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Jalan Terjal Prabowo dalam Pengadaan Pesawat Tempur Indonesia
Opini - Alman Helvas Ali, CNBC Indonesia

23 March 2021 20:31


Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, front right, salutes near Malaysian counterpart Mohamad Sabu, second left, as he inspects honor guard at Malaysia Defense Ministry in Kuala Lumpur, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019. (AP Photo/Vincent Thian)
Foto: Prabowo Subianto (AP Photo/Vincent Thian)

Pengadaan pesawat tempur baru merupakan salah satu agenda utama Menteri Pertahanan Letnan Jenderal TNI (Purn) Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo. Sebab, hal itu termasuk dalam upaya pemenuhan Minimum Essential Force 2020-2024.

Demi mendapatkan kandidat terbaik, dalam satu tahun terakhir orang nomor satu di Kementerian Pertahanan itu, telah bertemu dengan sejumlah menteri pertahanan antara lain Menteri Angkatan Bersenjata Prancis Florence Parly, Menhan Austria Klaudia Tanner dan Menhan Amerika Serikat (AS) di era Presiden ke-45 Donald Trump, yakni Mark Esper. Prabowo juga bertemu dengan eksekutif Boeing dan Dassault Aviation, di mana Dassault Aviation telah bolak-balik ke Jakarta tanpa peduli dengan pandemi Covid-19 yang tengah melanda dunia.

Rencana pembelian 11 pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35 dari Rusia sejak 2018 nasibnya tidak menentu. Ini karena ada ancaman sanksi Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanction (CAATSA) dari Negeri Paman Sam terhadap para pejabat dan pihak lain di Indonesia yang terlibat dalam kontrak itu.

Isu ini pula yang nampaknya menjadi salah satu topik pembicaraan antara Prabowo dengan mitranya dari Rusia, termasuk Rostec, dalam lawatan ke Rusia pada 24-26 Maret 2021. Nampaknya Rusia menekan Indonesia agar melanjutkan rencana pembelian Su-35 melalui mekanisme khusus yang tidak menggunakan sistem keuangan internasional.

Salah satu dinamika yang menarik dari rencana akuisisi pesawat tempur di era Prabowo adalah tersingkirnya F-16V buatan Lockheed Martin dari kompetisi karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan yaitu pesawat tempur bermesin ganda.

Padahal manajemen Lockheed Martin setidaknya sejak 2015 sudah bolak-balik ke Jakarta untuk mempromosikan produk mereka. Pergantian kepemimpinan di Kemenhan pada 24 Oktober 2019 membawa bencana bagi Lockheed Martin, namun membawa berkah bagi F-15 produksi Boeing dan Rafale milik Dassault Aviation. Sebelumnya F-15 dan Rafale mempunyai peluang kecil untuk dapat mengisi pasar pesawat tempur Indonesia.

Kini terdapat kecenderungan Kemenhan nampaknya akan memborong F-15 dan Rafale sekaligus yang merupakan perpaduan antara pertimbangan keunggulan teknologi dan geopolitik. Indonesia memainkan kartu geopolitik Prancis sebagai salah satu anggota tetap Dewan Keamanan PBB sekaligus negara yang memegang teguh strategic autonomy dalam bidang industri pertahanan.

Jakarta masih memiliki memori buruk tentang embargo senjata oleh AS dan beberapa negara Barat pascaperistiwa 12 November 1991 di Dili, Timor Timur. Singkatnya, Indonesia tidak menginginkan semua pesawat kombatannya buatan AS atau memiliki banyak komponen yang membutuhkan izin ekspor dari Washington DC untuk pembeliannya.

Pesawat tempur bekas Eurofighter Typhoon milik Austria bukan lagi pilihan bagi Indonesia mengingat tidak adanya lampu hijau dari pemerintah Austria. Belum lagi persoalan kebutuhan dana yang besar yang harus disiapkan oleh Indonesia untuk memodernisasi Typhoon nantinya. Sejak berita rencana pembelian Typhoon eks Austria mengemuka ke publik pada pertengahan 2020, muncul suara kritis terhadap rencana itu.

Tantangan dari sisi anggaran
Pasar pesawat tempur Indonesia memang menjanjikan karena terdapat kebutuhan untuk menambah sejumlah skuadron pesawat tempur baru.

Dari sisi anggaran pertahanan, mengacu pada data Janes, Indonesia membelanjakan US$ 7,4 miliar (Rp 106,58 triliun) pada tahun anggaran 2020. Nominal itu sudah mencakup pemotongan anggaran karena pandemi Covid-19.

