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Have u seen this one? https://pontianak.tribunnews.com/20...strik-tenaga-nuklir-sejumlah-warga-gelar-aksi they're uneducated about pltn,tapi yang demo kagak nyampe ratusan bahkan puluhan wkwkwk

If such protest happen in either US or European you can be sure there is business / commercial interest group who is bank rolling them, and it's typically the fossil fuel industry. But here in Indonesia is most likely complete lack of technical knowledge about nuclear power (can't exactly blame them though).

The problem with nuclear energy has always been the "perceived danger" that were resulted from medias coverage of few high profile incidents, although anyone with sufficient amount of science & engineering mindset and fully functional critical thinking can always see that those few high profile incident were the result of either neglect of safety procedure & practice (Chernobyl) or old / outdated design reactor (Fukushima).

BTW least known fact : the safest place to dispose nuclear waste (spend fuel rod) is at the bottom of the sea and not on land or underground, and yet those crazy & fake environmentalist keep insisting in georepository (deep underground) disposal site. In case anyone confuse as why this is the case, the simplest explanation I could think of is doing so is similar to "salting the sea". The earth ocean is already diluted with billions ton of uranium (yes that right, everytime you swim in the sea you basically swimming in uranium water) so adding even few thousand tons of nuclear waster would be synonym of "salting the sea"

A video for anyone who wish to learn further ;

A video from ThorCon for those of you wish to dive more into the technical aspect

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If such protest happen in either US or European you can be sure there is business / commercial interest group who is bank rolling them, and it's typically the fossil fuel industry. But here in Indonesia is most likely complete lack of technical knowledge about nuclear power (can't exactly blame them though).

The problem with nuclear energy has always been the "perceived danger" that were resulted from medias coverage of few high profile incidents, although anyone with sufficient amount of science & engineering mindset and fully functional critical thinking can always see that those few high profile incident were the result of either neglect of safety procedure & practice (Chernobyl) or old / outdated design reactor (Fukushima).

BTW least known fact : the safest place to dispose nuclear waste (spend fuel rod) is at the bottom of the sea and not on land or underground, and yet those crazy & fake environmentalist keep insisting in georepository (deep underground) disposal site. In case anyone confuse as why this is the case, the simplest explanation I could think of is doing so is similar to "salting the sea". The earth ocean is already diluted with billions ton of uranium (yes that right, everytime you swim in the sea you basically swimming in uranium water) so adding even few thousand tons of nuclear waster would be synonym of "salting the sea"

A video for anyone who wish to learn further ;

A video from ThorCon for those of you wish to dive more into the technical aspect

Lo and behold: Coal Ash is More Radioactive than Nuclear Waste.

According to estimates by the US Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the world’s coal-fired power stations currently generate waste containing around 5,000 tonnes of uranium and 15,000 tonnes of thorium. Collectively, that’s over 100 times more radiation dumped into the environment than that released by nuclear power stations.

Dan abu sisa batu bara dibuang ke dalam tanah. Yep.


Semenakutkan apapun nuklir, lebih menakutkan batu bara.
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If such protest happen in either US or European you can be sure there is business / commercial interest group who is bank rolling them, and it's typically the fossil fuel industry. But here in Indonesia is most likely complete lack of technical knowledge about nuclear power (can't exactly blame them though).

The problem with nuclear energy has always been the "perceived danger" that were resulted from medias coverage of few high profile incidents, although anyone with sufficient amount of science & engineering mindset and fully functional critical thinking can always see that those few high profile incident were the result of either neglect of safety procedure & practice (Chernobyl) or old / outdated design reactor (Fukushima).

BTW least known fact : the safest place to dispose nuclear waste (spend fuel rod) is at the bottom of the sea and not on land or underground, and yet those crazy & fake environmentalist keep insisting in georepository (deep underground) disposal site. In case anyone confuse as why this is the case, the simplest explanation I could think of is doing so is similar to "salting the sea". The earth ocean is already diluted with billions ton of uranium (yes that right, everytime you swim in the sea you basically swimming in uranium water) so adding even few thousand tons of nuclear waster would be synonym of "salting the sea"

A video for anyone who wish to learn further ;

A video from ThorCon for those of you wish to dive more into the technical aspect

East and Southeast Asian people perspective is always, nuclear related to atomic power related to Hiroshima and Nagasaki thus Kaboom, end case.

