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Indonesia Defence Forum

For most, I am thrilled for this upcoming colaboration with Japan. Not to mention Japan has been dealing with us economically for some time so both side know each other culture and behaviour. Having good relations with Strong Country in the region will definetly help balancing the power in the region. Good job Pak Prabowo & Pak Jokowi! :enjoy:

Japannese offer as is what japan use that what u get wong itu setengah hibah berkah e pakde sambatan masalah natuna ke sana lol

That the best thing when dealing with Japan. We both already rather deeply familiar with one another business practice & cultural practice, not to mention historical ties, thus making it far easier to "talk" to one another.

Pengalihan instead of pembelian, menang banyak kita kyknya :D

Judulnya sich memang "hibah" tapi tentunya ga ada yg gratis ataupun harga sangat murah. Saya yakin Nippon tetap akan dapaet jatah proyek G2G tertentu yg nilainya cukup besar. Bagus2x aja sich
Don't put your hope on that sub, it's going to be killed :lol: MoD is looking for the replacer

Give a little of breath to the program just to killed later
🤪 :suicide:

While my self do believe the program do will be killed sooner or later . Truth is we do need those infrastructures , machinery and what not . It just the sub par specs tech that left much to be desired .
But , hopely what i was heard was only a baseless rumour though . Like it or not much of PAL equipments were in badly need of deep modernization so they can keep up to world standard .
Something to replace that failed bremen?
So 8 30ffm and destroyer
Not sure, it hasnt been finalized yet. But at the very least I assume those 2 that already been constructed bisa dialihkan (tetep bayar) ke kita so we could safe time and in-line with with Menhan plan to increase interim readyness.
Those visits to others shipyard might indicate that they have plan to build it simultaniously in Japan and Indonesia.
Ah yes "dana palakan" at it's finest while nothing significant achieved

Don't shoot the messenger bruh .... 😀😀

we are still long way from the accountability responsible . Too much ignorant folks spent their time on tik-tok clueless on what is the difference between truth and missdirection information . It's still the sad reality of today and tommorow ...

sigh... :sleep:
Ah yes "dana palakan" at it's finest while nothing significant achieved
that PMN just for Submarine Facility. Meanwhile, the Unlicensed Type 209 batch 2 was canceled by the Minister of Finance at the request of the Minister of Defense
Not sure, it hasnt been finalized yet. But at the very least I assume those 2 that already been constructed bisa dialihkan (tetep bayar) ke kita so we could safe time and in-line with with Menhan plan to increase interim readyness.
Those visits to others shipyard might indicate that they have plan to build it simultaniously in Japan and Indonesia.

let's hope so
Jelasnya di bagi2x supaya pd kebagian. Arrowhead 140 (iver) sepertinya sudah hampir pasti walaupun mungkn cuma 2 unit utk berikutnya mungkin ambil 30FFM 2 juga. Sangat memungkinkan sekali skema seperti itu. Walaupun kalau dari lainnya sayasich sangat ga yakin.

Keuntungan ambil dari Nipon yg jelas mereka sepaket dgn investasi di bidang lain, contoh investasi besar di Natuna
Pkr 2, iver 2, 30ffm 2, kolektor bang?

Yea I can see that from the statement below

"Dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung selama 30 menit, Nobuo Kishi dan Prabowo Subianto menyepakati pengalihan alutsista kedua negara."

Pengalihan instead of pembelian, menang banyak kita kyknya :D
Interim readiness frigate?
that PMN just for Submarine Facility. Meanwhile, the Unlicensed Type 209 batch 2 was canceled by the Minister of Finance at the request of the Minister of Defense
Is it already officially canceled? Give me source
Khan bagi2x rejeki. Kita akomodasi semua supaya kalau pas butuh bantuan mereka (apa pun itu) bisa enak ngomongnya

diversifikasi-nya gk gitu juga tapi harusnya, apalagi urusan major weapon system. Untuk AL bagi-bagi rejekinya maksimal di jenis kapalnya okelah

Misal Korvet dari negara A, Frigat Negara B, Heavy Frigat/Destroyer dari negara C

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