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Indonesia Defence Forum

ada ya yg sengaja ngeblok pencarian KRI Pati Unus di google? semua linknya kalo nggak ilang, pada di redirect ke webpage FB semua. emang bener cina yg ngeledakin itu kapal?
Tenang, gw tanya ke anak Kompas dulu deh......

Ada yang tahu di laut mana tenggelamnya....?
Tenang, gw tanya ke anak Kompas dulu deh......

Ada yang tahu di laut mana tenggelamnya....?

katanya di dekat perairan pilipina, terkena ranjau ww2, masih simpang siur.. i hope just hoax
mana mungkin di block google, berita kapal tenggelam KRI dengan awak puluhan, gila aja di block google, yang mampu blackout berita secara masif cuma CIA sama mossad, BIn mah ecek ecek

ini hoax seperti bertia berita bergambar yang di share di FB untuk dapet CPM iklan jadi redirect ke FB
katanya di dekat perairan pilipina, terkena ranjau ww2, masih simpang siur.. i hope just hoax

Udah diproses, kalau bener bakal ada di koran besok, kalau enggak ada, ya hoax.....
Indonesia and Philippines holds joint border patrols
Sunday, 29 May 2016, 08:47 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Republic of Philipines Navy held a joint border patrol, titled "Coordinated Border Patrol Philippines Indonesian-XXX-16" (Corpat Philindo XXX-16 ) or Coordinated Patrol of Philippines-Indonesia, May 25-June 1, 2016 .

"The patrol not only for military aspect, but also economic and social aspects of culture, including transnational crime," said Marine Lt. Col. Kadispen Koarmatim (KH) Maman Sulaeman in a press statement on Friday (27/5).

He said the coordinated patrols opened by Commander of the Eastern Fleet Command (Pangarmatim) Rear Admiral TNI Darwanto, who was accompanied by Head of Delegation of the Philippines AFP as Eastmincom Lt. Commander Guerero, in the Multipurpose Room Mako Lantamal VIII, Surabaya, May 26th. Joint activities in the Sulawesi Sea waters on the maritime border between Indonesia and the Philippines were carried out in two stages.

The first stage is "Preparation Phase" on 25-28 May 2016 in Bitung and Manado, then opening in Surabaya on May 26, 2016.

The second stage is the "Execution Phase" on May 28 - June 1, 2016 involving warships of both countries, namely from Indonesia KRI Sura - 802, commanded by Major Marine (P) Romi Habe and from the Philippines BRP Pangasinan (PS31) with the Commander of the ship CDR Ireneo Battung PN.

In his opening speech, Pangarmatim confirmed "Corpat Philindo" is the implementation of efforts to enhance cooperation and capacity building of mutual trust between the two countries. Joint patrol which is a regular exercise program with the Navy Philippine that perform basic tasks to coordinate patrol operation that includes prevention (deterrence) and prosecution of any violations of the territory and crime in the territory of both countries.

"These patrols as well as means of securing the outer islands of the Homeland very adjacent to the Philippines," Pangarmatim said as quoted by Maman Sulaeman.

China angry after Indonesia detains fishing boat


May 30, 2016

An Indonesian Navy officer in April, standing before a Chinese trawler that was allegedly operating illegally in Indonesian waters (AFP Photo/Abimata Hasibuan)
Beijing insisted Monday a Chinese boat detained close to Indonesian islands had been fishing legally, in a fresh flare-up of tensions between the countries in the South China Sea.

The Indonesian navy seized the Chinese boat in waters near the Natuna Islands on Friday for allegedly fishing illegally, the military said.

The boat was towed to shore and eight Chinese crew members have been detained.

Jakarta and Beijing have clashed before over the islands on the southwestern fringe of the disputed South China Sea, where China is also at loggerheads with several other countries because of its overlapping claims.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying insisted the detained vessel had been operating legally.

"The Chinese fishermen were conducting normal fishing operations in the relevant waters," she told a press briefing.

"We have made stern representations with Indonesia concerning this matter."

Achmad Taufiqoerrochman, the commander of Indonesia's Western Fleet, said the vessel -- the Gui Bei Yu -- was "strongly suspected" of having carried out illegal fishing because of the catch that was found onboard.

The military said the boat was detained in Indonesia's "exclusive economic zone", waters where a state has sole rights to exploit resources.

The boat's detention shows Indonesia "will enforce the law against boats that commit violations in Indonesia's jurisdiction", it added.

The most serious recent row between Jakarta and Beijing happened in March when Chinese coastguards rammed a Chinese boat detained near the Natunas and helped it escape as the Indonesians towed the vessel to shore.

Jakarta responded furiously, lodging a protest and summoning China's top envoy in Indonesia.

Indonesia does not have overlapping territorial claims in the sea with China, unlike other nations, but it objects to Beijing's claims as they overlap with the exclusive economic zone around the Natunas.

An increasing number of foreign trawlers have been detained in Indonesian waters after Jakarta in 2014 launched a tough crackdown on illegal fishing.

The clampdown involves sinking foreign boats caught fishing without a permit after impounding the boats and removing the crews.
Parchim Replacement?

Project 23420 (Almaz Design Bureau.)