Korvet kelas Emirati Baynunah (Presstv)

Kerjasama antara Indonesia dengan Uni Emirat Arab terus meningkat. Di mana UEA akan melakukan sejumlah investasi di Indonesia dalam beberapa waktu ke depan.

Dilansir dari laman Sindonews (11/ 10/ 2019), Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Panjaitan membeberkan, setidaknya ada 3 bidang yang ingin UEA dapatkan dari Indonesia, yaitu masjid, pertanian, dan kapal perang.

“Kerjasama kita dengan UEA ini sangat cepat. Baik menyangkut masjid, pertanian, atau kapal perang,” ujar Menko Luhut di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman, Jumat (11/10/2019).

Dari sektor pertanian, tim dari UEA akan survei langsung ke Kalimantan Tengah. Ini dilakukan untuk melihat tanaman apa yang cocok dikembangkan.

“Mengenai pertanian di mana mereka (tim dari UEA) mau masuk 100.000 hektare. Jadi betul-betul semua cepat. Tim pertanian mereka akan melihat lahan yang ada di Kalimantan Tengah. Mereka akan melakukan research pohon apa yang akan bisa ditanam,” bebernya.

Tidak hanya itu, di sektor kelautan, UEA juga akan membeli kapal di Lampung, Sorong, dan Surabaya.

“Kemarin mereka sudah ngirim angkatan laut ke Lampung, Sorong, dan Surabaya, untuk beli kapal. Mereka puas dan senang sekali,” kata Menko Luhut senang.

Intinya, Menko Luhut menyatakan kalau Indonesia harus ‘jemput bola’. Contohnya adalah kerjasama antara Pertamina dengan UEA yang akan rampung saat Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) datang ke lokasi langsung.

“Kemudian juga bahwa kerjasama mereka dengan Pertamina bisa rampung sewaktu Presiden Jokowi berkunjung ke sana. Intinya kita harus jemput bola,” tuturnya.

Editor: (D.E.S)
This ain't a surprise at all,


What bother me is the fact the gov't only begin addressing this issue after series of major incidents (the forest fire & haze)
Have you read this?

Jamaah Islamiyah Bangun Dasar Perekonomian dari Hasil Kelapa Sawit


Pemerintah juga menutup data HGU sawit dari publik. Padahal selama ini lahan masyarakat banyak yang direbut perusahaan. Kalau kaya gini gimana mau diawasi dan siapa yang tau kalau di pusat ada yang disuap manipulasi data untuk perusahaan sawit.

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Kinda love fintech, we would never move or need to transfer money interbank or overseas bank, and keep the rotation in house
Home Ekonomi Berita Makro
Pembayaran Pajak Lewat E-Commerce dan Fintech Tembus Rp59,7 M
CNN Indonesia
Sabtu, 12/10/2019 14:12
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Ilustrasi. (CNN Indonesia/Adhi Wicaksono).
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) mencatat pembayaran pajak melalui perusahaan e-commerce dan fintech mencapai Rp59,7 miliar per Jumat (11/10). Raihan tersebut dicapai dalam tempo 1,5 bulan sejak Bukalapak, Tokopedia, dan Finnet Indonesia resmi menjadi agen pembayaran pajak.

"Saat ini penerimaan negara melalui lembaga persepsi lain, yang diluncurkan pada 23 Agustus, per hari ini 11 Oktober jadi sekitar satu setengah bulan, totalnya sudah ada Rp59,7 miliar," ujar Direktur Jenderal Perbendaharaan Negara Kemenkeu Andin Hadiyanto, Jumat (11/10).

Dari jumlah tersebut, lanjutnya, transaksi mayoritas dilakukan melalui Tokopedia sebesar 90 persen atau setara Rp53,73 miliar. Kemudian, sebesar 8 persen-9 persen melalui Bukalapak dan sisanya 1 persen melalui Finnet Indonesia.

"Kami juga sedang menerima permohonan beberapa lembaga persepsi lainnya," ujarnya.

Lihat juga:
Daya Saing Turun, Sri Mulyani Dorong Evaluasi Duit Pendidikan Ia menuturkan potensi pembayaran pajak lewat e-commerce sangat besar. Utamanya pembayaran pajak yang berasal dari Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Menurut dia, capaian itu mewakili kepatuhan UMKM dalam membayar pajak.

