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kan dari awal udah gua bilang itu proyek bakalan jalan terus kok. Banyak face saving acts disini terutama vs media dan opposan.
The question is, whose face need to be saved? I see the government, even the president is getting humiliated by this case. This whole saga with the media, is this a strategy to blow up procurement irregularities within TNI? or just an unwanted mess that left behind by incompetence and greed?
The question is, whose face need to be saved? I see the government, even the president is getting humiliated by this case. This whole saga with the media, is this a strategy to blow up procurement irregularities within TNI? or just an unwanted mess that left behind by incompetence and greed?

the process is right and clear actually, but the gov. always campaigning for produk dalam negeri and prudent measure for economic situations. And because AW101 left an impression of expensive and imported, no one is really want to taking the blame for the excess of bad media, especially after PT DI claimed they are capable to making something that can rivalled AW101...

the PR of Air Force for this case seems a bad joke to me
Selasa 07 Feb 2017, 04:38 WIB
Soal Pengambilalihan FIR dari Singapura, KSAU: Kami Sudah Siap
Elza Astari Retaduari - detikNews

Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo pada 2015 lalu meminta jajarannya untuk mengambil alih Flight Information Region (FIR) 1 yang masih dikuasai Singapura. TNI AU mengaku sudah siap membantu pemerintah jika kontrol wilayah udara di Kepulauan Riau dan sekitarnya itu dikembalikan ke Indonesia.

"TNI AU terus berupaya untuk merealisasikan itu. Tapi kan ini sudah diserahkan ke kementerian dan kami berupaya mendukung apa yang dibutuhkan pemerintah," ungkap KSAU Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (6/2/2017).

Beberapa kementerian yang diminta Presiden Jokowi untuk mengambil alih FIR dari Singapura di antaranya seperti Kementerian Perhubungan dan Kementerian Luar Negeri. International Civil Aviation Organitation (ICAO) hingga kini masih belum mengizinkan Indonesia mengelola ruang udara di wilayah Kepri, Tanjungpinang, dan Natuna karena dianggap belum memiliki kesiapan infrastruktur dan SDM yang mumpuni.

Saat memanggil sejumlah kementerian di tahun 2015, Jokowi menargetkan 3-4 tahun untuk mengambil alih FIR dari Singapura. Lantas apakah Indonesia mampu mewujudkannya? Mengingat sudah sejak 1946 pengelolaan FIR didelegasikan ICAO kepada Singapura dan Indonesia belum juga mampu mengambil alihnya.

Baca Juga: Instruksi Jokowi: Segera Ambil Alih Ruang Udara RI yang Dikuasai Singapura


Soal persiapan pengambilalihan FIR, Hadi menyatakan TNI AU sudah terus melakukan upaya dan langkah-langkah untuk merebut kontrol wilayah udara di wilayah Kepri itu. Ada dua satuan yang mengurus soal ini di TNI AU.

"Dari Dishum dan Kohanudnas. Karena kan yang mengawasi wilayah FIR adalah Kohanudnas. Berbicara soal FIR, ini kan terkait dengan keselamatan penerbangan, sementara kita sendiri adalah keamanan," jelas Hadi.

"Tapi keselamatan dan keamanan kan tidak bisa dipisah. Kita akan mendukung itu. Dukungan kita selalu mengawasi wilayah-wilayah FIR 1 diperketat," lanjutnya.

Mulai dari pengetatan pengawasan wilayah udara FIR 1 dengan radar-radar yang selama ini overlapping. Namun menurut Hadi, untuk wilayah FIR 1, kata Hadi, radar TNI AU sudah beroperasi 24 jam dalam sehari.

"Sekarang kita on kan 24 jam di wilayah FIR 1. Kita mengawasi juga penerbangan kita," tegas mantan Sesmil Presiden itu.

Bukan hanya radar saja yang dipersiapkan dalam upaya pengambilalihan FIR dari Singapura. TNI AU juga melengkapi pertahanan udara dengan pesawat tempur di sekitar wilayah FIR 1.

"Pesawat tempur apabila ada pelanggaran di wilayah udara, sekarang kita siapkan ada 5 di Medan, 3 ada di Jakarta. Semua F-16," kata Hadi.

Untuk itu, TNI AU menurut marsekal bintang empat ini tidak memerlukan waktu selama 4 tahun sejak perintah Jokowi dalam upaya pengambilalihan FIR dari Singapura yang mengontrol wilayah udara Indonesia tersebut. Langkah persiapan TNI AU pun disebut Hadi sudah menimbulkan dampak positif dengan adanya penurunan pelanggaran udara oleh pihak negara lain.

