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The tracked APC and the amphibious one looks alike but for the later to be able to float they need to make it as light as possible, while the standard APC can be heavier for max protection. Will it be a completely 2 different vehicle that's look alike or its the same design with minor modification.

And gotta mention about Turkey in this discussion, will we go solo? Previously there is news about future cooperation with them regarding tracked APC development,

Nangkepnya yang dulu bakal kerja sama buat APC dari medium tank, trus yang amfibi itu Zaha.

They call it a tank, I guess they are using the word tank from kbbi. All tracked vehicle is okay to be called a tank here.
I think so. From 2020-2025 its going to be warm, 2025-2030 will be much hotter. 2030 onward if the region failed to balance their power then its going to get much worst.

Yea I guess its not going to be Viper upgrade. But having 4 SKA of block 52id will be great logistically and operationally as its going to be the workhorse. As for Viper; I would rather buy them brand new because the pace of avionic technology development is running at fast speed as the computer/chip/technology is somewhat in progress of making a break thru. The development of AI / drone have push the "super computer" development even further.

From Life Cycle Cost stand point it would be wise to get a brand new VIper to be ready for future upgrade and let the "pre-loved" 52id block do the ronda duty :D
In the end F-16s are gonna be our backbone, combination between eMLU ( more or less Block 52 ) & brand new Block 72 before we enter next phase being F-35 operator
The tracked APC and the amphibious one looks alike but for the later to be able to float they need to make it as light as possible, while the standard APC can be heavier for max protection. Will it be a completely 2 different vehicle that's look alike or its the same design with minor modification.

And gotta mention about Turkey in this discussion, will we go solo? Previously there is news about future cooperation with them regarding tracked APC development,

Nangkepnya yang dulu bakal kerja sama buat APC dari medium tank, trus yang amfibi itu Zaha.

They call it a tank, I guess they are using the word tank from kbbi. All tracked vehicle is okay to be called a tank here.
FNSS will pretty much involve in some of these projects
They should really just relegate small arms production to private companies. They really don't have the capacity to do everything while meeting quotas set by MenHan.
I thought so, these light arms should've gone to private companies
I thought so, these light arms should've gone to private companies
that's what im thinking , give Komodo armament chance to examine SS series , i bet they have far more sophisticated CNC machine to produce gun barrel etc .
i am more for PINDAD to divest their Turen small arms production center into another entity and such entity focusing more on small arms and munition production
In the end F-16s are gonna be our backbone
I am thinking the same thing, but if we are going to do that we better be sure those F-16 have enough missiles variants to cover its role as backbone such as radar homing missiles, ASM, AShM, etc. For now I only see them having the role of ground support and patrol duty. It would be a waste having F-16V variants without enough missiles variants and proper EW suites. Well lets see what our govt do about it, I hope the reason we pull down the numbers to 24 is because we are planning to add armaments to it.
The biggest problem for second hand alutsista procurement is this
Screenshot_20200826-203824_CNN Indonesia.jpg

Screenshot_20200826-203626_CNN Indonesia.jpg

Remember, probowo is very likely aiming for 2024 presidential election. Procure second hand alutsista will likely put some stain on him politically.

I suggest He need to balance it.
If he procure bremen class, make sure Iver (and belhara too maybe) still going.
If he procure EDA f16, make sure to procure Viper (and advance f15 too... maybe... hehehe..) in the mix.
Beli 200 Senapan Serbu Buatan Pindad, Menteri Edhy Siap Gelontorkan Rp 7 Miliar
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020 | 21:02 WIB

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SS2-V4 KAL. 5.56 MM
Penulis: Fika Nurul Ulya | Editor: Erlangga Djumena
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Edhy Prabowo berencana menggelontorkan dana Rp 7 miliar untuk memboyong 200 senjata Senapan Serbu 2 (SS2) buatan Pindad.

Senjata SS2 dengan harga sekitar Rp 35 juta/unit sudah dilengkapi dengan izin kepemilikan. Nantinya, senjata bakal diberikan kepada pengawas perikanan di bawah Ditjen PSDKP.

"Sudah realisasinya. Tinggal menunggu senjatanya jadi," kata Edhy di Gedung Mina Bahari IV, KKP, Jakarta, Rabu (26/8/2020).