Pada tahun anggaran 2021, anggaran pertahanan mengalami kenaikan 7,1% menjadi US$ 8.2 miliar (Rp 118 triliun). Untuk pengadaan alutsista, mayoritas mengandalkan pada pinjaman luar negeri (PLN) dengan dana pendamping rupiah murni pendamping harus ditanggung oleh APBN.

Bagaimana dengan dukungan anggaran untuk pengadaan F-15 dan Rafale? Pada 13 Juli 2020, Prabowo secara resmi mengajukan surat Pengajuan Usulan Rencana PLN Tahun 2020-2024 kepada Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa senilai US$ 20,8 miliar (Rp 299,5 triliun).

Namun, menurut informasi dari seorang pejabat senior pemerintah pada September 2020, kapasitas pemerintah untuk mendukung pembiayaan PLN untuk pengadaan alutsista hingga 2024 hanya akan pada kisaran US$ 9 miliar (Rp 129,6 triliun) hingga US$ 11 miliar (Rp 158,4 triliun) saja.

Kemampuan membiayai belanja alutsista melalui PLN mengkhawatirkan karena kapasitas fiskal pemerintah semakin tertekan akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang hingga kini belum jelas kapan akan berakhir.

Mengacu pada Daftar Rencana Prioritas Pinjaman Luar Negeri (DRPPLN) Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, pembiayaan untuk Kemenhan hanya dialokasikan sebesar US$ 9,3 miliar (Rp 133,9 triliun).

TNI Angkatan Udara mendapatkan alokasi terbesar dalam DRPPLN, disusul TNI Angkatan Darat, TNI Angkatan Laut, dan Mabes TNI. Terdapat banyak usulan pengajuan belanja senjata oleh Kemenhan yang tidak diloloskan dalam DRPPLN. Namun, bukan hal mustahil bahwa beberapa item yang tidak muncul dalam DRPPLN alokasinya berada pada DRPPLN Khusus.

Rencana pengadaan F-15 dan Rafale secara simultan akan menemui jalan terjal apabila tidak didukung dengan anggaran yang memadai. Pemerintah sedang menghadapi tekanan fiskal akibat pandemi Covid-19, sehingga alokasi PLN untuk pengadaan pesawat tempur secara simultan belum sepenuhnya aman.

Diskusi intensif antara Kemenhan dan Kementerian Keuangan dalam alokasi PLN untuk belanja alutsista masih terus terjadi. Menurut kalkulasi kasar, secara total minimal diperlukan US$ 4 miliar (Rp 57,6 triliun) guna membeli F-15 dan Rafale, itu pun dengan jumlah yang tidak banyak.

Anggaran untuk pengadaan pesawat tempur yang saat ini tercantum pada DRPPLN nominalnya tidak mencukupi untuk dua tipe sekaligus. Boleh jadi pemerintah akan menerbitkan DRPPLN khusus untuk pengadaan pesawat tempur berikutnya apabila tercapai kesepakatan antara Kemenhan, Kemenkeu dan Kementerian PPN/Bappenas. Mana tipe pesawat tempur tempur yang akan dibiayai oleh DRPPLN dan mana yang difasilitasi oleh DRPPLN khusus masih belum jelas. Kata kunci pengadaan pesawat tempur, apapun jenisnya, berada pada Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi).


Tim Elit Bakamla RI Latihan Tembak dengan Senjata Terbarunya

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Cikeas, 19 Maret 2021 (Bakamla RI/Indonesia Coast Guard), radarindonesia.com

Dalam rangka menjaga kesiapan operasional menjaga lautan Nusantara, pasukan elit Bakamla RI atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai Special Response Team (SRT) melaksanakan latihan menembak taktis laras panjang dan laras pendek, manuver taktis, dan menembak jitu, di lapangan tembak Satuan Latihan Brimob Cikeas, Jawa Barat, Jumat (19/3/2021).

Dalam latihan ini, SRT turut menggunakan senjata terbarunya seperti senjata serbu DSAR15, senjata laras pendek Canik TP9, dan senjata jarak jauh DSSR762.

Kegiatan ini merupakan latihan intesif untuk tetap dalam kondisi prima dalam bertugas, baik saat siang hari maupun malam hari. Dimulai dengan latihan menembak taktis reaksi dan presisi, yang mengedepankan ketepatan dan kecepatan dalam menembak sasaran.

