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Well for hanud, I prefer Rheinmettal solution Skyranger + chiron manpads. For towed AAG, oerlikon 35mm twin guns (the original, not like type-90 made in China).
Commonality with Navy (guns and ammo) and AF (chiron).

Why chiron, you may ask? Because that was offered by Rheinmettal AD to protect Natuna along with Iris-T medium range sam.
kan ada test psiko nya dr hasil test tersebut biasanya di ketahui cocok nya di bidang apa tinggal mereka memilih kecabangan apa yang sesuai dgn hasil psiko mereka regard

is that the case? i've rarely heard/seen PAPK graduate became a Combat Leader cuz most of the officer in Satpur i've see and known were like 90% are Military Academy Graduate (or should i say the West Pointers) rather than OCS/PAPK. cuz one of my uncle was PAPK Graduate and most of his colleagues and his Junior pretty much going straight into staffing duty tho.

but as i said earlier its rare to see but i found at least documented one like this http://al90nugraha.blogspot.com/2019/03/alumni-sepa-pk-yang-menjadi-komandan.html
and also i found some a bit modern thread like in k*sk*s said they either got relation or know some of the Mil members they met are PaPk graduate and they were in Satpur too.
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Well for hanud, I prefer Rheinmettal solution Skyranger + chiron manpads. For towed AAG, oerlikon 35mm twin guns (the original, not like type-90 made in China).
Commonality with Navy (guns and ammo) and AF (chiron).

Why chiron, you may ask? Because that was offered by Rheinmettal AD to protect Natuna along with Iris-T medium range sam.
View attachment 630797
Why would you want the Skyguard when most countries are replacing them with newer systems like the Skyshield? Better to just have the Skyshield as the standard Tri-Service static AA gun.
Boeing just rolled out the Block III F/A-18 prototype, and they added some neat new features into the aircraft. Keep in mind this isn't even the full package yet. Would be a pretty good replacement for the Su-35 and the Su-30/27.


Also, a small overview of the Boeing Air Power Teaming drone being showcased alongside an RAAF F/A-18. Considering it's designed to work in hand with the F-35, it is theorized that it won't take much effort to integrate it with an F-16V as it shares many internal features of the the F-35.

Now I'm not saying we should get in on this. BUT WE SHOULD GET IN ON THIS. :yes4:
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is that the case? i've rarely heard/seen PAPK graduate became a Combat Leader cuz most of the officer in Satpur i've see and known were like 90% are Military Academy Graduate (or should i say the West Pointers) rather than OCS/PAPK. cuz one of my uncle was PAPK Graduate and most of his colleagues and his Junior pretty much going straight into staffing duty tho.

but as i said earlier its rare to see but i found at least documented one like this http://al90nugraha.blogspot.com/2019/03/alumni-sepa-pk-yang-menjadi-komandan.html
and also i found some a bit modern thread like in k*sk*s said they either got relation or know some of the Mil members they met are PaPk graduate and they were in Satpur too.
kurang lebih nya demikian tapi memang tidak di pungkiri jalur sepa dan akmil memiliki peruntukan nya masing" rekan dr sepa biasanya lebih di butuh kan atau peruntukan sesuai spesialisasi fak ilmu nya masing" seperti dokter militer dan juga rekan sepa dlm rekrutment nya memiliki beberapa pengecualian seperti di perbolehkan nya pengguna an kacamata dlm hal spesialisasi studi tentunya bukan utk kombatan tapi staff tapi ya bilamana sesuai standart dlm kualifikasi combatan dan hasil psiko nya bagus dan sesuai ya ndak menutup kemungkinan regard
Also, a small overview of the Boeing Air Power Teaming drone being showcased alongside an RAAF F/A-18. Considering it's designed to work in hand with the F-35, it is theorized that it won't take much effort to integrate it with an F-16V as it shares many internal features of the the F-35.

Now I'm not saying we should get in on this. BUT WE SHOULD GET IN ON THIS. :yes4:
Well, that's what im trying to say in the last few pages
kurang lebih nya demikian tapi memang tidak di pungkiri jalur sepa dan akmil memiliki peruntukan nya masing" rekan dr sepa biasanya lebih di butuh kan atau peruntukan sesuai spesialisasi fak ilmu nya masing" seperti dokter militer dan juga rekan sepa dlm rekrutment nya memiliki beberapa pengecualian seperti di perbolehkan nya pengguna an kacamata dlm hal spesialisasi studi tentunya bukan utk kombatan tapi staff tapi ya bilamana sesuai standart dlm kualifikasi combatan dan hasil psiko nya bagus dan sesuai ya ndak menutup kemungkinan regard

yes, cuz indo's potential on OCS/Sepa Pk graduate to became combatant are still small, and ofc they had some place for people with less physical fitness or condition safe to say, but yeah if somehow they're on the peak. they ofc will be a combatant in either way
Why would you want the Skyguard when most countries are replacing them with newer systems like the Skyshield? Better to just have the Skyshield as the standard Tri-Service static AA gun.
It's good if the marine choose skyshield but if the budget said otherwise, skyguard also good stuff. Of course the newest gen of skyguard. Not the 70-80's legend skyguard.

Basically this is the system that was hoped by marinir but ended up with type-90 guns. So give them the original ones.
It'll be more expensive in the long run to get the GDF if everyone else is likely getting the Skyshield. The term "cry once, buy once" applies a lot here.
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