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Indonesia Defence Forum

I just hope that Pindad not only depend on its sale to TNI, but also trying to sell it in international market.

Well other must be like to see how TNI to utilize this boats

even the one who signed the contract for early Sukhoi batch is giving his clue about Air Force preferences to use US fighter and only bought Flanker as wake up call and diplomatic pressure against USA

Yes, and at the same time he also reveals that the effects of the US arms embargo against us was true and real... contrary to the insistence of some posters here that seems to think otherwise... and it became so bad that we actually had to take the 'extreme' measure of actually buying those Sukhois even with our very limited budget just to make that damned point... And that is the whole point of arms diversification, so that we would no longer be beholden to just a single provider, be less susceptible to their pressures and keep our options open...
Yes, and at the same time he also reveals that the effects of the US arms embargo against us was true and real... contrary to the insistence of some posters here that seems to think otherwise... and it became so bad that we actually had to take the 'extreme' measure of actually buying those Sukhois even with our very limited budget just to make that damned point... And that is the whole point of arms diversification, so that we would no longer be beholden to just a single provider, be less susceptible to their pressures and keep our options open...

US arms embargoe came into effect because our sheer ignorance in the past to the point of stupidity to not be able to see the geopolitical changes and utterly bloody governance who likes to put gun on our own people and even foreign civillian. It is very different with to use arms to suppressing armed rebellion like PRRI PERMESTA or DI/TII but to use violence measure against unarmed protest in cemetery is sheer arrogance. And our armed forces at the time being degraded to just become a hired thugs of the most powerfull family in Indonesia, instead of protector for the people and country and its society.

There is nothing to be proud just to be at the end of received ends of such treatment though, lesson had been learned so our political government must be more wiser and can read such situation more accurately.
First Suro calendar, the best day to clean up Sacred weaponry in our inventory


Credit to original owner

All Our fighter use their own original missile, so I'm pretty sure he's not talking about Air Force.
Is he talking about Navy vs MBDA?

Or is he talking about integration of Link16 and Link Y into scytalis BMS ??
Menhan RI Menyambut kedatangan Alat Ventilator Dari Kedubes Amerika Serikat
Minggu, 30 Agustus 2020

– Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto menerima bantuan alat ventilator untuk penanganan Pandemi Covid-19 dari Pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang diserahkan secara simbolis oleh Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Ms. Heather Variava, Minggu ( 30/8) di Pintu Selatan Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta.

Bantuan alat ventilator ini telah diterima oleh Menteri Pertahanan RI untuk yang kedua kalinya setelah Pemerintah Australia mengirimkan bantuan alat tersebut saat kemarin. Semua ini adalah salah satu bentuk hubungan yang sangat harmonis antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Pemerintah Australia dan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat.

Pelaksana tugas Duta Besar Amerika Serikat Ms. Heather Variava dalam sambutannya menyampaikan bahwa Amerika Serikat memberikan bantuan 500 alat ventilator baru dan canggih kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dari 1000 alat ventilator buatan Amerika Serikat. Mewujudkan kemurahan hati Presiden Trump untuk mendukung respon situasi Pandemi Covid-19 yang mendesak di Indonesia.

500 alat Ventilator yang diberikan saat ini akan memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar kepada Pemerintah Indonesia dalam perawatan pasien yang terkena Covid-19. Di Produksi oleh Perusahaan Amerika Serikat, peralatan canggih ini mencerminkan inovasi sektor swasta Pemerintah Amerika Serikat.

Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto pada kesempatan tersebut juga menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sangat dalam serta apresiasi dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya atas solidaritas, persahabatan dan empati yang diberikan Pemerintah Amerika Serikat juga seluruh rakyat Amerika Serikat untuk bantuan alat ventilator bagi penanganan melawan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia.

Pemerintah Indonesia sangat menghargai bantuan alat ventilator ini, karena bantuan alat ventilator yang diberikan akan sangat krusial dan sangat penting penggunaannya di beberapa daerah di Indonesia.

Menhan juga menyampaikan penghargaan atas Pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang telah menjalin hubungan yang baik untuk Indonesia dengan harapan hubungan bilateral ini agar dapat terus berkembang lebih dari saat ini.

Tampak hadir dalam acara tersebut Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anis Baswedan, Sekjen Kemhan Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto., M.D.S, Karoum Setjen Kemhan, Kapusrehab Kemhan, Dirkes Kuathan Kemhan, Karo Humas Setjen Kemhan, Karo TU Menhan, Dirkersin Strahan dan Sekjen Kemenkes.

Yes, and at the same time he also reveals that the effects of the US arms embargo against us was true and real... contrary to the insistence of some posters here that seems to think otherwise... and it became so bad that we actually had to take the 'extreme' measure of actually buying those Sukhois even with our very limited budget just to make that damned point... And that is the whole point of arms diversification, so that we would no longer be beholden to just a single provider, be less susceptible to their pressures and keep our options open...

Of course its true and real, thats the whole point of an embargo. But did they do it out of nothing? no. Did we also manage to circumvent it? yes.

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