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Indonesia Defense Industry

Several small Shipbuilders in Batam island, Riau province Island, Sumatra Island.

This is one of the largest shipbuider in Batam, PT Batamex Shipyard, which is owned by woman entrepreneur, Maya Miranda Ambarsari. The shipbuider has made several Navy ships and will participate for the building of Arrowhead 140 frigate as subcontractor for PT PAL Indonesia.


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Defense Minister Prabowo Visits ITB, Affirms Full Support for Defense Technologists

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Bandung - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto on Wednesday (3/11) visited the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to exchange ideas with defense technology experts regarding the contribution that can be made to the advancement of national defense.

During the meeting, Defense Minister Prabowo emphasized the Ministry of Defense's support for the efforts and innovations of technology experts from ITB through the signing of a joint agreement between the Ministry of Defense and ITB on the Implementation of Education, Research, Development of Science and Technology that Supports National Defense.

The joint agreement was signed by Defense Minister Prabowo and ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah. The agreement is intended to realize a strong and independent Indonesian national defense through collaborative activities in education, research, development of science and technology.

“The progress of defense technology depends on scientists. We really need you. We are ready to try to support your efforts and innovations," said Defense Minister Prabowo at the ITB Campus, Bandung, Wednesday.

Also attending the meeting, the Secretary of the ITB Institute, Prof. Widjaja Martokusumo, Head of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, Dr. Joko Sarwono, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Prof. Tatacipta Dirgantara, Head of the Center for Defense and Security Technology Technology Djarot Widagdo, Ph.D, and researcher in the field of Defense Technology Dr. Joko Suryana and Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat.

At the event, Defense Minister Prabowo also had the opportunity to see some of the results of research and development carried out by ITB, including the development of AESA Radar and Passive Radar which were the result of joint research and development with the Balitbang Kemhan (Ministery of Defense R&D department).

ITB is also developing a fighter plane simulator and an unmanned aircraft simulator together with Balitbang Kemhan and PT DI and developing natural materials for the manufacture of bullet-proof vests, as well as propellant raw materials for rockets. In addition, ITB is also developing unmanned aerial vehicles for serial surveillance of natural resources and the boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition to ITB, previously in September, Defense Minister Prabowo visited Airlangga University (Unair) and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and signed a similar cooperation in the field of education, research, and the development of science and technology that supports national defense. (Public Relations Bureau).





MoU PT RAI - PT Tehnika Ina Production of R80 Aircraft Military Version​

Tuesday, 13 November 2018 09:09 WIB

Author: FX Ismanto


President Director of PT RAI, Agung Nugroho together during the signing of the cooperation with the President Director of PT Tehnika Ina, Panca Tazakka at the Indo Defence Expo 2018.

To note, in addition to civilian transport aircraft, the R80 can be developed for military needs. One of them is for the needs of maritime and air patrol aircraft, as well as 'submarine killer'," Agung said.





Domestic Market potency from Indonesian Navy for PT PAL Indonesia


Development Program for OPV and LPD ( PT PAL Indonesia )

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A private owned company wants to supply bombs for Indonesian Air Force




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PT Pindad military vehicle products.

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