"Walaupun angkanya Rp59,7 miliar, tetapi bagi UMKM bayar pajak Rp5 juta itu sangat menunjukkan minat sekali," katanya.

Mengutip keterangan resmi Kemenkeu, pembayaran pajak melalui platform e-commerce ini dapat dilakukan melalui sistem Modul Penerimaan Negara Generasi Ketiga (MPN G3).

Versi penyempurnaan MPN G2 ini dapat menerima penyetoran penerimaan negara hingga 1.000 transaksi per detik atau meningkat signifikan dari sistem pendahulunya yang hanya 60 transaksi per detik.

Pengembangan MPN G3 dilakukan secara kolaboratif antara Kemenkeu dengan tiga perusahaan digital tersebut. MPN G3 juga menggandeng sejumlah bank serta pelaku fintech lain.

Sebagai informasi, Kemenkeu mencatat realisasi penerimaan perpajakan hingga Agustus 2019 mencapai Rp920,2 triliun. Jumlah itu baru mewakili 50,78 persen dari target APBN 2019 yang dipatok Rp1.786,4 triliun.
The Price of Education
12 October 2019 19:02 WIB


The wooden huts in the Sungai Kura Elementary School in Benua Kencana village, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. TEMPO/ Purwani Diyah Prabandari

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Some grade and middle school children in Sungai Kura live in wooden huts in the vicinity of their school without any parents around. They refuse to bow down to obstacles in their quest to get an education.

Nadia spoke softly that day. The 6th grader described the challenges she has faced for over five years attending Sungai Kura Public Elementary School (SD) 26 in Benua Kencana village, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. When she started elementary school, Nadia had no choice but to live apart from her parents. SD 26 lies some 12 kilometers away from her hamlet, Lebuk Lantang in Riam Batu village. This hamlet lies in the farthest point of Tempunak subdistrict at the foot of the Saran Hills. The hilly terrain and abysmal road conditions, pockmarked with potholes and dangerously slippery during the rainy season, make it difficult for a school kid to do return trips home each day. Moreover, her parents cannot afford the time to bring and fetch her as they are busy working in the fields from early morning to keep food on the table for their family.

Nadia now lives in a wooden hut measuring about 3 x 3 meters and located on land owned by the school. At the start of grade school, she lived with her uncle, who at the time was in 3rd grade. Nadia was very sad. “Other kids had a parent waiting for them, but not me,” she said, sitting on a terrace of her home-stay in Lebuk Lantang and talking to her visitors at end of June. Her mother had only been able to come for two weeks to settle her in. Meanwhile, many of her friends had their mothers staying with them until they reached grade 3 or 4.

Nadia’s mother, Albina, stated that it would have been difficult for her to stay with her daughter in the little hut. “I have so much to do here, and I also work in the fields,” said the 33-year-old.

Her daughter, now 12, lives together with her younger sister, Lusiana, who is in 3rd grade. The two go home every weekend. On Sunday evenings or Monday mornings, they return to their hut bringing enough food supplies for a week, usually, three kilograms of rice grain and vegetables. If it is raining or the road is in a sorry state, Nadia, Lusiana and their other friends also living in huts in the school’s vicinity resort to walking the entire distance.

Nadia (front, right) with other children from Lebuk Lantang in Riam Batu, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. TEMPO/ Purwani Diyah Prabandari

To supplement her pocket money for food and extra lessons, Nadia sometimes takes on jobs after school. Sometimes she loads sacks of sand on her back for construction work, other times she hacks away brush and tall weeds from peoples’ fields.

Nadia, who wants to be a teacher when she grows up, is not the only one living such a hard life to obtain an education. Many kids from Lebuk Lantang and other hamlets carve out a tough existence to be able to go to school. One of them is Bela Savira. The 15-year-old is in year 9 at Tempunak State Middle School (SMP) 8, located in the same complex as the Sungai Kura Elementary School.

Bela has also been living in a hut since grade 1. But in her case, her mother, Selpina Pinot, stayed with her until she was in Grade 4. Now she lives with her sister – a student of Sungai Kura School – in that hut. She plans to go on to high school after finishing middle school. “If we have the money,” she added. Bela also wants to be a teacher after high school.

Bela’s parents, who are rubber tappers and fieldworkers, said they plan to do their level best for their offspring to continue their education.

