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Lindungi Keamanan Laut, TNI AL Akan Gunakan TSS di Selat Sunda

18 Juni 2020

Contoh Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) atau Bagan Pemisahan Alur Laut (lalulintas) di Selat Sunda (photo : cucungdatuk)

VIVA – Pertama kali dalam sejarah. Perairan Indonesia bulan Juli 2020 mendatang akan mengaktivasi sistem navigasi TSS (Traffic Separation Schemes) atau Bagan Pemisahan Alur Laut (lalulintas) di Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok. Penggunaan TSS di dua pintu masuk alur pelayaran Internasional itu diyakini dapat meningkatkan keamanan dan keselamatan pelayaran di pintu masuk perairan Indonesia, khususnya di alur sempit Selat Sunda dan Selat Lombok.

Komando Armada (Koarmada I) sebagai jajaran TNI AL yang bertanggung jawab dalam memonitoring di Selat Sunda yang meliputi dua pangkalan yaitu Lanal Lampung dan Lanal Banten menyambut baik rencana penerapan sistem navigasi TSS tersebut. Siang tadi, dengan menggunakan Kapal Cepat KRI Lemadang-632, Pangkalan Angkatan Laut (Lanal) Banten melakukan sosialisasi rencana penerapan TSS melalui radio panggil KRI kepada puluhan kapal yang melintas di perairan Selat Sunda.

Komandan Pangkalan Angkatan Laut (Danlanal) Banten, Kolonel Laut (P) Golkariansyah menjelaskan, penerapan TSS di Selat Sunda akan berfungsi dalam pengaturan pergerakan kapal di sekitar alur masuk Selat Sunda. Menurut Danlanal Banten, Selat Sunda adalah salah satu alur pelayaran yang padat. Karena selain Selat Sunda merupakan alur yang dilintasi dengan kapal yang melayani jasa penumpang atau penyeberangan dari Pelabuhan Merak - Bakaheuni, Selat Sunda juga merupakan salah satu pintu masuk alur internasional, serta jalur kapal-kapal kargo atau barang logistik yang ingin berlabuh ke kawasan industri di sekitar Banten.

Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) di Selat Sunda (image : Kemenhub)

"Untuk diketahui, setiap tahunnya ada sekitar 53.000 kapal yang melintas di Selat Sunda ini. Sehingga ini perlu dilakukan agar jangan sampai kecelakaan di laut," kata Kolonel Laut (P) Golkariansyah di atas Kapal Cepat KRI Lemadang 632 ketika melakukan sosialisasi penerapan system TSS kepada kapal-kapal yang melintas di Selat Sunda, Banten, Selasa, 16 Juni 2020.

Selain berfungsi untuk meminimalisir jumlah kecelakaan laut di Selat Sunda, lanjutnya, TSS juga sangat mendukung sistem keamanan laut Indonesia. Menurutnya, sebagai perlintasan atau alur internasional, tidak sedikit kapal berbendera asing yang melintas masuk ke sekitar Selat Sunda.

Dengan penerapan TSS nanti, seluruh kapal-kapal baik yang melayani jasa penyeberangan penumpang, kapal kargo atau kapal logistik milik perusahaan dalam negeri, kapal berbendera asing, bahkan kapal militer negara asing pun akan mudah terdeteksi dengan sistem navigasi TSS tersebut.

Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) di Selat Lombok (image : Kemenhub)

"Dan untuk menyangkut teknis keamanannya sendiri ini melibatkan banyak instansi. Ada TNI Angkatan Laut di bawah komando Koarmada I, Polairud, Basarnas juga dilibatkan untuk mengantisipasi kecelakaan di laut, dan juga Departemen Perhubungan," paparnya.

Panglima Koarmada I Laksda TNI Ahmadi Heri Purwono sebelumnya juga sudah mulai melakukan sosialisasi tentang kesiapan pemberlakuan TSS (Traffic Separation Schemes) di Selat Sunda. Pada hari Kamis, 11 Juni 2020 lalu, Pangkoarmada I Laksda TNI Ahmadi Heri secara langsung menaiki KRI Usman Harun-359 di Perairan Banten, Selat Sunda.

