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Indonesia Defence Forum

Golden age for the rich, the powerful and their cronies, not so much for poor families like mine. There's no earlier period in Indonesia history that is more prosperous than today, and we're pushing that bar higher and higher by days.
and yet some people wanted to go back to ORBA time lol, crazy huh, those who wanted to go back to ORBA are plain dumb or Part of Soeharto cronies

BTR-40 retrofit for Denkav ( Cavalry detachment ) 1996


BTR-40 retrofit for Yonmek ( Mechanised infantry ) 2003


Implying that you are a boomers and not millennial.

More like a Gen-X like me. Indonesia medias never mention Gen-X do they, what they always talk about is always either Boomer, Millennial, and recently Gen-Z (zombie). And the medias will never mention Gen-X because doing so ruin their narrative.
i just curious guys...why Kopassus add another type of MRAP from Chaeseri? kenapa nggak nambahin jumlah sanca? is there any minus point of sanca that made kopassus unsatisfied? or kopassus just want to open MRAP showroom?
buat pengalaman kopassus , MRAP yg dibeli macem macem (4 jenis)mana yg terbaik aja saat latihan dg strategi yg berbeda dilapangan . . kalo ada model MRAP baru entah dari mana kemungkinan akan membeli lagi . penasaran apakah cocok di kopassus apa ga ,,,maka beli lah itu barang. profesionalnya dibeli walaupun satu biji jangan dicoba sebulan tapi ga beli ,kasihan yg jual.
yg dari pt delima jaya itu kalo design bagus lolos uji ranjau juga akan dibeli .
buat pengalaman kopassus , MRAP yg dibeli macem macem (4 jenis)mana yg terbaik aja saat latihan dg strategi yg berbeda dilapangan . . kalo ada model MRAP baru entah dari mana kemungkinan akan membeli lagi . penasaran apakah cocok di kopassus apa ga ,,,maka beli lah itu barang. profesionalnya dibeli walaupun satu biji jangan dicoba sebulan tapi ga beli ,kasihan yg jual.
yg dari pt delima jaya itu kalo design bagus lolos uji ranjau juga akan dibeli .
Did they ever think about logistics nightmare?

Bergabunglah dengan PETA pelindung Asia dan Indonesia

Which one better trained, better equipment and have good doctrine also have strategy also smarter

Golden age for the rich, the powerful and their cronies, not so much for poor families like mine. There's no earlier period in Indonesia history that is more prosperous than today, and we're pushing that bar higher and higher by days.[/QUOTEbenny juga dah ngrasain tuh coba ngasih nasehat, TNI sendiri di internal juga nga semuannya korup tapi ya siap2 ja kalau kena exile jadi dubes

Macem Sarwo Edhi atau Benny Moerdhani, walau beda kasus
Benny Moerdhani juga dah ngrasain tuh coba ngasih nasehat ma tttuuttt....., TNI sendiri di internal juga nga semuannya korup tapi ya siap2 ja kalau kena exile jadi dubes

Macem Sarwo Edhi atau Benny Moerdhani, walau beda kasus

Bergabunglah dengan PETA pelindung Asia dan Indonesia

Which one better trained, better equipment and have good doctrine also have strategy also smarter


Bergabunglah dengan PETA pelindung Asia dan Indonesia

Which one better trained, better equipment and have good doctrine also have strategy also smarter

Kalau PETA lebih bagus, Jepang nga kalah perang ma sekutu kalau KNIL bagus nga bakal nyerah di kalijati
the list for next shopping spree is impressive

1. 3 squadrons MRF
2. one flight Air refuel tanker
3. One flight AEW/AWACS aircraft
4. One flight special missions Aircraft
5. Two squadrons worth SAR combat helicopter
6. Two flight Logistic Aircraft (C130J)
7. One flight Heavy lift Aircraft
8. OTH radar system
9. Air Defense Radar system
10. Trainer Aircraft basic
11. APC for Paskhas
12. Medium SAM systems
13. Advance AA gun systems
14. Integrated Command Systems/ Air Defense control systems
Is this fix already or there's something not yet added in that list like lorAD? Im sorry late reply,im just curious and excited with this one
itu coba drone nya buat bantu bomb KKB OPM

Kalau buat operasi di pegunungan nya Papua yach mendingan pakai Tucino karna ada human pilot nya, kalau drone rada ga yakin saya dgn flight control & guidance nya lawan kondisi medannya Papua
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