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I hope this ban can eventually result in quality increase of our domestic steel.
For one thing it would make overall nickel industry in Indonesia more profitable by a laaarge margin. Its going to increase incentives to prospect and open new mines, which will mean making our confirmed nickel reserves higher (right now only 7 years of confirmed nickel reserves left, which is one reason why the export ban was pushed forward)
Finally Jokowi inaugurates it.
Tapi esemka bukan proyek mobil nasional kan? Pihak swasta yang ngembangin.
Kalau ga salah kita bakal bikin mobil barengan malaysia, mungkin bakal jadi proyek mobil nasional.
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Finally Jokowi inaugurates it.
Tapi esemka bukan proyek mobil nasional kan? Pihak swasta yang ngembangin.
Kalau ga salah kita bakal bikin mobil barengan malaysia, mungkin bakal jadi proyek mobil nasional.

Another big misconception regarding ESEMKA is that Jokowi owns the company. This misconception has been exploited for years by his political rivals (and their dumb supporters) to attack him, asking him for responsibility and accusing him of lying since there was a long delay of the launch whereas the fact is Jokowi only endorsing it and show his support to ESEMKA as a local brand.

Now that it has been launched and clear, I expect they will going to look for another material to "nyinyir" about. :cheesy:











Another big misconception regarding ESEMKA is that Jokowi owns the company. This misconception has been exploited for years by his political rivals (and their dumb supporters) to attack him, asking him for responsibility and accusing him of lying since there was a long delay of the launch whereas the fact is Jokowi only endorsing it and show his support to ESEMKA as a local brand.

Now that it has been launched and clear, I expect they will going to look for another material to "nyinyir" about. :cheesy:











Finally Jokowi inaugurates it.
Tapi esemka bukan proyek mobil nasional kan? Pihak swasta yang ngembangin.
Kalau ga salah kita bakal bikin mobil barengan malaysia, mungkin bakal jadi proyek mobil nasional.

Esemka is a Chinese made car, we just rebrand it and do the assembling. Toyota and others Japanese cars made in Indonesia have much local component than this Esemka car. Reporters also cannot access inside the factory. By the way, the first car of Esemka made by SMK student is also only assembling, because it is impossible for SMK student to make car from scratch, let alone engine.


SWM Motor T30

Esemka Bima

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Esemka is a Chinese made car, we just rebrand it and do the assembling. Toyota and others Japanese cars made in Indonesia have much local component than this Esemka car. Reporters also cannot access inside the factory. By the way, the first car of Esemka made by SMK student is also only assembling, because it is impossible for SMK student to make car from scratch, let alone engine.


SMW Motor T30

Esemka Bima

VinFast also do that. Though what they assemble is European car.
VinFast also do that. Though what they assemble is European car.

Vinfast actually use new design but the design is made by a European design company. I think Vinfast made the car body since it is a new design but the rest of the component I believe are imported since there is no car engine factory in Vietnam and Vietnam dont have many local companies who produce car component like in Thailand and Indonesia. Vinfast engine is BMW, it is similar like Proton, a Malaysian car who also use Japanese made engine.

If we are serious to make national car, we should ask Pindad to do that. I also believe Pindad can even design and made engine block if Government give financial help. Our chance to make national car is even greater if the previous government dont sell Astra to the British. Another companies which have capacity to build national car, including its engine is Texmaco.
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Esemka is a Chinese made car, we just rebrand it and do the assembling. Toyota and others Japanese cars made in Indonesia have much local component than this Esemka car. Reporters also cannot access inside the factory. By the way, the first car of Esemka made by SMK student is also only assembling, because it is impossible for SMK student to make car from scratch, let alone engine.


SMW Motor T30

Esemka Bima


Is that so?..

"Selain menegaskan Esemka merupakan perusahaan swasta tanpa campur tangan Presiden Joko Widodo ( Jokowi), Eddy Wirajaya selaku Presiden Direktur PT Solo Manufaktur Kreasi (Esemka) juga membantah rumor yang mengatakan produknya merupakan rebadge dari mobil China.

Menurut Eddy, kabar tersebut tidak benar karena pabrik Esemka sendiri sudah memiliki ragam fasilitas untuk memproduksi mobil.

