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MaxDefense itu blog/formil kayak defence.pk/kaskus/lembaga keris atau memang media massa khusus hankam?

Dari baca sekilas sepertinya pemebritaan dan netizen sana lebih aware dan dalam pengetahuan seputar pertahaanan/militer dibanding media di Indo
MaxDefense is the name of his Defense blog and his FP dan yang ngelola Max Montero mantan perwira AL Filipina ini dari blognya"A former naval officer of the Philippine Navy, initially a reservist before becoming an active officer, opted to retire early and migrate to another country. Aside from being in the service, he has been following Philippine and regional defence issues, as well as military technology and industrial movements, and developments in regional military upgrades since the mid 1990s. He has been involved in other defence sites & minor publications for the past several years, and a regular at regional defence exhibitions & symposiums. Currently works as a systems consultant for a foreign military organisation. As a defence writer, he has no political affiliation, and would not hesitate to criticise any political leader, organisation, or political part when issues on defence and security of the Philippines are believed to be in peril."

Nah Max Montero ini punya banyak informan didalem Department of Defense mereka dan juga dia punya banyak channel di Industri pertahanan jadi nggak heran dia bisa jadi orang pertama yang tau perihal modernisasi di Filipina(Di Indonesia keliatannya belum ada yang setara kaya Max Montero ini yang luar biasa kritis dan update secara mendalam modernisasi alutsista yang terjadi)
MaxDefense is the name of his Defense blog and his FP dan yang ngelola Max Montero mantan perwira AL Filipina ini dari blognya"A former naval officer of the Philippine Navy, initially a reservist before becoming an active officer, opted to retire early and migrate to another country. Aside from being in the service, he has been following Philippine and regional defence issues, as well as military technology and industrial movements, and developments in regional military upgrades since the mid 1990s. He has been involved in other defence sites & minor publications for the past several years, and a regular at regional defence exhibitions & symposiums. Currently works as a systems consultant for a foreign military organisation. As a defence writer, he has no political affiliation, and would not hesitate to criticise any political leader, organisation, or political part when issues on defence and security of the Philippines are believed to be in peril."

Nah Max Montero ini punya banyak informan didalem Department of Defense mereka dan juga dia punya banyak channel di Industri pertahanan jadi nggak heran dia bisa jadi orang pertama yang tau perihal modernisasi di Filipina(Di Indonesia keliatannya belum ada yang setara kaya Max Montero ini yang luar biasa kritis dan update secara mendalam modernisasi alutsista yang terjadi)
MaxDefense is the name of his Defense blog and his FP dan yang ngelola Max Montero mantan perwira AL Filipina ini dari blognya"A former naval officer of the Philippine Navy, initially a reservist before becoming an active officer, opted to retire early and migrate to another country. Aside from being in the service, he has been following Philippine and regional defence issues, as well as military technology and industrial movements, and developments in regional military upgrades since the mid 1990s. He has been involved in other defence sites & minor publications for the past several years, and a regular at regional defence exhibitions & symposiums. Currently works as a systems consultant for a foreign military organisation. As a defence writer, he has no political affiliation, and would not hesitate to criticise any political leader, organisation, or political part when issues on defence and security of the Philippines are believed to be in peril."

Nah Max Montero ini punya banyak informan didalem Department of Defense mereka dan juga dia punya banyak channel di Industri pertahanan jadi nggak heran dia bisa jadi orang pertama yang tau perihal modernisasi di Filipina(Di Indonesia keliatannya belum ada yang setara kaya Max Montero ini yang luar biasa kritis dan update secara mendalam modernisasi alutsista yang terjadi)

Dulu banget di kaskus waktu ane masih jadi SR , ada mbah aud**y. Udah ga pernah posting lagi
Dulu banget di kaskus waktu ane masih jadi SR , ada mbah aud**y. Udah ga pernah posting lagi

Itu orangnya sama kek dgn id yg jadi OP di thread Economy Indonesia disini, masih sering keliaran dia
Hmmm looking from the image the position for the CIWS kinda look wrong in a way, first is the RHIB hindered the fire arc for the CIWS and second is the placement is to low on the ground.

the original design looks more logical and practical than the current one, clear POV for the CIWS there's not many clutter part on the ship hence lowered the RCS.

I still remember his name in Formil Kaskus, its incoherrent. He made this picture base on KCR 40 Clurit Class, i got all of his picture.

