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Indonesia Defence Forum

speaking of decommissioning what would happen to yakhont missile after decommissioning Ahmad yani class?

I heard the news that our MOD send a delegation to see the K-300P Bastion-P system so there's a chance that all the yakhont missile in stock will be convert to this system right ?
is it unlikely? maybe if the budget doesnt allow it
but it's likely we will ordered this system in the near future after the fulfillment or as one of the criteria for MEF

please provide news source
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines to form joint Counter Terrorist Task Force.
I believe Indonesia don't want to form an alliance with anyone but this kind of thing is still acceptable.
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines to form joint Counter Terrorist Task Force.
I believe Indonesia don't want to form an alliance with anyone but this kind of thing is still acceptable.
Hasn't this been stated from a while back?
Indonesia wants Su-35 supplies to begin this year

Indonesia expects the supplies of Russian Su-35 fighter jets to start by the end of 2019, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu told TASS.

"I think that the issue will be solved this year," he said.

According to the minister, "certain challenges (in finalizing the contract) are due to the fact that three departments of the republic are involved in the process." "The Defense Ministry has signed all documents, whereas the Trade Ministry and Finance Ministry are still in the process of approval," which is connected with the fact that "there will be different forms of payment," he explained, adding that though discussions are still underway "fundamentally the issue has been resolved."

Earlier the minister told TASS that Jakarta "would not cancel the contract on jet supplies despite the US sanctions against Russia." The signing of the contract with Indonesia to supply 11 Su-35 fighter jets was announced in the beginning of last year.

Indonesia became the second country after China to buy Su-35 aircraft from Russia. The Su-35S generation 4++ supersonic fighter jet performed its maiden flight on February 19, 2008. The fighter jet is a derivative of the Su-27 plane. The Su-35S weighs 19 tons, has a service ceiling of 20,000 meters, can develop a maximum speed of 2,500 km/h and has a crew of one pilot. The fighter jet’s armaments include a 30mm aircraft gun, up to 8 tons of payload (missiles and bombs of various types) on 12 underwing suspensions.

I assume the scale model is of the "proposed" configuration for upcoming Iver Huitfeldt frigate, that unlike the Danish Navy configuration, it used 127mm main gun and 2x 30mm Millenium gun in place of 2 x 76mm naval gun. What concerned me is the lack of opening for TASS, and the fact that currently on service Iver is not equipped with these, i really hope that they will introduce CAPTAS 4 into the platform in the future.

Currently, it seems that Martadinata class still don't have an opening for TASS either, but from what i read, Damen really like the concept of modularity, so fortunately, the Stern module of the hull is indeed have room for improvement.

This is the Mexican Navy's Sigma frigate of pretty much the same hull as PKR, with slightly different weapon choice and sensors, but as you can see here, there's opening in the stern, unlike in PKR.

But again, the stern module is the same thing, if you look closely these little holes in the back and side is the same between the two, with the difference that the Mexican one were cut to to allow CAPTAS 2 installation. Knowing that, PKR getting CAPTAS 2 in the future is very likely, only if there's real initiative from the Navy tho.
well at least F15 uses same F100 engines as used in F16's
Well, i personally anticipated F-16V more rather than F-15, cause while they are good, we already have Sukhois, so any excess budget should be allocated to maximize their effectiveness and to make sure they could fight together with the rest of the fleets with no trouble regarding datalinking, compatibility, weaponry, spareparts etc... choosing F-15 (X?) means that the Sukhois should be scrapped altogether...not going to happen considering their current role in TNI AU and their huge popularity among the people.
well at least F15 uses same F100 engines as used in F16's
I prefer we negotiate with the US government to arrange more refurbished of F16s thus we could have a lot of F16s.

There was a news that we will buy 48 viper with the cost of USD 4.5 billion (USD 4500 million).

Last time we had arranged 24 F16 refurbished plus 2 unit block 15 and 4 unit block 25 as back up (total 24+2+4 = 30 unit) with the cost of USD 750 million.

If the fund of USD 4.5 billion really exist, I prefer we could make same as previous arrangement with the cost of USD 4.5 billion = USD 4500 million which is 6 times of usd 750 million, we could make arrangement of 6 x 24 = 144 unit of F16 refurbished plus 6 x 2 = 12 unit block 15 and 6 x 4 = 24 unit block 25 as back up (cadangan). Thus with the cost of USD 4.5 billion we could make arrangement of totally 144+12+24 = 180 unit of F16's!!!

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Well, i personally anticipated F-16V more rather than F-15, cause while they are good, we already have Sukhois, so any excess budget should be allocated to maximize their effectiveness and to make sure they could fight together with the rest of the fleets with no trouble regarding datalinking, compatibility, weaponry, spareparts etc... choosing F-15 (X?) means that the Sukhois should be scrapped altogether...not going to happen considering their current role in TNI AU and their huge popularity among the people.
The Flankers aren't as popular as people think. Towards the general public sure but within our military circles it's a huge maintenance hog that really drains a lot of money from the annual budget. It also doesn't help that we operate a mixed fleet of Flankers instead of one common airframe type, add the Su-35 into that mix and it'll be one giant clusterfuck to logistics.

The fact that the officer in the video earlier mentioned that, budget permitting, he hopes the Air Force is able to operate F-15's is testament to that fact.

I'd rather us scrap the Flanker altogether and take advantage of the fact that the USAF is buying a large number of F-15X's and work from there.
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