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Ga ngerti gw kenapa tni al-kemenhan masih ngebet ma kilo!! Kan banyak type lontong yg disodorin buat tot yg lbh bagus dr kilo
Jangan2 ngiler kickbacknya lagi......

various bidders have various backchannel lobbying, I know this from personal experience hehe
Reporter: Hendra Friana
July 21st, 2017 reads normal 1 minute

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Megawati conveyed that alutsista is not the main thing in facing the threat in this modern era war.

The reason for Megawati, the nation's independence history proves that the most powerful weapon is spirit, as well as full commitment in striving.

(Tirto.id - hen / agu)

Lawan tuh liaoning pake bambu dan semangat 45.......
This is the 21st century. Tomahawk missile beat "National Spirit (tm.)" 100/10 times.

We have to modernize our weapon systems or be obsolete when the next war comes.
Let our children and grandchildrens know that their ancestors beat foreign power armed with tomahawk and sweet *** jets :sniper::sniper::chilli::chilli:
Indonesia, US joint exercise ends
Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017 06:36 WIB - 892 Views

Sidoarjo, E Java (ANTARA News) - The five-day Indonesia-US joint exercise themed Marines Tactical Warfare Simulation (MTWS) ended on Friday.

Assistant for operation to the Commander of Marine Corps, Colonel Nanang Saefulloh, representing the commander of the Marine corps, Brigadier General Lukman, S.T., M.Si (Han), closed the joint exercise at Bhumi Marinir in Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java.

During the five-day exercise, naval soldiers of the two countries took part in the command post exercise, he stated.

"The participants also took part in a series of activities, ranging from planning, management, coordination, and decision-making process to soldiers mobilization simulation, in an integrated manner," he noted.

The exercise also included ways to handle the impact of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

"This exercise is important to forge cooperation and mutual understanding in military planning process between the two countries," he revealed.


Reported by Indra Setiawan

Editor: Suryanto

Joint ITS (10 November Technological Institute) -- UBL (Budi Luhur University) -- PT Fin Komodo Teknologi (National Car producer and defense contractor) Electric Vehicle for 2018 Dakkar Rally named BLITS

Design is 100% complete and now ready for production

Will be eqiupped with electric motor with 100 HP at 6000 RPM. Also 75 kWh battery. Projected range is 200 km.
Two units planned, one is fully electric and another is hybrid.

TNI may use this BLITS EV as scout, fast attack, and/or infiltration vehicle.
Because using electric power, heat signature and sound is lowered, and it's perfect for special force troops. Because no emission, it is good for environment. Maybe only few dozens would be produced for racing, so if TNI buy these, it will support Mobnas (national car) development.

I hope TNI will be interested with this. Before this PT FKT already produced off road vehicle for civilian and military use, namely Fin Komodo :

Sunday 23 July 2017, 15:35 WIB
TNI AU Continues to Strengthen Air Defense at the Border
Arbi Anugrah - detikNews

Banyumas - TNI AU Chief of Staff Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said the Air Force (AU) continues to strengthen the air defense of the Republic of Indonesia in the outer islands bordering other countries such as Natuna, Tarakan, Morotai, Biak, Merauke and Kupang.

"In Kupang, in this case we will also build a base in Slaru according to the policy of the TNI Commander and now it is running," TNI spokesman Hadi Tjahjanto told reporters at Pendapa Kecamatan Banyumas on Sunday (23/7/2017).

According to him, the air force itself on the second strategic plan 2014-2019 will also continue to be strengthened, including the procurement of fighter aircraft, Hercules type J aircraft and the addition of training aircraft, including helicopters and radar.

"The most important thing is the addition of 12 radars, so it can be guarded to observe the entire territory of NKRI," he explained.

In addition, he continued, to maintain the integrity of NKRI in the second renstra that is in Natuna and Tarakan will be placed unmanned aircraft that can fly up to 36 hours.

"The most important thing is the placement of drones (unmanned) in Natuna and Tarakan with the ability to fly for 24 hours to 36 hours with a range of 2,000 kilometers," he said.

While on the third renstra will start working on Morotai until the entire territory of Indonesia can be seen and watched from the ocean to the mainland.

He added later all the information can be monitored and can be spread to units under it. Everything uses a digital system so that incoming information can not be deceived anymore.

