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Head of Saab Indonesia Anders Dahl & Saab Marketing Support Manager German Wijaya visited KPK HQ engaging dialogue on open, fair and transparent arms transactions.(07/16/2019)
Head of Saab Indonesia Anders Dahl & Saab Marketing Support Manager German Wijaya visited KPK HQ engaging dialogue on open, fair and transparent arms transactions.(07/16/2019)
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SAAB never surrender for Grippen

asal dia ditandai ga sampai punya jabatan penting ya gapapa (semoga),

kenapa juga isis sampe benci FPI, HTI, dkk?

I find it hard to believe, tapi mau mereka saling benci atau apalah ya ga merubah apa2, toh satu species juga mau menganti sistem di NKRI, ya tumpas aja...
Oot dikit.. hti,fpi dan sejenisnya alirannya Wahabi atau Salafi..klo isis itu aliran lain lg..cuma lupa gw..
Hti,fpi jg bertolak belakang dgn NU dan Muhammadiyah.. belum lg ormas agamis lainnya seperti ldii dan banyak lg..
SAAB never surrender for Grippen
they desperately wanting to market and cooperate in our defence and maritime sector

SAAB VTMIS V3000 Vessel Traffic Service/System on tanjung priok


Swedish royal family king carl gustaf XVI visiting tanjung priok

courtesy of / credit to FB Pages SAAB indonesia
SAAB never surrender for Grippen
They never surrender on anything. Though the odd for Gripen is pretty small but unless we see the final study for AEWC procurement then Erieye has relatively fair opportunity. Not too mention their smaller subsystems like RBS-70 Shorad, Carl Gustav ATGM & AT-4, Girraffe radars or even RBS-15 cruise missile also various electronic subsystems which i think is interesting
Head of Saab Indonesia Anders Dahl & Saab Marketing Support Manager German Wijaya visited KPK HQ engaging dialogue on open, fair and transparent arms transactions.(07/16/2019)
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That dude is so friggin tall :lol:
Every time I see "Saab" 2 things always comes to my mind. Gripen and Klewang. I like Gripen tho I know we wont have it but still to me its a small, low rcs, good EW, suitable for most air strip we have. Small but deadly, me like it. Oh well...
Klewang; I dont know why saab pulled out of this project but I was excited at first imagining our future klewang will have sophisticated design in arsenal, weapon system, ew, etc. Maybe having them around can make our future klewang price skyrocketed :D
For RBS 15..there is plan that will instaled in klewang I..since she burn the news of RBS15 for klewang is gone..dunno in klewang II..same news say it will use chinesse missile
That dude is so friggin tall :lol:
Every time I see "Saab" 2 things always comes to my mind. Gripen and Klewang. I like Gripen tho I know we wont have it but still to me its a small, low rcs, good EW, suitable for most air strip we have. Small but deadly, me like it. Oh well...
Klewang; I dont know why saab pulled out of this project but I was excited at first imagining our future klewang will have sophisticated design in arsenal, weapon system, ew, etc. Maybe having them around can make our future klewang price skyrocketed :D

Gripen also had RnD upgrade roadmap aiming until 2050 , just like the long saga of F-16 variants
SAAB never surrender for Grippen
Why give up, Gripen is fairly good, IMO...

Oot dikit.. hti,fpi dan sejenisnya alirannya Wahabi atau Salafi..klo isis itu aliran lain lg..cuma lupa gw..
Hti,fpi jg bertolak belakang dgn NU dan Muhammadiyah.. belum lg ormas agamis lainnya seperti ldii dan banyak lg..
Kalo Salafi mah justru yang bilang "Jangan memberontak pada 'Amirul Muslimin (i.e. Presiden dsb.), "Jangan demo-demo segala, Mudhorat (i.e. mengundang keburukan)"...
He is still young. I remember my self as being foolish, ignorance about things I truly dont understand. The current military academy have been improved greatly over this last decade. I am confident that it shouldnt be a major issue. Aside of that if we keep on sidelining people with different point of view we will end up with nothing but stacking haters/enemy of the state. There should be somekind of "education/enlightment" for them not to behave the way they were. One of the path is thru Military Academy.
I understand your point, but we really should stop treating Akmil as some kind of rehab facilities, because it's not. Akmil is there to produce Indonesia's finest, and people without sound ideologies should not belong in the first place. Recently a member of Kodim in Papua, if I read it right? Got caught selling ammunitions to the KKB/OPM, the ammunition that later would be used against his own fellow soldiers, and we're talking about simple financial incentives here not some radicalized ideologies. The questions that should be asked is when push comes to shove which one will he (Enzo) choose to defend, Pancasila or the ideology that has been indoctrinated by his mother since he was young? I really hope I'm wrong in this because the kid seems bright and it would be a shame for him to be misled into the wrong path in life.

They never surrender on anything. Though the odd for Gripen is pretty small but unless we see the final study for AEWC procurement then Erieye has relatively fair opportunity. Not too mention their smaller subsystems like RBS-70 Shorad, Carl Gustav ATGM & AT-4, Girraffe radars or even RBS-15 cruise missile also various electronic subsystems which i think is interesting
Does John Lundin still incorporate SAAB to his build/design? Shame TNI-AL didn't find the Bonefish to be an attractive solution for them. Hope the Klewang MK2 still retain the RBS-15 as its main armament.
I understand your point, but we really should stop treating Akmil as some kind of rehab facilities, because it's not. Akmil is there to produce Indonesia's finest, and people without sound ideologies should not belong in the first place. Recently a member of Kodim in Papua, if I read it right? Got caught selling ammunitions to the KKB/OPM, the ammunition that later would be used against his own fellow soldiers, and we're talking about simple financial incentives here not some radicalized ideologies. The questions that should be asked is when push comes to shove which one will he (Enzo) choose to defend, Pancasila or the ideology that has been indoctrinated by his mother since he was young? I really hope I'm wrong in this because the kid seems bright and it would be a shame for him to be misled into the wrong path in life.