"Bisa (tak sampai 4 tahun), kalau mereka melanggar kita bisa intercept langsung. Dan sekarang pun pelanggaran wilayah udara sudah menurun karena kita kesiapsiagaannya tinggi. Setiap hari pengawasan 24 jam, dan pesawat siap apabila ada yang melanggar," urainya.

"Sangat jauh menurun, dari 193 menjadi 49 pelanggaran udara, menurun dari 2015 ke 2016," tambah Hadi.

Mantan Irjen Kemhan itu pun menegaskan TNI AU sudah siap jika Indonesia berhasil mengambilalih FIR dari Singapura. "Kita dari aspek pertahanan, kita sudah siap. Dari radar-radar kita sudah lengkap," imbuh Hadi sekaligus mengakhiri.

the process is right and clear actually, but the gov. always campaigning for produk dalam negeri and prudent measure for economic situations. And because AW101 left an impression of expensive and imported, no one is really want to taking the blame for the excess of bad media, especially after PT DI claimed they are capable to making something that can rivalled AW101...

the PR of Air Force for this case seems a bad joke to me
Am I the one who always pointing at the President Director of PT DI here? AFAIK he was the one who spoke out load protesting this procurement and sparked media attention....and yet failed to meet TNI AU's expectations... :hitwall::cuckoo:
Credit to Kostrad Raider 9 Infantry Brigade.



Indonesia-S. Korea hold first meeting of high working level strategic dialogue
Senin, 6 Februari 2017 20:46 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: Aditya E.S. Wicaksono


Deputy Minister A. Mohammad Fachir. (ANTARA)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and South Korea held the first meeting of the High Working Level Strategic Dialogue (HWLSD) at the Pancasila Building of the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry here on Monday.

"This is a mandate of the meeting between the Korean and Indonesian presidents last year who had tasked two vice ministers of foreign affairs to hold a dialogue," Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs A.M. Fachir stated after the meeting here on Monday.

Fachir and his South Korean counterpart Lim Sung-nam co-chaired the first meeting of the HWLSD between the two countries.

The meeting was held to strengthen bilateral relations within the implementation framework of President Joko Widodos state visit to the Republic of Korea in 2016.

Representatives from the two countries discussed several agenda items of bilateral cooperation, such as in the fields of defense, trade and investment, maritime affairs, social and cultural, as well as consular and labor.

In the defense sector, the two countries focused on the continuation of the Indonesia-Korean submarine deal and the joint KF-X/IF-X fighter aircraft project.

Indonesia has received two submarines, which were built in a Korean shipyard, while the third one is expected to be built in the Indonesian shipyard of PT PAL Indonesia in Surabaya under a transfer of technology scheme.

Meanwhile, the development of the KF-X/IF-X project has been on hold due to licensing problems.

"We agreed that together we should get the license from the US," Fachir said.

South Korea has been a strategic partner of Indonesia.

In 2016, South Korea became the sixth-largest trading partner for Indonesia and ranks as the ninth-largest foreign investment contributor for Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has been encouraging Korean entrepreneurs to increase investment in the fields of infrastructure, energy, and food security.

The first HWLSD has identified strategic cooperation that will be executed through a bilateral arrangement.

The first HWLSD was also attended by representatives from the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Commerce, Investment Coordinating Board, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The second meeting of HWLSD will be held in Korea in 2019.
Editor: Priyambodo RH


seems there is a little miss here, Indonesia is continue to pursue the four core technologies from US, meanwhile my colleague from this project told me the South Korean will using the more pragmatic approach by developing it themselves and involving other parties if US still stubbornly keep the techs away from us.

Hence come the miss, it is Indonesia want to have the access for the US keys techs? and to get thats must be involving another deals in which i can conclude Indonesia will purchase something in which involving large money from US in near future......

and i suspect if the deals goes through like what Indonesian want, Indonesian version of KFX will have more US key core tech than the SK's as they will vigorously pursuing more indigeneous content, as Indonesia will trying to use the chance to cosying ourselves into US high tech accesss like no before
Navy to get six new LST and three new LPD to fullfil MEF program by 2024


Panglima Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil) Laksma TNI Agung Prasetiawan, M.AP. mengatakan, modernisasi alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) TNI Angkatan Laut khususnya Kolinlamil akan dilaksanakan dalam waktu dekat, hal ini menjadi prioritas pemimpin TNI AL dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kekuatan TNI AL dalam mendukung tugas pokoknya. Alutsista yang ada untuk tetap menjadi perhatian dalam pemeliharaan dan perawatan, dan alutsista yang nantinya menambah perkuatan tentu akan memberikan semangat bagi prajurit dalam melaksanakan tugas.

