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Palm oil trade war has began

Pemerintah Bakal Stop Impor dari Uni Eropa, Pengusaha Mendukung
Rahma Tri
22 Agustus 2019 13:04 WIB

Uni Eropa (Airbus) ke Amerika Serikat (Boeing).

Langkah pemerintah itu ditempuh sebagai balasan terhadap diskriminasi sawit oleh Uni Eropa, dengan mengenakan tarif bea masuk tambahan sebesar 18 persen terhadap biodiesel Indonesia. Menteri Perdagangan Enggartiasto Lukita sebelumnya juga mengalihkan impor minuman beralkohol, buah-buahan, dan produk susu dari Uni Eropa.

Ketua GIMNI Sahat Sinaga menilai tindakan pemerintah tersebut merupakan pesan yang positif bagi para pelaku minyak kelapa sawit nasional. Menurut dia, bea masuk yang ditetapkan Uni Eropa terhadap biodiesel tersebut mirip dengan pajak yang diberikan oleh para penjajah atau collonial tax. Dengan kata lain, katanya, Uni Eropa masih memandang Indonesia sebagai negara jajahan.

“Nah, itu yang kami tidak suka. Maka, kami dari GIMNI mendukung penuh program-program yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap pola diskriminasi itu,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Rabu 21 Agustus 2019.


Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Produsen Biodisel M.P. Tumanggor mengusulkan agar pemerintah mencari komoditas lain dari Eropa yang dapat disubtitusi dari negara lain serta tidak melanggar aturan WTO sebagai bagian perlawanan. "Misalnya parfum atau wine dan susu yang kita butuh tetapi bisa dari Australia dan Selandia Baru," ujarnya.

Saat ini, Uni Eropa masih memberikan waktu bagi produsen biodiesel untuk melakukan pembelaan. Kendati demikian, Tumanggor mengatakan bahwa produsen sudah mulai menghentikan pengiriman ke Eropa.

Produsen biodiesel pun berharap mandatori B30 pada awal tahun depan dapat berjalan dengan baik karena diperkirakan mampu menyerap biodiesel sebanyak 3 juta kilo liter. "Jumlah itu lebih besar dari ekspor ke Uni Eropa yang sekitar 1,4 juta liter," kata Tumanggor.

Palm oil trade war has began

Pemerintah Bakal Stop Impor dari Uni Eropa, Pengusaha Mendukung
Rahma Tri
22 Agustus 2019 13:04 WIB

Uni Eropa (Airbus) ke Amerika Serikat (Boeing).

Langkah pemerintah itu ditempuh sebagai balasan terhadap diskriminasi sawit oleh Uni Eropa, dengan mengenakan tarif bea masuk tambahan sebesar 18 persen terhadap biodiesel Indonesia. Menteri Perdagangan Enggartiasto Lukita sebelumnya juga mengalihkan impor minuman beralkohol, buah-buahan, dan produk susu dari Uni Eropa.

Ketua GIMNI Sahat Sinaga menilai tindakan pemerintah tersebut merupakan pesan yang positif bagi para pelaku minyak kelapa sawit nasional. Menurut dia, bea masuk yang ditetapkan Uni Eropa terhadap biodiesel tersebut mirip dengan pajak yang diberikan oleh para penjajah atau collonial tax. Dengan kata lain, katanya, Uni Eropa masih memandang Indonesia sebagai negara jajahan.

“Nah, itu yang kami tidak suka. Maka, kami dari GIMNI mendukung penuh program-program yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap pola diskriminasi itu,” ujarnya kepada Bisnis, Rabu 21 Agustus 2019.


Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Produsen Biodisel M.P. Tumanggor mengusulkan agar pemerintah mencari komoditas lain dari Eropa yang dapat disubtitusi dari negara lain serta tidak melanggar aturan WTO sebagai bagian perlawanan. "Misalnya parfum atau wine dan susu yang kita butuh tetapi bisa dari Australia dan Selandia Baru," ujarnya.

Saat ini, Uni Eropa masih memberikan waktu bagi produsen biodiesel untuk melakukan pembelaan. Kendati demikian, Tumanggor mengatakan bahwa produsen sudah mulai menghentikan pengiriman ke Eropa.

