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Some old stories about Panavia Tornado and licence produce scheme for IPTN backthen

Well it's French MBDA vs UK MBDA competition

Well Moerdani had a big influence over Suharto rivaled to Habibie back then, Soldier vs Engineer.

By the way, what Habibie done back then was a strategic deal, not only purchase but acquire its technology, especially aviation technology, hope someone in charge today could do like what Habibie done, KFX/IFX is a nice continuation but its not supported after the regime change over, therefore Parliament should protect strategic technology decision with constitution to protect the continuation.
One thing you should understand everything which works here are based on aftersales and then technical issues like spesifications, etc so expect things don't go ideal in Indonesia. AFAIK Hawk 53/109/209 were former President B.J Habibie in a hope through this light trainer fighter we could learn fighter jets manufacturing as agreement was set between IPTN & BAE but then after Labour Party won 1997 general election and PM Blair's UK position regarding post Timor referendum toward Indonesia, i suppose you all know the history, right ?

What i cant stomach is how Indonesia doesnt put spare part and components production as the cornerstone for our defense industry, there is lot emphasize toward assembly process not know how about the parts is actually needed to support the whole unit. Should put know how and knowledge to making engines for fighter above the fighter itself
What i cant stomach is how Indonesia doesnt put spare part and components production as the cornerstone for our defense industry, there is lot emphasize toward assembly process not know how about the parts is actually needed to support the whole unit. Should put know how and knowledge to making engines for fighter above the fighter itself
This, i've seen people in here always putting spare parts etc. as "masalah sepele" especially when govt canceled R80/N245 program.

Rather than designing new plane, it's better to invest more to build spare part, engine factory, etc etc. it's more profitable in long term, also increasing the local content for CN-235 and N219

What's the point of "karya anak bangsa" if most of the part and components is imported anyway?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We can build many variant from N219 and CN-235 so IMO there's no urge to design new plane that is the same class from that 2 plane.
TNI AD Menata Kembali Satuan Kavaleri

12 Juni 2020

Tank MBT Leopard 2RI dengan meriam kaliber 120mm (photo : Airspace Review)

Satuan Kavaleri berperan sebagai satuan yang mampu bergerak dengan cepat dalam skala besar sekaligus berfungsi sebagai penyerang kejut atau pendobrak yang akan membuka jalan bagi pasukan infanteri. Semboyan khas dari satuan Kavaleri TNI-AD adalah Tri Daya Cakti yang berarti daya gerak, daya tembak dan daya kejut.

Saat ini satuan kavaleri TNI AD baik yang ada di Kodam maupun Kostrad terdiri dari Batalyon Kavaleri (Yonkav), Kompi Kavaleri Panser (Kikavser), Kompi Kavaleri Intai (Kikavtai) dan Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav). Untuk Batalyon Kavaleri sendiri dibagi menjadi Yonkav Tank dan Yonkav Serbu. Kendaraan Tempur (Ranpur) Kavaleri TNI AD baik beroda rantai maupun beroda ban dipersyaratkan mempunyai perlindungan diatas Stanag Level 3.

Sejalan dengan modernisasi TNI AD maka satuan kavaleri juga menyesuaikan diri, dikeluarkanlah beberapa Peraturan KSAD untuk Rangka Organisasi Kavaleri (ROK) baru sebagai pengganti ROK lama yang sudah berlaku sejak tahun 1980 an. Adapun dengan ROK sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi campuran dalam satu batalyon antara tank dan panser.

Tank medium Pindad Harimau Hitam dengan meriam kaliber 105 mm (photo : Airspace Review)

ROK 2011 dikeluarkan untuk mengatur Batalyon Kavaleri di lingkungan Kodam (organisasi TNI AD secara kewilayahan). Sesuai Orgas ROK 2011 maka dalam 1 Batalyon Kavaleri terdiri dari sejumlah ranpur dengan rincian:
- 1 Pleton tank terdiri dari 3 ranpur kanon dan 1 ranpur APC,
- 1 Kompi tank terdiri dari terdiri dari 3 pleton tank = 9 ranpur Kanon + 3 ranpur APC,
- 1 Batalyon terdiri dari 3 Kompi tank,
- 1 Batalyon mempunyai ranpur Komando (6 unit) dan beberapa ranpur pendukung yaitu Ambulan (3 unit), Logistik (3 unit) dan Recovery (3 unit).

Jadi total ada 27 tank kanon, 6 komando, 9 APC, 9 ranpur pendukung, sehingga dalam 1 Batalyon secara TOP (Tabel Organisasi dan Peralatan) terdiri dari 51 unit kendaraan tempur.

Saat ini Batalyon Kavaleri Kodam diperkuat dengan tank ringan jenis AMX-13, dan Alvis Scorpion dengan kaliber 105mm dan 90mm, ke depan akan diperkuat dengan tank medium Harimau Hitam produksi Pindad dengan kaliber 105mm.

