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Indonesia Defence Forum

Who is the gentlemen and ladies in civies.

Pembelian LPD dari korea beserta TOT, bisa dibilang sukses, bisa modif + ekspor + dapat HAKI.

Pkr apa kabar? Iver?
Bappenas Minister , Suharso Monoarfa , and his spouse i believe .
View attachment 664713
Speaking of PKR, there will be lots of questions on how this scheme which stated 25 - 40% share of works went to PT.PAL but in the implementation went down to 4 - 5%, questions which if were raised open in House of Representatives would drag important people. However reading Malaysian Attorney General assesment on Boustead financial duties & performance on 6 modified Gowind Class, i feel relief at least we still have common sense and not that corrupt
Pembelian LPD dari korea beserta TOT, bisa dibilang sukses, bisa modif + ekspor + dapat HAKI.

Pkr apa kabar? Iver?
i still quite not believe in 4-5% workshare though, aren't that too low percentage ? , however , i believe damen designer are rolling and screeching right now , because we implemented and exploit much of their Bow and Mast design incorporated to our domestic made patrol vessels ....

the reason why DCNS/Naval Group decide to preparing legal protection for their patented design here ..........
Senin, 24 Agustus 2020

Senin (24/08/2020) Dirjen Pothan Kemhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Bondan Tiara Sofyan, M.Si menerima kunjungan Wakil Atase Pertahanan Perancis Mr. David Cordier yang menggantikan Mr. Therry Thuiller yang masa tugasnya telah selesai.

Dalam pertemuan tersebut Dirjen Pothan Kemhan menyampaikan rasa terima kasih atas dukungan dan kerjasama yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Pemerintah Perancis dalam membina kerjasama strategis “strategic partnership” kedua negara. Indonesia sangat menghargai segala komitmen dan dukungan yang telah diberikan pemerintah Perancis. Pertemuan ini menjadi salah satu bukti terjalinnya hubungan kerja sama yang baik antar kedua negara.

Selanjutnya disampaikan bahwa antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Perancis telah terjalin kerja sama pertahanan yang sangat baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan ikut sertanya Ditjen Pothan Kemhan dalam forum bilateral tahunan Indonesia-France Defence Dialogue (IFDD).

Kerja sama dalam bidang Industri Pertahanan yang telah terjalin selama 7 (tujuh) kali pertemuan secara resiprokal dengan hasil kesepakatan untuk membentuk Small Medium Enterprises Seminar (SMES) yang telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 November 2019 di Jakarta. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang industri pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Perancis yang diharapkan akan semakin berkembang dimasa mendatang.

Pertemuan Dirjen Pothan Kemhan dengan Wakil Atase Pertahanan Perancis berjalan dengan tertib, aman dan lancar (Red Bagdatin/Dittekindhan).

i still quite not believe in 4-5% workshare though, aren't that too low percentage ? , however , i believe damen designer are rolling and screeching right now , because we implemented and exploit much of their Bow and Mast design incorporated to our domestic made patrol vessels ....

the reason why DCNS/Naval Group decide to preparing legal protection for their patented design here ..........
They did try to bring this matter to the law after discovering the shape of our PC-40 but they dropped it & yes our scope were indeed 4 - 5 %, our local industries unable to absorb ToT

Army reservist component
Who is the gentlemen and ladies in civies.
Lady yg paling kanan kalo ingatan/penglihatan ga salah Evi Lusviana Ketua Umum Persatuan Industri Pertahanan Swasta Nasional (Pinhantanas) (cmiiw)
Our share of works in next batch of DSME1400 which worths around 15% of total value
I'd rather have 15% but worth evey percentage then having more but unable to be absorbed by our own Def Industry.
Lady yg paling kanan kalo ingatan/penglihatan ga salah Evi Lusviana Ketua Umum Persatuan Industri Pertahanan Swasta Nasional (Pinhantanas) (cmiiw)

I'd rather have 15% but worth evey percentage then having more but unable to be absorbed by our own Def Industry.

How they can worth more when the only thing you are provided is your cheap welding certified Labor and some industrial grade steel plate ? Lol.
How they can worth more when the only thing you are provided is your cheap welding certified Labor and some industrial grade steel plate ? Lol.
not that I disagree with you, but how is the Korean trusted us (basically cheap certified welder) with the Submarines assemblings, if our quality is that bad ?
looking back at the PKR project, now they said that Iver will be built 100% locally, somehow I doubt that. Yes we had our experience with LHD, PKR, and KCR, but I hoped that our government is carefull enough so the Iver wont end up like Gowind in our neighbour.
not that I disagree with you, but how is the Korean trusted us (basically cheap certified welder) with the Submarines assemblings, if our quality is that bad ?
looking back at the PKR project, now they said that Iver will be built 100% locally, somehow I doubt that. Yes we had our experience with LHD, PKR, and KCR, but I hoped that our government is carefull enough so the Iver wont end up like Gowind in our neighbour.
as long as the supervising from the odense is good enough , also , this is why we heard the rumour that PT.PAL is trying seek help/negotiation from brits babcock shipyard too .
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