Produsen biodiesel pun berharap mandatori B30 pada awal tahun depan dapat berjalan dengan baik karena diperkirakan mampu menyerap biodiesel sebanyak 3 juta kilo liter. "Jumlah itu lebih besar dari ekspor ke Uni Eropa yang sekitar 1,4 juta liter," kata Tumanggor.

With Brexit, we can looking at possibility to close the relationship with US, UK, Oz, Turks and other. Albeit we got close relationship with Spain and Belgium at defense sector
With Brexit, we can looking at possibility to close the relationship with US, UK, Oz, Turks and other. Albeit we got close relationship with Spain and Belgium at defense sector
Do you think this trade game will effective sis? Since the goods that will be banned its not essential one for them and consider luxury for us. Not prime comsumsion, we need something bitter something like autopart or machinary
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Do you think this trade game will effective sis? Since the goods that will be banned its not essential one for them and consider luxury for us. Not prime comsumsion, we need something bitter something like autopart or machinary

Well we dont depend on much of our trade with European union in first place, only Netherland and Germany is in significant value


But the ban and their negative campaign against our palm oil will affecting more than millions here, if other Nation follow their suit. If it resulting us to depend on more with US and China let it be, both countries quite frank to me on how they playing their field unlike those double headed snakes. We can import machinery, engines, software and luxury thing from US, japan or South Korean, even China can be alternative lately. Even military stuff can be sourced from other country. European will be at lost here as they literally will only depend on Vietnam or Singapore to conduct trade with Indonesia or Malaysia as both country mulling to close or retaliate against them.
Me love it :D

Jumat, 23 Agu 2019 11:54 WIB
Mahathir Mohamad Jawab Kontroversi Gojek Masuk Malaysia
Anggoro Suryo Jati - detikInet

- Perdana Menteri Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad membela langkah pemerintah Malaysia yang membolehkan kehadiran Gojek di negaranya.

Ia menjawab sejumlah kritikan yang mempertanyakan keamanan penggunaan layanan ride hailing tersebut. Menurut Mahathir, masyarakat mempunyai pilihan untuk menggunakan Gojek atau tidak.

"Jika Anda tak merasa aman, jangan digunakan. Anda mempunyai pilihan. Kami tak memaksa siapa pun untuk menggunakan layanan ride hailing berbasis motor," ujarnya, seperti dikutip detikINET dari New Straits Times, Jumat (23/8/2019).

Namun yang jelas, Mahathir menyebut kehadiran Gojek akan memberikan keuntungan bagi usaha kecil di Malaysia. Sebelumnya, pemerintah Malaysia juga sudah pernah menerima penawaran dari perusahaan lokal sejenis, namun menurut Mahathir mereka kurang terorganisir.

"Kami mau memastikan apa pun yang kami lakukan itu berguna untuk masyarakat. Sama seperti Gojek," tambahnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, pemerintah Malaysia sudah memberikan lampu hijau bagi Gojek untuk beroperasi di negara tersebut. Namun pemerintah Malaysia akan meninjau kembali aturan-aturan yang ada sebelum Gojek bisa beroperasi di Malaysia.

Kabar ini mendapat reaksi bermacam-macam dari berbagai pihak. Salah satunya adalah pendiri Big Blue Taxi Services Shamsubahrin Ismail, yang mengancam akan mengadakan demonstrasi jika pemerintah Malaysia memberikan izin bagi Gojek.

Menurutnya, menjadi pengemudi Gojek bukan karir yang bagus untuk anak muda yang layak mendapat kesempatan lebih baik. Lalu ada juga sejumlah netizen yang mengkritisi kabar ini, karena kehadiran Gojek dianggap akan meningkatkan risiko kecelakaan di jalan raya.

"Go-Jek in Malaysia. Syed Sadiq, think again. Talk to the Road Safety Council people. Malaysia has the highest mortality and accidents in the region involving motorcyclists. Will the passengers be insured?," ujar M Namazie di akun @NamazieM.