"Tidak, tidak benar itu (rebadge). Mobil yang ini kami produksi sendiri, tapi memang ada beberapa komponen yang masih kami impor. Komponen itu dikirim terurai dan kami rakit sendiri di pabrik," kata Eddy kepada beberapa media di Jakarta, Selasa (13/8/2019)."


And who says reporters cannot access the inside of the factory?.. The inauguration ceremony were held inside the factory attended by Jokowi and reporters were there with him taking photos.

Photos from inside the factory :




Nobody say they made everything from scratch nor it is entirely designed and made by SMK boys. Obviously the company must have hired engineers to do the more advance jobs.

So what if the design is copycat or the engine is foreign made?.. Even the Chinese cloned everything from Japanese and European cars not too long ago, didn't they?

Regardless, what important for me is that it is a local brand, owned and fully funded by Indonesian, use local contents (no matter how little there are right now).

ESEMKA is not a "National Car" so it should not be burden with that assumption, and this is their early step so I don't expect much.

At least we don't brag ridiculously like Viet here with VinFast.

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Esemka is a Chinese made car, we just rebrand it and do the assembling.
Regardless, what important for me is that it is a local brand, owned and fully funded by Indonesian, use local contents (no matter how little there are right now).
They use 80% local components.

Kandungan Lokal Mobil Esemka Diklaim 80%, Ini Sumber Komponennya

Berikut pembuat komponen mobil Esemka:

Produksi ban, sasis, hingga baut dari Perkumpulan Industri Kecil Menengah Komponen Otomotif (PIKO)
Aluminium dari PT Inalum
Kursi baja dari PT Krakatau Steel
Kaca di PT Asahimas
Beberapa bagian mesin (engine part) produk impor.
Produksi 400.000 unit setiap tahun.
Chassis dan bak dari PT Inka.
Blok mesin dan blok transmisi dari PT Cikarang Persada Manufacturing
Dashboard dan setir dari PT Usra Tampi
Radiator dari PT Tokyo Radiator Selamat Sempurna
Kaca Depan dari PT Armada Indah Agung Glass
Ban dari PT Gajah Tunggal
Bak/kargo dari ACC Bawen Karoseri dan PT Inka
Pelumas dari PT Pertamina.
Oil Filter dan Fuel Filter dibuat PT Selamat
Aki dari PT Nippress Energi Otomotif
Air Filter dari PT Duta Nichindo Pratama
Knalpot dari Catur Karya Manunggal
Jok dari Bawen Karoseri
Starter Assy dari Fuller Autoparts Indonesia
Per Daun dari Indospring
Shock Breaker dari Samudra Luas Paramacitra

It's not a stretch to say they're actually mobil nasional.
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It's just me. But personally I don"t really care about Mobnas.

What really excites me are INKA's train cars, PT DI's turboprops, and our shipyards' products.

And bikes. But maybe that's just because of the fact that I love bikes.

Berikut pembuat komponen mobil Esemka:

Chassis dan bak dari PT Inka.
Blok mesin dan blok transmisi dari PT Cikarang Persada Manufacturing

I was originally had doubt about those 2 parts (quoted above). Not saying I've got any interest whatsoever with this vehicle.
TBH I wan't to see how will they fare after several years before I'm interested enough to buy any.
Indonesia, Malaysia team up to develop local car brand

JAKARTA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Neighbours Indonesia and Malaysia have reached a deal on a joint venture to produce the first fully local-made Asean vehicle for domestic use.

Government representatives of the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in Jakarta on Friday to begin cooperation on the improvement of the automotive manufacturing workforce and supply chains with the aim of learning to fully produce components in the region and establish a new brand.
Malaysian Minister of International Trade and Industry Darrell Leiking, who signed the MOU on his country's behalf, lauded the move as a follow-up to the visit by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo in June.

"This is a testimony where a strong bilateral economic relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia has come to reality," he said during the signing event. "This shows that Malaysia and Indonesia should not be separated and should stay together in the economic and social development of the Asean region."

Leiking pointed out that Indonesia was Malaysia's seventh biggest trading partner, with interdependency between the two countries' automotive industries.

