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Indonesia Defence Forum

i always prefers the Russian warbirds compares to European Typhoons and Grippen.
But at the end, the one with comprehensive ToT package must be our priority.

Agree with you here, lets we all see it in a long term basis than mere a short one, particularly in the context where we have already been much a head of Malaysia at 2016 in term of air force plat form (adding 24 F-16). Inducting more at current time means we are targeting China, which is unlikely to happen in a period of 10-15 years to come, as China has to deal with Vietnam / Philippine/ USA first before reaching our shore.

I doubt China will win if USA comes now ( but after 10 years runs out, USA will not have the power and enough will to challenge China, this will be the crucial moment for SEA region), but I believe that China will not see us as enemy, they need us in the long run in a fight to balance USA power in Asia and even in the world (as we are number 4 in term of population, and number 9 in GDP (PPP) )

If we are going to induct another fleet, it should be taken in a strategic way which is to help KFX/IFX program. No way we can be world power if we just import fighter planes. And only another word power that will be able to balance China in SEA region after USA leave this region at that time 10-15 years from now.

I suggest us to buy C-295 AEW & C version, learning how to conduct a more sophisticated war first......It has already used AESA, maybe we can get some TOT as well
According to ms.Connie R., Jokowi want to buy three Global Hawk UAV from USA
Our Female Soldiers serving in Special Force Unit (Kopassus)






Female soldiers in Selfie mode :cheesy:



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with only 32 heavy fighter is severely lacking to defend our vast air space, we need more platform to cover it
That is what I am saying lady you should have at least 270 heavy fighter jets
Jokowi said he is going to multiply government military budget 3 times if economy growth rate is more than 7%.
While current economy growth rate assumption is only 5.6%.
I think, during his administration Indonesian economy growth rate will never reach 7% and he will never multiply military budget, ever.

In 2014 Indonesian military budget is 4.5% of its total budget, while in 2015 the allocation is 4.6%.
Jokowi should give more measurable promise like "increasing 2016 military budget into 5% of total budget", or "increasing 2019 military budget into 6% of total budget".

We do not need military budget as high as Singapore, but at least more than 5% of government total budget.
Jokowi said he is going to multiply government military budget 3 times if economy growth rate is more than 7%.
While current economy growth rate assumption is only 5.6%.
I think, during his administration Indonesian economy growth rate will never reach 7% and he will never multiply military budget, ever.

In 2014 Indonesian military budget is 4.5% of its total budget, while in 2015 the allocation is 4.6%.
Jokowi should give more measurable promise like "increasing 2016 military budget into 5% of total budget", or "increasing 2019 military budget into 6% of total budget".

We do not need military budget as high as Singapore, but at least more than 5% of government total budget.

Jokowi and Yusuf Kalla combination is interesting, both of them is brave enough to lift oil subsidy policy from earlier campaign. Yusuf Kalla is also a supporter of our defense industry, it is him that make us procure ANOA APC not SBY, and make Pindad like Today. If we can secure 300 Trillion Budget each year from being burned for our automotive industry, it will be easy to allocate some for our military budget.

Some story about our special forces (Kopassus)

"Not long after, Colonel Kawilarang with the use of military intelligence located and met with Major Rokus Bernardus Visser - a former member of the Dutch Special Forces who had remained a peaceful and law-abiding citizen in newly independent Indonesia, settled in West Java, married an Indonesian woman, and was known locally as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the first recruit for the Indonesian special forces, as well as its first commander. Due to him, the unit later to become Kopassus adopted the distinctive Red Beret similar to that of the Dutch Special Forces. Also because of this, the unit sometimes also called Baret Merah by Indonesians (Red Berets in Indonesian)."

Kopassus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is a photo of a man who trained our Kopassus and become Kopassus first Commander

Jokowi said he is going to multiply government military budget 3 times if economy growth rate is more than 7%.
While current economy growth rate assumption is only 5.6%.
I think, during his administration Indonesian economy growth rate will never reach 7% and he will never multiply military budget, ever.

In 2014 Indonesian military budget is 4.5% of its total budget, while in 2015 the allocation is 4.6%.
Jokowi should give more measurable promise like "increasing 2016 military budget into 5% of total budget", or "increasing 2019 military budget into 6% of total budget".

We do not need military budget as high as Singapore, but at least more than 5% of government total budget.

Doesn't know it is true or not, but i've got information he has an intention to raising our military budget significantly. And his comments recently is only intended to soften the opposition and political opponents.
Another Female Kopassus



Police Women and Kopassus Soldier
Jokowi said he is going to multiply government military budget 3 times if economy growth rate is more than 7%.
While current economy growth rate assumption is only 5.6%.
I think, during his administration Indonesian economy growth rate will never reach 7% and he will never multiply military budget, ever.

In 2014 Indonesian military budget is 4.5% of its total budget, while in 2015 the allocation is 4.6%.
Jokowi should give more measurable promise like "increasing 2016 military budget into 5% of total budget", or "increasing 2019 military budget into 6% of total budget".

We do not need military budget as high as Singapore, but at least more than 5% of government total budget.

Perhaps in his 4th or 5th year, if he manage to fix structural issues. I'm quite optimistic.
I read that jakarta's traffic jam alone cost us 0.5% of growth, logistic bottleneck due to lack of ports and inadequate rail transport another 1.0-1.5%. We actually have the potential to reach 8-10% growth.
Jokowi said he is going to multiply government military budget 3 times if economy growth rate is more than 7%.
While current economy growth rate assumption is only 5.6%.
I think, during his administration Indonesian economy growth rate will never reach 7% and he will never multiply military budget, ever.

In 2014 Indonesian military budget is 4.5% of its total budget, while in 2015 the allocation is 4.6%.
Jokowi should give more measurable promise like "increasing 2016 military budget into 5% of total budget", or "increasing 2019 military budget into 6% of total budget".

We do not need military budget as high as Singapore, but at least more than 5% of government total budget.

Its hard to get 7% growth if KMP keep nagging Jokowi's policies.
Jokowi wants to stop fuel subsidies and corruptions and oil mafias but I think KMP will oppose that policies.

why buy SU 35?,just wait for PAK-FA

Buy a squadron of SU-35 for 2014-2019 and PAK FA for 2019-2024.

According to ms.Connie R., Jokowi want to buy three Global Hawk UAV from USA

Global hawk is good but I like MQ9 reaper better. It can carry missiles. Global hawk cannot carry weapons.

3 global hawk which is $120m each, can buy 5 MQ-9 reapers. That means we can get 15 MQ-9 reapers.
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Indonesia's Peacekeeper to win in UNIFIL shooting championship

3.Indonesia (Lol)

can other indo poster here give me english version of the news please?

Its hard to get 7% growth if KMP keep nagging Jokowi's policies.
Jokowi wants to stop fuel subsidies and corruptions and oil mafias but I think KMP will oppose that policies.

Buy a squadron of SU-35 for 2014-2019 and PAK FA for 2019-2024.

Global hawk is good but I like MQ9 reaper better. It can carry missiles. Global hawk cannot carry weapons.

3 global hawk which is $120m each, can buy 5 MQ-9 reapers. That means we can get 15 MQ-9 reapers.

You can't compare Global Hawk with Reaper or Predator, they are two kind of different Species. Global Hawk as an HALE UAV is intended for surveillance and gathering data only, it was much different with Reaper who intended to carry out some surgical and precision attacks into their intended targets
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