Well we dont depend on much of our trade with European union in first place, only Netherland and Germany is in significant value


But the ban and their negative campaign against our palm oil will affecting more than millions here, if other Nation follow their suit. If it resulting us to depend on more with US and China let it be, both countries quite frank to me on how they playing their field unlike those double headed snakes. We can import machinery, engines, software and luxury thing from US, japan or South Korean, even China can be alternative lately. Even military stuff can be sourced from other country. European will be at lost here as they literally will only depend on Vietnam or Singapore to conduct trade with Indonesia or Malaysia as both country mulling to close or retaliate against them.
Yeah agree with that. Our trade going well with china in our difficult time, they may consider trade and politics is not always a verry good street companion

Decades ago many Indonesia konglomerat or ticon running their bussines on agriculture base industry, cobsidered far better agriculture infrastructure by the dutch than other in region bringing them as the economic and center of agriculture commodity in europe and world in their golden time. So this is what we can do if we can cultivate our land well and making a new market for the commodity, you life in the pound of milk some said.. and no shark attack
Melantai di Bursa, Saham Indonesian Tobacco Meroket 50,4%
Taufik Fajar , Okezone Kamis 04 Juli 2019 10:09 WIB


Foto: Taufik Okezone


JAKARTA - PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada perdagangan hari ini. Emiten dengan kode saham ITIC ini menjadi emiten ke-19 yang menawarkan saham perdana atau di BEI tahun ini.

Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan tembakau bakal melepas sebanyak-banyaknya 274,06 juta saham, atau setara dengan 29,13% modal disetor dan ditempatkan Perseroan, dengan harga Rp219 per lembar saham.

Baca Juga: Jadi Tamu Baru, Indonesian Tobacco Melantai di Bursa Hari Ini

Pada pembukaan perdagangan, saham ITIC naik 110 poin atau 50,4% ke level Rp330 per lembar saham dari harga Rp219 per lembar saham.

Komisaris Utama Indonesian Tobacco Shirley Suwantinna mengatakan bahwa dana yang diperoleh oleh IPO ini, seluruhnya akan digunakan untuk pembelian bahan baku daun tembakau. Perseroan menunjuk PT Phillip Sekuritas Indonesia sebagai lead underwriter.

"Pencatatan perdana saham PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk ini disambut baik oleh masyarakat , di mana sesuai laporan hasil penawaran umum yang telah dilakukan pada 25 sampai 28 Juni 2019 lalu, permintaan saham Perseroan mengalami oversubscribed lebih dari 165 kali," ujar dia di Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Kamis (4/7/2019).

Baca Juga: IPO, Indonesian Tobacco Incar Dana Rp63 Miliar

Dengan IPO ini, lanjut dia, pihaknya optimis dapat mengembangkan bisnis secara luas. Kapasitas pendanaan yang bertambah akan sejalan dengan persediaan daun tembakau yang meningkat.

"Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi utilitas produksi, mengingat daun tembakau harus melalui tahapan dan waktu yang cukup lama sampai menjadi siap digunakan dalam proses pembuatan produk," kata dia.


Younger ages and demography bonus is a different kind of potensial power. In recent time some country rejected the idea of online transport startup to be applicated on their country with reason as a poor choice to his generation, this prolong argumentation may show the reluctant and the affraidness of older generation to the sosio enterprenuer energy of the youngster... so watch out, nation who can manage the youngster will be more positive and productive than country govern by some old way of maindset of bussines by older generation

In Indonesia, over a third of young people want to be entrepreneurs

Ride-hailing company Gojek is one of Indonesia's many tech start-ups
Image: REUTERS/Beawiharta - RC14B409FEA0
16 Aug 2019
  1. Johnny WoodWriter, Formative Content

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s a question we’ve all been asked at some point. If you live in Indonesia, the answer could well be “an entrepreneur”, according to a recent survey.

More than one-third of the country’s young people, between the ages of 15 and 35, want to work for themselves. This may seem unsurprising in light of its recent string of booming tech unicorns – start-ups that have reached $1 billion valuation – that inspire the country’s youth.

Business leaders like Ferry Unardi, the chief executive of travel booking site Traveloka, and Nadiem Makarim, founder of regional ride-hailing app Gojek – both in their 30s – have demonstrated young entrepreneurs can turn fledgling tech companies into billion-dollar enterprises in a relatively short time frame.

