gedung Pancasila Kementerian Luar Negeri Jakarta, Jumat (18/10/2019). (Fransiska Ninditya)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla meresmikan peluncuran Lembaga Dana Kerja Sama Pembangunan Internasional atau Indonesian Agency for International Development (Indonesian Aid/IndoAid) di Kementerian Luar Negeri Jakarta, Jumat, sebagai bentuk diplomasi antara Indonesia dengan negara-negara berkembang lain.

"Pembentukan lembaga IndoAid ini adalah sesuatu yang penting pada masa ini. Sudah cukup kita ini kadang-kadang minta, sudah waktunya juga kita untuk berdiplomasi tangan di atas, untuk bersama-sama membangun masyarakat dunia yang berkembang ini," kata Wapres JK di Kemlu Jakarta.

Wapres mengatakan, bantuan tersebut diberikan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk negara-negara berkembang yang lebih membutuhkan, sebagai bentuk penguatan hubungan bilateral.

Pada Sidang Umum ke-74 Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) di New York, Amerika Serikat beberapa waktu lalu, Pemerintah Indonesia, yang diwakili Wapres JK, telah memberikan bantuan kepada empat negara pasifik. Dengan IndoAid, lanjut JK, Indonesia kini bisa berbangga diri karena dapat membantu negara lain yang membutuhkan.

"Untuk kerja sama dengan negara anggota PBB, kita bantu empat negara pasifik. Jadi sekarang Menlu sudah bisa sedikit tegak, (kalau) ada acara-acara begitu (bisa bilang) 'Anda berapa butuh?’ jadi tidak lagi 'Tolong kita butuh bantuan'. Kita mesti gagah," tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan dana bantuan dalam IndoAid tersebut diatur di pos anggaran below the line atau model pembiayaan, sehingga penggunaannya tidak harus habis. Nilai anggaran yang telah dikeluarkan Pemerintah untuk lembaga IndoAid sebesar Rp3 triliun, yang terbagi atas Rp1 triliun untuk tahun pertama di 2018 dan Rp2 triliun di 2019.

"Ini ditaruhnya di below the line kalau istilah teknisnya. Jadi dia tidak harus habis, bahkan mungkin bisa jadi dana abadi," kata Sri Mulyani.

Indonesian Aid dibentuk dengan payung hukum di bawah Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 143 Tahun 2019 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Lembaga Dana Kerja Sama Pembangunan Internasional (LDKPI).

LDKPI menjadi lembaga yang bertugas mengelola dana kerja sama pembangunan internasional sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 57 Tahun 2019 tentang Tata Cara Pemberian Hibah kepada Pemerintah Asing atau Lembaga Asing.

Baca juga: Purna tugas, Polri berikan penghargaan kepada Wapres JK

Baca juga: JK siap bantu Pemerintah dalam urusan perdamaian

Baca juga: Tiga perasaan Jusuf Kalla jelang purna tugas

Baca juga: Bagi JK, seluruh program pemerintah lima tahun terakhir istimewa


Wish our economy can growing more bigger so we can spread our soft power abroad
No need to focus on income, the more our per capita income increase there is not much $ lending we can get from international lending debt, exam : netherland will stop all the grant or lending for indonesia as of 2020, bcoz of our per capita will be upper middle income. what "if" other country or international bank do the same, that will make our national budget deficit widening. Not that im hopping we end up as poor people forever, for me Government need to focus more on Human development (thank's god this also will be major focus work for the 2nd term of jokowi presidency more than $100billion budget, beside massive infrastructure), and also the quality of life need to increase, step by step we will be there.

The increase of toll roads in Indonesia induces the government to finally set the route numbering on the previously unnumbered motorway.

tarting this year the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation finally sets the route numbering rule for Expressways in the country. The numbering formerly only includes national roads, which causes confusion to whether the expressway follows this numbering or having a separate one (For example, both the expressway and main road from Jakarta to the East have the same National Road 1, but in Google Maps they only put the sign on the expressway).


Indonesia toll road development from time to time

Data Source: BPJT (National Toll Road Authority)

The development of toll road (jalan tol), Indonesian term for controlled-access expressway with full grade separation. The first opening was in 1977. Between 1999 to 2004, the length was stalled at 576.1 km as there was no new opening after a massive financial crisis and chaos in 1998. Then the construction started to gain the pace, followed by a swifter acceleration in 2014. The current active length (Oct. 2019) is 1800.35 km and the under-construction segment is 1439.91 km. With the addition of the next scheduled opening until Dec. 2019, the total active length will be 2200.99 km.

The expected length in 2025 is around 5000 - 6000 km.

Planning to Cruise Through Sumatra? Toll Road Will Connect the Entire Island by 2024
Nine more toll roads stretching 406 kilometers to be launched until December 2019
Indonesia proposes grand $564 billion plan to rebuild the country from 2020 to 2024
About 60 percent of the spending will go towards transportation-related infrastructure.[/QUOTE]
Yet,the dumb opposition keep ranting about "kami tidak makan infrastruktur"

It because they are the opposition. It doesn't matter what the incumbent administration were doing it always the incumbent who is at fault (contoh, mereka sakit salah presiden, mereka lapar ga bisa makan salah presiden lagi, ada kucing ketabrak mobil salah presiden juga)
Susi Pudjiastuti: Indonesia's Fisheries GDP Up 50 Percent
Ricky Mohammad Nugraha
Mahinda Arkyasa
18 October 2019 23:43 WIB

Susi Pudjiastuti presented the her achievements, which were made during President Joko Widodo's first term.

