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Panglima TNI Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto meresmikan Kapal Selam KRI Alugoro-405 di Dermaga Selat Lampa, Natuna, Selasa (06/04/21).

Peresmian KRI Alugoro - 405 di Natuna

Truly this is a good sign...! hopefully we can clear this matter once and for all! :yahoo:

I am preparing this song if that moment really comes 8-)

Are they allowed to do that...? Guess they finally got fed up with us shadowing them with our puny little ships.. 😅

I believe it is OK if it is in EEZ
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7 April 2021 15:08
Ramai Video Pesawat Tempur Asing Terbang Rendah di Natuna, Ini Kata TNI AU
Konten ini diproduksi oleh kumparan

Ramai Video Pesawat Tempur Asing Terbang Rendah di Natuna, Ini Kata TNI AU

Penerbang pesawat tempur F-16 bermanuver. Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Siswowidodo

Sebuah video yang menampilkan pesawat tempur terbang rendah ramai di media sosial. Pesawat itu diduga bermanuver di wilayah Indonesia.

Dari video yang beredar di twitter @Jatosint, pesawat tempur yang terbang rendah itu diduga merupakan pesawat F-18 Super Hornet milik Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat.

Pesawat itu diduga melintas di atas tempat penambangan minyak di perairan Natuna. Pertambangan itu berbendera Indonesia.

Video showing what appeared to be Flag of United States
@USNavy F/A-18E/F Super Hornet from @TheRealCVN71
flying low above an Flag of Indonesia offshore oil rig, Noth West of Natuna Island
Source: trust me :)

Terkait video itu, Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AU Marsekal Pertama Indan Gilang mengatakan, pihaknya sudah memeriksa video koordinat pesawat tempur yang terbang rendah itu. Peristiwa itu terjadi pada Selasa (6/4) sekitar pukul 16.15 WIB.

"Di Perairan Natuna telah melintas pesawat tempur asing diperkirakan jenis F-18 Hornet, di atas FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage and Off loading Vessel) Kakap Natuna yang dioperasikan oleh Perusahaan minyak Indonesia dan berada di wilayah ZEE, sekitar 169 mile di sebelah barat dari Kepulauan Natuna," jelas Indan dalam keterangannya, Rabu (7/4).

Dari hasil pemeriksaan sementara, pesawat itu melintas di luar wilayah teritorial Indonesia. Meski begitu, TNI AU masih terus melakukan pendalaman terkait kejadian ini.

"Atas kejadian tersebut, disampaikan bahwa pesawat melintas di luar wilayah teritorial Republik Indonesia. Dan saat ini, TNI AU sedang mendalami kejadian tersebut dengan pihak terkait," ucap dia.

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this is f-18 single seat...
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The Hornet is being discussed and Connie Rakahanduni gives explanation that it is not sure whose plane it is since Malaysia/USA also has the planes.

Latest Prabowo twitter comment

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense is Ready to Build a Stronger Defense Cooperation Relationship with the Republic of Korea

Still no comment on financial commitment from Indonesia which seems to participate in the program without paying the promised contributed and let the Korean government to burden the development cost alone.

A smart move by Indonesia for now.

However again, as I said, there will be a time when the Indonesian government has to make a choice, especially when they start discussing the IF-X prototype for Indonesia within 1~2 year. The country won't receive the jet unless the Jokowi administration decides to pay the overdue payment.
Still no comment on financial commitment from Indonesia which seems to participate in the program without paying the promised contributed and let the Korean government to burden the development cost alone.

A smart move by Indonesia for now.

However again, as I said, there will be a time when the Indonesian government has to make a choice, especially when they start discussing the IF-X prototype for Indonesia within 1~2 year. The country won't receive the jet unless the Jokowi administration decides to pay the overdue payment.

We will see bro, I could see there are some Indonesian who tried to make bad advice to our President because some of them maybe link to defense contractors who understand that if Indonesia continue with KFX/IFX program, it means death to all foreign OEM potential sales since we have law that forbid acquisition of foreign defense equipment if it can be produced in the country.

Indonesian government in the other hand still has patriotic and honest people inside and I believe this is why Prabowo is still there in Korea. There is part that try to jeopardize the program and they are part that want to stay.

