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Indonesia Defence Forum

They are going to keep using the old pattern and colour... the colour distinct the navy from another military branch... self pride is more important in our armed forces than the truth and common sense...
haha..just remember the new blue camo used by TNI AU. IMO It is not a necessary camo program that might consume a lot of money just to show the pride and difference among other branches and only used for ceremonial things.

And for Polri, that camo of green brown yellow color is used for operation Tinombala which is not blending well with the jungle environment. Anyhow, every branch has its own consideration but still...common sense and practicability should be set as first thing to consider....

2017 defense budget set much lower than proposed by govt

Spending by the Defense Ministry and the Indonesian Military (TNI) next year is set to be much lower than proposed by the government, despite plans to establish military bases in Natuna, Riau Islands.

A draft for the 2017 state budget allocates Rp 104.58 trillion (US$8.3 billion) for defense, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said in Jakarta on Thursday, as quoted by the Antara news agency. That is barely half of the almost Rp 200 trillion suggested by the government.

Modernizing weaponry systems remained the main focus of the budget, he said, as a lot of TNI armament was outdated and no longer usable.

The minister specifically mentioned combat and transportation aircraft as equipment that was most in need of renewal.

The construction of the military bases in Riau Islands would be another focus of the [ministry’s] budget, Ryamizard added.

TNI commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo said last month that the government was currently finalizing plans to build military bases in Natuna for the Air Force, the Navy as well as the Army.

The bases, strategically located in one of the archipelago's outermost regions, were expected to be completed within three years, he said.

The 2017 state budget draft breaks defense spending down to 40 percent for routine expenditure, approximately 20 percent for spending on goods and the remainder for capital expenditure.

The House of Representative's Commission I, which oversees defense and foreign affairs, previously rejected the government's request during budget draft negotiations for defense spending amounting to 1.5 percent of the overall state budget, which would be approximately Rp 180-200 trillion. (liz/rin)


Oh dear....
The House of Representative's Commission I, which oversees defense and foreign affairs, previously rejected the government's request during budget draft negotiations for defense spending amounting to 1.5 percent of the overall state budget, which would be approximately Rp 180-200 trillion. (liz/rin)

Oh dear....

Although it's very tempting to lose our mind over the planned defense budget hike, like... hell yeah...woohoo...
i can't see how this government could realistically realize that plan next year. So it's a wise decision by the Parliament, imo.

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Indonesian defense budget could go up to Rp 120 T.

Edisi 14-10-2016

Anggaran Pertahanan Bisa Naik Jadi Rp120 T


JAKARTA – Komisi I DPR dan Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani sepakat mengupayakan penambahan anggaran pertahanan untuk Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemhan) atau TNI pada APBN 2017.

Upaya ini untuk merespons komitmen Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yang ingin meningkatkan anggaran pertahanan sebesar 1,5% dari produk domestik bruto (PDB) atau sekitar Rp250 triliun. Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Hanafi Rais menilai, jika benar terjadi penambahan, minimal anggaran pertahanan sebesar Rp120 triliun yang merupakan angka terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Dia mengapresiasi Menkeu karena ada komitmen mencari jalan untuk menambah anggaran pertahanan di tengah situasi ekonomi yang kurang kondusif.

”Tadi disepakati Bu Menteri (Menkeu Sri Mulyani) secara umum untuk mencari jalan,” kata Hanafi seusai raker dengan Menkeu, Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu dan Panglima TNI Jenderal Gatot Nurmantyo di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, kemarin. Menurut Hanafi, pembahasan anggaran pertahanan pada APBN 2017 memang belum diputuskan. Namun, komitmen yang ditunjukkan menkeu diakui sangat positif. Hanafi menjelaskan, pemenuhan 1,5% dari PDB untuk anggaran pertahanan paling lambat terealisasi pada 2019. Itu untuk memenuhi Minimum Essential Force (MEF) tahun 2014-2019.

Namun, dengan banyaknya sumber pendapatan pajak, DPR menilai pemenuhan itu tidak perlu menunggu sampai 2019. Anggaran pertahanan untuk 2017 sangat memungkinkan meningkat sebelum diputuskan di Badan Anggaran (Banggar) DPR. Hanafi mengaku khawatir jika anggaran pertahanan tetap bertahan di angka Rp104 triliun, kapasitas dan kemampuan TNI khusunya dari tiga matra TNI, yakni darat, laut dan udara, dalam menghadapi ancamanancaman di Laut China Selatan dan Filipina Selatan akan terkompromikan.

”Ini selalu menjadi prinsip Komisi I bahwa pertahanan jangan dikompromikan dengan alasan-alasan ekonomi, karena ini soal kedaulatan. Kalau ini diketahui negara lain, berarti kita sudah kalah sebelum terjadi perang,” tandasnya. Menhan Ryamizard Ryacudu memfokuskan anggaran pertahanan untuk memperbarui alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista). menurutnya, sudah banyak alutsista yang berusia tua sehingga tidak layak lagi untuk digunakan dan dapat membahayakan keselamatan TNI dan juga masyarakat.

”Fokus penyediaan alat, yakni menambah alat baru. Lihat saja (alutsista) yang tuatua itu. Misalnya pesawat, pokoknya yang tua-tua diganti,” kata Menhan. Menhan membenarkan bahwa Menkeu dan Komisi I bersepakat bahwa anggaran pertahanan sebesar Rp104 triliun akan ditingkatkan jika kondisi ekonomi negara membaik. Dia menyerahkan kepada menkeu dan Komisi I untuk membuat putusan akhir. ”Kami kan mengajukan saja, jadi DPR itu membantu,” imbuhnya.



Gladi Atraksi Sail KarimataSeorang anggota Komando Pasukan Katak (Kopaska) Koarmabar TNI AL turun dari helikopter saat melakukan atraksi gladi bersih di Pantai Pulau Datok, Kecamatan Sukadana, Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat, Kamis (13/10/2016). Sejumlah atraksi dari TNI/Polri dan pagelaran budaya telah dipersiapkan untuk Sail Karimata 2016 yang akan dihadiri oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada Sabtu (15/10/2016). (ANTARA /Jessica Helena Wuysang)


Gladi Atraksi Sail KarimataEmpat pesawat jenis Hawk 100/200 dari Skadron Udara-1 Elang Khatulistiwa Lanud Supadio terbang melintas saat melakukan gladi bersih di Pantai Pulau Datok, Kecamatan Sukadana, Kabupaten Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat, Kamis (13/10/2016). Sejumlah atraksi dari TNI/Polri dan pagelaran budaya telah dipersiapkan untuk Sail Karimata 2016 yang akan dihadiri oleh Presiden Joko Widodo pada Sabtu (15/10/2016). (ANTARA/Jessica Helena Wuysang)
Although it's very tempting to lose our mind over the planned defense budget hike, like... hell yeah...woohoo...
i can't see how this government could realistically realize that plan next year. So it's a wise decision by the Parliament, imo.

Beautiful! the shape was like a shark compare to the older that was like a whale or dholpin. btw do you agree this our new sub is longer than our older sub? theyre all at the same class..209. any clue?
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oh thanks..just thinked its a 214 class undercovered :D. about 2 metre longer...dont know what improvement been installed.
hope it was a torpedo launcher that support land attack missile..

Little did we know the length addition was just to provide more room for more porta-potties!!
Our cakra class subs are 209/1300 while our improved chang bogo subs are 209/1400. Cmiiw
View attachment 343397

Personnaly, i like this sub we called "improved changbogi" than mutan or bla bla something
Sounds humble and Realistic
Not our habits to over show off or make an oppurtunity from others when they are weak

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