According to Frida Yanto, 36, the hamlet chief of Lebuk Lantang, all the kids in his hamlet are forced to ‘fight’ to continue their schooling. Most of the younger kids elect to attend the SD Sungai Kura. Others go to the elementary school in Lanjau hamlet in Riam Batu, some three or four kilometers from Lebuk Lantang.

SD Sungai Kura, said Frida Yanto, is of better quality, hence its popularity, and the students may build their own simple living quarters in the school grounds.

Despite saying this, he himself sends his two children to the Lanjau State Elementary School 22. “Sometimes I drop them off, sometimes they walk,” said Frida, who is a farmer and owner of a six-hectare plot of land.

There are around 15 middle school-aged youngsters in the village, some attending SMP Sungai Kura and others, SMP Gurung Mali. The nearest high school (SMA) is in Kupan Jaya, about 20 kilometers from Lebuk Lantang. Most kids choose to attend high school in the town of Sintang, some 80 kilometers away. “Around 70 percent of the children here are in schools,” said Frida Yanto.

It was not easy to contact the Principal of Sungai Kura Elementary School, Franciska Susilawati. “Please wait ‘til I’m in a spot with a good signal,” she texted. We could finally communicate, once she had reached a spot with a signal or was on hilly land.

The 40-year-old talked about the Lebuk Lantang children living in the huts around the SD Sungai Kura and SMP Tempunak. Currently, there are 17 huts, including the ones resided in by Nadia and Bela and their sisters. Only two of the huts have parents residing there. “They are from Lebuk Lantang and Entebah (in Melawi regency),” said Franciska through a text in September. In total, her school has 127 students from several villages.

She told us how wooden huts in the vicinity to accommodate students have been around since the school was established in 1958. “People who live far away from the school wished for their kids to get an education, and so they built little wooden domiciles near the school,” she said.

People who build huts there are not subject to rent but they need to erect the constructions using their own resources. Once their child graduates, they may sell the hut to another family whose child attends school at SD Sungai Kura or SMP Tempunak.

Despite living on their own, the grades of these children can compare well to children living with their parents in their own homes. Nadia, for example, achieved 3rd ranking when in grade 5. Bela Savira was the highest in her class. An extra advantage, “They (the children living alone) are much more independent,” said Franciska.

The regent of Sintang, Jarot Winarto, related to how residential huts for schoolchildren in a school’s vicinity are not only a Sungai Kura phenomenon but is a feature of most of 22 single-complex SDs and SMPs in Sintang. But there are different formats. Some huts are communal projects, some built by the parents, while others were built using the village fund.

The number one man in Sintang admitted he faces a major issue in the education sector. “We have a double burden, of accessibility and quality,” he said in September.

To overcome the issue, said Jarot, the government is pushing the Teacher’s Kiat program (an acronym for kinerja and akuntabilitas, meaning performance and accountability). This is a comprehensive program to improve education in remote and ‘left-behind’ areas. Teachers in these ‘difficult’ places receive a bonus payment doled out based on individual performance. Aside from that, “We are also boosting the involvement of the three pillars of education, the school, the school committee, and the local community alongside the village administration.”

According to Jarot, the Teacher's Kiat program is in application in 132 primary schools in left-behind villages. “One of them is Sungai Kura,” he said. Sintang itself has 443 primary schools and 140 middle schools and Islamic education middle school institutions called Madrasah Tsanawiyah.

Although in the beginning, the huts in the vicinity of the same-complex SD Sungai Kura and SMP Tempunak were constructed by parents, now some village administrations help to improve the facilities.

“We allocated the village fund for the development,” said Jarot. “The Riam Batu village will soon put in a solar cell unit to power the huts, while the Sungai Kura (Benua Kencana village administration) will build the toilets.”

He added that recently, the government had also repaired the road connecting Lebuk Lantang and Sungai Kura. “This is in line with the resolution to overcome those problems,” said Jarot. “We cannot allow the children of this area to drop out of school.”


PAL Indonesia Raih Kontrak Rp1 Triliun Bangun Reaktor Thorium Thorcon
Redaktur | Senin, 14/10/2019 06:17:47 | 500 Tampilan

JAKARTA – PT PAL Indonesia diperkirakan menanamkan investasi sebesar Rp50 miliar-Rp100 miliar terkait proyek pembangunan reaktor desain Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR) Thorcon. PAL Indonesia telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman (memorandum of understanding/MoU) dengan Thorcon International Pte, Ltd. untuk mengembangkan komponen TMSR Power Plant atau reaktor desain pembangkit listrik tenaga thorium (PLTT) berkapasitas 500 megawatt (MW) dan Test Bed Platform, pada Juli 2019.