Mind your own business

Indonesians are not alone in their dreams of business success. The World Economic Forum’s latest annual survey of youth attitudes in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries reveals a region buzzing with entrepreneurial spirit.

Image: World Economic Forum
The survey asked what type of organization people work for today, and where they would like to work in the future. In Indonesia, 34.1% of young people currently work for themselves, and an additional 1.5% would like to.

In Thailand, the percentage is only slightly less, accounting for almost a third of the country’s youth.

More than one-quarter of young people in Viet Nam expressed entrepreneurial aspirations. The country has its own successful tech start-ups, such as agricultural technology firm Hachi, which uses internet-of-things sensors to drip-feed water to plants, with the aim of saving waste and boosting productivity.

An early start

The survey found that just over 26% of respondents work for themselves, up slightly from the previous year, while almost 1% more aspire to in the future.

Image: World Economic Forum
When entrepreneurs and those working for start-ups are added together, the total accounts for almost one-third of the youth in ASEAN countries, further emphasizing the attraction of owning a business.

In certain countries or situations, the desire to be an entrepreneur may be driven more by necessity than dreams of big business, as people feel they have no other option but to work for themselves.

Aside from becoming a business owner, the lure of working for a multinational company is also growing in popularity. Twice the number of people who currently work at multinationals would like a future doing so.

Working for a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) is less attractive than in previous years, although these enterprises form the backbone of many of the region’s economies. This change in attitude could create recruitment challenges for the sector in the coming years.

Regional differences

While Southeast Asia is experiencing an entrepreneurial boom, the picture is different in some other parts of the world.

A national report by the Kauffman Foundation shows a decline in the proportion of new US entrepreneurs aged between 20 and 34 years old in recent years, while the rate has increased among older people.

In 1996, more than 34% of all US entrepreneurs belonged to this younger age group, but 20 years on the proportion has fallen to around a quarter.

In France, 16% of 18- to 24-year-olds “certainly” want a career as an entrepreneur, increasing to one-fifth for 25- to 34-year-olds, which is the highest rate of any age group.

Compared to the mature markets of the US and many European countries, most Southeast Asian economies are expanding rapidly, with booming tech sectors and growing incomes among the emerging middle classes. These conditions are ripe for tech-savvy entrepreneurs to succeed.

If ASEAN were a country it would rank as the fifth-largest economy in the world. By 2020, almost two-thirds of the 640 million population will be under 40 and will surely produce one of two of the people launching the unicorns of the future.

Nickel is surging after Indonesia said it will ban exports of the metal from January
Yusuf Khan
Sep. 3, 2019, 06:00 AM

REUTERS/Yusuf Ahmad

    • Nickel prices surged to a five-year high on Monday after Indonesia said it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.
    • Indonesia's move comes two years earlier than expected, as Jakarta aims to build up local resources.
    • The southeast Asian country is the second-largest producer of nickel ore in the world, behind the Philippines.
Nickel prices surged by around 4% to a five-year high on Monday after the Indonesian government announced it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.

The move by the Indonesian government comes two years earlier than expected, according to Al-Jazeera, as Jakarta aims to build up its local nickel industry.

Nickel climbed to a five-year high of $18,785 on the London Metal Exchange after the ban was announced. The metal is commonly used to make rechargeable batteries, stainless steel, and corrosion-resistant alloys.

Bambang Gatot Ariyono, the director of Indonesia's mining ministry for coal and minerals, told reporters that the ban applies to all grades of nickel ore and that all exporters should cancel contracts dated beyond the start of the new year.

"We already exported 38 million tons up until July this year," Bambang said at a press conference on Monday, the Jakarta Post reported. "At this rate, we would need to think about our reserves especially if we keep issuing exports permits."

Most of Indonesia's nickel exports go to China, where they're processed into nickel pig iron, a cheaper alternative to nickel pig iron, according to the Financial Times.

The move will create a gap in the nickel market of 100,00 tonnes a year, Colin Hamilton, a managing director of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets, told the FT. "This cuts off one of the major sources of raw material to the Chinese nickel pig iron industry."

