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Indonesia Defense Industry

Who knows we can cooperate for the FA-50 project. I know you aren't in it. But the look of the first missiles, aren't they small for a massive aircraft like that?

For T50 Golden Eagle, Indonesia is just a customer. Indonesia Air Force is seen as using Korean plane for their standard training (T50 Golden Eagle (Advanced) and Wong Bee (Beginner)). We have bought another 6 T50i planes in 2021 and has already approved acquisition program to order another Wong Bee plane from Korea, execution maybe will be done this year or next year.

I dont know whether our Air Force will replace our Hawk squadrons for FA50 or not, but the tendency I believe is to replace them with KF21 planes as previously Air Force wants to replace Hawk squadrons with F16 Viper. Last year we change the plan and tried to refurbish and upgrade Hawk 100/200 where I believe this program is a stop gap measure to wait KF21 program to reach its mass production phase inshaAllah.

The smart bomb is still in prototype phase and Indonesia, if we see on the plan, wants to have both medium (Bayrakar) and large UCAV system (Elang Hitam MALE UCAV). So I guess there will likely be several types of smart bomb being developed, starting with small one first. The smart bomb is intended for both UCAV and fighter planes.
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Air Force Commander Deputy Reviews Hawk 100/200 Aircraft​

Avionic System Upgrade Produced by PT Infoglobal​


Wakasau Marsdya TNI A. Gustaf Brugman while reviewing the upgrade of the avionic system of the Hawk 100/200 aircraft at PT. Infoglobal. (Foyo: Doc. Dispenau)

Friday, February 3, 2023 | 17:23 p.m.

Jakarta, IDM – Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force (Wakasau) Marsdya TNI A. Gustaf Brugman paid a working visit to PT. Infoglobal Technology Universe (PT. ITS) in Surabaya, Thursday (2/2).

The visit was carried out with the aim of seeing the development of work on upgrading the avionic system of the Hawk 100/200 type fighter belonging to the Air Force (TNI AU).

"Thank you for the cooperation that has gone very well between the Air Force and PT. ITS, especially in the field of upgrading the avionic system of the Hawk 100/200 fighter aircraft," said Gustaf as quoted from a statement from Dispenau, Friday (3/1).

Surabaya, 2 February 2023

Wakasau Visits Infoglobal

Marketing Infoglobal

Infoglobal receives a visit from Deputy Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force (Wakasau), Marsdya TNI A. Gustaf Brugman, M.Si. (Han) and his staffs on 2 February 2023. The visit is welcomed by Infoglobal CEO, Adi Sasongko at Infoglobal Workshop, Surabaya.

The agenda is started with Safety Induction applied in Infoglobal, speech from Infoglobal CEO and Wakasau. In front of Wakasau, Infoglobal presents work progress and Infoglobal portfolio for TNI AU, including avionics for Super Tucano, Hawk 100/200, Boeing, and KT-1B, also TDAS that is used to monitor aircraft traffic in Indonesia regions.

This agenda continues with workshop tour by reviewing Infoglobal production facilities in manufacturing avionics products. This visit is ended by taking pictures together.

Private Sector

RCWS by PT Respati



Wednesday, 8 February 2023



Jakarta Wednesday (08/02/2023).

In the framework of the movement to Increase the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) and increase the Level of Domestic Local Content (TKDN), the Director General of Pothan Kemhan Major General Dadang Hendrayudha accompanied by the Secretary General of Pothan Kemhan Laksma TNI Sri Yanto, held a working visit to PT. Respati Solusi Rekatama which is one of the Defense Industries engaged in the production of Remote Controlled Weapon Stations (RCWS) for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Indonesian Army, and is located in Cibitung Bekasi. The Director General of Pothan Kemhan was received by Dhita Yudhistira as Main Director, Asep Sulaeman as Director of Marketing, Binar Arfa Darumaya as Director of Operations, and Director of Production Engineering Bintang Hadi Dharma.

Dhita Yudhistira said that PT. Respati Solusi Rekatama is a national company engaged in the Defense Industry, experienced in various national strategic projects involving government and private institutions, registered in developing and owning Remote Control Weapon System technology, which is a remote weapon control system that can be installed on mobile vehicles as well as in buildings.

Respati Solusi Rekatama has the ability to develop, design, installation and integration of software, electronics and control, then mechanical project management and is engaged in optoelectronics, both in engineering and procurement of supporting devices.

Director General Pothan reviewed the RCWS production process for the needs of the Indonesian Army and several other products, as well as the company's production facilities. On this occasion the Director General of Pothan Kemhan conveyed directions so that PT. Respati Solusi Rekatama as one of the Defense Industries can work professionally with other National Defense Industries in an effort to create a strong, advanced and independent Defense Industry to encourage increased use of domestic products.

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Private Sector

PT Aero Terra Indonesia

V380 UAV
(Already in operation with our Navy).



Other Aero Terra Indonesia (Aero Terrascan) UAV products used by Indonesian Armed Force

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Pindad SPM-1 caliber 5.56 x 45 mm is a Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) which has a rate of fire of 720-820 per minute, with a range of 300-600 m.

Source: Pindad
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Indonesian Marine Corps received a number of new combat materials, including
PM3 SMG and SS2-V4 rifle (with SPG1-V4 40mm Grenade Launcher attached)



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Several small Shipbuilders in Batam island, Riau province Island, Sumatra Island.

This is one of the largest shipbuider in Batam, PT Batamex Shipyard, which is owned by woman entrepreneur, Maya Miranda Ambarsari. The shipbuider has made several Navy ships and will participate for the building of Arrowhead 140 frigate as subcontractor for PT PAL Indonesia.

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Indonesia Planning Minister has approved 2 Scorpene submarines (diesel electric) order from Naval Group of France. All of the submarines, based on the plan, will be constructed in PT PAL Indonesia submarine building facility in Surabaya, East Java. Waiting Finance Minister approval. Expected real effective order is in 2024 inshaAllah.

Scorpene Submarine


PT PAL Indonesia submarine building facility



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