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Indonesia Defence Forum

C 705 is chinese style baguette
NSM is newly designed missile stealth can carried by aircrfat amd JSM variant can loaded in VLS

Still exocet is battle proven. The french can "revange" brits wkwkkwkwk

Turki bukannya gajadi ambil rudal sam cina? Yg diambil mah ya J600 yildirim (rudal balistik) ama t122 sakarya (roket launcerh)

Kalo som murni lokalan.
(Menunggu s400 mrk bisa buat apa kagak

-Ne Mutlu Turkum Diyene :yahoo:
*Laugh in C705

I thought it have been discussed here earlier, the Chinese doesn't give us any missile ToT even after all the C802 and C705 deal, that's why we're looking towards reverse-engineering the shit ourself. Generally, China and Made in China have bad reputation here (and also to the large portion of the world tbh), that's also because they don't exactly export their best quality stuff to countries who are not their "ally", and the last time we deal with chinese shit, it failed to fire, or it explodes when it does (Zu 23?)

China is not a a dependable arms supplier, their newlyfound ambition in Asia is an additional reason not to deal with them, they just don't care, they only want to reclaim their glory, that's all, and in the process they could only trust their to-be "underlings" like P, S and M which they ironically used as a buffer state to contain I, when they condemned Europeans and the US for doing the same thing (to China), anti-imperialis imperialis-club i must say.

They.....look like they wanted to be another US or Soviet Union. Talking to the worse spectrum of their "netizens" hinting their self-centeredness in ambition and worldview, they think that all of eastern asian countries not following their example is just US/Western slaves, judging from how i was talking about their claim and incursion into the SCS, of how it disturbs ASEAN's peace, yet they proceed to talk rhetoric shit about how the US is this and that, how they should've been allowed to do the same (???).

The deal is real if we goes according to the technical arrangement and planning contract , well i am talking about technical aspect not political shit stuff,( you know first hand i am leaned toward anti Chicom strong crew here in this forum and being berserk from time to time against them. It just now i am at my leisure time to watch two chicom crew from annam and Mainland at each other throat) . Dependable or not, if the deal goes through, it will made us conveniently able to manipulating seeker tech and rocket engines tech albeit we will not sourced them from China anymore, we can do that from other supplier just like China manipulating tech from French at first (in which after some reasons they limiting their missile core tech transfer after the Chinese successfully manipulating their missile technology) .

I'd rather we get them for Israel but that's just my opinion.

Israel is very feasible technically, but politically suicide for every politician involved
*Laugh in C705

I thought it have been discussed here earlier, the Chinese doesn't give us any missile ToT even after all the C802 and C705 deal, that's why we're looking towards reverse-engineering the shit ourself. Generally, China and Made in China have bad reputation here (and also to the large portion of the world tbh), that's also because they don't exactly export their best quality stuff to countries who are not their "ally", and the last time we deal with chinese shit, it failed to fire, or it explodes when it does (Zu 23?)

China is not a a dependable arms supplier, their newlyfound ambition in Asia is an additional reason not to deal with them, they just don't care, they only want to reclaim their glory, that's all, and in the process they could only trust their to-be "underlings" like P, S and M which they ironically used as a buffer state to contain I, when they condemned Europeans and the US for doing the same thing (to China), anti-imperialis imperialis-club i must say.

They.....look like they wanted to be another US or Soviet Union. Talking to the worse spectrum of their "netizens" hinting their self-centeredness in ambition and worldview, they think that all of eastern asian countries not following their example is just US/Western slaves, judging from how i was talking about their claim and incursion into the SCS, of how it disturbs ASEAN's peace, yet they proceed to talk rhetoric shit about how the US is this and that, how they should've been allowed to do the same (???).
I'm going to repost this. Someone i know who works in PT.PAL claims we have somewhere store documents like this; Exocet mm38 source codes, German U-209 Atlas CMS source codes, Dutch wrriten blueprint of KRI Fatahillah. Idk whether his claims being true but somehow if we fund extra cash and studying old 80s documents we have, we might rework early version of Exocet.
why not join another country missile program? like mansup from brazil

ya walaupun secara range masih di bawah 100 km, but it's good for a start
I'm going to repost this. Someone i know who works in PT.PAL claims we have somewhere store documents like this; Exocet mm38 source codes, German U-209 Atlas CMS source codes, Dutch wrriten blueprint of KRI Fatahillah. Idk whether his claims being true but somehow if we fund extra cash and studying old 80s documents we have, we might rework early version of Exocet.View attachment 577655

Thats the deal actually but no funds no work, no sanity prevail alas
Thats the deal actually but no funds no work, no sanity prevail alas
The blueprints of KRI Fatahillah said not only for the hull but the electronic subsystems in Dutch & French, enough for us to rebuild and modernised. While U-209 Atlas CMS source codes has been digitalised stored in computer; documents for Exocet mm38 are said to be barely read though it's in huge box and even many don't aware its existence. Idk how many more documents such as these being stored unopened but these are valuable.
The blueprints of KRI Fatahillah said not only for the hull but the electronic subsystems in Dutch & French, enough for us to rebuild and modernised. While U-209 Atlas CMS source codes has been digitalised stored in computer; documents for Exocet mm38 are said to be barely read though it's in huge box and even many don't aware its existence. Idk how many more documents such as these being stored unopened but these are valuable.