Baca juga: Pindad Pamerkan Panser Anoa 2 di Indonesia Business and Development

Adapun dana pembelian senjata seluruhnya menggunakan APBN tahun 2020. Pihaknya telah memberikan uang muka sebesar 20 persen kepada perusahaan pelat merah itu.

Bukan hanya senjata, pihaknya tengah mengupayakan menerima kapal pengawas yang dihibahkan oleh negara-negara tetangga. Edhy bilang, beberapa negara seperti Jepang dan AS berniat menghibahkan kapal-kapal layak pakai tersebut.

"Kita mendapat hibah dari Jepang ada 2 kapal. Tapi kita masih ada satu kendala komunikasi di perjanjian. Jadi ada 1 pasal yang harus kita luruskan dulu. Secara prinsip, (komunikasi) sudah sangat maju sekali dengan Jepang," pungkasnya.

Sebelumnya, Edhy sempat menyebut bakal membekali para awak pengawas perikanan Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) dengan 200 pucuk senjata Senapan Serbu 2 (SS2) buatan Pindad.

Pembekalan persenjataan itu dilakukan agar awak pengawas semakin kuat mental dan berani dalam menghadapi para maling ikan yang mencuri sumber daya laut RI.

Edhy juga tengah berdiskusi dengan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) untuk melengkapi operasi laut dengan Senjata Mesin Berat (SMB).

"Senjata Mesin Berat kita punya, tapi perangkat penembaknya harus organik, artinya harus TNI. Nah ini saya bicarakan dengan Kemenhan," paparnya beberapa waktu lalu.

Beli 200 Senapan Serbu Buatan Pindad, Menteri Edhy Siap Gelontorkan Rp 7 Miliar
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020 | 21:02 WIB

Komentar Lihat Foto
SS2-V4 KAL. 5.56 MM
Penulis: Fika Nurul Ulya | Editor: Erlangga Djumena
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Edhy Prabowo berencana menggelontorkan dana Rp 7 miliar untuk memboyong 200 senjata Senapan Serbu 2 (SS2) buatan Pindad.

Senjata SS2 dengan harga sekitar Rp 35 juta/unit sudah dilengkapi dengan izin kepemilikan. Nantinya, senjata bakal diberikan kepada pengawas perikanan di bawah Ditjen PSDKP.

"Sudah realisasinya. Tinggal menunggu senjatanya jadi," kata Edhy di Gedung Mina Bahari IV, KKP, Jakarta, Rabu (26/8/2020).

Baca juga: Pindad Pamerkan Panser Anoa 2 di Indonesia Business and Development

Adapun dana pembelian senjata seluruhnya menggunakan APBN tahun 2020. Pihaknya telah memberikan uang muka sebesar 20 persen kepada perusahaan pelat merah itu.

Bukan hanya senjata, pihaknya tengah mengupayakan menerima kapal pengawas yang dihibahkan oleh negara-negara tetangga. Edhy bilang, beberapa negara seperti Jepang dan AS berniat menghibahkan kapal-kapal layak pakai tersebut.

"Kita mendapat hibah dari Jepang ada 2 kapal. Tapi kita masih ada satu kendala komunikasi di perjanjian. Jadi ada 1 pasal yang harus kita luruskan dulu. Secara prinsip, (komunikasi) sudah sangat maju sekali dengan Jepang," pungkasnya.

Sebelumnya, Edhy sempat menyebut bakal membekali para awak pengawas perikanan Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan (PSDKP) dengan 200 pucuk senjata Senapan Serbu 2 (SS2) buatan Pindad.

Pembekalan persenjataan itu dilakukan agar awak pengawas semakin kuat mental dan berani dalam menghadapi para maling ikan yang mencuri sumber daya laut RI.

Edhy juga tengah berdiskusi dengan Kementerian Pertahanan (Kemenhan) untuk melengkapi operasi laut dengan Senjata Mesin Berat (SMB).

"Senjata Mesin Berat kita punya, tapi perangkat penembaknya harus organik, artinya harus TNI. Nah ini saya bicarakan dengan Kemenhan," paparnya beberapa waktu lalu.

That is over USD 2000 per unit which would put ss2 in the price range of HK416 in the US and Europe... For that price, the ss2 better come with scopes or other stuff.
That is over USD 2000 per unit which would put ss2 in the price range of HK416 in the US and Europe... For that price, the ss2 better come with scopes or other stuff.

I bet the most expensive tag is for license permit as KKP is civil department

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