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Based from the report looks like launching for New Klewang FAMC together with the X18 Tank Boat Prototype.

"North Sea Boats should launch the Tank Boat prototype by the end of the year, along with a new trimaran prototype based on the X3K design already built and launched in August 2012 (but destroyed in a fire). Both are being built at the shipyard in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia."
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JAKARTA, May 29, 2019 ------- "In May 2019 Joint Task Force Command Landing Administration (Kogasgabratmin).
Onboard the LCVP KRI BAC 593, Pangkolinlamil Laksda TNI Heru Kusmanto, SE, MM leads and directly control the pitch maneuver latopsratmin FY 2019 in order to ensure the implementation of the exercise goes according to plan.
Arrived at set point 1 Kogasgabratmin elements consist of KRI ABN 503 and KRI BAC 593 are ready to implement debarkation of personnel and combat material. KRI ABN 503 implement beaching (monitoring the) to lower personnel and material Kogasratgab combat troops, while KRI Banda Aceh 593 moved to lower personnel carry out operations using the LCU and LCVP.

posted @ Wednesday, May 29, 2019 4:41 PM by Dispen Kolinlamil




Ah i see, seems like i'm overthinking it. But why RPG-7 tho? aren't Pinoys are always a fan of western stuffs? unlike that of Malaysia with Pakistan, Philippines does not have a true "eastern" ally of which they could buy RPGs and other eastern weapons from, except maybe Russia and China ( and the latter have a political nuance to it), and as i said before, cause they are pro-west, why don't they just buy US weapons or even SAAB AT weapons for example? i feel there's something not right with their defense programme.

Afaik, they upgraded their M113 by installing 30mm turret on it, rather peculiar choice but yeah...they must knows what best for themselves. For the Heli program, i only knew that they bought 2 unit of AW159 Wildcat and planned to procure T129 ATAK from Turkey if i remember correctly, still not clear when they would go but at least there's a clear plan for it. About their Submarine program, idk, Pinoys on the internet seems to be confident that the Kilo class procurement would be realized, to quote " we still negotiating with Putin for submarines".

i don't really understand of where they are going but the good news is there's real effort for improvement.

of course pinoy fan of western stuff earlier they order rpg-7 from airtronics USA, but company cant complete the order, then they order bulgarian RPG

rpg-7 from USA

for small arms like RPG you dont need to have "eastern ally" to buy it there lot ex soviet SSR produce it, example bulgaria.. heck even they can produce ATGM like Konkurs and Metis
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ada kabar baru buat KCR60M nggk ?

sama ada yg punya phoyo KRI sampari bird eye view nggk ?
Kopassus, U.S. Military Plan Combat Medic Joint Training
Ricky Mohammad Nugraha
Laila Afifa
31 May 2019 14:39 WIB

defense H.E. Patrick Michael Shanahan in Jakarta yesterday, May 30.

According to Ryacudu, the joint training will focus on combat medic or field medic as it proves significant to treat wounded soldiers in the front line of duty without the presence of any doctors.

“We will follow America’s rehab medic. There, a soldier with an amputated leg can still somewhat run. Once they return to the battleground or war, they would participate despite being an amputee,” he said.

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“Unlike here, once they get shot, taught to stitch injuries, why bother. There’ll be no more of that. A soldier’s spirit must be persevered to not be a softy,” said Ryamizard.

Meanwhile, Kopassus General Major General I Nyoman Cantiasa also confirmed the news of next year’s plan. “They offered what material we preferred, we asked for combat medic,” he said.

He said that the request for a combat medic training is to mainly install first-aid surgical skills in the field of battle. “A sergeant is not a doctor, could conduct surgery on a bullet wound, the important thing is to survive for three days before administering the patient to a larger hospital,” said Nyoman.

Early plans suggest the joint training would be held both in Indonesia and followed by another training in the United States.

speaking of decommissioning what would happen to yakhont missile after decommissioning Ahmad yani class?

I heard the news that our MOD send a delegation to see the K-300P Bastion-P system so there's a chance that all the yakhont missile in stock will be convert to this system right ?
is it unlikely? maybe if the budget doesnt allow it
but it's likely we will ordered this system in the near future after the fulfillment or as one of the criteria for MEF
speaking of decommissioning what would happen to yakhont missile after decommissioning Ahmad yani class?

I heard the news that our MOD send a delegation to see the K-300P Bastion-P system so there's a chance that all the yakhont missile in stock will be convert to this system right ?
is it unlikely? maybe if the budget doesnt allow it
but it's likely we will ordered this system in the near future after the fulfillment or as one of the criteria for MEF

stoknya yakhont udah lama habis

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