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World Bank Approves $150 Million Geothermal Energy Loan
Petir Garda Bhwana
29 September 2019 19:00 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved a US$150 million loan for Indonesia to scale up investments in geothermal energy by reducing the risks of early-stage exploration. The loan is accompanied by $127.5 million in grants from the Green Climate Fund and the Clean Technology Fund, two institutions supporting climate-friendly development, based on a statement from the World Bank received in Jakarta Saturday.

Geothermal energy is expected to play a significant role in reducing Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions. As a clean and renewable energy source that provides power continuously, geothermal can reduce the country’s dependence on coal-fired power and other fossil fuels. If geothermal resources can be accessed easily, costs are competitive with coal and natural gas.

"Indonesia’s geothermal sector has vast potential and our current installed geothermal power capacity is already the second largest in the world," Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said.

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Geothermal is environmentally sustainable and developing this sector is an integral part of Indonesia’s overall energy security, as well as making the country less dependent on imported fuels.

Therefore, the Government of Indonesia is strongly committed to encourage participation by developers in exploring the geothermal potential and to provide support through this risk mitigation facility, Sri Mulyani remarked.

Under the Indonesia Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation (GREM) project, the financing will help public and private sector developers to mitigate risks in exploration of geothermal resources, including covering a part of the cost in case of unsuccessful exploration.

The project will also finance technical assistance and capacity building of key stakeholders in the geothermal sector.

"To achieve the government’s target of 23 percent renewable energy mix by 2025 requires contributions from geothermal development of about 7 percent or equal to 7,000 MW. It is an ambitious and huge development with a total investment of $35 billion," said FX Sutijastoto, Director General of New, Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation, of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Geothermal projects are risky investments especially at the exploration stage, and no financial institutions provide funding for this early stage.

"We are happy to welcome the GREM facility, dedicated to financing exploration activities and provides a risk-sharing instrument. The project would help answer a big challenge in exploration financing and contribute to the success of Indonesia’s geothermal development," FX Sutijastoto said.

The cost of exploration drilling is relatively small compared to the total cost of developing geothermal power. However, it is the riskiest phase and finding this initial capital has proven to be challenging for developers since they may not recover the cost if the drilling reveals that the geothermal resource is not economically viable.

"Financing for exploration drilling has been among the main barriers for geothermal expansion in Indonesia. Overcoming this hurdle will allow Indonesia to fully tap into the country’s large geothermal potential. The World Bank is committed to helping Indonesia achieve universal access to electricity as for a cornerstone for economic growth, job creation, and prosperity for the citizens of Indonesia," World Bank Country Director for Indonesia and Timor-Leste Rodrigo A. Chaves said.


Local content for each wuling vehicle model :
Confero 55%
cortez 47%
Almaz 43,5%
source : https://www.liputan6.com/otomotif/r...andungan-lokal-wuling-almaz-berlogo-chevrolet

Wuling Officially Begins Export Activities to the World Market
source : Link


Cikarang, 25 September 2019 – Wuling Motors (Wuling) inaugurated the first export of its SUV products to number of countries in Southeast Asia and Oceania today. The event titled ‘Together with Indonesia for the World’ held at the Wuling Factory – Central Cikarang marks the beginning of unit shipments to Thailand, Brunei and Fiji. This step is carried out in order to expand the international market.

Since it was inaugurated on July 11, 2017, Wuling has continued to produce various line up to reach more than 30,000 units that have received by Indonesian consumers. There are four vehicle models made at the Wuling factory, the Confero series which is Wuling’s first MPV, the Cortez series that plays in the Medium MPV segment, Formo for the Light Commercial Vehicle market, and Almaz, Smart Technology SUV.