Minister Susi said that her ministry managed to successfully boost the fisheries' gross domestic product (GDP) up to 50 percent compared to previous period.

"The fisheries GDP in the last 4.5 years went up to almost 50 percent. I may argue that it is an astonishing achievement," said Minister Susi on Friday, October 18, 2019.

The Ministry's latest data revealed that the growth of fisheries GDP has grown to 6.25 percent, which is 29.39 percent more compared to the same period in the previous year that saw the fisheries GDP grow 4.83 percent. The growth saw the 2019’s second-quarter GDP increase to IDR 62.24 trillion.

Susi Pudjiastuti also mentioned that fishermen's trade value continues to grow from 106.41 percent in 2015 to 114.24 percent in August 2019. The same goes for the export volume that increases from 4.45 percent to 7.44 percent.


Indonesia-China sign agreement to construct Pelosika Dam
17th Oct 2019 21:37


Secretary General of Public Works and Public Housing Ministry Anita Firmanti and Vice Chairman of China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) Deng Boqing at the signing of Exchange of Letter on Pelosika Dam construction in Jakarta on Wednesday (Oct 16, 2019). ANTARA/HO Public Works and Public Housing Ministry/sh

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia and China have signed an Exchange of Letters (EoL) on the construction of Pelosika Dam in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The EoL was signed by Secretary General of Public Works and Public Housing Ministry Anita Firmanti and Vice Chairman of China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) Deng Boqing in Jakarta, according to the ministry's statement here Thursday.

The signing of the EoL has marked the beginning of engineering services for the preparation of Pelosika Dam construction funded by a Chinese grant worth RMB28.19 million (Rp56.1 billion).

The construction of the dam will begin in 2020.

"The Chinese government has played an important role in our infrastructure development, whether in water resources or toll roads. Jatigede Dam is one example of (the development) in water resources. In future, we will build four dams, including the Pelosika Dam," Firmanti said.

Pelosika dam will have a capacity of 822.56 million cubic meters. It is also expected to supply 0.8 cubic meters per second of raw water, irrigate 22 thousand hectares of land, reduce the flood flow rate, and generate 20 MW of electricity.

The dam construction would make a positive impact on the public socially and economically, and welfare, Den Boqing said.

"We have so far had mutually beneficial cooperation. The signing of the Exchange of Letters for Pelosika Dam is a new point of our cooperation. We are looking forward to cooperation with Indonesia in other dam constructions," Boqing said.

In addition to Pelosika Dam, Indonesia has also worked with China to develop three other dams. These are the Jenelata Dam in South Sulawesi, Riam Kiwa Dam in South Kalimantan, and Lambakan Dam in East Kalimantan.

The Exchange of Letters for Jenelata and Riam Kiwa dams was signed on May 7, 2018 and they are expected to be completed by the end of 2019. (INE)
Related news: Ministry facilitates Chinese entrepreneurs to develop infrastructure
Related news: Indonesia, China sign two MoUs on infrastructure development


Editor: Suharto

PAL Indonesia akan Ikut Tender Pembangunan Fasilitas Pengolahan Gas Darat Masela
Redaktur | Jumat, 18/10/2019 10:48:08 | 1489 Tampilan

JAKARTA – PT PAL Indonesia, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di sektor industri galangan kapal, tengah menyiapkan partisipasi dalam mega proyek di Blok Masela, milik Inpex Corporation.

Sutrisno, Direktur General Engineering & MRO PAL Indonesia, mengatakan partisipasi PT PAL bertujuan untuk meningkatkan Tingkat Kandungan Dalam Negeri (TKDN) di proyek Masela.

“Seperti diketahui bahwa pada proyek Masela plant pengolahan dibangun di darat, sehingga kami memiliki kapasitas dan pengalaman membangun onshore gas processing plant. Disamping itu kami juga memiliki kapasitas melaksanakan assembly module package dan instalasi module dan peralatan diatas FPSO yang akan dibangun oleh Inpex,” kata Sutrisno kepada Dunia Energi, Jumat (18/10).

Inpex Corporation telah menandatangani amendemen dan perpanjangan kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Blok Masela. Perpanjangan kontrak dengan alokasi waktu tambahan tujuh tahun dan perpanjangan 20 tahun untuk Proyek Abadi LNG, sehingga total perpanjangan kontrak 27 tahun.

Penandatanganan ini menandai pelaksanaan perjanjian formal tentang persyaratan PSC yang sebelumnya disepakati dan diumumkan sebagai bagian dari persetujuan Rencana Pengembangan Revisi (POD) Proyek LNG Abadi oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Proyek ini merupakan proyek pengembangan LNG terpadu berskala besar pertama yang dioperasikan oleh Inpex di Indonesia. Proyek ini akan berkontribusi signifikan bagi Indonesia khususnya di wilayah timur.

Nilai investasi pengembangan Blok Masela ditaksir mencapai US$20 miliar atau setara Rp288 triliun. Blok Masela berpotensi punya kapasitas sebesar 9,5 juta ton LNG per tahun dan 150 MMSCF per hari di sekitar Laut Arafuru.

“Kami sudah berdiskusi (dengan Inpex), saat ini masih dalam tahap FEED (Front End Engineering Design). Rencana proses tender dimulai pada 2020,” tandas Sutrisno.(RA)
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