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Indonesia Defence Forum

Striver44 only post contra news about china,its same thing that chinesse poster doing.every news from western media is a fake news..
Its hard when most of pak moderator in pdf is pro chinesee poster..
Striver44 only post contra news about china,its same thing that chinesse poster doing.every news from western media is a fake news..
Its hard when most of pak moderator in pdf is pro chinesee poster..

He doesnt get banned because of posting Anti China thread but because of involve in quarrel with Pakistani member. In my opinion PDF management also has preference for Indonesian members, this is why few of us get banned.
is this official Babinsa twitter account?

this f*ckt*rd is promoting herd immunity
didn't they know how many victim will be?
didn't they know that we will be isolated from the rest of the world?
didn't they know that WE ARE NOT HERD?

Understandable. Very few people outside the Indonesian medical community seem to understand what Herd Immunity even is.

This guy... the concept he's explaining isn't even Herd Immunity. Rather simply its a segregation between low-risk and high-risk population. Low-risk people can continue to keep the economy going, but should protect high-risk people (by not exposing them). While there will be quite a lot of people who die even if they are low risk... this is NOT ENACTING HERD IMMUNITY.

Herd Immunity is getting the a majority (60%, general rule of thumb from epidemiologist) of the population infected (or vaccinated) so that even in an open lifestyle, the virus is limited in access to uninfected people.

Current Government plan is NOT Herd Immunity... its rather a shift between medical risk & economic risk. By allowing 45 and lower aged people to work, the gov hopes that the economy can be kept alive long enough for vaccine to come, but at the same time still keep infection rate within our medical system ability to cope with.
And yet chinese accounts doing the same thing are still active. What has gotten into this forum?

Well, check it. Chinese Trolls also get banned periodically. Right now Kai Liu got banned again. ZeEa5pul or something got banned, Grey Joy, Beast also got banned some times ago. Kankan got banned. That Singaporean poster (that ID I forgot) also got banned recently. While as long as I know (at least recently), only 1 Indonesian flag poster got banned, Shiver.

Shiver got quarrel with Dalit. Both posters got warned by PDF staff for personal insult (Yes, he got a warning from the forum staff, not a mod) but he ignore the warning. According to the staff, Shiver has ignore 3 times warning, So he got banned.
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Japan-Indonesia Defense Minister’s Telephone Conversation

May 19, 2020
Japan Ministry of Defense
in Japanese

On May 19, 2020, Minister KONO had a telephone conversation with Minister of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto.

  1. The two ministers exchanged views on issues such as the roles to be played by the defense authorities given the global spread of COVID-19. Minister Kono explained about the Japan Self-Defense Forces’ (JSDF) activities on the cruise ship Diamond Princess and analysis by the SDF Central Hospital by using a presentation document (see attached). Minister Kono also explained the ongoing JSDF’s activities such as: measures at the airport; measures to prevent infection within the city; and infection-preventative measures undertaken in their operation which resulted in having no deployed member infected so far with the virus.
  2. Furthermore, the two ministers also exchanged views on the current regional security issues including the South China Sea and the East China Sea in light of the current events occurring in the region. Minister Prabowo expressed Indonesia’s position, that the issue of territorial claims should be resolved peacefully without the use of force in the interest of maintaining stability according with the international order. Minister Kono also expressed that Japan strongly opposes attempts to unilaterally change the status quo by force and any activities that add to the tension.
  3. Further, two ministers exchanged views on defense cooperation and exchanges between Japan and Indonesia. Minister Kono, taking into consideration the implications of COVID-19, expressed the importance of both countries’ maintaining seamless defense posture and of continued and strengthened bilateral defense cooperation to continue pursuing synergies between the “ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific” issued by ASEAN in June last year and Japan’s concept of the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”.
  4. The two ministers agreed on the following three points bearing in mind the circumstances arisen by the spread of COVID-19;
  1. (1) sharing information, knowledge and lessons learned about the measures taken by the defense authorities towards overcoming COVID-19 at the earliest stage;
  2. (2) necessity of sharing threat recognition based on the current circumstances and potential effects of the spread of COVID-19 on defense policy of each country; and
  3. (3) promoting vigorously defense cooperation and exchanges, including the “2+2” meeting at the earliest possible timing, to uphold and reinforce the Free and Open Indo-Pacific while maintaining communication between the defense authorities.
Modernisasi Alutsista Jadi Atensi TNI AL

22 Mei 2020

6 Fregat Van Speijk akan menjadi 4 Sigma 10514 class dan 2 Iver Huitfeldt class (photo : Kivimaki)

PROKAL.CO, JAKARTA - Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono langsung tancap gas. Usai pelantikan serta serah terima jabatan, dia segera menyusun sembilan program TNI AL. Seluruh program tersebut langsung disampaikan oleh Yudo kepada semua pejabat teras di bawah koordinasi matra laut.

Tidak kurang 39 pimpinan satuan kerja yang kini berada di bawah kendali Yudo menyimak penjelasan orang nomor satu di Angkatan Laut Indonesia tersebut. Sembilan program prioritas itu dibuat dalam rangka pembangunan kekuatan dan pembinaan kemampuan TNI AL ke depan. "Kesembilan program prioritas itu meliputi, pembangunan SDM, modernisasi KRI, pesawat udara dan material tempur," beber dia.

Selain itu, pembangunan dan peningkatan sarana dan prasarana TNI AL, pembangunan sistem pembinaan kekuatan dan kesiapan operasional, penyelarasan doktrin; operasi; latihan dan sistem pendidikan, peningkatan kemampuan komando; kendali; komunikasi; komputer; intelijen; pengamatan; dan pengintaian, serta peningkatan kemampuan siber TNI AL juga masuk prioritas TNI AL.

Yudo pun menyebut, pihaknya menekankan TNI AL ke depan mampu meningkatan program dan anggaran berbasis kinerja yang berorientasi hasil. "Perbaikan sistem dukungan logistik serta peningkatan kemampuan TNI AL menghadapi ancaman bersifat non konvensional," bebernya. Dia berharap penjelasan terkait dengan program-program tersebut dapat direalisasikan selama masa kepemimpinannya.

Mantan panglima Kogabwilhan I dan panglima Komando Armada I itu pun menyebut, ke depan visi TNI AL adalah mewujudkan matra laut yang profesiobal, modern, serta tangguh. "Untuk mewujudkan Indonesia maju yang berdaulat, mandiri dan berkepribadian berdasarkan gotong royong," bebernya. Dia pun mengakui bahwa saat ini masalah Covid-18 masih harus menjadi prioritas.

Yudo menekankan agar TNI AL harus tampil memberikan contoh dan teladan dalam upaya percepatan penanganan Covid-19. Mengingat persoalan itu tidak dapat diselesaikan tanpa kerja sama banyak pihak. Lebih lanjut, dia mengungkapkan bahwa program-peogram Angkatan Laut yang sudah dikerjakan oleh pimpinan sebelumnya juga bakal dia teruskan. "Yang akan diselaraskan dengan petunjuk strategis dan arah kebijakan presiden," imbuhnya.



And there is this old ship that need to be replaced too, replacing it with PKR will be too good to be true :/

Daripada diganti korvet si parchim kalau diganti PKR bakalan seragam dan simple fleet kita.

There is crash program for Indigenous design of OPV/patrol corvettes, this one will be the candidate to replace the Parchim class
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