Dulu banget di kaskus waktu ane masih jadi SR , ada mbah aud**y. Udah ga pernah posting lagi
Mbak Audry foto2nya ajaib emang dl, unfortunately most of active contributor in formil "hengkang" to another forum just like Kenyot.
Yg lagi HOT.. Brp jose rizal ,fregat pinoy .. Harga 337 juta 2 biji . radar utama pake C band . vls kosong ciws ga ada ..adanya simbad . yg ngerti dunia kaprang tau lah ya .. Itu C band seharusnya di kapal type apa,

maxdefense malah sibuk komentari CMS hanwa ..komentari itu radar utama kok C band goblok .. Aturan fregat unyu lumrahnya S band woyy . kalo ente pake C band tapi punya 1 radar utama..yg ada ga peka buat deteksi , biasanya yg pake C band itu type destroyer 2 radar utama.karena nanti yg c band buat SAM , ini malah bahas nya cms hanwa yg bisa konek TDL 16,
Padahal kan pinoy bukan anggota aliansi US ..coba ngapain minta TDL16 ? dan sok sokan minta CMS TACTICOS padahal cuma fregat unyu ,radar 1 ..rudal ashm 8 ..simbad. Ya kali destroyer wong cuma unyu unyu.

Yg baca ikutan emosi sendiri pokoknya .mereka itu seakan akan nuduh korea curang ,pdhl duit nya dikit mintanya TACTICOS.
________________ __________________ __________________
He also questions the radar selected for those ship, not as much as the CMS though,

AFAIK, the advantages of C-band was that the radar could be made more cheap, smaller footprint, lightweight and had better resolution on short-medium ranges; while the disadvantages include worsened resolution, range and also power requirement on severe/adverse weather condition, where the bigger, more expensive S-band radar provide a constant performances on any weather condition on medium-long ranges.

The original spec sheet from the manufacturer mentions 2 option for the main search radar, One being Hensoldt TRS-3D operate in C-band and the other being Thales NS-106 operate in S-band. In pure specs alone, the NS-106 should be outperforming the TRS-3D, (heck, it's even better than the SMART S Mk.2) yet the one fitted on the boat in the end was the TRS-3D. It should be fine for single main medium range search radar but certainly not for long range ones moreover on a frigates.

Yep, they should be mad.
Asking for TASS for RE martadinata class

This old news say our martadinata class already get Captas 2 sonar, but I don't see any room or door for deploying arm like this on their stern:

Did ours really get those??

Link for their forum please?

Coba agan bandingin sama sigma 10514 mexico punya ini. Yg udah jelas2 ada captas 2. Jelas2 captas itu ga bisa sembarang dicemplugin aja. Kaya ada lengan khusus buat deploy dan penempatannya ga sembarangan, jadi bagian dari struktur kapal dari awal2...


The only source I could find for CAPTAS-2 Towed Array Sonar System (TASS) on Martadinata-class was from old jane's article,
and from old thales7seas websites,

So here's the problem, there's still no official (TNI AL, Damen website, the main Thales website page on CAPTAS-2) mentions of towed array sonar being listed as a feature on Martadinata-class yet. Also the absence of 'opening' at the stern of Martadinata-class needed to operate any kinds of towed sonar arrays is another factor that made me believe they are currently not yet fitted with CAPTAS-2 TASS. Also we don't know how accurate the Jane's could be on these news either reflecting on the past KCR-60 missile capability report by Jane's (I lean more on the lack of before and after photo evidences and also different understanding of "Removed" by Ridzwan Rahmat and his source).

As you know, to operate CAPTAS-2 TASS we need not only a large opening on the stern side of the ships but also the space to accommodate them. Here some pics of opening on ships that already known to be fitted with CAPTAS-2 TASS, all of the opening are bigger than the one currently on the stern of Martadinata-class.

Saudi's Al Madinah-class frigates (the one with '-NO TUG-' sign)

UAE's Abu-Dhabi-class Corvettes
Norway's Fridtjof Nansen-class Frigates
And here's the size and weight of those system,

also, several configuration of CAPTAS-4 for references:

So, is CAPTAS-2 TASS really isn't going to be fitted to Martadinata-class then? -Hard to tell, Ridzwan Rahmat one of this region Jane's correspondences despite all his quirks (remember this? https://web.archive.org/web/2016042...elects-type-730-ciws-for-kcr-60m-attack-craft & that of KCR-60 missiles -yeah, those quirks) in reporting on Indonesian military news so far (the last 5 years anyways) are quite accurate in reporting the behind the scenes news about our navy (not Jane's in general, their editorial about Indonesia Armed Forces could be so weird at some parts). So my take on it is not whether the Martadinata-class would really get a TASS or not but, rather about when and what exact type of TASS they gonna fit them with. Let's just say if those 'hole' on the stern really is the opening for the TASS then we can argue that the system we get is much more smaller than the CAPTAS-2, so there is CAPTAS-1 a wee bit smaller and newer than the CAPTAS-2 but I also doubt that the opening would be that small. This leaves us on the last, least known of CAPTAS family, the CAPTAS Nano https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/5214076/thales-captas-nano-effective-asw-for-the-littorals/3.
It's a bit weird for a 'frigate' to use this but it's only 'what if' scenario if we assume those 'hole' as a real TASS opening anyways. Then again we must also remember that in Indonesia, everything could still happens, for those who know the old FORMIL, I bet you all still remember the Kilo sub 'FIX', or those AW101 VIP/Utility chopper thread right?, also if a 30-years old Corvettes designed around the 70' could still get an upgrade in the form of 7-barrel 30mm gatling gun CIWS, we could still believe and hope they are to cut a hole on the back of Martadinata-class to fit a TASS in it anyways.
Anyone have a graph or chart of all the ships in the indo navy?