Besides being supported with complete facilities, the Wuling factory also carries advanced technology. Starting from Press Shop which is equipped with a robotic system with a capacity of average 8 Strokes per Minute (SPM). To unify various components, a welding process with 3 dimensional measurements is used through the Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) in Body Shop. The next process is painting which applies the 3C1B (3-coat 1-bake) process. Then, the assembly process ends with General Assembly and Vehicle Quality Test (Static dan Dynamic Test), to ensure that every component installed is functioning and the product meets the standards.
Investment in national strategic projects reaches Rp4.183 trillion
2nd Oct 2019 19:16


Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution (Antara)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The current investment in 223 strategic national projects has reached Rp4.183 trillion as per the medium-term national development plan 2015-2019, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has said. The government has designated 37 of the 223 national strategic projects as priority projects with a total investment of Rp2.500 trillion, he said in Jakarta Wednesday.

The Committee for the Accelerated Procurement of Priority Infrastructures (KPPIP) will supervise the implementation of the priority projects, he said.

"In our GDP (gross domestic product) the percentage of infrastructures in the early days after the (financial) crisis dropped, so it posed an obstacle towards our development," he said.

To encourage infrastructure development, the government needs financial support from various parties particularly the private sector so it plans to issue several policies covering the fiscal, institutional and regulation aspects, he said.

"Of course, (the financial source of) small infrastructures on a regional scale will be the state budget. However, (the financial source of) strategic infrastructures will mostly come from private companies, state-owned companies and the state budget," he said.

In the fiscal aspect, the government has developed various financing and insurance facilities including viability gap fund (VGF), availability payment, and tax incentives to attract investors for non-financial projects.

Editor: Rahmad Nasution


Interesting infographics tourism and transportasion growth in Indonesia

Infografis BPS : Perkembangan Pariwisata dan Transportasi Februari 2019 (ketiga)

04 April 2019 22:00
(Ilustrasi : Istimewa).
Beritahati.com, Jakarta - Badan Pusat Statistik rutin merilis secara resmi soal pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang dilihat dari beberapa bidang, yakni Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Petani serta Harga Produsen Gabah dan Beras, Parisiwsata dan Transportasi, sampai Indeks Harga Perdagangan Besar.

Rilis dilakukan kepada wartawan dari berbagai media dua kali dalam satu bulan, melalui pemaparan langsung dari Ketua BPS, Suhariyanto.

Untuk periode pertumbuhan Maret 2019, BPS merilis pula Perkembangan Pariwisata dan Transportasi dalam bentuk infografis sebagai berikut :



Interesting infographics tourism and transportasion growth in Indonesia

Infografis BPS : Perkembangan Pariwisata dan Transportasi Februari 2019 (ketiga)

04 April 2019 22:00
(Ilustrasi : Istimewa).
Beritahati.com, Jakarta - Badan Pusat Statistik rutin merilis secara resmi soal pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang dilihat dari beberapa bidang, yakni Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Petani serta Harga Produsen Gabah dan Beras, Parisiwsata dan Transportasi, sampai Indeks Harga Perdagangan Besar.

Rilis dilakukan kepada wartawan dari berbagai media dua kali dalam satu bulan, melalui pemaparan langsung dari Ketua BPS, Suhariyanto.

Untuk periode pertumbuhan Maret 2019, BPS merilis pula Perkembangan Pariwisata dan Transportasi dalam bentuk infografis sebagai berikut :



Adanya pola peralihan moda transportasi dari pesawat ke kapal laut untuk luar p.jawa dan kereta api utk pulau jawa.. effect harga tiket pesawat mahal..
Adanya pola peralihan moda transportasi dari pesawat ke kapal laut untuk luar p.jawa dan kereta api utk pulau jawa.. effect harga tiket pesawat mahal..
Semenjak PJKA berubah jadi PT layanannya berubah total, persaingan antar penyedia moda transportasinya makin tinggi (di udara persaingan antar maskapai makin tidak sehat juga) cuma PELNI yg blm klihatan gregetnya

Keuntungan naiknya harga tiket merasionalkan persaingan supaya tidak ada maskapai cepat bangkrut dan armada n layanan bobrok juga bro
OVO is Indonesia's fifth billion dollar firm: Communication Minister
5th Oct 2019 20:23


Minister of Communication and Informatics, Rudiantara, in Jakarta on Saturday, Oct 5, 2019. (ANTARA/Arindra Meodia/Sw)

Jakarta (ANTARA) -
Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara has noted that OVO, a digital wallet provider start-up, has become Indonesia's fifth unicorn company, valued at more than USD one billion.