Materi di berikan langsung oleh Kapten Bakamla Bagus yang juga di dampingi beberapa instruktur dari Brimob. Sebelum latihan dimulai, proses "zeroing" dilakukan terlebih dahulu. Ini merupakan proses untuk menyelaraskan antara bidikan penembak dengan senjata.

Tujuannya agar penembak memahami bidikannya saat menggunakan senjata tersebut. Tahap selanjutnya, dilakukan latihan menembak presisi. SRT melatih ketepatan menembak sasaran dengan 5 dasar marksmanship atau penembak jitu, yaitu stance (sikap), grip (teknik memegang senjata), breathing (pernapasan), aiming (bidikan), dan trigger control (mengendalikan pelatuk).

Hal ini juga berlaku saat menembak dengan senjata jarak jauh. Dilanjutkan dengan latihan menembak reaksi, latihan ini mengajarkan tidak hanya diperlukan ketepatan, namun kecepatan menuntaskan ancamam juga sangat diperlukan.

Teknik pertama adalah mengisi ulang peluru dengan cepat (fast reload), dan pergantian laras panjang ke laras pendek (transition) dalam waktu singkat.

Guna memperdalam latihan, teknik pelatihan dituangkan ke dalam sebuah skenario. Beberapa halang rintang dipasang, dan penembak harus melaluinya untuk menuntaskan ancaman dengan cepat.

Tidak hanya di saat matahari terbit, SRT juga mengasah kemampuan menembak presisi menggunakan senjata jarak jauh dan jarak dekat di malam hari.

Kali ini SRT berkesempatan menggunakan senjata jarak jauh terbarunya, yaitu DSSR762. Berkaliber 7.62x51 mm Nato, dengan berat kurang lebih 5 kg, dan panjang keseluruhan 1050 mm.

Senjata ini memiliki mode menembak semi-otomatis dengan kapasitas magasin 20 peluru. Latihan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dari jarak 100-800 meter karena menembak senjata jarak jauh tidak seperti menembak senjata laras panjang lainnya.

Senjata jarak jauh dilengkapi dengan teleskop yang digunakan untuk melihat sasaran dari jarak jauh.

Dalam praktik penggunaannya, teleskop juga berfungsi sebagai alat bantu penembak dalam menentukan bagaimana cara menembak sasaran dengan tepat dari jarak tertentu.

Mengingat operasi keamanan dan keselamatan laut juga sering dilakukan saat malam hari, SRT turut menggunakan optik khusus untuk menunjang visual di malam hari atau Night Vision Goggle (NVG).

Direktur Latihan Bakamla RI Laksma Bakamla Sandy M. Latief turut mengawasi jalannya kegiatan latihan, didampingi oleh Kassubdit Latihan Bakamla Kolonel Bakamla Julisa Kusumawardana, SIK. selaku Pengawas kegiatan latihan.


Autentikasi: Kabag Humas dan Protokol Bakamla RI Kolonel Bakamla Wisnu Pramandita, S.T., M.M., M.Tr.Hanla.
This part is interesting :

Isu ini pula yang nampaknya menjadi salah satu topik pembicaraan antara Prabowo dengan mitranya dari Rusia, termasuk Rostec, dalam lawatan ke Rusia pada 24-26 Maret 2021. Nampaknya Rusia menekan Indonesia agar melanjutkan rencana pembelian Su-35 melalui mekanisme khusus yang tidak menggunakan sistem keuangan internasional.

So Russia is now proposing / pushing us to complete the Su-35 contract deal through a "special mechanism which does not use the international financial system" to (I assume) bypass CAATSA (and the USD)...

I wonder what would that be though...? 100% barter...? We did partial barter when previously purchasing the Flankers, so perhaps it's possible to increase it to 100%...? Use RMB maybe...?
This part is interesting :

So Russia is now proposing / pushing us to complete the Su-35 contract deal through a "special mechanism which does not use the international financial system" to (I assume) bypass CAATSA (and the USD)...

I wonder what would that be though...? 100% barter...? We did partial barter when previously purchasing the Flankers, so perhaps it's possible to increase it to 100%...? Use RMB maybe...?

could be anything...gold, mining projects or even EV..lol
Japan to iron out deal on arms exports to Indonesia

Japan hopes to sign an agreement with Indonesia on Tuesday to clear the way for exports of defense equipment amid stepped-up Chinese activities at sea.