According to Trade Ministry data, Indonesia booked a US$139 million (S$190 million) surplus in trade with Malaysia from January to May this year amid total trade of US$7.65 billion. The surplus marks a turnaround from a US$160 million deficit recorded over the same period last year.

The MOU charges the Malaysian Automotive Institute (MAI) and the Indonesian Automotive Institute (IOI) with running the venture. The two government-established bodies have lined up their respective automotive component makers to realise the MOU through business-to-business cooperation.

MAI CEO Mohamad Madani Sahari said that, Indonesia and Malaysia, if joining forces, were already capable of creating vehicles with 90 per cent of the components made locally.

The two countries had also looked into the possibility of manufacturing cars that run on biodiesel, considering that Indonesia and Malaysia were the world's largest palm oil producers.

During his visit, Mahathir said Indonesia and Malaysia needed to fight together against the European Union's plan to restrict imports of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivative products.

"The IOI and MAI have agreed to implement further collaboration specifically for this research," Mohamad said following the event. "We will have more cooperation on research to advance our (capabilities) in creating electrical, hybrid vehicles."

However, he declined to set a target as to when any prototype vehicle made by the two countries might be completed, saying the entire process would be up to the corporations carrying out the MOU.

The Indonesian Industry Ministry's director general of resilience and development of international industrial access, I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan, said the number of Indonesian and Malaysian automotive component makers totalled almost 2,000 companies, with many of them falling in the small and medium enterprise category.

"The other important outcome of this (MOU) is human resource development - we will be able to upskill our automotive workers and exchange knowledge or information at the same time," Putu said.

He pointed out that such cooperation was living the spirit of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), which was established by Asean in 2015. The community entails a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) that guarantees engineers and professionals of seven other fields privileged access to the labor market of other Asean countries.

The MOU, he added, sought to create multiple types of vehicles, be it passenger cars, commercial or special-purpose vehicles.

"There are more than 640 million inhabitants in Asean. They will grow, and so will their purchasing power for vehicles," said Putu. "Therefore, we will do our best to supply that market."

IOI chairman Made Dana M. Tangkas said that, over the past years, high demand in Malaysia's automotive industry had prompted imports of components and spare parts from Indonesia.

Data from the Association of Indonesian Automotive Manufacturers (GIIAS) show that Indonesia had shipped almost 1.5 million individual components for passenger and commercial vehicles to Malaysia in the first half of 2018.

"This (MOU) is a warm-up toward the formation of a federation of Asean automotive institutes, which will concentrate on the benefits of Asean's own automotive industry," Made said, adding that the cooperating parties were looking forward to welcoming more Asean members, especially Thailand, which is the region's largest automotive producer.

waduuuch gan jangan sampai lach kalau kalau itu :nono:. Bisa2x ntar baru jalan 1000Km udah m'protol semua :hitwall:
Udah di MOU in kok.
It's not a stretch to say they're actually mobil nasional.
Uhmm no.
It's just me. But personally I don"t really care about Mobnas.

What really excites me are INKA's train cars, PT DI's turboprops, and our shipyards' products.

And bikes. But maybe that's just because of the fact that I love bikes.
But if success mobnas could book millions unit sale.
Because its cool, but mobil sejuta umat make more $.
Vinfast actually use new design but the design is made by a European design company. I think Vinfast made the car body since it is a new design but the rest of the component I believe are imported since there is no car engine factory in Vietnam and Vietnam dont have many local companies who produce car component like in Thailand and Indonesia. Vinfast engine is BMW, it is similar like Proton, a Malaysian car who also use Japanese made engine.

If we are serious to make national car, we should ask Pindad to do that. I also believe Pindad can even design and made engine block if Government give financial help. Our chance to make national car is even greater if the previous government dont sell Astra to the British. Another companies which have capacity to build national car, including its engine is Texmaco.

Vinfast engine factory, with a capacity of 250,000 units a year.
Vinfast engine factory, with a capacity of 250,000 units a year.

It looks like engine assembling factory, can you instead give me some article saying that Vinfast make the engine ?
[QUOTE = "Indos, post: 11753654, thành viên: 148143"] Có vẻ như nhà máy lắp ráp động cơ, thay vào đó bạn có thể cho tôi một số bài viết nói rằng Vinfast tạo ra động cơ không? [/ QUOTE]

CNC do the machine



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