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Indonesia Defence Forum

Yup thats not RPG 29 as RPG 29 is enclosed type unlike RPG 2/7 family

The only military assets involved in COIN/Counter-terrorism within state boundaries should really just be the Air Force and Army aviation, things that the POLRI lacks/should not have to prevent the blurring of roles. The POLRI can do the brunt of the ground work.

If they do go ahead with a Tri-service Komcad program then you can see them likely supplementing POLRI units similar to what the US National Guard does with their civilian counterparts.

Actually Polri itself need to be strengthen especially for their aviation assets and light weight patrol car. For police have Heavy machine gun/rapid cannon up to 30 mm caliber actually still okay to me, as they actually having operated something like greyhound apc in the past

What kind of role/authority that will be given to the TNI by the new counterterrorism law? Is official Polri request no longer needed for TNI to joint counter-terrorism ops?

You should know its not all about roles but resources scramble opportunity...
Humvee somewhere in Jakarta

No, it was different. Their look maybe close to those bofors but they are improved indigenous version and had nothing to do with the bofors, thing like Anoa and VAB in analogue

I found several people with alike minded in this forum. Chinese uber alles, oh maybe PRC uber alles mindset.
Not several many but then since this is Pakistani based web forum it is expectable finding Chinese forumers or Chinese symphatisers just this one i see fake Chinese account yet claiming as Indonesian.
Is this the same Humvee that's usually parked in the Jakarta SCBD area, the one thats usually parked in the VIP parking in front of the fairgrounds lobby? I always find it funny seeing it parked beside supercars
It belong to certain high rank officer in Marine Corps. Just wondering sometimes on how priorities are set within our armed forces procurement system.

No, he is Indonesian lah, the leftover from kaskus, compatriot of Pitung kw id.
An Indonesian yet idolises Foreign Armed Force, worse a state entity we're having dispute with. That man must have identity crisis.
It belong to certain high rank officer in Marine Corps. Just wondering sometimes on how priorities are set within our armed forces procurement system.

An Indonesian yet idolises Foreign Armed Force, worse a state entity we're having dispute with. That man must have identity crisis.

I had a deep impression of particular id back in the kaskus, dated back in 2010/2011. He/She type will be glad to put and waving PRC flag if they came in forces to Indonesia in the harbour. Well, their conviction still exist till today, such traitorous nature indeed.
terorisme dalam skala seperti apa ? kalau sudah sebesar Sulu , ISIS ,IRA , Arakan yang sudah menjadi grup paramiliter apa polisi sanggup ?

TNI hanya untuk menghadapi perang , sekarang juga ada stigma "perang terhadap terorisme" .
Yaudah bkin aja gendermarie/carabineri/jandarma/marcahusse kayak negara2 eropa. Militer tpi bantu polisi.
Their artillery are licensed Bofors FH77 , why dont we seek the og manufacturer instead ?
Also indian bofors 155 have some problem dener2 dikorup
Actually Polri itself need to be strengthen especially for their aviation assets and light weight patrol car. For police have Heavy machine gun/rapid cannon up to 30 mm caliber actually still okay to me, as they actually having operated something like greyhound apc in the past

Based on my time working with them, I don't think we should give them any heavy weapons to be honest. Theres a reason why they were never given any more cannon based assets anymore. The idea of having Komcad units work in hand with them is to supplement them with heavier assets thats not under their control. A form of checks and balances. This is similar to what the National Guard does in America, they provide things like gunship/armor support to local/federal LEO units if need be.
we need this kind of joint Air force,Navy,Army (coastal artillery) joint anti shipping exercise
Their artillery are licensed Bofors FH77 , why dont we seek the og manufacturer instead ?

Isn't that the locally produce M777? India had contract with US for licensing it if i'm not mistaken. I don't know why we don't license produce any modern 105/155 mm altillery, we are still lacking in that part despite it being basic necessities. The only locally produce canon we have is the pindad ME105 based on yugoslav M48 which are really outdated and obsolete. cmiiw
Isn't that the locally produce M777? India had contract with US for licensing it if i'm not mistaken. I don't know why we don't license produce any modern 105/155 mm altillery, we are still lacking in that part despite it being basic necessities. The only locally produce canon we have is the pindad ME105 based on yugoslav M48 which are really outdated and obsolete. cmiiw

No bro, its not M777 local production (thats different, and trust me not much ToT was given to India regarding that at all....given close guarded secret on the forging QC for titanium and other materials used there...M777 local % component is very minimal).