Foreign and defense ministers from the two countries are slated to meet in "two-plus-two" talks here that day to seal the deal.

Japan exports military hardware only to countries with which it has signed agreements on transfers of defense equipment and technology. The documents spell out such rules as a requirement that the recipient obtain Tokyo's permission before reselling the equipment to another party.

Agreements have been signed with nine countries so far, consisting of the U.S. and others mostly in Europe. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Malaysia have inked deals, while the leaders of Japan and Vietnam reached an agreement in principle at their October 2020 meeting.

A deal with regional power Indonesia could come to symbolize a joint effort between Japan and neighbors to counter the Chinese threat. Tokyo is expected to consider selling such hardware as ships.

Interest has been strong in Japanese technologies related to detecting objects and saving lives, such as radar and rescue aircraft. Since many small and midsize businesses are involved in manufacturing defense equipment, one of Japan's aims is to prop up its defense industry by boosting exports.

In the past, Japan prohibited exports of all defense equipment. It partly lifted the ban in 2014 by setting three principles: barring exports to countries involved in conflicts, allowing exports that contribute to peace and to Japan's security, and requiring Tokyo's consent for resale to another country. The agreement on the transfer of defense equipment and technology forms the legal basis for ensuring that the recipient follows the three principles.

Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi met with Indonesian counterpart Prabowo Subianto here on Sunday. Kishi told Prabowo that a new Chinese law that explicitly grants broad powers to the coast guard and confirms its quasi-military status is problematic with regard to international law. The two sides agreed to maintain and strengthen a free and open maritime order, as well as to hold joint drills in the South China Sea.

The Indonesian defense minister said the country is in negotiations on the possibility of acquiring Japanese equipment to modernize national defense.

Japan to iron out deal on arms exports to Indonesia

Japan hopes to sign an agreement with Indonesia on Tuesday to clear the way for exports of defense equipment amid stepped-up Chinese activities at sea.

Foreign and defense ministers from the two countries are slated to meet in "two-plus-two" talks here that day to seal the deal.

Japan exports military hardware only to countries with which it has signed agreements on transfers of defense equipment and technology. The documents spell out such rules as a requirement that the recipient obtain Tokyo's permission before reselling the equipment to another party.

Agreements have been signed with nine countries so far, consisting of the U.S. and others mostly in Europe. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines and Malaysia have inked deals, while the leaders of Japan and Vietnam reached an agreement in principle at their October 2020 meeting.

A deal with regional power Indonesia could come to symbolize a joint effort between Japan and neighbors to counter the Chinese threat. Tokyo is expected to consider selling such hardware as ships.

Interest has been strong in Japanese technologies related to detecting objects and saving lives, such as radar and rescue aircraft. Since many small and midsize businesses are involved in manufacturing defense equipment, one of Japan's aims is to prop up its defense industry by boosting exports.

In the past, Japan prohibited exports of all defense equipment. It partly lifted the ban in 2014 by setting three principles: barring exports to countries involved in conflicts, allowing exports that contribute to peace and to Japan's security, and requiring Tokyo's consent for resale to another country. The agreement on the transfer of defense equipment and technology forms the legal basis for ensuring that the recipient follows the three principles.

Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi met with Indonesian counterpart Prabowo Subianto here on Sunday. Kishi told Prabowo that a new Chinese law that explicitly grants broad powers to the coast guard and confirms its quasi-military status is problematic with regard to international law. The two sides agreed to maintain and strengthen a free and open maritime order, as well as to hold joint drills in the South China Sea.

The Indonesian defense minister said the country is in negotiations on the possibility of acquiring Japanese equipment to modernize national defense.

What next ? It looks this is "purely" strategic initiative from Japan to secure their position in the region .....:what:
There is one of my relative who work in Police intelligent unit (reserse). This is how the intelligent unit work using civilian clothe and hair style while catching a criminal

Hmm... Meneer making a comeback to Nusantara waters...? 😲

ABDACom reunion after 80 years...?? or... Pasukan sekutu dibonceng NICA part 2..? 🤔 😅

Any plans to visit Batavia or Soerabaja on the way...? We welcome the Koninklijke Marine Dutch East Indies Squadron! 😁

Just don't be nasty like last time... and hoping you guys have better luck this time! :victory1:

The Dutch Ministry of Defence have confirmed that HNLMS Evertsen will be joining the upcoming UK Carrier Strike Group deployment to the Asia-Pacific.
In an Instagram post, the Dutch MoD said (translated):

“HNLMS Evertsen is in dry dock for maintenance before the ship departs with the # UKCarrierStrikeGroup21. With this international fleet association, the Evertsen will soon be heading towards Asia.”

