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All i want to say...Thanks to Malaysia. in 2005 they succesfully loosening the Garuda's chain. And Thanks again to China for loosening it again.

Indonesian Army to practicing Martial Arts

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Some scene on our October Military Parade 2014

@NarThoD How about your own picture then :smitten:
seriously we lack some offensive weapons system like Cruise missile and Tactical land attack missile

Indonesian National Armed Forces Anniversary











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seriously we lack some offensive weapons system like Cruise missile and Tactical land attack missile



In my opinion it is better to put more money for our rockets and cruse missile development in the mean time, and also our cooperation with China in C-705 production should be proceeded. As we both know, C-705 also has land attack version. Thus, while waiting those program get materialized, better focus on the next fighter acquisition to replace F-5 while in the same time getting TOT for our IFX program.
N219 It Started to be Produced

Published on Monday, 06 October 2014 06:59 | Hits: 502


The design is made as simple as possible for easy operation. Two prototypes are targeted finished in October 2015 is also the engine, avionics and propellers will have arrived and ready for installation. Of the 145 units are set to break even capital, the two companies said to have ordered 130 units.

19 seat turboprop aircraft which has been predicted to be the backbone binder remote areas in Indonesia, finally began to be made. Metal cutting machine keystrokes Quaser MV 184 Indonesia by PT DI president director Budi Santoso and Chief Thomas Lapan Jamaladin, Tuesday, September 9 at Hangar last PT Indonesian Aerospace Machining, Bandung West Java, symbolically turn on the row of similar machines that have been prepared to print thousands of aircraft components this.

The first component is printed, the center post or bone the middle of the cockpit window, then presented to the audience and reporters. Chief Engineer N219, Palmana Banandhi reveal, aircraft structures hundred percent smaller body Nations Children's work will consist of five thousand types of components, and all will be done in DI. He is optimistic the two prototypes will be completed before the end of 2015, and will soon be certified the feasibility of flying in 2016.

For DI, the manufacture of this aircraft is a moment that is very eagerly awaited. Because, since the design was introduced in the 2000s, news about making sure not go by because the absence of a budget. The new problem is solved after Lapan proposed the concept of win-win solutions through its authority as an aerospace R & D institutions. SBY government agreed poured Rp 400 billion in fiscal year 2014-15, especially after Lapan undertakes 40 percent of this plane is local content.

"The work we have showered on the Aviation Technology Center recently established. But because they do not have sufficient expertise, technical implementation is subcontracted to DI. Through this partnership was further we can learn a lot how to design aircraft. Expert Pustekbang himself quite intense conducting tests in the wind tunnel facility and testing laboratory construction Lapan BPPT in Serpong, Tangerang, "the story of Drs. Bambang S. Tedjasukmana, Dipl.Ing, to Space, years ago when it was still the head of Lapan.

In addition to the entire frame and plate to print their own skin in the DI, a variety of local industries is said to have been contacted to participate in the manufacture of window glass, avionics, landing gear, seats, and even radar. DI myself have opted for the Garmin G1000 avionics N219, but for further development it is also possible to include local industries such as PT Infoglobal Universe Technology of Surabaya.

"N219 is the foundation for the rise of technology in Indonesia. For this first stage we can contract manufacture of ECU to flap controller and simulator. Hopefully in the next step we could engage more, "said Managing Director of ITS, Adi Saso.

Competing with the Twin Otter

2015 alone live a stone's throw. Will these aircraft be finished as promised? To Space, Technology and Development Director of DI, Dr. Andi Alisjahbana replied, "Why not?" He believes finished troublesome since no one in the making. Technology has been made as simple as possible. So simple, to the point that the aircraft is not only easy to fly, but also easily treated by technicians in the area. (Adrianus Darmawan)

Assistant Operations Air Marshal TNI KSAU Sudipo Handoyo: Strengthen the Air Force Information Warfare and defense equipment

Published on Monday, 06 October 2014 06:45 | Hits: 278


In addition to strengthening defense equipment to improve its combat capabilities, the Air Force made an emphasis on the acquisition of information so the cutting edge before the war.

Mastery of information to an emphasis first before carrying out the military operations of war (OMP). How are we going to make an attack against an enemy force that does not control the information about how much power the enemy and what the enemy will do to us. Assistant Operations Air Marshal TNI KSAU Sudipo Handoyo lays the matter to the Space in his office last month. According Sudipo, effort to control various kinds of information should be the center and the Air Force. To reach this level, the Air Force must complete a variety of devices required information warfare.

In carrying out the campaign air war, as has been done in the format of joint exercises, the Air Force has put forward the information war factor. Information collected enemy forces as much as possible and then used as a basis for carrying out the attack strategy. "Let us not intend going to the bombing enemy forces in a base, it turns the enemy has moved armaments and combat forces first," he pointed out.

Destroying the enemy in his own power base, is often regarded as an act of aggression. "Our understanding is wrong, which eventually led to the opinion that if we attack the enemy outside the Homeland we considered to be the aggressor state. Though it is not aggression, it actually is part of an air war operations, "said the former commander of this SESKOAU.