Di atas KRI Usman Harun-359 Pangkoarmada I mengatakan, seluruh jajaran TNI Angkatan Laut mempunyai kewajiban untuk membantu pemerintah mensukseskan penerapan sistem TSS tersebut. "Karena ini sesuai dengan amanah isi Undang-undang 34 tahun 2004 tentang TNI, yang di dalam bab penjelasannya pada pasal 9b, secara garis besar menyebutkan Tugas Angkatan Laut menjalankan fungsi penegakan hukum dan dan menjaga keamanan di laut, salah satunya terbebas laut dari ancaman navigasi dan tindakan-tindakan lainnya," kata Laksda TNI Ahmadi Heri Purwono.


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Some years ago theres a news about joint production long range missile between pindad and avibras.. pie kabare sekarang
Indonesian army takes delivery of MLRS Avibras Astros II Mk 6 from Brazil

As reported by Defense Studies, the Hong Kong-flagged MV Tian Fu cargo ship sailed from Santos, Brazil, to Tanjung Priok port in Jakarta where, on June 12, it delivered 27 Astros II Mk 6 rocket launchers with ammunition for the Indonesian Army.
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Unloading of an Avibras Astros II Mk 6 MLRS in the Indonesian port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, on June 12, 2020 (Picture source: Defense Studies)

The Astros II Mk 6 rocket launchers made by Avibras Brazil will be operated by the Army Strategic Reserve Command. In 2012, Indonesia ordered 36 MLRS Astros II which had all been received and consequently used by two artillery battalions in the Kostrad Division 1 and 2.

In 2018, the 3rd Division of the Kostrad Army was formed. This Kostrad Army had a number of battalions deployed in Sulawesi and Papua New Guinea. Every Kostrad force is equipped with an MLRS battalion. Hence, it is likely that the newly-delivered MLRS will also be used there. Another possibility is that they would fill the gap in Divisions 1 and 2 of Kostrad because several Astros MLRS units have been sent to Natuna Island.

Since the tension in the North Natuna Sea has risen, the Indonesian Army moved 14 units of Astros II MLRS to Natuna. The assignment was at the same time the move of Astros to the 1st Composite Battalion / Gardapati Kodam I Bukit Barisan which oversees the regions of North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau and the Riau Islands.

ASTROS II (Artillery Saturation Rocket System) is a self-propelled multiple rocket launcher produced in Brazil by the Avibras company. It features a modular design and employs rockets with calibers ranging from 127 mm to 450 mm ( 5-17.72 inches). It was developed on the basis of a Tectran VBT-2028 6×6 all-terrain vehicle for enhanced mobility.

In 2014 a first improved ASTROS II Mk.6 was delivered. This system is also referred as ASTROS-2020. The launcher vehicle is capable of firing new AV-TM 300 cruise missiles with a range of 300 km and AV-SS-G40 guided rockets.


Avibras Astros II Mk 6 MLRS loaded on low-bed trailers in the Indonesian port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, on June 12, 2020 (Picture source: Defense Studies)

Alman said radar that US will give us is 77 MRR version. But MRR coverage is only 150 km. If US give us hibah radar to cover SCS, radar coverage 150km emang bisa apa di LCS yg luas begitu?
This is just a start. 150km is ok.In the coming future where China and US is increasingly at odds over the Pacific. A strong Indonesia able to stand up against china will be vital to US interest. Maybe at that time the US will send us a more capable Radar.

I wouldn't be surprised if US give us the good to go sign for F-35s.
from cakrawala 444th edition , 2019

"Beberapa jenis pesawat yang
masih dalam proses perencanaan
dan pengadaan antara lain heli
dan pesawat angkut sedang
direncanakan sebanyak enam buah,
heli attack sebanyak delapan buah,
dan hibah pesawat tanpa awak
atau UAV dari Amerika Serikat
sebanyak enam buah yang akan
bergabung dalam skuadron baru
yaitu Skuadron 700 PUTA."

the navy attack helicopter rumour start to rise up recently , AH-1Z ? MH-60 Romeo ?

Alman said radar that US will give us is 77 MRR version. But MRR coverage is only 150 km. If US give us hibah radar to cover SCS, radar coverage 150km emang bisa apa di LCS yg luas begitu?
surveillance range of high tech multirole radar like that can be set longer or shorter by adjusting the beam width

based on the spec sheet , 150km range are for the low altitude flight and sea skimming detection , which pretty much already hampered by physics of earth curvature .
KAI Aims to Export First Korean-made Helicopter to Indonesia

18 Juni 2020

KAI KUH-1 Surion marine version (photo : KAI)

SACHEON, South Korea (Yonhap) -- Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer, aims to export the first Korean-made helicopter to Indonesia, a company executive said Wednesday.