The ship also tweeted confirmation.

Earlier in the year there was some confusion over this as the UK Ministry of Defence had removed mention of the Dutch vessel joining the group from an article that had been published discussing the deployment.

The post written by the Ministry of Defence detailing the upcoming deployment of HMS Queen Elizabeth and her strike group mentioned a Dutch warship, that mention has now been removed.

Two sections of the post, titled ‘UK Carrier Strike Group Explained’, were removed.

The first stated:

“The group includes NATO’s most sophisticated destroyers coming together from the Royal Navy, the US Navy and the Dutch Navy.”

The second stated:

“The group includes NATO’s most sophisticated destroyers — the Royal Navy’s Type 45s HMS Diamond and HMS Defender and US Navy Arleigh Burke-class USS The Sullivans as well as frigates HMS Northumberland and HMS Kent from the UK and the Dutch Navy’s HNLMS Evertsen.”

The post now reads:

“The Carrier Strike Group will be complemented by US Marine Corps and US Navy personnel and equipment. This includes a detachment of US Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II aircraft and the US Navy’s destroyer, USS The Sullivans.”

There is now no mention of a Dutch vessel and oddly, the graphic featured in the original post has now been removed. The graphic is displayed below and appeared originally to detail how the Carrier Strike Group would operate.

The units that could be involved in the upcoming Carrier Strike Group 2021 deployment.
Could it have been removed as it showed the Dutch vessel?

HNLMS Evertsen was present last year as the Carrier Strike Group worked up, traininmg to work alongside British and American vessels.

British Carrier Strike Group to deploy to Pacific next year

Could this have happened as it hadn’t yet been announced officially?
By seeing the camouflage, it is Kopassus, Indonesian Army special force. It has around 8000 troops.


Police and military personnel attend a joint antiterror exercise held by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the National Police at the East Java Police’s Mobile Brigade headquarters in Malang, East Java, on May 18, 2020.(Antara/Ari Bowo Sucipto)

Indonesian defense minister likely to attend KF-X rollout event in S. Korea

All News 17:03 April 01, 2021


Kang Eun-ho (4th from L), head of South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), meets with Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto (3rd from R) in Surabaya, Indonesia, on March 17, 2021, in this photo provided by the South Korean Embassy in the Southeast Asian nation. Kang visited Indonesia to attend a ceremony for South Korea to hand over a 1,400-ton submarine to the Indonesian Navy later in the day. The 61-meter submarine, dubbed Alugoro, was the third and last unit South Korea delivered to Indonesia under a 1.3 trillion-won (US$1.15 billion) contract in 2011. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE)

SEOUL, April 1 (Yonhap) -- Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is expected to attend an upcoming rollout ceremony showcasing a prototype of South Korea's first indigenous fighter jet, sources said Thursday, in what could be a sign the country remains committed to the joint development project.

Indonesia had promised to shoulder 20 percent of the 8.8 trillion-won (US$7.9 billion) development cost, but it has stopped making payments after investing 227.2 billion won with around 600 billion won overdue, spurring speculation that the country is seeking to quit the KF-X project.

Whether Indonesia will send senior officials to the rollout ceremony expected to take place in the first couple of weeks of April has been a focus of attention because it would signal the country will remain a partner for the project.

"As far as I know, Indonesia has delivered to our government an intent that senior military officials, including Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, will attend the KF-X rollout event," a source said.

Kang Eun-ho, the head of South Korea's arms procurement agency, visited Indonesia last month and handed over the invitation.

Eyes are on whether the defense cooperation between the two sides will get back on track on the occasion of Prabowo's visit. Besides the fighter jet project, Indonesia signed a deal with South Korea in 2019 to purchase three submarines, but the business has also made little progress since then.

By seeing the camouflage, it is Kopassus, Indonesian Army special force. It has around 8000 troops.

View attachment 730050
Police and military personnel attend a joint antiterror exercise held by the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the National Police at the East Java Police’s Mobile Brigade headquarters in Malang, East Java, on May 18, 2020.(Antara/Ari Bowo Sucipto)

Sorry, 😐 I think it's Paskhas Camo.
Kopassus darah mengalir are not using light blue color.

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