"The second Resrtra is being started and will be continued on the third strategic plan.Navy, air and ground on our border can be a commando," concluded Hadi.
(Arb / bgs)

Sunday 23 July 2017, 15:35 WIB
TNI AU Continues to Strengthen Air Defense at the Border
Arbi Anugrah - detikNews

Banyumas - TNI AU Chief of Staff Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said the Air Force (AU) continues to strengthen the air defense of the Republic of Indonesia in the outer islands bordering other countries such as Natuna, Tarakan, Morotai, Biak, Merauke and Kupang.

"In Kupang, in this case we will also build a base in Slaru according to the policy of the TNI Commander and now it is running," TNI spokesman Hadi Tjahjanto told reporters at Pendapa Kecamatan Banyumas on Sunday (23/7/2017).

According to him, the air force itself on the second strategic plan 2014-2019 will also continue to be strengthened, including the procurement of fighter aircraft, Hercules type J aircraft and the addition of training aircraft, including helicopters and radar.

"The most important thing is the addition of 12 radars, so it can be guarded to observe the entire territory of NKRI," he explained.

In addition, he continued, to maintain the integrity of NKRI in the second renstra that is in Natuna and Tarakan will be placed unmanned aircraft that can fly up to 36 hours.

"The most important thing is the placement of drones (unmanned) in Natuna and Tarakan with the ability to fly for 24 hours to 36 hours with a range of 2,000 kilometers," he said.

While on the third renstra will start working on Morotai until the entire territory of Indonesia can be seen and watched from the ocean to the mainland.

He added later all the information can be monitored and can be spread to units under it. Everything uses a digital system so that incoming information can not be deceived anymore.

"The second Resrtra is being started and will be continued on the third strategic plan.Navy, air and ground on our border can be a commando," concluded Hadi.
(Arb / bgs)


versi Indo


Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto mengatakan dalam rencana strategis (renstra) kedua, TNI AU segera memperkuat sistem pertahanan di sejumlah wilayah Indonesia.

“Renstra kedua, kami akan memperkuat di Natuna, kemudian di Tarakan, Morotai, Biak, Merauke, kemudian di Kupang. Dalam hal ini kami juga akan membangun pangkalan yang ada di Selaru sesuai dengan kebijakan-kebijakan Panglima TNI,” katanya usai membuka kegiatan Bakti Sosial dan Karya Bakti TNI Angkatan Udara di Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Minggu.

Sementara yang sedang berjalan untuk renstra kedua 2014-2019, kata dia, TNI AU juga akan memperkuat sistem pertahanan di antaranya pengadaan pesawat tempur pengganti pesawat F-5.

Selain itu, lanjut dia, penambahan pesawat Hercules tipe J, penambahan pesawat-pesawat latih termasuk pesawat helikopter, dan penambahan 12 radar.

Menurut dia, penambahan radar itu sangat penting karena bisa mengawal dan mengamati seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

“Dan yang sangat penting lagi, rencana pesawat `drone` tanpa awak di Natuna dan Tarakan dengan kemampuan MALE (pesawat tanpa awak buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia), terbang 24 jam sampai 36 jam dengan jarak jangkau kurang lebih 2.000 kilometer. Itu yang akan kami tempatkan dalam renstra kedua ini di Tarakan dan Natuna,” katanya.

Sementara dalam renstra ketiga, kata dia, TNI AU akan menempatkan pesawat tanpa awak di Morotai dan Selaru.

Dengan demikian, lanjut dia, TNI AU dapat melihat pengamanan di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia mulai dari samudra hingga daratan dengan menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak.

Terkait dengan hal itu, KSAU mengatakan pihaknya telah membangun jaringan komunikasi data (network centric corporation) di TNI AU dan akan dikembangkan di Markas Besar TNI.

“Kemungkinan juga pada tingkatan yang lebih tinggi sehingga seluruh informasi di negeri kita ini bisa terpantau dari `drone` dan bisa disebarkan ke seluruh satuan-satuan yang ada di bawah dan tidak bisa dibohongi karena semua menggunakan sistem digital yang bisa dibaca, di mana ada ancaman, entah itu ancaman laut, ancaman darat, ancaman udara, itu yang sekarang sedang kita bangun,” katanya.

Ia mengharapkan pada renstra ketiga, dari TNI Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Udara, dan Angkatan Darat yang ada di perbatasan sudah satu komando dalam jaringan komunikasi data atau “network centric corporation”.