KAI has exported 16 T-50 advanced trainer jets and 20 KT-1 basic trainer jets to Indonesia in total. It has not achieved any deal from overseas to export a Korean-made helicopter.

“We are stepping up efforts to sign a deal to export the Surion (KUH-1) transport utility helicopter to Indonesia. We see many business opportunities in Indonesia as it was the first country that purchased the KT-1 and the T-50 planes,” KAI Vice President and General Manager Lee Bong-keun told reporters on the sidelines of a promotional event held in Sacheon, 440 kilometers south of Seoul.

KAI is also targeting winning additional deals in Malaysia, Columbia and Peru as they have shown much interest in its aircraft products, Lee said.

“Malaysia is planning to approve a five-year economic development plan, which includes a large-scale aircraft purchase program, in October, though the approval is likely to be affected by the new coronavirus outbreak,” he said.

Earlier in the day, KAI signed an agreement with the South Gyeongsang provincial government and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDK) to help Korean companies hire foreigners from the 16 countries under the HRDK’s employment permit system (EPS), KAI said in a statement.

Under the EPS system, workers from the 16 nations that have purchased Korean-made aircraft will be given equal treatment in terms of wages and other benefits at Korean companies, the statement said.

The 16 countries include China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

Ambassadors and officials from the 16 countries attended the promotional event held at KAI’s headquarters here. KAI focused on promoting the Surion helicopter.

Asked if Indonesia has an interest in purchasing the Surion helicopter, Puji Basuki, first secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Korea, said his country will see if it can use the helicopter either for the military or a public purpose after receiving a proposal from Korea.

See full article Yonhap
KAI Aims to Export First Korean-made Helicopter to Indonesia

18 Juni 2020

KAI KUH-1 Surion marine version (photo : KAI)

SACHEON, South Korea (Yonhap) -- Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer, aims to export the first Korean-made helicopter to Indonesia, a company executive said Wednesday.

KAI has exported 16 T-50 advanced trainer jets and 20 KT-1 basic trainer jets to Indonesia in total. It has not achieved any deal from overseas to export a Korean-made helicopter.

“We are stepping up efforts to sign a deal to export the Surion (KUH-1) transport utility helicopter to Indonesia. We see many business opportunities in Indonesia as it was the first country that purchased the KT-1 and the T-50 planes,” KAI Vice President and General Manager Lee Bong-keun told reporters on the sidelines of a promotional event held in Sacheon, 440 kilometers south of Seoul.

KAI is also targeting winning additional deals in Malaysia, Columbia and Peru as they have shown much interest in its aircraft products, Lee said.

“Malaysia is planning to approve a five-year economic development plan, which includes a large-scale aircraft purchase program, in October, though the approval is likely to be affected by the new coronavirus outbreak,” he said.

Earlier in the day, KAI signed an agreement with the South Gyeongsang provincial government and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDK) to help Korean companies hire foreigners from the 16 countries under the HRDK’s employment permit system (EPS), KAI said in a statement.

Under the EPS system, workers from the 16 nations that have purchased Korean-made aircraft will be given equal treatment in terms of wages and other benefits at Korean companies, the statement said.

The 16 countries include China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

Ambassadors and officials from the 16 countries attended the promotional event held at KAI’s headquarters here. KAI focused on promoting the Surion helicopter.

Asked if Indonesia has an interest in purchasing the Surion helicopter, Puji Basuki, first secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Korea, said his country will see if it can use the helicopter either for the military or a public purpose after receiving a proposal from Korea.

See full article Yonhap
if we wanted to buy it , atleast buy it in a large batch and ask for License to sokor , since we had plan for LHD in the near future , this chopper are suitable for that , especially the Marineon variants which have water floatation system + Foldable rotor

if we wanted to buy it , atleast buy it in a large batch and ask for License to sokor , since we had plan for LHD in the near future , this chopper are suitable for that , especially the Marineon variants which have water floatation system + Foldable rotor

Sounds goods, and the unique fact of this helicopter uses engines similar to AH-64 Apache's engine
@Raduga about this LHD thing you mention. Don't you think that we should go to a smaller, faster and more nimble platform for amphibious assault.