Dhanush artillery itself is local effort of indigenisation of bofors (using prior ToT expertise for sure, but also lot of local RnD) by OFB.

On top of that we also have ATAGs, which is an effort by bharat forge (which has done decades of RnD in all kind of metallurgy + application etc) and it has gotten subsumed into a JV with more traditional mil-govt organisations now.
Isn't that the locally produce M777? India had contract with US for licensing it if i'm not mistaken. I don't know why we don't license produce any modern 105/155 mm altillery, we are still lacking in that part despite it being basic necessities. The only locally produce canon we have is the pindad ME105 based on yugoslav M48 which are really outdated and obsolete. cmiiw

Well actually it's from Italy Oto Melara 105mm pack howitzer.

KASAL Resmikan Operasional LANAL Ketapang - Kalbar

11 Mei 2020

Dermaga Ketapang Kalimantan Barat di waktu malam (photo : KSOP Ketapang 022)

KASAL Laksamana Siwi Sukma Resmikan Operasional LANAL di Ketapang

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, MEMPAWAH - Kepala Staf TNI AL (KASAL) Laksamana TNI Siwi Sukma Adji meresmikan operasional Pangkalan TNI AL (Lanal) Ketapang jajaran Lantamal XII Pontianak melalui Video Conference (Vicon).

Vicon tersebut berlangsung dari Gedung Auditorium Denma Mabesal Cilangkap Jakarta dengan Komandan Lantamal XII Pontianak Laksma TNI Agus Hariadi bersama jajaran bertempat di Ruang Operation Room Mako Lantamal XII Pontianak di desa wajok kec Jongkat kab Mempawah pada Rabu (6/5/2020)

Adapun tujuan diresmikannya Lanal Ketapang yaitu terwujudnya pengembangan satuan TNI AL di Kalimantan Barat agar mampu mengantisipasi setiap bentuk ancaman yang akan terjadi, dengan terwujudnya kesiapan pengembangan Pangkalan TNI AL dan Sumber Daya Manusia yang mengawakinya.

Tersedianya fasilitas pangkalan yang ideal bagi TNI AL berupa dermaga beserta sarana dan prasarananya, tersedianya fasilitas perawatan personel berupa fasilitas perkantoran, fasilitas messing dan fasilitas pembinaan pangkalan serta terwujudnya pembangunan poros maritim di bidang pertahanan.

Sasaran diresmikannya Pangkalan TNI Al Operasional di Lanal Ketapang yakni untuk meningkatkan kemampuan satuan Pangkalan TNI AL di wilayah Kalimantan Barat dalam mendukung tugas TNI AL khususnya di wilayah Koarmada I.

Selain itu juga meningkatkan kemampuan Pangkalan Utama TNI AL di seluruh Indonesia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dukungan terhadap unsur-unsur KRI yang melaksanakan kegiatan operasi di seluruh wilayah yuridiksi nasional Memacu motivasi dalam melaksanakan tugas untuk kemajuan TNI Angkatan Laut

Sebelum dilaksanakanya Peresmian Operasional Lanal Ketapang pada hari Selasa (5/5/2020) Komandan Lantamal XII Pontianak Laksma TNI Agus Hariadi memimpin Upacara Pengukuhan Komandan Pangkalan TNI AL (Lanal) Ketapang Letkol Laut (P) Abdul Rajab Bodro A, M.Tr.Hanla di Mako Lantamal XII Pontianak di Wajok kec Jongkat.

Dalam kegiatan Vicon dengan KSAL dan pengukuhan Komandan Lanal Ketapang di hadiri sejumlah Pejabat Utama Lantamal XII Pontianak.

btw did anyone know how airborne ASW radar works, can a modern one detect submarine below periscope depth?
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