Photo : MALE UAV ANKA TAI [Aviation Analysis Wing]

Sumber : Antara Jateng


Batalyon Artileri Medan 1 Kostrad menggelar Latihan Menembak Senjata Berat Teknis (Latbakjatratnis), Selasa (18/7/17).

Batalyon Artileri Medan 1 Kostrad terus mengasah kemampuan para prajuritnya guna menghadapi latihan Antar Kecabangan (Ancab) yang akan dihelat bulan Agustus mendatang. Kali ini, Yonarmed 1 Kostrad menggelar Latihan Menembak Senjata Berat Teknis (Latbakjatratnis), Selasa (18/7/17).

Latihan yang diselenggarakan di Pusat Latihan Tempur (Puslatpur) 5 Marinir, Kabupaten Situbondo ini digelar selama 5 hari, mulai tanggal 17 – 21 Juli 2017. Pada pelaksanaannya, Yonarmed 1 Kostrad mengerahkan 12 pucuk Roket MLRS Astros ll berasal dari 2 Baterai tempur.

Komandan Yonarmed 1 Kostrad, Letkol Arm Rico Ricardo Sirait, B.S, M.D.S menyampaikan, Latihan menembak senjata berat yang dilaksanakan ini sebagai bentuk puncak menghadapai Latihan Antar Kecabangan yang akan diikuti oleh Yonarmed 1 Kostrad di Baturaja, awal Agustus nanti.

“Roket MLRS Astros ll merupakan senjata canggih berupa peluncur roket dengan mobilitas dan fleksibilitas tinggi yang memiliki efek gentar terhadap musuh. Karena bisa meluncurkan beberapa roket sekaligus dengan jangkauan sasaran yang jauh dan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Selain itu, senjata ini juga memiliki jangkauan mencapai jarak 40 Km,”kata Danyonarmed 1 Kostrad.

Danyonarmed 1 Kostrad menambahkan, bahwa Latihan ini bertujuan untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan Tim Pelaksana Tembakan dan menguji prosedur komunikasi.”Kami berharap sasaran latihan ini dapat terwujud yakni mendukung pelaksanaan tugas pokok pertempuran membantu Satuan manuver,”pungkasnya.

Sumber : SI


Demi memenuhi Peta Jalan (roadmap) BUMN 2015-2019 yang telah ditetapkan Kementerian BUMN, sebanyak enam Badan Usaha Milik negara Industri Strategis (BUMNIS) yang tergabung dalam kluster National Defence and Hightech Industry (NDHI) seriusi konsolidasi pemasaran dan promosi produk secara bersama, Hal ini dilakukan melalui website gabungan yang siap diresmikan pada perhelatan Indonesia Business and Development (IBD) Expo 2017, September mendatang.

“Website NDHI ini harus menjadi sarana konsolidasi dalam promosi produk bersama. Jika konsisten, maka website ini akan berdampak pada penghematan biaya promosi masing-masing perusahaan,” ucap Asisten Deputi Kementerian BUMN Bidang Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, dan Media Yuni Suryanto, pada Rapat Teknis Persiapan Pameran Bersama dan Soft Launching Website Kluster National Defence and Hightech Industry (NDHI) bersama Kementerian BUMN, di Garut, Jumat (21/07).

Yuni mengungkapkan, website konsolidasi ini nantinya akan menjadi virtual aset bisnis bagi BUMN untuk pemasaran produk dan jasanya. Apalagi, target pemasaran masing-masing perusahaan memiliki portofolio bisnis dan area beragam. Hasilnya, sinergi ‘jualan bareng’ NDHI pun akan berjalan sesuai dengan Roadmap BUMN 2015-2019 yang telah ditetapkan Kementerian BUMN.

Ketua Konsolidasi BUMNIS INDONESIA Mamat Ruhimat ikut menambahkan, website gabungan ini bisa dibilang memiliki unsur strategis. Sebab, media ini akan menjadi pilot project bagi perusahaan holding lainnya. “Website NDHI ini bisa jadi contoh bagi holding lainnya untuk promosi dan publikasi bersama,” ujarnya.