The US now had already started their transformation towards a smaller vessels to move troops around.


Big amphib ships like LHD which operates close to the shore for amphib operations are viewed as :

Berger rejects war plans anticipating a Cold War-style confrontation in which huge ships can creep close to shore free from the threat of precision-guided munitions being launched from batteries deep inland.

He (Berger) calls the current configuration of amphibious ships “the most obvious manifestation of this obsolete paradigm"

What do you think? Others please share your thoughts too
@Raduga about this LHD thing you mention. Don't you think that we should go to a smaller, faster and more nimble platform for amphibious assault.

The US now had already started their transformation towards a smaller vessels to move troops around.


Big amphib ships like LHD which operates close to the shore for amphib operations are viewed as :

Berger rejects war plans anticipating a Cold War-style confrontation in which huge ships can creep close to shore free from the threat of precision-guided munitions being launched from batteries deep inland.

He (Berger) calls the current configuration of amphibious ships “the most obvious manifestation of this obsolete paradigm"

What do you think? Others please share your thoughts too
i still not read much about the USMC initiative of small amphibious attack vessels , it sounds a little bit sketchy , but looks like it was mentioned to be suitable for shallow water with below sea state 5-6 operation only , nevertheless , US would never dump their big ol LHD fleet or even maybe seeking an improved version in the future .
@Raduga about this LHD thing you mention. Don't you think that we should go to a smaller, faster and more nimble platform for amphibious assault.

The US now had already started their transformation towards a smaller vessels to move troops around.


Big amphib ships like LHD which operates close to the shore for amphib operations are viewed as :

Berger rejects war plans anticipating a Cold War-style confrontation in which huge ships can creep close to shore free from the threat of precision-guided munitions being launched from batteries deep inland.

He (Berger) calls the current configuration of amphibious ships “the most obvious manifestation of this obsolete paradigm"

What do you think? Others please share your thoughts too

Noooo, you should looking it for Marines corps point of view but there is still debates about such changing of the game play. If the big ships is not needed so with what the US trying to move their units by sea? Not to mention there is abrupt change in their strategy with regard to the playing in littoral condition, their LCS is huge waste, waste of material and time all in all to revert back to old but reliable multi purpose frigate concept just like the FREMM design. If there is a differences it is Will be about unmanned platform in which Will get a bigger play ground in near future. As even the concept of future fighter Will be unmanned platform controlled from thousand miles at home and the ground forces Will be supported by Legion of heavily armed and well protected unmanned platform capable to taking decision for themselves. Thus the decision to playing light like the Marines corps suggested recently is kinda suicidal as even the China dedicated a lot of resources toward unmanned platform and Will equipped them with many type of heavy weaponry
Noooo, you should looking it for Marines corps point of view but there is still debates about such changing of the game play. If the big ships is not needed so with what the US trying to move their units by sea? Not to mention there is abrupt change in their strategy with regard to the playing in littoral condition, their LCS is huge waste, waste of material and time all in all to revert back to old but reliable multi purpose frigate concept just like the FREMM design. If there is a differences it is Will be about unmanned platform in which Will get a bigger play ground in near future. As even the concept of future fighter Will be unmanned platform controlled from thousand miles at home and the ground forces Will be supported by Legion of heavily armed and well protected unmanned platform capable to taking decision for themselves. Thus the decision to playing light like the Marines corps suggested recently is kinda suicidal as even the China dedicated a lot of resources toward unmanned platform and Will equipped them with many type of heavy weaponry

ah, this remind of USMC plan to get rid of their Abrams MBT. I dare say that is a bad choice and once a conflict start, they will forced to put back those heavy metal on the field.

if we wanted to buy it , atleast buy it in a large batch and ask for License to sokor , since we had plan for LHD in the near future , this chopper are suitable for that , especially the Marineon variants which have water floatation system + Foldable rotor


licence build would be good if we build in large batch, and large batch only available if all service used the same platform.
KAI Aims to Export First Korean-made Helicopter to Indonesia

18 Juni 2020

KAI KUH-1 Surion marine version (photo : KAI)

SACHEON, South Korea (Yonhap) -- Korea Aerospace Industries Co. (KAI), South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer, aims to export the first Korean-made helicopter to Indonesia, a company executive said Wednesday.

