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2019 ADEX Press Day F 35A + KF X Mock Up 공개
[KF-X] 조종석 살펴보기 (한국형 차세대 전투기 KF-X Cockpit)

Inside KF-X & F-35. almost similar, but the lightning II doesn't have HUD, isn't it?
it must be, becoz the magic helmet..lol

KF-X Cockpit


f-35 Cockpit

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Also may i ask you guys Why does SK seeking for another partner for KFX? 2 country isn't enough for KFX project?
Why not? F-35 and Eurofighter Typhoon are an example. Before beside South Korea and Indonesia it was Turkey that was interested to also join the KF-X project but eventually they decided to build their own TF-X.

"Turkey is a big defense customer for South Korea, and discussions have been held concerning KF-X, but Turkey wanted more control over the project than a 20% share, and no agreement has been forthcoming. The TuAF is already committed to buying about 100 F-35As to replace its F-4 Phantoms, and many of its F-16s as well. They’re also investigating the idea of designing their own fighter, and have enlisted Sweden’s Saab to assist (vid. March 20/13 entry)"

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Lmao imagine if it was Israel,people in here would've been freaking out

First why israeli want buy that thing if they have plentifull f15 and f16 armada in very (very) good condition? Also they are f35 buyera nd they have used it

Emmm qatari? Or dont know if saudi or emirati interested.

Brazil already have contract with grippen.

Emmm some european country with good economy and tech? But who? German?
(Italian has f35, french has rafale)

Pakistan want to develop stealth aircraft but likely they choose chinese fc 31 j 20
(PakAF design similair like pak fa)

Turk with their tfx (also turk "sakit hati ditolak kfx" and they in difficult time right now)

(Yaiyalah klo israel yg beli bakal ngamuk org kita wajar sih apalgi senjata "ofensiv", kita beli produk israel msh wajar tp klo ampe dbilang mrk beli pesawat ini .....)
But likely they not interested :-) but dont know

What is wiring in that launcher? Amd what function?
Indonesia Masih Butuh Tiga Kapal Rumah Sakit Lagi

Keel laying kapal rumah sakit (Foto: Titania Dewanti) ☆

Produksi Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) kedua TNI AL W000302 memasuki tahap pemasangan lunas kapal (keel laying). Kapal tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang lebih ketimbang kapal BRS sebelumnya.

Terkait pembuatan Kapal BRS, Kepala Divisi Corporate Secretary PT PAL Indonesia, Rariya Budi menyampaikan tentang pernyataan Presiden Joko Widodo. Menurutnya, Presiden Jokowi menyebutkan bahwa Indonesia membutuhkan 3 Kapal BRS.

"Indonesia saat ini, menurut Pak Jokowi, membutuhkan 3 Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit. Sebelumnya Indonesia memiliki Kapal BRS yaitu Kapal Dr Soeharso dan KRI Semarang," ujar Rariya di Grand Assembly Divisi Niaga PT PAL, Senin (14/10/2019).

"Akhirnya KRI Semarang sesuai instruksi Pak Jokowi, kapal ini digunakan sebagai Kapal BRS," imbuhnya.

Rariya juga menyampaikan harapan PT PAL atas pembuatan Kapal BRS tersebut. Ia ingin kapal tersebut dapat membantu pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan dan pertolongan pada masyarakat yang terkena musibah.

"Kapal ini diharapkan mampu memberikan support penuh kepada Indonesia. Secara karena negara kepulauan yang maaf, rawan akan bencana alam seperti gunung meletus dan tsunami. Kapal ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah sebagai bentuk kehadiran pemerintah untuk bangsa dan negara," tutur Rariya.

Sedangkan Kepala Proyek Kapal BRS W000302, Adenandra Sulistyo menjelaskan tentang perbedaan fisik kapal yang sedang dibuatnya. Terutama jika dibandingkan dengan dua kapal BRS sebelumnya.

"Secara umum ukurannya sama. Tetapi memiliki kemampuan yang agak berbeda, lebih dominan untuk bantu rumah sakit. Sejak awal produksi memang kapal ini sudah memiliki fokus menjadi Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit, murni sebagai rumah sakit," ujar Adenandra. (sun/bdh)


Indonesia should keep investing in KFX program and in fact should try to produce some in Indonesia

We already invest on hangar and production line tools
First why israeli want buy that thing if they have plentifull f15 and f16 armada in very (very) good condition? Also they are f35 buyera nd they have used it

Emmm qatari? Or dont know if saudi or emirati interested.

Brazil already have contract with grippen.

Emmm some european country with good economy and tech? But who? German?
(Italian has f35, french has rafale)

Pakistan want to develop stealth aircraft but likely they choose chinese fc 31 j 20
(PakAF design similair like pak fa)

Turk with their tfx (also turk "sakit hati ditolak kfx" and they in difficult time right now)

(Yaiyalah klo israel yg beli bakal ngamuk org kita wajar sih apalgi senjata "ofensiv", kita beli produk israel msh wajar tp klo ampe dbilang mrk beli pesawat ini .....)
But likely they not interested :-) but dont know

What is wiring in that launcher? Amd what function?
Nah im joking with that Israel one,probably another asean countries Viet&Phils already visited the FX mockup
Nah im joking with that Israel one,probably another asean countries Viet&Phils already visited the FX mockup

I doubt that, the most potential ones is rich Sultans from gulf countries like UAE, saudi, Qatar or the likes. Saudi is the most likely as they are in progress with South Korea to build whole complex of integrated defense industry including Aviation industry in Saudi. Vietnam for obvious reason of their weapon systems is already wired and integrated toward Warsaw pacts system. Their radar, their FCS, their command control units is all wiring toward pact Warsaw. Philippine is not in position to get the benefit of co production and other talks is meaningless for them.
Nah im joking with that Israel one,probably another asean countries Viet&Phils already visited the FX mockup

dont know about phil.
Thai already with gripen maybe brunai? Wkwkkwk buat apa negara segede itu beli kfx

Saudi already buy S.korea atgm raybolt
and use it in yemen

(Sometimes i search kfx google said mungkin maksud anda kfc)
X and C is close in keyboard lol
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