"Siapkan personil yang akan ditunjuk sebagai pengawak alutsista yang baru, yang rencananya akan datang 6 kapal jenis Landing Ship Tank dan 3 jenis Landing Platform Dock untuk mencapai kekuatan pokok minimum (Minimum Essential Force/MEF)," demikian dikatakannya saat memberikan briefing sebagai Panglima Kolinlamil yang baru kepada jajaran Satlinlamil Surabaya, baru-baru ini.

Pembangunan MEF itu sendiri diimplementasikan dalam tiga renstra hingga tahun 2024. Selain percepatan pengadaan alutsista, proyeksi renstra mencakup organisasi dan personel.

Di sisi lain, meskipun beberapa KRI yang berada di jajaran Kolinlamil selayaknya sudah berusia lanjut. Namun, beberapa alutsista yang dimilikinya merupakan KRI tercanggih hasil produksi industri dalam negeri.

Sebagai realisasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan alutsistanya, Kolinlamil terus mengupayakan program modernisasi alutsista Kolinlamil melalui pengadaan, revitalisasi dan rematerialisasi.

Kolinlamil saat ini memiliki 13 kapal perang, diantaranya KRI Teluk Ratai 509, KRI Teluk Bone 511, KRI Teluk Parigi 539, KRI Teluk Lampung 540, KRI Teluk Bintuni 520 dan KRI Banjarmasin 592. Sejumlah KRI ini di bawah binaan Satuan Lintas Laut Militer (Satlinlamil) Surabaya.

Sedangkan KRI di bawah binaan Satlinlamil Jakarta, terdiri dari KRI Tanjung Kambani 971, KRI Tanjung Nusanive 973, KRI Teluk Amboina 509, KRI Teluk Manado 573, KRI Teluk Hading 538, KRI Mentawai 959 dan KRI Banda Aceh 593.

Sebagai Kotama Binops, Kolinlamil merupakan pembina tunggal Angkutan Laut, membina kemampuan sistem angkutan laut militer, membina potensi angkutan laut nasional, guna kepentingan pertahanan dan keamanan negara di laut dan membina kesiapan operasional.

Hal tersebut, sebagai realisasi peningkatan kekuatan dan untuk melaksanakan angkutan laut TNI, meliputi personel, alat peralatan dan pembekalan yang bersifat taktis, strategis maupun administrasi.

(Dispen Kolinlamil)
Recent photo @PT.Palindo Marine Shipyard. At the background (right) we can see, KN SAR Purworejo & The new navigation (Induk perambuan) vessels (left) for HubLa (there're 5 of them), which the construction will be completed this year.

KMC Komando

PINDAD's armored vehicles products

Badak, Komodo & Anoa

Komodo 4x4 production line (video)
Snap 2017-02-08 at 05.00.52.jpg

There're a lot of them, maybe around 40 units...
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AW-101 helicopter investigation to come under air force chief: Minister
Selasa, 7 Februari 2017 19:01 WIB | 627 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The investigation into the purchase of an AgustaWestland (AW-101) helicopter will be conducted under the Air Force chief of staff, according to Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu.

"I have delegated (the investigation) to the Air Force chief of staff, so wait for them," Ryacudu stated at the Presidential Palace complex here, Tuesday.

Earlier in the day, Air Force Chief of Staff Air Chief Marshall Hadi Tjahjanto had reported to the military chief on the establishment of a team to investigate the procurement of the AW-101 helicopter.

Tjahjanto said, the investigation covers planning, budget, and purchase of the helicopter.

"Earlier, the helicopter was ordered for the president, but he disagreed, as it was too expensive. Hence, we cancelled the order. PTDI (Dirgantara Indonesia) is capable of manufacturing this, so why not PTDI? This is what the president wants," Ryacudu noted.

Currently, an AW-101 has arrived at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport. The helicopter is reportedly worth US$55 million (Rp741 billion).

The minister has called on all parties to not exaggerate the case.

Ryacudu said he had shared the Finance Ministrys details of the defense budget with the Defense Ministry and the Indonesian Military.

"There is no problem," he clarified.

In November 2015, the Indonesian Air Force had expressed willingness to procure three AW-101 helicopters for VVIP transport missions. However, the following month, President Joko Widodo axed the deal on grounds of high costs.

However, the Air Force recently insisted on buying the same type of chopper, saying it was not for presidential purposes but for military use and search and rescue missions.(*)
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