KAI has exported 16 T-50 advanced trainer jets and 20 KT-1 basic trainer jets to Indonesia in total. It has not achieved any deal from overseas to export a Korean-made helicopter.

“We are stepping up efforts to sign a deal to export the Surion (KUH-1) transport utility helicopter to Indonesia. We see many business opportunities in Indonesia as it was the first country that purchased the KT-1 and the T-50 planes,” KAI Vice President and General Manager Lee Bong-keun told reporters on the sidelines of a promotional event held in Sacheon, 440 kilometers south of Seoul.

KAI is also targeting winning additional deals in Malaysia, Columbia and Peru as they have shown much interest in its aircraft products, Lee said.

“Malaysia is planning to approve a five-year economic development plan, which includes a large-scale aircraft purchase program, in October, though the approval is likely to be affected by the new coronavirus outbreak,” he said.

Earlier in the day, KAI signed an agreement with the South Gyeongsang provincial government and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDK) to help Korean companies hire foreigners from the 16 countries under the HRDK’s employment permit system (EPS), KAI said in a statement.

Under the EPS system, workers from the 16 nations that have purchased Korean-made aircraft will be given equal treatment in terms of wages and other benefits at Korean companies, the statement said.

The 16 countries include China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

Ambassadors and officials from the 16 countries attended the promotional event held at KAI’s headquarters here. KAI focused on promoting the Surion helicopter.

Asked if Indonesia has an interest in purchasing the Surion helicopter, Puji Basuki, first secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Korea, said his country will see if it can use the helicopter either for the military or a public purpose after receiving a proposal from Korea.

See full article Yonhap
S.kor likely want revive the marineon image when this helicopter crashe and killed marine inside. The main rotor is discarded when flying and the marineon crash at a building. Likely they have adressed this issue.
For amphibious chopper likely in this world is "rare" like mil14 (very old) or ch 53 family
the navy attack helicopter rumour start to rise up recently , AH-1Z ? MH-60 Romeo ?
kami sedang berdiskusi untuk pengadaan helikopter Apache dan perlengkapan militer lainnya
We are currently in talk with US for more Apache, the question is this Apache is allocated for the army or navy?

The army don't have any plan to have more apache.

Meanwhile the navy want to have attack helicopter.

The Version 6.0 upgrade has added a new Radar Electronics Unit to the Longbow system, which adds the maritime capability to the Longbow’s baseline ground targeting, air targeting and training modes. Because the upgrade is software driven, it does not require an increase in the power output of the radar to double the detection range to 16km.

“When you look at the reconnaissance mission, you really need situational awareness and now, with a 16km range and a surveillance mode of 360 degrees, you can monitor 800 square kilometres of area or battlespace in a very quick timeframe, so the pilot is not having to look over his shoulder, or downrange, the radar is doing it for him quickly and accurately and, targets are detected and displayed to him. The Apache is a very integrated sensor and weapons suite,” Ron Stanislaw, International Programs manager - Land & Avionics of Northrop Grumman’s C4ISR Division said.

“The radar data can be linked directly to M-TADS to cue the EO/IR system to the target. That’s something unique to Apache and it is very valuable in rapidly understanding the situational awareness.”

During the Longbow’s Follow On Test and Evaluation II (FOTE II) activity conducted late last year, the radar successfully detected ‘numerous’ ground and maritime targets at ‘extended detection ranges’, which were engaged and destroyed by JAGM missiles fired from an AH-64E.

“One of the key discriminators of Apache is that ‘system of sensors’ approach, (including) the passive RFI sensor and its capability to passively detect air defence radars and detect them at very long ranges and hand them off to the radar for prosecution as a areal target or a real threat,” LBL president Jim Messina added. “Then, once the radar determines it, we have the capability to directly hand off to a missile and launch system from the radar or, if further prosecution of the target is required, then hand off the co-ordinates to the M-TADS so we can prosecute it visually. That system of systems approach is very powerful (and) I don’t believe any other platform provides that.”


Good for GKK escort when conducting beachhead ops, or for defense against enemy amphibious attack.

Taking out enemy AD system, eliminating enemy position and armored vehicle.
During enemy amphibious ops when they are still on the water they will be an easy target for Apache.

all service used the same platform.
That would be good.
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