Sutrisno, Direktur General Engineering & MRO PAL Indonesia, mengatakan kontrak proyek pembangunan reaktor TMSR500 dan Test Bed Platform akan ditandatangani pada 2020.

“PT PAL akan mendapatkan kontrak dari Thorcon Rp1 triliun untuk membuat reaktor dan test bed platform. Untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut, PAL membutuhkan pembelian peralatan tambahan/special tools untuk melengkapi fasilitas produk, sekitar Rp 50-100 miliar. Nilai pastinya sedang kami hitung,” kata Sutrisno kepada Dunia Energi, Minggu (13/10).

Sutrisno mengatakan bahwa ada beberapa opsi pendanaan, karena pendanaan untuk membangun reaktor ini tidak hanya memerlukan biaya investasi namun juga biaya modal kerja.

Thorcon International adalah Independent Power Producer (IPP) yang telah menyatakan keseriusan kepada pemerintah untuk melakukan investasi sebesar US$1,2 miliar atau sekitar Rp17 triliun untuk membangun PLTT di Indonesia.

PT PAL yang merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di sektor industri galangan kapal sebelumnya berhasil membangun kapal landing platform dock untuk pasar ekspor, kapal Selam kelas Nagapasa. Saat ini, PT PAL akan kembali menguji kemampuannya dengan membangun reaktor nuklir tipe Molten Salt Reactor pertama di dunia dan yang akan menjadi bagian dari PLTN pertama di Indonesia.

Reaktor nuklir tersebut adalah desain dari Thorcon International, perusahaan energi nuklir asal Amerika Serikat, yang telah melakukan pengembangan desain selama tujug tahun dan saat ini pada tahapan penyelesaian Basic Design dan proses pembuatan Detail Engineering Design. Pada tahapan ini, Engineering Company dan Fabrikator yang akan membuat komponen utama harus mulai dilibatkan, yaitu DSME sebagai EPC Main Hull Construction, DOOSAN untuk turbin dan PAL untuk reaktor.

Hosni, Chief Engineer General Engineering PT PAL, menambahkan pihaknya sudah memiliki pengalaman membuat komponen turbin untuk sebuah PLTN di Perancis dan telah mengantongi serfikat ASME dan familiar dengan proses desain dan fabrikasi dengan pengawasan Authorized Inspector ASME.

“Sehingga, untuk dapat membangun reaktor nuklir kami tidak memiliki kendala yang besar,” ujar Hosni.

Menurut Sutrisno direncanakan sebelum akhir tahun ini estimasi biaya dan jadwal pembangunan reaktor TMSR dan Test Bed Platform sudah dapat di berikan kepada pihak Thorcon.

“Kami yakin proyek pembuatan reaktor dan test bed platform dapat dilaksanakan sesuai target, mengingat hasil kajian aspek teknis, safety dan komersial dari Badan Litbang Kementerian ESDM telah memberikan rekomendasi kelayakan desain TMSR Thorcon untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia,” tandas Sutrisno.

Struktur Kapal

PLTT nantinya menggunakan model desain struktur kapal dengan panjang 174 meter dan lebar 66 meter, yang setara dengan tanker kelas Panamax ini rencananya akan di bangun oleh Daewoo Shipyard & Marine Engineering (DSME) di Korea Selatan, yang merupakan galangan kapal nomor dunia terbesar di dunia.

“Reaktor akan dibangun di fasilitas produksi PAL di Surabaya. Pihak Thorcon sudah melakukan site visit dan asessment terhadap kemampuan dan fasilitas PT PAL,” kata Sutrisno.

Sesuai hasil kajian, Badan Layanan Umum Pusat Penelitan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (BLU-P3TEK KEBTKE) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), seluruh regulasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan pembangunan PLTT dari sisi bauran energi maupun perijinan keselamatan instalasi nuklir sudah memadai.

Apabila proses perizinan dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien oleh lembaga pemerintah yang berwenang, maka proyek pembangunan PLTT tipe TMSR500 ini dapat selesai dalam kurun waktu 7 tahun.(RA)
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