Nickel was trading at $18,623 at the time of writing. Goldman Sachs analysts predict the export ban could drive its price up another 7% to $20,000 a ton by the end of the year, the FT said.

Markets Insider


Which reminds me, how's our palm oil going?

Nickel is surging after Indonesia said it will ban exports of the metal from January
Yusuf Khan
Sep. 3, 2019, 06:00 AM

REUTERS/Yusuf Ahmad

    • Nickel prices surged to a five-year high on Monday after Indonesia said it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.
    • Indonesia's move comes two years earlier than expected, as Jakarta aims to build up local resources.
    • The southeast Asian country is the second-largest producer of nickel ore in the world, behind the Philippines.
Nickel prices surged by around 4% to a five-year high on Monday after the Indonesian government announced it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.

The move by the Indonesian government comes two years earlier than expected, according to Al-Jazeera, as Jakarta aims to build up its local nickel industry.

Nickel climbed to a five-year high of $18,785 on the London Metal Exchange after the ban was announced. The metal is commonly used to make rechargeable batteries, stainless steel, and corrosion-resistant alloys.

Bambang Gatot Ariyono, the director of Indonesia's mining ministry for coal and minerals, told reporters that the ban applies to all grades of nickel ore and that all exporters should cancel contracts dated beyond the start of the new year.

"We already exported 38 million tons up until July this year," Bambang said at a press conference on Monday, the Jakarta Post reported. "At this rate, we would need to think about our reserves especially if we keep issuing exports permits."

Most of Indonesia's nickel exports go to China, where they're processed into nickel pig iron, a cheaper alternative to nickel pig iron, according to the Financial Times.

The move will create a gap in the nickel market of 100,00 tonnes a year, Colin Hamilton, a managing director of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets, told the FT. "This cuts off one of the major sources of raw material to the Chinese nickel pig iron industry."

Nickel was trading at $18,623 at the time of writing. Goldman Sachs analysts predict the export ban could drive its price up another 7% to $20,000 a ton by the end of the year, the FT said.

Markets Insider


Which reminds me, how's our palm oil going?

Still up and down, this ban is good for our smelter industry

Nickel is surging after Indonesia said it will ban exports of the metal from January
Yusuf Khan
Sep. 3, 2019, 06:00 AM

REUTERS/Yusuf Ahmad

    • Nickel prices surged to a five-year high on Monday after Indonesia said it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.
    • Indonesia's move comes two years earlier than expected, as Jakarta aims to build up local resources.
    • The southeast Asian country is the second-largest producer of nickel ore in the world, behind the Philippines.
Nickel prices surged by around 4% to a five-year high on Monday after the Indonesian government announced it would ban exports of nickel ore from January 1, 2020.

The move by the Indonesian government comes two years earlier than expected, according to Al-Jazeera, as Jakarta aims to build up its local nickel industry.

Nickel climbed to a five-year high of $18,785 on the London Metal Exchange after the ban was announced. The metal is commonly used to make rechargeable batteries, stainless steel, and corrosion-resistant alloys.

Bambang Gatot Ariyono, the director of Indonesia's mining ministry for coal and minerals, told reporters that the ban applies to all grades of nickel ore and that all exporters should cancel contracts dated beyond the start of the new year.

"We already exported 38 million tons up until July this year," Bambang said at a press conference on Monday, the Jakarta Post reported. "At this rate, we would need to think about our reserves especially if we keep issuing exports permits."

Most of Indonesia's nickel exports go to China, where they're processed into nickel pig iron, a cheaper alternative to nickel pig iron, according to the Financial Times.

The move will create a gap in the nickel market of 100,00 tonnes a year, Colin Hamilton, a managing director of commodities research at BMO Capital Markets, told the FT. "This cuts off one of the major sources of raw material to the Chinese nickel pig iron industry."

Nickel was trading at $18,623 at the time of writing. Goldman Sachs analysts predict the export ban could drive its price up another 7% to $20,000 a ton by the end of the year, the FT said.

Markets Insider


Which reminds me, how's our palm oil going?
The price is high we should balnce supply and demand now :smitten:since oil and gas also do the same
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