A small antisubmarine warfare ship is designed for conducting combat operations against underwater, surface and air adversaries, for guarding naval bases, for engaging enemy shore installations with artillery fire, for patrolling the state sea border and EEZ.


Displacement, t about 1,300
Dimensions, m about 75 x about 13
Speed, kt about 25 / 30
Endurance, days 15
Range, nm about 2,500
Complement, persons about 60
Version 1 Version 2
1 x diesel or diesel-electric propulsion 1 x diesel-gas turbine propulsion
2 x fixed pitch propellers 2 x controllable pitch propellers
1 x 76-mm AK-176MA gun (152 rounds) or
1 x 30-mm AK-306 gun (500 rounds)
1 x 3M-47 Ghibka gun ring
20 x Igla(S) MANPADS
2 x 12.7-mm machine-guns (2000 rounds)
1 x Paket-E/NK system (2 x launchers, 8 x torpedoes) or
1 x RPK-8E system (1 x RBU-6000, 48 x 90R ASW missiles and RGB-60 depth bombs)
2 x DP-64 grenade-launchers (240 rounds)
1 x Gorizont-AIR-S-100 unmanned aerial vehicle suite (2 x UAVs)
1 x Sigma-E CMS
1 x Pozitiv-ME1.2 detection and target assignment radar
1 x Gorizont 25 integrated navigation radar
2 x IFF 67R items
1 x Blokirovka suite
1 x MGK-335EM-03 sonar suite
1 x Anapa-ME anti-diver sonar or
1 x Lovat dipping sonar
1 x Vinietka-EM sonar]
1 x 120-mm PK-10 system (2 x launchers, 40 x rounds)
1 x Kama-NS-V navigation system
1 x Buran-E communications suite
Communication equipment complying with GMDSS requirements for A1+A2+A3 areas or
foreign-produce equivalent according to a customer’s proposal


Indonesian heavily modified Kapitan Pattimura-class (Parchim Class.)


Soon the SEA will belong to us.
China angry after Indonesia detains fishing boat


May 30, 2016

An Indonesian Navy officer in April, standing before a Chinese trawler that was allegedly operating illegally in Indonesian waters (AFP Photo/Abimata Hasibuan)
Beijing insisted Monday a Chinese boat detained close to Indonesian islands had been fishing legally, in a fresh flare-up of tensions between the countries in the South China Sea.

The Indonesian navy seized the Chinese boat in waters near the Natuna Islands on Friday for allegedly fishing illegally, the military said.

The boat was towed to shore and eight Chinese crew members have been detained.

Jakarta and Beijing have clashed before over the islands on the southwestern fringe of the disputed South China Sea, where China is also at loggerheads with several other countries because of its overlapping claims.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying insisted the detained vessel had been operating legally.

"The Chinese fishermen were conducting normal fishing operations in the relevant waters," she told a press briefing.

"We have made stern representations with Indonesia concerning this matter."

Achmad Taufiqoerrochman, the commander of Indonesia's Western Fleet, said the vessel -- the Gui Bei Yu -- was "strongly suspected" of having carried out illegal fishing because of the catch that was found onboard.

The military said the boat was detained in Indonesia's "exclusive economic zone", waters where a state has sole rights to exploit resources.

The boat's detention shows Indonesia "will enforce the law against boats that commit violations in Indonesia's jurisdiction", it added.

The most serious recent row between Jakarta and Beijing happened in March when Chinese coastguards rammed a Chinese boat detained near the Natunas and helped it escape as the Indonesians towed the vessel to shore.

Jakarta responded furiously, lodging a protest and summoning China's top envoy in Indonesia.

Indonesia does not have overlapping territorial claims in the sea with China, unlike other nations, but it objects to Beijing's claims as they overlap with the exclusive economic zone around the Natunas.

An increasing number of foreign trawlers have been detained in Indonesian waters after Jakarta in 2014 launched a tough crackdown on illegal fishing.

The clampdown involves sinking foreign boats caught fishing without a permit after impounding the boats and removing the crews.

yep when incident happen with Kri OWA frigate equip with yakhont, chinese CG just shadowing unable release detained ship, if smaller than KRI owa like KCR fast boat chinese may be ramming the ship to release the detained ship

kok disensor sih? biar tau dong nama yang nyebarin hoax
yep when incident happen with Kri OWA frigate equip with yakhont, chinese CG just shadowing unable release detained ship, if smaller than KRI owa like KCR fast boat chinese may be ramming the ship to release the detained ship

It seems like the Indonesian navy gave the :stop: to the chinese, nice, nice :tup::tup::tup:
Indonesian navy fires shots, seizes Chinese fishing boat

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia's navy says it fired shots at a Chinese trawler when it refused to stop fishing in Indonesian waters, and then seized the vessel and its eight crewmembers.

Navy spokesman Maj. Budi Amin said Monday that an Indonesian frigate intercepted the trawler on Friday near the Natuna islands in Indonesia's exclusive economic zone.

He said the frigate fired shots which hit the stern of the Chinese vessel after it ignored repeated warnings to stop. He said no one was injured.

Tensions flared in March when Indonesia intercepted a Chinese fishing vessel off the Natuna islands. A Chinese coast guard vessel collided with the trawler as it was being towed, allowing it to escape.

Indonesia has taken strong actions in the past year against illegal fishing, destroying dozens of captured vessels.

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