Konsolidasi ini pun tidak hanya menjadi ajang untuk mengejar target penjualan, tapi juga penggodogan sejumlah kesepakatan untuk bersinergi dalam melakukan publikasi bersama. Publikasi yang telah berjalan di antaranya media sosial Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, dan Instagram yang membawa bendera NDHI BUMN. Publikasi bersama ini juga akan dilanjutkan dengan launching website dan E-Bulletin NDHI pada IBD Expo 2017. Menurut Mamat, konsep publikasi ini dilakukan sebagai jalan memperkokoh agenda sinergi BUMN, sekaligus menggali kompetensi masing-masing perusahaan.

Pada tahun ini, enam perusahaan kluster NDHI ini terdiri dari PT DAHANA (Persero), PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero), PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero), PT Industri Nuklir Indonesia (Persero), PT Len Industri (Persero), serta PT Pindad (Persero) ini sepakat mengejar target penjualan melalui Indonesia and Business Development Expo (IBD) dan RiTech Expo 2017.

Dua perhelatan besar yang diadakan pada Agustus dan September 2017 akan menjadi ‘gong’ sinergi pemasaran NDHI dan ajang untuk mengekspos BUMNIS INDONESIA kluster NDHI yang resmi dibentuk 22 November 2015 silam pada momen Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Menteri BUMN dengan Direktur Utama seluruh BUMN. ”Targetnya, publikasi bersama ini memberikan peluang kolaborasi antar-BUMNIS atau partner BUMNIS lainnya. Apabila masyarakat ingin lebih tahu tentang NDHI kami persilahkan untuk dapat mengikuti atau follow media sosial NDHI,” tambahnya.

Photo : PT Pindad ikuti MAST Asia 2017. (PT Pindad)

Sumber : Pen Dahana
The Display Design Office of Vitebsk, Belarus, is showcasing a new version of its ADUNOK Remote Weapon Station (RWS) at Indo Defence 2016 in Jakarta this week.

Known as ADUNOK-W, the new variant of the established range of RWS features a Russian NVST 12.7mm MG and an AG-17A 30mm Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL), representing a significant increase in firepower over previous versions, which carried a single MG in either 7.62mm or 12.7mm calibre or an AGL.

Ready-use ammunition bins, which need to be replenished manually once depleted, carry 100 rounds for the MG and 50 for the AGL. The mount is fully stabilised with video and thermal cameras and a laser rangefinder with effective ranges of 2,000, 1,000 and 2,500m respectively. Traverse is through 360° at a slew rate of 60°/s and elevation from -10 to +60°. A provision has been made for independent power supply, though the mount normally draws power from the vehicle.

The ruggedised flat panel display control station can be dismounted, enabling users to operate the RWS remotely from the vehicle – at a stand-off distance of up to 100m via cable or 500m using a wireless connection, Head of Design Department Sergey Schalgov told MT in Jakarta.

What makes our product a little different is our expressed desire to transfer technology to partner countries – as we have already done here in Indonesia, where the ADUNOK is already installed on PT Pindad 6x6 vehicles,” he added.

Tim Mahon
The Display Design Office of Vitebsk, Belarus, is showcasing a new version of its ADUNOK Remote Weapon Station (RWS) at Indo Defence 2016 in Jakarta this week.

Known as ADUNOK-W, the new variant of the established range of RWS features a Russian NVST 12.7mm MG and an AG-17A 30mm Automatic Grenade Launcher (AGL), representing a significant increase in firepower over previous versions, which carried a single MG in either 7.62mm or 12.7mm calibre or an AGL.

Ready-use ammunition bins, which need to be replenished manually once depleted, carry 100 rounds for the MG and 50 for the AGL. The mount is fully stabilised with video and thermal cameras and a laser rangefinder with effective ranges of 2,000, 1,000 and 2,500m respectively. Traverse is through 360° at a slew rate of 60°/s and elevation from -10 to +60°. A provision has been made for independent power supply, though the mount normally draws power from the vehicle.

The ruggedised flat panel display control station can be dismounted, enabling users to operate the RWS remotely from the vehicle – at a stand-off distance of up to 100m via cable or 500m using a wireless connection, Head of Design Department Sergey Schalgov told MT in Jakarta.

What makes our product a little different is our expressed desire to transfer technology to partner countries – as we have already done here in Indonesia, where the ADUNOK is already installed on PT Pindad 6x6 vehicles,” he added.

Tim Mahon

Seems anoa will using kongsberg RCWS not adunok
But do they purchase the RCWS in high quantity? I've never seen many Anoa installed with RCWS
Just for your information this image of 2016 is edited :

The real image is this, it is on Indodefence 2008 :
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