Further Sudipo Air Force, has a doctrine of strategic air operations, to destroy the enemy in his country. "If the enemy still qualify also entered our airspace, we are opposed to the operation of the air offensive opponent. There we fighter pilots struggling to block them, "he said. The strength of the enemy who gets in, will allow the war at sea and land. This is often scripted in joint exercises, in which the enemies of the state managed to get control of some areas of the Republic of Indonesia, and only after it was destroyed by a combined operation.

jet tanker

Regarding the addition of defense equipment, Asops KSAU explained. As per the strategic plan as outlined in the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) Phase I (2009-2014), the Air Force is currently waiting for some aircraft that have been purchased but have not come all. Among these F-16C / D 52ID will complete 24 units come next year. This aircraft will fill Squadron 16 at the Air Force base Roesmin Nurjadin, Pekanbaru and partly fill the Air Squadron 3, Iswahjudi Air Force Base, Hove. Facilities Air Squadron 16 is now complete, ranging from shelters, hangars, offices to residential services. (At the time this article is derived, the Air Squadron 16, scheduled to be inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono end of September 2014).

In addition to the Air Squadron 16 Squadron Air Force will build the Air Force base 33 at Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar. This will be filled Squadron C-130H aircraft which is a grant and buy at cheap prices from Australia. Air Force will also form the Air Squadron 27 at Halim air base for the CN295 aircraft to replace the Fokker 27. Currently seven CN295 from PT DI has been submitted to the Air Force and will continue to be added up to 16 units. While the Air Squadron 2 which is currently overshadowed CN295, CN235 will still operate. (Roni Sontani)

- Full article can be read at Maj. Space edition October 2014 -


between Il-78 and KC-767 for the next gen of Indonesian air refueling tanker
Indonesian Search and Rescue Department need 12 more Helos and 3 Planes

Published on Monday, 06 October 2014 06:55 | Hits: 54


In order to improve the response speed of the accident / disaster, Basarnas need 12 helicopters and three fixed-wing aircraft CN295 class. Six helicopters BO-105 is currently owned will be gradually retired.

The extent of the coverage area of operation from Sabang to Merauke, demanding the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) improve preparedness in the prevention of accidents and disasters in the country. Response time Basarnas (SAR execution speed is calculated from the information of accidents / disasters to come) is still considered too long constrained due to several factors.

TNI Chief Marsdya Basarnas FHB Soelistyo declare to Space in office last month, one of the very constraints is the lack of perceived current fleet of helicopters that can move quickly to the SAR targets. Basarnas has been supported six Bolkow BO-105 helicopter and even then its use has been less efficient because their performance has declined. "So last year we were able to additional two AS 365N Dauphin helicopter +," he said.

Plan 2015, the Dauphin purchases will continue at least add four more units for six. In addition Basarnas will also add six helicopters with higher specifications of Dauphin. "For we need a minimum of 12 helicopter units, while gradually retire the BO-105," said Soelistyo. Six helicopters above conforming needed Dauphin related design, speed, endurans, and a greater payload capacity. Currently the company is looking for a suitable helicopter. "What we have today is the appraiser AgustaWestland AW139," he explained. Problem design, the helicopter is needed, for example had to do water jumping footing.

Helicopters, said Kabasarnas, his role as the quick response of the weapon system. He can direct targets to carry out the rescue operation and brought on scene commander or tactical commander. Helicopters can also be directly used as a mode of transport according to the capacity of evacuation survivors. In terms of operationalization Dauphin, Basarnas has been working with the Navy Flight Center (Puspenerbal). While plans for the AW139 helicopter Basarnas class will work closely with the Air Force.

patrol aircraft

In addition to helicopters, sea air necessary Basarnas also equipped fleet of fixed-wing aircraft for routine patrol. This aircraft also will serve as the Command Center when the rescue operation lasted. The aircraft will be equipped with various electronic devices support and bring SMC (SAR Mission Commander), a kind of field commander or coordinator of the rescue operation. "If the helicopter had no tactical commanders, officers rescuer. Could also adapted to the condition of the vessel. Well, in this fixed-wing aircraft no field commander in charge of tactical commanders. The person SAR level of the Head Office or appointed, "said the former Waasops KSAU and Pangkohanudnas this. (Roni Sontani)

- Full article can be read at Maj. Space edition October 2014 -

they need AW-139



lets build and bought more :chilli: we will hearing more good news soon enough at Indo Defense 2014
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Indonesia’s Air Force Adds More Flankers


Oct 7/14: Su-35 favorite? Indonesian Military Commander General Moeldoko tells Republika Online that they’re leaning toward the Su-35 as their F-5 replacement, with the JAS-39 in 2nd place and the F-16 a distant 3rd:

This isn’t the end, because negotiations, budgets and other considerations will still come into play. If that pick does stand, it would keep the Flanker family as the backbone of the TNI-AU, but the fleet would also be fragmented among 3+ types with partial commonality at best: 5 Su27SKM, 11 Su-30 (2 MKs, 9 MK2s), and 16 Su-35SK. The Su-27SKM and Su-30MK fighters will retire first, which will simplify matters, but that’s unlikely to happen before 2025 or so. Sources: ROL, “Helikopter Apache dan Sukhoi Su-35 Segera Perkuat TNI”.

Indonesia’s Air Force Adds More Flankers
with only 32 heavy fighter is severely lacking to defend our vast air space, we need more platform to cover it
i always prefers the Russian warbirds compares to European Typhoons and Grippen.
But at the end, the one with comprehensive ToT package must be our priority.

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