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F-15 or F-18..?
Also "offered another type of current fighter to Indonesia. Not the latest advance one but still in service."
Does it mean used (second hand) fighters that are currently still in US service? Or new built fighters but based on existing in-service models (so no F-15EX or Silent Eagle variants)..?
Still in service means the type is still used by the USAF. It doesn't automatically mean a used item.
Euronaval Video: MBDA Launches The New VL MICA NG

Thanks to the technological innovations it incorporates, the new VL MICA NG system offers improved capabilities to handle atypical targets (UAVs, small aircraft) as well as future threats, characterised by increasingly low observable infrared and radio frequency signatures. Additionally, it will be able to intercept at longer distances the ‘conventional’ targets (aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles) already addressed by the current VL MICA system.

The dimensions of the MICA NG munition remain unchanged, allowing it to be integrated into existing VL MICA launchers. The existing missile data link mechanisms are compatible with the increased kinematic performance of the missiles, enabling current VL MICA systems to be upgraded to VL MICA NG standard by simple software updates.


The main evolution of the MICA NG compared to the existing MICA are:
  • Extension of the motor with the addition of a second pulse (max Interception range increased to 40 km, similar to the reference on the market: Raytheon’s ESSM).
  • Compression of other equipment
  • Introduction of latest technologies such as dual pulse motor, AESA RF seeker and FPA IIR seeker
Based on an entirely new design, the MICA NG missile inherits the external dimensions and unique concept that has made the MICA anti-air missile such a success for a quarter of a century. This concept means MICA features either an infrared or a radio frequency seeker on the same common missile body, allowing the operator, at the moment of firing, to select the best option to respond to the tactics adopted by the adversary.

On the MICA NG, a new infrared seeker based on a matrix sensor will provide increased sensitivity, while a new radio frequency seeker with an active electronically scanned antenna (AESA) will allow for smart detection strategies. The lower volume of electronic components will enable the MICA NG to carry a larger load of propellant, significantly extending its range, and the new dual-pulse rocket motor will provide additional energy to the missile at the end of its flight, improving its manoeuvrability and its ability to intercept targets at long range. In surface-to-air mode, the MICA NG will be able to intercept targets over 40 km away. Finally, maintenance and ownership costs will be significantly reduced thanks to internal sensors that will monitor the status of the munition throughout its life cycle.

The MICA NG missile will be available in series production from 2026. Bertuzzi confirmed that MBDA already has an undisclosed launch customer for the new missile.

While the Eagles are surely dream toys for much of us . It was a question of common sense and financial sanity to think that we would operate eagle along with the SU . Add that for super bug too ....
Just go along with the 16's . Unless by some miracle Trump were willing to dump 1 sq of Eagle for a freebies . There is no chance in hell we add other type of fighter ...
Well at least they do it right this time by offering F15 to counter SU35 sanction if this is true. Whether we take it or not thats a different story. Anyway what has been missing from this Prabowo terms so far is the grand plan to differ the rail from MEF. Or perhaps he hasnt open it up yet, what I have been hearing so far is type of aircraft but not how we going to posture our Air Force in say 20 years from now.

Looking on how US is now pushing India for Special Super Hornet makes me wonder, are we going to be the next India? Do we really need to get the US product? Is it going to be in line with AU long term posture plan? Unless specific event happen I am pretty sure we going to have the answer in the next couple of months.

For now I still think getting brand new Viper only or Raffale only is our best bet. Upgrade the F16 C/D and Hawk to maintain the numbers, then get that dang tanker we desperatly need. While on it join the military exercise with our friends who has EWA/P8 to get to know how we can integrate with them before we get one of it. Forget about how China going to feel about it, its our national interest to do interoperability with our friends when things get hot.
AFAIK only 4 officially has been getting upgrade in Bellarus. 2 SU-27 (TS 2701-TS 2702) and 2 SU-30 (TS 3001-TS 3002).
The detail of the upgrade/MLU is still classified but surely include avionics, EW suite/Jammer pod and there are rumours about it also getting the same Radar as SU-35.
Upgrade flanker seharusnya tetap ke belarus mereka jago nya upgrade avionik tapi situasi politik nya sedang panas, ke ukraine pasti ruskie mencak mencak , so the flanker upgrade goes to...?
AFAIK only 4 officially has been getting upgrade in Bellarus. 2 SU-27 (TS 2701-TS 2702) and 2 SU-30 (TS 3001-TS 3002).
The detail of the upgrade/MLU is still classified but surely include avionics, EW suite/Jammer pod and there are rumours about it also getting the same Radar as SU-35.
Itu bukannya perbaikan? Ada retaknya klo ga salah inget.
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