Sebagai pengaman ibukota, Kodam Jaya dilengkapi juga dengan Batalyon Panser Khusus, dalam TOP nya ini juga mengikuti TOP ROK 2011.

Tank ringan Alvis Scorpion dengan meriam kaliber 90 mm (photo : Airspace Review)

ROK 2013 dikeluarkan untuk mengatur Batalyon Kavaleri (MBT) di lingkungan Kostrad (pasukan pemukul TNI AD yang terpusat). Sesuai Orgas ROK 2013 maka dalam 1 Batalyon Kavaleri terdiri dari sejumlah ranpur dengan rincian:
- 1 Pleton tank terdiri dari 4 unit Tank Kanon MBT,
- 1 Kompi Tank terdiri dari 3 Pleton tank = 12 unit kanon,
- 1 Batalyon terdiri tiga Kompi Tank = 39 unit kanon + 2 unit tank Kanon Danyon+Wadanyon
- 1 Batalyon mempunyai beberapa ranpur pendukung yaitu Ambulan (3 unit), Logistik (3 unit) dan Recovery (3 unit).

Jadi total ada 39 tank kanon, 2 tank kanon komando, dan 9 ranpur pendukung, sehingga dalam 1 Batalyon secara TOP terdiri dari 50 unit kendaraan tempur.

Saat ini Batalyon Kavaleri Kostrad diperkuat dengan tank MBT jenis Leopard 2 baik tipe Leopard 2RI maupun Leopard 2A4 dengan kaliber 120mm.

Tank ringan AMX-13 retrofit dengan meriam kaliber 105 mm (photo : JAAS)

ROK 2014 dipakai untuk mengatur Kompi Kavaleri Berdiri Sendiri (tidak menginduk Batalyon Kavaleri) baik yang ada di Kodam maupun Kostrad. Sesuai Orgas ROK 2014 maka dalam 1 Kompi Kavaleri Berdiri Sendiri terdiri dari sejumlah ranpur dengan rincian:
- 1 Pleton terdiri dari 2 ranpur kanon, 2 ranpur intai dan 2 ranpur APC,
- 1 Kompi terdiri dari 3 Pleton = 6 ranpur kanon, 6 ranpur intai dan 6 ranpur APC,
- 1 Kompi Kavaleri berdiri sendiri ada tambahan 1 ranpur komando,
- 1 Kompi Kavaleri berdiri sendiri mempunyai beberapa ranpur pendukung yaitu ambulan, logistik dan recovery masing-masing 1 unit.

Jadi total dalam 1 Kompi Kavaleri Berdiri Sendiri secara TOP terdiri dari 22 unit kendaraan yang terdiri dari 2 ranpur kanon dan 20 ranpur non kanon.

Dengan adanya ROK 2014 ini maka hanya ada 1 istilah saja yaitu Kompi Kavaleri (Kikav), nama Kikavser (Kompi Kavaleri Panser) dan Kikavtai (Kompi Kavaleri Intai) sudah tidak ada lagi.

Saat ini Kompi Kavaleri diperkuat dengan panser Doosan Tarantula 6x6 (kanon) dengan kaliber 90mm, Panhard VBL (intai), dan Pindad Anoa 6x6 (APC), ke depan akan ditambah dengan panser kanon Pindad Badak 6x6 dengan kaliber 90mm.

Panser Doosan Tarantula 6x6 dengan meriam kaliber 90 mm (photo : Airspace Review)

Sebenarnya masih ada ROK 2018 yang mengatur Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav) yang digunakan saat ada pembentukan Kodam baru namun jumlah ranpur masih belum mencukupi, Denkav merupakan gabungan Kompi Tank sesuai ROK 2011 dan Kompi Panser sesuai ROK 2014. Karena tujuan MEF adalah Yonkav dan Kikav maka Denkav tidak akan kita bahas disini.

Apabila ketiga ROK tadi diimplementasikan kedalam kebutuhan MEF TNI AD, maka untuk 3 Divisi Pasukan Kostrad yang setiap Divisi terdiri dari 1 Yonkav MBT dan 1 Kikav serta 15 Pasukan Kodam yang setiap Kodam terdiri dari 1 Yonkav dan 1 Kikav (khusus Jakarta berupa Batalyon Panser Khusus), maka jumlah total alutsista kavaleri menjadi 1.340 unit terdiri dari ranpur kanon 657 unit dan ranpur non kanon 683 unit seperti tabel berikut ini.

Kita harapkan bahwa modernisasi Satuan Kavaleri sesuai MEF dapat selesai sesuai target pada tahun 2024.


KAI to finalize assembly of next-gen KF-X fighter jet in H2
By Kim Byung-wook
Published : Jun 10, 2020 - 16:59 Updated : Jun 11, 2020 - 07:22


KF-X rendering (KAI)

Korea Aerospace Industries said Wednesday it will finalize the assembly of its next-generation KF-X fighter jet in the second half of this year.