Try this one instead, more easy for the eyes:

Dulu banget di kaskus waktu ane masih jadi SR , ada mbah aud**y. Udah ga pernah posting lagi

Itu orangnya sama kek dgn id yg jadi OP di thread Economy Indonesia disini, masih sering keliaran dia
Still pretty much active on other foreign sub-forums about Indonesia.

Sorry for the long post.
Last edited:
He also questions the radar selected for those ship, not as much as the CMS though,

AFAIK, the advantages of C-band was that the radar could be made more cheap, smaller footprint, lightweight and had better resolution on short-medium ranges; while the disadvantages include worsened resolution, range and also power requirement on severe/adverse weather condition, where the bigger, more expensive S-band radar provide a constant performances on any weather condition on medium-long ranges.

The original spec sheet from the manufacturer mentions 2 option for the main search radar, One being Hensoldt TRS-3D operate in C-band and the other being Thales NS-106 operate in S-band. In pure specs alone, the NS-106 should be outperforming the TRS-3D, (heck, it's even better than the SMART S Mk.2) yet the one fitted on the boat in the end was the TRS-3D. It should be fine for single main medium range search radar but certainly not for long range ones moreover on a frigates.

Yep, they should be mad.

The only source I could find for CAPTAS-2 Towed Array Sonar System (TASS) on Martadinata-class was from old jane's article,
and from old thales7seas websites,

So here's the problem, there's still no official (TNI AL, Damen website, the main Thales website page on CAPTAS-2) mentions of towed array sonar being listed as a feature on Martadinata-class yet. Also the absence of 'opening' at the stern of Martadinata-class needed to operate any kinds of towed sonar arrays is another factor that made me believe they are currently not yet fitted with CAPTAS-2 TASS. Also we don't know how accurate the Jane's could be on these news either reflecting on the past KCR-60 missile capability report by Jane's (I lean more on the lack of before and after photo evidences and also different understanding of "Removed" by Ridzwan Rahmat and his source).

As you know, to operate CAPTAS-2 TASS we need not only a large opening on the stern side of the ships but also the space to accommodate them. Here some pics of opening on ships that already known to be fitted with CAPTAS-2 TASS, all of the opening are bigger than the one currently on the stern of Martadinata-class.

Saudi's Al Madinah-class frigates (the one with '-NO TUG-' sign)

UAE's Abu-Dhabi-class Corvettes
Norway's Fridtjof Nansen-class Frigates
And here's the size and weight of those system,

also, several configuration of CAPTAS-4 for references:

So, is CAPTAS-2 TASS really isn't going to be fitted to Martadinata-class then? -Hard to tell, Ridzwan Rahmat one of this region Jane's correspondences despite all his quirks (remember this? https://web.archive.org/web/2016042...elects-type-730-ciws-for-kcr-60m-attack-craft & that of KCR-60 missiles -yeah, those quirks) in reporting on Indonesian military news so far (the last 5 years anyways) are quite accurate in reporting the behind the scenes news about our navy (not Jane's in general, their editorial about Indonesia Armed Forces could be so weird at some parts). So my take on it is not whether the Martadinata-class would really get a TASS or not but, rather about when and what exact type of TASS they gonna fit them with. Let's just say if those 'hole' on the stern really is the opening for the TASS then we can argue that the system we get is much more smaller than the CAPTAS-2, so there is CAPTAS-1 a wee bit smaller and newer than the CAPTAS-2 but I also doubt that the opening would be that small. This leaves us on the last, least known of CAPTAS family, the CAPTAS Nano https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/5214076/thales-captas-nano-effective-asw-for-the-littorals/3.
It's a bit weird for a 'frigate' to use this but it's only 'what if' scenario if we assume those 'hole' as a real TASS opening anyways. Then again we must also remember that in Indonesia, everything could still happens, for those who know the old FORMIL, I bet you all still remember the Kilo sub 'FIX', or those AW101 VIP/Utility chopper thread right?, also if a 30-years old Corvettes designed around the 70' could still get an upgrade in the form of 7-barrel 30mm gatling gun CIWS, we could still believe and hope they are to cut a hole on the back of Martadinata-class to fit a TASS in it anyways.

Try this one instead, more easy for the eyes:


Still pretty much active on other foreign sub-forums about Indonesia.

Sorry for the long post.
Just visited MaxDefense Philippines FB page, seems like they are so pissed with how the Frigates turns out to be, and scorn the HHI even harder lol :v.
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