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Some benefit of KFX/IFX program beyond aerospace sector for Indonesia

1. KFX/IFX program IMO is a good program to improve our national brand image that can later help many Indonesian local company to penetrate export market for high tech industrial product and modern services.

Modern service industry that for developing nation is currently lead by Indian should also be aimed by Indonesian local company and they should start to aim for export market.

2. KFX/IFX program can also be good to build confidence among our people and younger generation, even my 10 years old niece has known about the project and I believe this can help his confidence further to achieve higher dream. He also can speak English quite good and use the language among his peers in the complex. 50 % kids at his ages has used English during conversation between them in his neigborhood. So just think what would be the effect if that potential generation with all of their capabilities and internet infrastructure get confident from the fact that their nation is building 5 generation fighter with South Korea.

3. The program will improve nation standing/image and I think it is quite comparable like hosting an Olympic Games despite we only become junior partner of the program.


Comparing it with CN 235 program in late 1970's

Talking about the cost, I believe the program can be quite comparable or maybe much less expensive than CN 235 program during late 1970's if we compare it with Indonesian GDP at that time. I talk about total development cost relative to GDP or government total spending.

So KFX/IFX program is like CN 235 program during late 1970's and too bad we dont know how much the cost is since CN 235 program cost so far is not available for public knowledge. At that time we also contribute 50 % of development cost while for KFX/IFX program it is only 20 %.

CN 235 program IMO is also very instrumental in building our confidence during that time that lead to our nation success in building high tech home grown industry relative to nations in our region (South East Asia) despite our low R&D budget.

So KFX/IFX program can become our other steroid to pursuit more development in high tech industry and the effect could be felt until 40 years from now like how CN 235 program has done since late 1970s until 2020.

This mentality thing is very important, it is like how determinant Jhon F. Kennedy is to bring man to the moon during cold war with USSR. That program thus help improving confidence among baby boomers despite the lead engineers at that time is German immigrant.

Jokowi has said previously about mental revolution (revolusi mental) during his first term administration and this program IMO can help him to achieve such goal perfectly.
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[Selasa, 03 November 2020]

•Depo Pemeliharaan 60 melaksanakan uji terima Senjata IWI Tavor X95 kaliber 5,56 yang dapat dikonversi menjadi 9 mm•

Uji terima ini dihadiri oleh Tim Penilai yang diketuai oleh Kasubdis Senmu, Kolonel Tek Waras Didik S, beserta tim uji dari Mabesau, yaitu dari Disaero, Dismat, Slogau, Dislitbangau, Sopsau, Koharmatau, Lambangjaau, Disadaau, dan Paskhas.

Senjata ini nantinya akan digunakan oleh Korp Pasukan Khas (Korpaskhas)

IWI Tavor X95 kaliber 5,56

View attachment 695438

soft news but this weapon is real new procurement :sniper:

Lol! too focused on the big, shiny arms and almost forgetting the small arms... I wonder where did we procure it this time...? The Philippines...? :laugh: Also is this going to be the std (day-to-day) weapon for Korpaskhas, or is it for special missions only..?

Personally, I think Prabowo has F-15 locked on in his mind. F-15 will give him much more popularity for 2024 presidential election than Rafale.

That may be true, but the problem would be the uncertainty of whether this offer will still stand under Biden... They say that the US will not renege a signed contract, but it's likely impossible to get such a complex contract prepared, agreed and signed in just a month! DSCA approval is required for FMS right..? that means the US congress will have to approve it first too... unlikely there's enough time, especially with the upcoming year-end holidays... Prabowo would be better off negotiating directly with the Biden administration later...

That being said, the revelation that the US has now agreed to sell us the F-15s, might make the French (and the Austrians) more motivated to quickly wrap up negotiations and sign up the contract with us.. 😁
That being said, the revelation that the US has now agreed to sell us the F-15s, might make the French (and the Austrians) more motivated to quickly wrap up negotiations and sign up the contract with us.. 😁

I agree. The competition will become a bit more heated up. I think it's not only between the U.S. and France. Every arm dealers know exactly that we're facing potential big problem up north. They know the numbers that we want, and the projected deliveries from all countries involved. I wouldn't be surprised if those who have used jets they want to replace, especially double engine, will approach us for interim solution offer.

That may be true, but the problem would be the uncertainty of whether this offer will still stand under Biden... They say that the US will not renege a signed contract, but it's likely impossible to get such a complex contract prepared, agreed and signed in just a month! DSCA approval is required for FMS right..? that means the US congress will have to approve it first too... unlikely there's enough time, especially with the upcoming year-end holidays... Prabowo would be better off negotiating directly with the Biden administration later...

I'm probably over-optimistic here, but I don't think Biden would change this particular policy of giving us F-15. We even still have no clue which variant that they will offer. They never said that they will give us EX. Even if they do, I don't think it would create much regional balance problem.