I would say the situation maybe the same with you guys where some strong lobby tried to stop KFX/IFX program during that development process and some tried to make it less deathly fighter in order to bring potential sales to them in the future. Remember what happen during 2013-2014.

Look, Indonesia is likely becoming top 10 economy starting in 2030 inshaAllah where Indonesian leadership I believe is going to be more ambitious and try to balance China power in SCS. The number of KFX/IFX that we are likely to order is not just 48 but it could potentially continue until block 3. I would say around 200 at minimal.

Look bro, according to the law, the stake holders of this program is not only minister of defense. I will try to post the law here if I found it as approriate. So Defense Ministry alone cannot make such statement about payment, there will be some meeting with President and cabinet (ministry) before such decision is taken since it is related to Ministry of planning and Ministry of Finance as well. But his present there is a prove that Defense Ministry is now supporting the program, while some months ago the situation is more fragile, so lets see what will happen next in coming days or weeks.....

And just remember here, Prabowo would not be in Korea without Jokowi permission. So some very positive traction has taken place recently, not mentioning latest statement from Commission 1 Chairman of our Parliament, Meutya Hafid, saying South Korea is our closest ally and she is supporting the program as well.

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KRI Bimasuci Sambut Kapal Latih Spanyol di Laut Jawa
UMUM | 07 Apr 2021 05:19:49 PM


KRI Bimasuci Sambut Kapal Latih Spanyol di Laut Jawa

Penyambutan yang dilakukan KRI Bimasuci pada Kapal Latih Angkatan Laut Spanyol, Juan Sebastian Elcano di Laut Jawa. Foto : Dispen Koarmada II untuk Kominfo Jatim

Jatim Newsroom - Kedatangan Kapal Latih Angkatan Laut Spanyol, Juan Sebastian Elcano di Laut Jawa disambut langsung oleh KRI Bimasuci. Penyambutan diwarnai dengan Parade Roll dan Display Genderang Suling Gita Jala Taruna yang dimainkan oleh 123 Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut (AAL) dari atas Geladak KRI Bima Suci.

Sebelumnya KRI Bima Suci yang di komandani oleh Letkol Laut (P) Waluyo melakukan identifikasi kontak apakah benar kapal tersebut adalah kapal latih sepanyol. Setelah teridentifikasi KRI Bima Suci melaksanakan shadowing sampai di titik yang telah ditentukan.

Dengan sigap para Taruna menaiki dan menempati posisi masing-masing di tiang-tiang KRI Bima Suci untuk melaksanakan peran parade roll. Hal itu sebagai bentuk penghormatan pada Kapal AL Spanyol diiringi Display GS Gita Jala Taruna di atas geladak KRI Bimasuci.

Kedua kapal saling memberikan penghormatan lambung kanan dan lambung kiri dilanjutkan Peran Layar. Di sela kegiatan Komandan KRI Bima Suci mengatakan, KRI Bima Suci melaksanakan passing exercise sampai ke titik yang ditentukan. Selanjutnya Kapal Latih AL Spanyol meninggalkan KRI Bima Suci menuju Jakarta sedangkan KRI Bima Suci yang membawa Taruna AAL kembali menuju kepangkalan Surabaya.

“Penyambutan Kapal Latih AL Spanyol ini sebagai wujud diplomasi antar kedua negara, juga sebagai pengenalan bagi Taruna AAL tentang tradisi Angkatan Laut di dunia, khususnya bagi Taruna TK II yang sebentar lagi akan melaksanakan KJK 2021,“ ujarnya melalui rilis diterima JNR, Rabu (7/4/2021).

Letkol Waluyo berharap, dengan kegiatan ini para Taruna Tingkat ll yang dalam waktu dekat ini akan mengikuti praktek pelayaran Kartika Jala Krida (KJK), sudah mempunyai gambaran bagaimana tata cara dan tradisi penyambutan kapal asing atau tamu kenegaraan.

Di tempat terpisah, Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI I N.G. Sudihartawan berharap dengan penyambutan ini hubungan baik antara TNI AL dan Aangkatan Laut Spanyol akan semakin meningkat. Ia juga berharap kunjungan Kapal Latih Spanyol di Indonesia itu bisa berjalan dengan baik. (afr/n)
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