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Newbie2 tu asli newbie atau newbie jadi2an kok tik tok kalau ngemeng papua dimari dri kemarin? Ane ignore masih aja bahasan bahasannya itu2 aja

Kalau masalah simple alutsista dikit2 nanya padahal sepele, tu masalah papua busyet refrensi genosida juga kluar semua
Maksud saya yg orang2x selain Indonesia. Kebanyakan para forumer disini (yg non Indonesia) anak2x masih umur2x 20 an awal dan wawasannya masih (mohon maaf aja) agak kurang apalagi kalau udah terkait urusan yg agak men detail / teknis. Cuma mungkin saya nya aja yg kebiasaan diskusi nya ama orang2x US yg udah pd botol-pulpen

Look at some section in Pakistan and India defense sides, some of their soldiers and officers is joint this forum too , some had good discussion and become authentic contributor, but the rest of the mass is well newbies.
exercise-forging-sabre-facts-and-figures (1).jpg

I love how SG simulate their battle like this it looks really well coordinated
Carefully observe the picture. Is this even 11th squadron tetris challenge or CGI image from Egar since i see " Egar image " watermark ?

That pic is CGI beyond doubt, but it still interesting enough though

View attachment 583576
I love how SG simulate their battle like this it looks really well coordinated

Their line of thinking is more video-game like instead of real world application. And beside their military need to keep the bogeyman (whatever that is) alive so they could get big funding and deliver something like that kind of exercise as a form of budget spending accountability.

– Menjadi seorang wanita tidak menyurutkan Letda Pnb Anisa Amalia Octavia (25) untuk berkarir di TNI Angkatan Udara.

Dia telah lulus dari Sekolah Penerbang (Sekbang) TNI Angkatan Udara dan sedang bersiap menjadi co-pilot di Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Abdulrachman Saleh, Kabupaten Malang.

Prajurit wanita kelahiran Sleman, 13 Oktober 1994 itu menjadi penerbang Hercules wanita pertama di Indonesia. Hercules merupakan jenis pesawat angkut kelas berat di lingkungan TNI.

Karir Anisa di TNI AU dimulai saat dirinya masuk taruni Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) pada tahun 2013 dan lulus pada tahun 2017.

Kemudian dia melanjutkan pendidikan ke Sekolah Penerbang atau Sekbang yang mengakrabkan Anisa dengan dunia penerbangan militer.

Carefully observe the picture. Is this even 11th squadron tetris challenge or CGI image from Egar since i see " Egar image " watermark ?

That pic is CGI beyond doubt, but it still interesting enough though
No i think its real not CGI. If you look at Egar 3D works in his IG he will put a caption of his work that the pics are 3D rendered and when was the pics were done.

"This 3d work done in 2013

3d model, textures, and render by Siregar3D
This 3d model available for sale at turbosquid & cgtrader"
Papua dont need referendum.. different case with timles..
Enough for papua issue.. kt kembali ke laptop
Btw agan2 pada posting ig ya? Kok ora nongol sedih dah

That pic is CGI beyond doubt, but it still interesting enough though

Their line of thinking is more video-game like instead of real world application. And beside their military need to keep the bogeyman (whatever that is) alive so they could get big funding and deliver something like that kind of exercise as a form of budget spending accountability.

Video game thinking? Maybe they play mil-sim like arma etc.
There is diffrent between video game and mil sim

Are tni interest in mil-sim?
Btw agan2 pada posting ig ya? Kok ora nongol sedih dah
If you can't see my upload,i will clear it up for you its just a clearance about sq 11 tetris challenge and Indonesia JDAM kit order on august

Which submarine type capable enough to replace our existing cakra class? Is it korean KSS III? Turks U214? Or even german type 218?
If you can't see my upload,i will clear it up for you its just a clearance about sq 11 tetris challenge and Indonesia JDAM kit order on august

Which submarine type capable enough to replace our existing cakra class? Is it korean KSS III? Turks U214? Or even german type 218?

Singaporean u 218?
Dont know about turk u214 as i know german put sanction to turkey. Dont know it is affecting us or not
Video game thinking? Maybe they play mil-sim like arma etc.
There is diffrent between video game and mil sim

Are tni interest in mil-sim?

Yg kayak gini ini yg sering bikin saya paling males posting full in English disini.

Maksudnya, pemahaman mereka tentang operasi lapangan disamakan dgn apa yg di simulasi atau data2x yg mereka punya termasuk dari hasil mereka latihan baik di tempat kita maupun di Northen territory Oz. Sedangkan keadaan pada daerah operasi yg real asli tentunya sangat jauh berbeda contohnya, perlengkapan belum tentu berfungsi seperti pada saat latihan karna kalau latihan ada kerusakan bisa gampang ditarik atau bahkan diganti, kemudian kodisi geografis khususnya hutan tropis yg tdk bisa disimulasikan dikarenakan hutan tropis yg asli (seperti yg ada di Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatera) sangat sulit ditembus dgn penginderaan sensor udara (termasuk thermal) dan juga faktor lain seperti kesehatan anggota, bilamana di daerah operasi ga bisa seenaknya kalau sakit pulang ke barak sambil nangis2x dsb. Itu masih belum hal2x lain yg terkait aspek taktis.
Kenapa saya bilang video-game thinking karna mereka berpikir dunia nyata itu sama dgn yg ada di simulasi atau dalam latihan padahal kenyataan sangat berbeda.

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