Anyway, for this one other thing it's not probably, but most definitely over-optimistic. I think we get better chance to buy F-35 from Biden than Trump. :D
Just hold the dream for f 35 just hold.....trust me....it will just hurting your self if you dont...lol
I think we should tamper down our expectations for F-15s a bit... No sooner than the news broke out regarding the possibility of us getting F-15s and already there are 2 articles rebutting the it... Granted, the rebuttals doesn't directly come from our MoD, but it's not unusual for them to leak such information (or hints) through 3rd party sources rather than directly from themselves.

On the other hand, there were no such counter-article rebutting the news of the Rafale and Typhoon when the news came out...

So I think it's not like it's certain that we won't choose F-15s, it's just that Rafale and Typhoon is likely still the leading candidates for now...
Really? I thought our stance on Israel was non-supportive of the state. Hell, we're one of the few countries that openly support Palestine's movement for independence.

The gov will be shooting themselves in the foot if this is true... Crazy! o_O

Our formal stance was that we will acknowledge and normalize relations with Israel, provided that the 2-State solution be implemented with Jerusalem (or at least the eastern part) as the Palestinian capital.

Seems like there's a lot of pressure to our gov regarding this issue recently... and the pressure is probably not only from traditional Israeli allies such as the US and Europe, but also likely from Arab states like Saudi Arabia and UAE... Even Pakistan seems to be under pressure to recognize Israel too...

Well... perhaps F-35s are no longer a distant dream in this case.. :laugh:
The gov will be shooting themselves in the foot if this is true... Crazy! o_O

Our formal stance was that we will acknowledge and normalize relations with Israel, provided that the 2-State solution be implemented with Jerusalem (or at least the eastern part) as the Palestinian capital.

Seems like there's a lot of pressure to our gov regarding this issue recently... and the pressure is probably not only from traditional Israeli allies such as the US and Europe, but also likely from Arab states like Saudi Arabia and UAE... Even Pakistan seems to be under pressure to recognize Israel too...

Well... perhaps F-35s are no longer a distant dream in this case.. :laugh:
We shall not bend in the face of such evil. The Palestinian people deserve better, only when the 2 state solution is implemented will the prospect of even recognizing Israel should be considered.

Screw the F35. If it means betraying the Palestinians then forget about it.

You're right, it is crazy. The person who tweeted the thing is known for extravagant and exaggerated claims.

He's as trustworthy as OANN is what I'm saying.

Oh, and let's not forget about this
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The gov will be shooting themselves in the foot if this is true... Crazy! o_O

Our formal stance was that we will acknowledge and normalize relations with Israel, provided that the 2-State solution be implemented with Jerusalem (or at least the eastern part) as the Palestinian capital.

Seems like there's a lot of pressure to our gov regarding this issue recently... and the pressure is probably not only from traditional Israeli allies such as the US and Europe, but also likely from Arab states like Saudi Arabia and UAE... Even Pakistan seems to be under pressure to recognize Israel too...

Well... perhaps F-35s are no longer a distant dream in this case.. :laugh:

If you understand our foreign politics, that is not going to happen. Even under PDI-P administration, Indonesia is very vocal about Palestine and had many occasion where our diplomat slam US unconditional support on Israel.

Soon all that stuff can be kosher.. directly from the source... :o: 😁

Provided the below is true... :woot:

What's in it for us though...??

Many people even Indonesians themselves totally misunderstand the reason why we refuse to acknowledge Israel.

It's NOT about religion. Far from it.

It's purely because we consider Israel as the colonialist who by force conquering Palestine exactly the same way the Dutch colonialized us for centuries.
Many people even Indonesians themselves totally misunderstand the reason why we refuse to acknowledge Israel.

It's NOT about religion. Far from it.

It's purely because we consider Israel as the colonialist who by force conquering Palestine exactly the same way the Dutch colonialized us for centuries.

True... religion was never the issue for our non-recognition of Israel... although a lot sees (or assumes) it from the religion angle only... But we have been supporting the Palestinian cause for so long now that this issue has also become an emotional issue for a lot of our people... and so I don't think the gov can just accept a normalization with Israel without something for the Palestinian...
Many people even Indonesians themselves totally misunderstand the reason why we refuse to acknowledge Israel.

It's NOT about religion. Far from it.

It's purely because we consider Israel as the colonialist who by force conquering Palestine exactly the same way the Dutch colonialized us for centuries.

The one sees Israel as the colonialist is the one who sees this issue from religion point of view such as: "brotherhood" among moslem.
The one sees Israel as the colonialist is the one who sees this issue from religion point of view such as: "brotherhood" among moslem.

Since when PDIP ruling government who have been very vocal enforcing Palestine independence freeing themselves from the colonialist in the U.N., ever use "brotherhood among moslem" as their political reasoning? 🤣
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