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KRI Usman Harun And KRI Tarakan for RAS excercise






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KRI Usman Harun And KRI Tarakan for RAS excercise






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Tarakan is a beautiful ship. Is she limited to oil replenishment only or other stuff like food etc can also be replenished from her deck?

Just adding...leopard 2RI disembark for natuna exercise..

The exercise will be attended by 34 governors...wow..

Indonesia, Qatar Improves Cooperation on Defense
Saturday, 15 October, 2016 | 11:24 WIB


Saturday, 15 October, 2016 | 11:24 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has invited his Qatari counterpart Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Attiyah to attend Indo Defense 2016 to be held in Jakarta on November 2-5 in order to strengthen security relations between the two countries.

Minister Ryamizard extended the invitation at a meeting with Indonesian Ambassador to Qatar Muhammad Basri Sidehabi in Jakarta, the Indonesian Embassy in Doha said in a press statement released on Friday.

Ambassador Basri brought Qatari business delegation to visit the ongoing Trade Expo Indonesia 2016.

"I also promote Indonesias military weapon and equipment products, which have been well-known in the Middle East, to the businessmen," he said.

Currently, Qatar is importing military outfits for its military forces from Indonesia`s leading textile and garment manufacturers, PT Sritex.

Ambassador Basri said Qatar is interested in studying the military products manufactured by the Indonesian state-owned enterprise specializing in military and commercial products, PT. Pindad, the Indonesian aerospace company, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, and the Indonesian shipbuilding company, PT PAL.

Several Indonesias military products that have been famous in Qatar are light tank and military rifle.

Minister Ryamizard pointed out Indo Defense 2016 is the largest defense industry fair that promotes land, sea, air military weapons and equipment.

At least 800 companies from 20 countries will showcase their military technology products for around 20,000 visitors.

Besides Indonesia, Qatar imports various military products from other developing countries such as Pakistan and Turkey. Indonesias military products have potential market and are able to compete with products from the other countries.

In recent years Gulf countries have been massively importing military equipment valued at around US$150 billion. This is a wide opportunity for Indonesian products.

Relations between Indonesia and Qatar continues to increase. Qatari Police delegation will visit Indonesia in November 2016 to increase cooperation on security.

The Qatar Police will study how the Indonesian Police prevents juvenile delinquency and crimes on teenagers and trafficking.

The cooperation will also include capacity building in dealing with security challenges in Qatar.


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