Seacat missiles, and Eurotorp license we already secure. Damn all

We already able to build full fledged All rounded multipurpose Frigate since long with all of these materiel and blue print, but no sanity prevail alas. PT PAL building KCR 60 and Playing SIGMA lego is blasphemy actually
The blueprints of KRI Fatahillah said not only for the hull but the electronic subsystems in Dutch & French, enough for us to rebuild and modernised. While U-209 Atlas CMS source codes has been digitalised stored in computer; documents for Exocet mm38 are said to be barely read though it's in huge box and even many don't aware its existence. Idk how many more documents such as these being stored unopened but these are valuable.
This is madness. .
The blueprints of KRI Fatahillah said not only for the hull but the electronic subsystems in Dutch & French, enough for us to rebuild and modernised. While U-209 Atlas CMS source codes has been digitalised stored in computer; documents for Exocet mm38 are said to be barely read though it's in huge box and even many don't aware its existence. Idk how many more documents such as these being stored unopened but these are valuable.

Seacat missiles, and Eurotorp license we already secure. Damn all

We already able to build full fledged All rounded multipurpose Frigate since long with all of these materiel and blue print, but no sanity prevail alas. PT PAL building KCR 60 and Playing SIGMA lego is blasphemy actually
^ what they said :D
The deal is real if we goes according to the technical arrangement and planning contract , well i am talking about technical aspect not political shit stuff,( you know first hand i am leaned toward anti Chicom strong crew here in this forum and being berserk from time to time against them. It just now i am at my leisure time to watch two chicom crew from annam and Mainland at each other throat) . Dependable or not, if the deal goes through, it will made us conveniently able to manipulating seeker tech and rocket engines tech albeit we will not sourced them from China anymore, we can do that from other supplier just like China manipulating tech from French at first (in which after some reasons they limiting their missile core tech transfer after the Chinese successfully manipulating their missile technology) .

Israel is very feasible technically, but politically suicide for every politician involved

What do you think are currently the major tech obstacles (other than funding) to us creating a domestic AShM...?

Dahana already have its new huge explosives factory in Subang, so I would think the missile propellant and warhead part is more or less taken care of.. So what's left to be acquired...? Rocket engines... LAPAN is already working on it in the RHAN project, so it seems the basic engine tech is available... A partner with factory facilities will be required for mass production though, Pindad perhaps? The missile body/airframe can also be sourced from either Pindad or DI...

The electronics/guidance/seeker part, this is probably our weakest link.. LEN might be able to handle some of the electronics part, but probably no experience in guidance or seeker.. can LEN reverse engineer some..? or if not, is this something we can buy off-the-shelf then..? Just the seeker/guidance module...?

What about international partners..? other than China, are there any other willing not only to sell, but also to setup local production facilities for missiles..?
IMHO we need able to produce RPG locally, RPG add squad firepower to next level, then we need produce ATGM no need advanced like have "top attack mode" or "fire forget" start with wire guided like malyutka, then we need local manpads but hey we already make progress reversed engineering strela sam called AL-1M
If the problem in guidance maybe can we ask the turk in there? As i remember they can make missile guidance

Or India perhaps?

I prefer baklava kebab
Also indian curry

I didnt like pakistani rogan josh because many product they have contain lamian soup :woot:
Seacat missiles, and Eurotorp license we already secure. Damn all

We already able to build full fledged All rounded multipurpose Frigate since long with all of these materiel and blue print, but no sanity prevail alas. PT PAL building KCR 60 and Playing SIGMA lego is blasphemy actually

What do you think are currently the major tech obstacles (other than funding) to us creating a domestic AShM...?

Dahana already have its new huge explosives factory in Subang, so I would think the missile propellant and warhead part is more or less taken care of.. So what's left to be acquired...? Rocket engines... LAPAN is already working on it in the RHAN project, so it seems the basic engine tech is available... A partner with factory facilities will be required for mass production though, Pindad perhaps? The missile body/airframe can also be sourced from either Pindad or DI...

The electronics/guidance/seeker part, this is probably our weakest link.. LEN might be able to handle some of the electronics part, but probably no experience in guidance or seeker.. can LEN reverse engineer some..? or if not, is this something we can buy off-the-shelf then..? Just the seeker/guidance module...?

What about international partners..? other than China, are there any other willing not only to sell, but also to setup local production facilities for missiles..?
Sure we have the blueprint, source code and all. The big question is, can TNI commit to buy them if we build our own? It's stupid to invest money if TNI can't commit to buy them as the main buyer.

Not to mention pejabat TNI prefer foreign made products (commissions?). Also, let's not fool ourselves, corruption in perusahaan BUMN and in TNI procurement programs is a public secret.

IMO, the major obstacles for our country is corruption.

Musnahkan dulu itu duri dalam daging.
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Seacat missiles, and Eurotorp license we already secure. Damn all

We already able to build full fledged All rounded multipurpose Frigate since long with all of these materiel and blue print, but no sanity prevail alas. PT PAL building KCR 60 and Playing SIGMA lego is blasphemy actually
All those documents, what i fear will be forgotten or worse lost.

This is madness. .
I know

If the problem in guidance maybe can we ask the turk in there? As i remember they can make missile guidance

Or India perhaps?

I prefer baklava kebab
Also indian curry

I didnt like pakistani rogan josh because many product they have contain lamian soup :woot:
Not just the guidance systems but also its microjet engines. In guidance system we barely master GPS guiding system, moreover infra red & radio frequency seekers. There used to be someone who worked for PT.DI told me that welding engines ( i kind of forget what engine he said backthen ), etc needed for missile parts manufacturing are broken unrepaired and so C-705 ToT was cancelled due to state of unpreparedness in terms of needed equipments to produce missile components. I forgot the details but when i found it, i'll share.
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