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Indonesia Defence Forum

RIP another wicked work by terrorist happened again

They are useless and phatethic people

Indeed, we need to get rid them all ASAP. For how long we must suffer and loosing our brightest and proudest sons and daughters at the hands of those animals?


They killing our sons and daughters, they calling us Kafeer, they poisoning our school and madrasah, they desecrated the tombs of our ancestor, they destroying our mosque, curch and temples, they want to change our way of lifes, they want to get rid of our very Nation our beloved Republic whose our forefather sacrificing themselves against tyrant and injustice. We must waging a Jihad a holy war against them
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POLRI: Jangan 'share' hasil kerja teroris di medos. :tup:

Do not share terrorist works in social medias - Indonesian Police.

Indeed, we need to get rid them all ASAP. For how long we must suffer and loosing our brightest and proudest sons and daughters at the hands of those animals?

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They killing our sons and daughters, they calling us Kafeer, they poisoning our school and madrasah, they desecrated the tombs of our ancestor, they destroying our mosque, curch and temples, they want to change our way of lifes, they want to get rid of our very Nation our beloved Republic whose our forefather sacrificing themselves against tyrant and injustice. We must waging a Jihad a holy war against them

I agree with you that they are animals. Because they are animals, they have no religion. If they claim to have religion, then it's FAKE. Because they are animals, any Human Rights laws and charters can not be applied to them.
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi roojiuun... tolong jangan ada lagi, 2x sudah kemenangan mereka, di Mako dan Surabaya. RUU terorisme udah sah belum? Apa masih terus tahap pembahasan?

My deepest condolences for Surabaya
Berapa lama lagi penindasan dan pembantaian atas nama agama ini terjadi.
Ketakutan model apa yg di tawarkan, perang tetaplah perang. Tidak ada hal baik di dalam perang tapi terorisme adalah sekumpulan pengecut yg berani memukul tetapi takut di pukul balik.
Sahkan UU anti terorisme. Tangkap dahulu,siksa dan hajar habis2xan. Tak ada istilah hak asasi manusia untuk mereka yang bahkan tega menghabisi wanita dan anak kecil.
Yang mengkhawatirkan gw adalah banyaknya mahasiswa, dosen, ulama dan profesional yang terpengaruh ide ide radikal, bahkan secara terang2an mendukung aksi terorisme, harus diambil langkah tegas ini, ga boleh tuh ada orasi pro teroris dan radikal yang dibiarkan, menurut gw pihak yang berwenang sudah memetakan siapa2 yang terindikasi terlibat dan mendukung aksi terorisme, saatnya kita bersih bersih didalam rumah sendiri, gpp lah kalau sedikit melanggar ham, toh musuh yang lebih berbahaya dari musuh eksternal adalah musuh dalam selimut di dalam internal rakyat NKRI sendiri.
That means a fatal inteligence failure. The last major terror operation if Im not mistaken is the JW marriot bombing in the late 2000s followed by a relatively peaceful and secure times between 2010-2016
They got triggered by HTI dissolution... Once the house pass anti terrorism law, State can strategically and tactically whop their *** even before they could lift their finger..
They got triggered by HTI dissolution... Once the house pass anti terrorism law, State can strategically and tactically whop their *** even before they could lift their finger..
We need to track their source of funds, these terror acts aren't cheap and they're were given firearms, explosive materials, cars, housing, etc. Combined with the interbranch ego among law enforcers with the intelligence (I saw the news that BIN are only capable of monitoring, not mandated to catch the suspects), this job is getting difficult.

The wild card is the TNI. The last time they're involved, some communist party got massacred to grassroot level. Let's hope government realize the situation and act accordingly or we'll see a G30S/HTI soon.
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