South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer is currently assembling each of the top, middle and bottom parts of the fuselage of its fifth-generation fighter and the final assembly is scheduled for the second half of the year.

"To introduce a prototype next year, KAI is looking forward to a final assembly of the jet in the period,” a company official said.

“Also, we have received 15 engines from General Electric to power six prototypes, with each requiring two engines. The remaining three are spares.”

KAI selected GE Aviation in May 2016 to supply the F414-GE-400K engines for the KF-X fighter. The multirole KF-X jet, a $7.4 billion project, is being designed and built by KAI.

The KF-X aircraft will replace Korea’s F-4D/E Phantom II and F-5E/F Tiger II fleet. The development program is scheduled to be completed in 2026, while flight testing will occur in 2023. A total of 120 KF-X aircrafts are scheduled for production for the Air Force. GE Aviation will provide 240 F414 engines plus spares.

GE has partnered with Korea many times to power aircrafts in their inventory. GE’s F404 engines currently power the country’s T-50 Golden Eagle, a high-performance supersonic trainer developed with KAI for the Korean Air Force. GE’s T700 turboshaft engines power the Korean utility helicopter Surion. Additionally, GE’s F110 engines power the Air Force’s F-15K aircraft.

By Kim Byung-wook (kbw@heraldcorp.com)


The first prototype of KF-X/IF-X is expected to be assembled by the end of 2020 regardless Indonesia makes their delaye payments to Korea or not. GE already delievered the first engine in May.

If Indonesia is still interested in, the country needs to re-arrange a schedule for payments with South Korea and send back Indonesian engineers by the next year to collect critical data and receive ToT when Korea starts a series of tests with the first prototype. Even for IF-X prototype, the knock-down kit with a pair of GE engines have to be sent from Korea for the final assembly in Indonesia. I don't understand what Indonesia wants here. ROKAF plans to acquire more Super Hurcules or A400M, so I don't think they would take more CN-235. The South Korean government needs cash as it was agreed to fund the project, not commodities.

In the end, I think Indonesia may have better options for their defence industry. F-16V is a solid alternative and probably would fulfil requirements of Indonesian Air Force. It is up to Indonesia to decide, but they would rather make a decision quickly as possible as South Korea will proceed with the plan regardless of Indonesia's decisions.
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If Indonesia is still interested in, the country needs to re-arrange a schedule for payments with South Korea and send back Indonesian engineers by the next year to collect critical data and receive ToT when Korea starts a series of tests with the first prototype. Even for IF-X prototype, the knock-down kit with a pair of GE engines have to be sent from Korea for the final assembly in Indonesia. I don't understand what Indonesia wants here. ROKAF plans to acquire more Super Hurcules or A400M, so I don't think they would take more CN-235. The South Korean government needs cash as it was agreed to fund the project, not commodities.

In the end, I think Indonesia may have better options for their defence industry. F-16V is a solid alternative and probably would fulfil requirements of Indonesian Air Force. It is up to Indonesia to decide, but they would rather make a decision quickly as possible as South Korea will proceed with the plan regardless of Indonesia's decisions.

I know the frustration of many Korean, many Indonesian who support the program like me also feel the same feeling. But we may see the result of renegotiation this year. One of the reason the renegotiation is still not finished IMO because Indonesia also still want to be inside the program. If Indonesia want to leave the program, we should have already seen the news about our departure now. Our parliament is also supportive with the program.

The commodities part is not something that is stressed on the renegotiation. It is only said as possibility. I also believe current Defense Minister has more positive view about the program compared to the previous one. One minister who support the renegotiation and want the number of plane being bought by Indonesia to be reduced has also been replaced in Jokowi second term.
This, i've seen people in here always putting spare parts etc. as "masalah sepele" especially when govt canceled R80/N245 program.

Rather than designing new plane, it's better to invest more to build spare part, engine factory, etc etc. it's more profitable in long term, also increasing the local content for CN-235 and N219

What's the point of "karya anak bangsa" if most of the part and components is imported anyway?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Because in POLITIC you need something for the public something good to look at. Nobody will be able to see spare parts. And the majority of public will have extremely hard time understanding the need for spare parts (logistic) anyway.
Well Moerdani had a big influence over Suharto rivaled to Habibie back then, Soldier vs Engineer.

By the way, what Habibie done back then was a strategic deal, not only purchase but acquire its technology, especially aviation technology, hope someone in charge today could do like what Habibie done, KFX/IFX is a nice continuation but its not supported after the regime change over, therefore Parliament should protect strategic technology decision with constitution to protect the continuation.
By Constitution ? You mean by Act ?

What i cant stomach is how Indonesia doesnt put spare part and components production as the cornerstone for our defense industry, there is lot emphasize toward assembly process not know how about the parts is actually needed to support the whole unit. Should put know how and knowledge to making engines for fighter above the fighter itself
Well that's why Malaysian or Thailand aviation industries fair better than us, they are making aircraft components for Airbus

How we spend our budget in 2021
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