Does John Lundin still incorporate SAAB to his build/design? Shame TNI-AL didn't find the Bonefish to be an attractive solution for them. Hope the Klewang MK2 still retain the RBS-15 as its main armament.
Well idk much information on Klewang II Class whether this one still retains Saab CMS, radar, weapons and subsystems or they substitute them with something from other vendors.


PT Pindad (Persero) bekerja sama dengan CMI Defence S.A menggelar pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 berlangsung pada 12 Juni - 21 Juli 2019 dan berlokasi di John Cockerill Defence, Belgium. Pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 didasari oleh Surat Kontrak Kerjasama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dengan CMI Defence S.A. dengan nomor SJAN 13/P/BD/LN/IV/2017 tertanggal 19 April 2017. Dengan adanya pelatihan alih teknologi terutama pada sektor armament, membuktikan PT Pindad (Persero) selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan menciptakan inovasi produk alutsista berkualitas kebanggaaan Indonesia.

PT Pindad (Persero) mengirimkan 6 staf unggulan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk mempelajari alih teknologi Turret CSE 90 di John Cockerill Defence Belgia, yaitu; Gito Suwarno, Febiantara Juanda,A.Md., Rudi Setya Budi, Ginanjar Widhaswara, Dika Wardani,A.Md, Aji Roswaji. Pelatihan alih teknologi yang didapatkan dimulai dari perakitan (assembling) Turret CSE 90 yang terdiri dari 18 tahap, integration hingga finishing perakitan.

Melalui pelatihan alih teknologi ini, PT Pindad (Persero) dapat merakit, mengoperasikan dan mengembangkan Turret CSE 90 secara mandiri. Turret CSE 90 sudah dipercaya untuk menjadi senjata utama yang diinstal pada Kendaraan Tempur Badak. Panser Badak adalah kendaraan tempur 6x6 roda buatan PT Pindad (Persero). Selain Turret CSE 90, Badak dilengkapi juga dengan senapan mesin caliber 7.62 mm, ballistic protection - bulletproof steel plate, dan memiliki mesin diesel 340 HP yang mampu menunjang daya jelajah Badak.

Saat ini, Badak sudah armada tempur milik TNI dan dipergunakan dalam berbagai misi militer. Dengan pengembangan kemampuan melalui alih teknologi Turret CSE 90, maka PT Pindad (Persero) juga memiliki peran untuk mendukung sector pertahanan dalam negeri.

Selanjutnya, pelatihan lanjutan akan dilakukan di PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung.

Well idk much information on Klewang II Class whether this one still retains Saab CMS, radar, weapons and subsystems or they substitute them with something from other vendors.


PT Pindad (Persero) bekerja sama dengan CMI Defence S.A menggelar pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 berlangsung pada 12 Juni - 21 Juli 2019 dan berlokasi di John Cockerill Defence, Belgium. Pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 didasari oleh Surat Kontrak Kerjasama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dengan CMI Defence S.A. dengan nomor SJAN 13/P/BD/LN/IV/2017 tertanggal 19 April 2017. Dengan adanya pelatihan alih teknologi terutama pada sektor armament, membuktikan PT Pindad (Persero) selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan menciptakan inovasi produk alutsista berkualitas kebanggaaan Indonesia.

PT Pindad (Persero) mengirimkan 6 staf unggulan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk mempelajari alih teknologi Turret CSE 90 di John Cockerill Defence Belgia, yaitu; Gito Suwarno, Febiantara Juanda,A.Md., Rudi Setya Budi, Ginanjar Widhaswara, Dika Wardani,A.Md, Aji Roswaji. Pelatihan alih teknologi yang didapatkan dimulai dari perakitan (assembling) Turret CSE 90 yang terdiri dari 18 tahap, integration hingga finishing perakitan.

Melalui pelatihan alih teknologi ini, PT Pindad (Persero) dapat merakit, mengoperasikan dan mengembangkan Turret CSE 90 secara mandiri. Turret CSE 90 sudah dipercaya untuk menjadi senjata utama yang diinstal pada Kendaraan Tempur Badak. Panser Badak adalah kendaraan tempur 6x6 roda buatan PT Pindad (Persero). Selain Turret CSE 90, Badak dilengkapi juga dengan senapan mesin caliber 7.62 mm, ballistic protection - bulletproof steel plate, dan memiliki mesin diesel 340 HP yang mampu menunjang daya jelajah Badak.

Saat ini, Badak sudah armada tempur milik TNI dan dipergunakan dalam berbagai misi militer. Dengan pengembangan kemampuan melalui alih teknologi Turret CSE 90, maka PT Pindad (Persero) juga memiliki peran untuk mendukung sector pertahanan dalam negeri.

Selanjutnya, pelatihan lanjutan akan dilakukan di PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung.
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nice , could badak be categorized as light armored reconnaissance vehicle like brazilian EE-9 Cascavel or the french EBRC Jaguar ? we could also maybe try to applied that turret to our current PT-76 arsenal
It seems that we are gonna field large number of this 90 mm gun, for badak, pandur(maybe), tankboat(maybe).
It seems that we are gonna field large number of this 90 mm gun, for badak, pandur(maybe), tankboat(maybe).

As I know tank boat use 105 mm cmiiw
Also pindad already make some pandur in here called cobra cmiiw
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