"I have talked with its founder, and it is, indeed at over one billion. I dare to speak up about this after receiving direct confirmation," Rudiantara said in Jakarta on Saturday.

According to data provided by a company analysis firm, CB Insights, valuation of OVO reached USD 2.9 billion, as of March 14, 2019.

"We are very grateful about this, since we have targeted five unicorns as of the end of 2019. Yet, before that target was reached there was already a new one. We welcome OVO as a new Indonesian unicorn, established in Indonesia," Rudiantara added.

Earlier, it was announced that Indonesia has three start-up companies that reached unicorn status, including Traveloka, Bukalapak, and Tokopedia.

"I pinned high hopes that the target will be exceeded, since there are more unicorn-potential start-up companies for this year," Rudiantara added.

He hinted that these companies are coming from the education sector, noting, "Logically, 20 percent of the national budget is aimed for educational purposes, while five percent is for health. How could it be possible, if there are no unicorns from these sectors?"
Related news: OVO to accelerate success of Lippo Group's diverse businesses through Deep Business Analytics using Kinetica and NVIDIA technology

Editor: Suharto


OVO is Indonesia's fifth billion dollar firm: Communication Minister
5th Oct 2019 20:23


Minister of Communication and Informatics, Rudiantara, in Jakarta on Saturday, Oct 5, 2019. (ANTARA/Arindra Meodia/Sw)

Jakarta (ANTARA) -
Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara has noted that OVO, a digital wallet provider start-up, has become Indonesia's fifth unicorn company, valued at more than USD one billion.

"I have talked with its founder, and it is, indeed at over one billion. I dare to speak up about this after receiving direct confirmation," Rudiantara said in Jakarta on Saturday.

According to data provided by a company analysis firm, CB Insights, valuation of OVO reached USD 2.9 billion, as of March 14, 2019.

"We are very grateful about this, since we have targeted five unicorns as of the end of 2019. Yet, before that target was reached there was already a new one. We welcome OVO as a new Indonesian unicorn, established in Indonesia," Rudiantara added.

Earlier, it was announced that Indonesia has three start-up companies that reached unicorn status, including Traveloka, Bukalapak, and Tokopedia.

"I pinned high hopes that the target will be exceeded, since there are more unicorn-potential start-up companies for this year," Rudiantara added.

He hinted that these companies are coming from the education sector, noting, "Logically, 20 percent of the national budget is aimed for educational purposes, while five percent is for health. How could it be possible, if there are no unicorns from these sectors?"
Related news: OVO to accelerate success of Lippo Group's diverse businesses through Deep Business Analytics using Kinetica and NVIDIA technology

Editor: Suharto


"Logically, 20 percent of the national budget is aimed for educational purposes, while five percent is for health. How could it be possible, if there are no unicorns from these sectors?"


Pendidikan sejak dulu ga maju karena birokrasi dan korupsi. Guru sekolah negeri lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu untuk urusan birokrasi ketimbang mengajar. Makanya ketika ada perubahan syarat seperti membuat buku, artikel ilmiah dll, untuk mendapatkan kredit banyak yang ga suka bukan karena ga bisa, waktunya ga ada karena habis ngurus birokrasi yang ribet.

Lalu pemilihan kepala sekolah yang secara sistem open dengan jual beli jabatan.

Ditambah dengan sistem pelatihan guru sekolah negeri yang nggak efektif.
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