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Australia Didesak Turun Tangan Setop Kerusuhan di Papua
CNN Indonesia
Minggu, 29/09/2019 19:05
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Ilustrasi. (ANTARA FOTO/Marius Wonyewun)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Selain mengangkat isu dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Papua dalam pidato di Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) ke-74, Vanuatu juga meminta Australia turun tangan menangani konflik di wilayah paling timur Indonesia itu.

Menteri Luar Negeri Vanuatu Ralph Ragenvanu mengatakan "sejarah akan menilai kita" jika tak berbuat apa-apa menanggapi situasi krisis di Papua.

"Sejumlah ahli hukum internasional telah menyerukan (krisis di Papua) genosida, maksud saya memang telah masuk kriteria genosida. Sejarah akan mencatat kita dan kita harus berada di sisi yang benar dalam sejarah," kata Ragenvanu di New York.

"Australia harus meningkatkan kontribusinya secara substansial dalam masalah Papua Barat, terutama karena (Australia) berada di Dewan HAM PBB, (Australia) adalah anggota Forum Kepulauan Pasifik," paparnya menambahkan seperti dikutip SBS.

Sebelumnya, Perdana Menteri Vanuatu Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas mengecam dugaan pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Papua menyusul kerusuhan terbaru yang terjadi Wamena pada awal pekan ini.
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RI Anggap Vanuatu Sponsor Gerakan Separatis Papua Di depan seluruh 193 negara anggota PBB Tabimasmas mendesak pemerintah Indonesia untuk memberikan akses Komisaris Tinggi HAM PBB untuk meninjau situasi sebenarnya di Papua.

Di sela-sela pertemuan Majelis Umum PBB, Menteri Luar Negeri Australia, Marise Payne, mendesak seluruh pihak untuk "benar-benar menahan diri" untuk tidak memperkeruh situasi di Papua.

"Kami tentu sangat khawatir dengan laporan-laporan kekerasan yang terjadi di Papua dan Papua Barat. Situasi di Papua sangat penting di mana perwakilan kami di Jakarta terus memonitor kondisi Papua bersama dengan otoritas (Indonesia)," kata Payne.

Sementara itu, juru bicara Partai Buruh (oposisi pemerintah Australia) untuk urusan hubungan luar negeri, Penny Wong, mengecam "kekerasan yang terjadi di Papua".
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Wamena Rusuh, Benny Wenda Desak PBB Segera Turun ke Papua Meski begitu, ia menuturkan pihaknya tetap netral dan mengakui kedaulatan Indonesia di tanah Papua.

"Kami telah mengangkat kekhawatiran terkait pelanggaran HAM di Papua Barat dan kami akan terus berupaya menjunjung tinggi hak universal semua orang untuk mengekspresikan pandangan politiknya secara bebas dan damai terkait Papua Barat," ucap Wong melalui pernyataan.

"Partai Buruh benar-benar menghormati integritas kedaulatan teritorial Indonesia, rasa saling hormat terhadap kedaulatan dan integritas kedua negara tertuang dalam Perjanjian Lombok, yang tetap menjadi landasan kerja sama keamanan antara Indonesia-Australia," katanya. (rds/age)

The question is quite simple,are they willing to do that?
Demo mahasiswa juga dikabarkan ada pelanggaran HAM. Mungkin juga perlu minta bantuan Australia untuk masalah demo mahasiswa itu dan demo2 rusuh lainnya yang telah dan akan terjadi, right?

Stance politik Vanuatu untuk Papua sama dengan Indonesia untuk Palestina. Kapan Vanuatu berhenti dukung Papua kaya gitu? Lihat aja kapan Indonesia berhenti dukung Palestina.
About LHD as I know spanish has offer their ex LHD principe asturias along with bima suci but we decline it (some rumor said they also offer alvaro bazan kwkwk)

Also spanish has built tcg anadolu recently

Italian also built kalaat beni abbas


Look weapon that ship carry, carry 76mm otmel and Aster15/30

(It is remind me about TKAVR Baku class soviet navy sister of Vikramaditya)

So.... maybe we can choose spaniard or italian or turkey....

Just look who is more cheaper and more easy to procure

Btw pakai bahasa mau bicara sensitif klo ada yg berkenan maap
Sebenernya kan perusuh skrg ini rusuh2 usir warga pendatang apa ini juga mereka pingin supaya demografiknya berubah lagi?

Dan apakah kita bisa pakai korban orang2 pendatang ini bahwa konflik ini malahan mengkorbankan orang sipil juga?
Jadi buat si vanuatu dkk mati kutu
Dukung opm = dukung pelangaran ham

Atau ham bagi mrk hanya berlaku utk opm?
No need to procure/purchase LHD man we could make one by ourselves,just purchase some tehcnology that we dont dont mastered yet to EU,AFAIK as they gor the benefit they willing to give the technology no need to buy their ship for ToT tho,we could joint research or just buy their techno
I still doubt since they never intervere any problem or have ambition power outside europe territory, mainly their sea power are traditionaly fregat and sub
they actually just don't want to burden other europe allies like france , brits , italians , spain , considering how powerful their economy in europe league , it's actually feasible for german to have helicopter carrier , or atleast step up their game in naval asset just like what italy does (still can't comprehend about italian calling their ship as OPV , while it's pretty much pseudo multipurpose destroyer/frigate in disguise) , the german Baden-Württemberg frigate is actually really shameful (i guess brits babcock arrowhead 140 would ended up the same as Baden-Württemberg. )
No need to procure/purchase LHD man we could make one by ourselves,just purchase some tehcnology that we dont dont mastered yet to EU,AFAIK as they gor the benefit they willing to give the technology no need to buy their ship for ToT tho,we could joint research or just buy their techno

Someone said before about Trieste really realy realy EXPENSIVE dompet bisa jebol
But with anadolu/juan carlos more cheaper

Trieste is €1.1 bn vs anadolu €375 mn

Anadolu slightly shorter 10 meter than trieste

Dokdo $296 mn

Baden wurtemberg the shape is nice but the weaponry is very litle power, also they didnt have sonar !

Also €650mn???
You can get €600 for DZP

Even cheaper is of course iver

Dont know why that german ship so uberprice
they actually just don't want to burden other europe allies like france , brits , italians , spain , considering how powerful their economy in europe league , it's actually feasible for german to have helicopter carrier , or atleast step up their game in naval asset just like what italy does (still can't comprehend about italian calling their ship as OPV , while it's pretty much pseudo multipurpose destroyer/frigate in disguise) , the german Baden-Württemberg frigate is actually really shameful (i guess brits babcock arrowhead 140 would ended up the same as Baden-Württemberg. )
I dont envolved in politician opinion or speculation toward their military projection... Some time they are to much. I Read the article, its about opinion and debate... IMHO
Someone said before about Trieste really realy realy EXPENSIVE dompet bisa jebol
But with anadolu/juan carlos more cheaper

Trieste is €1.1 bn vs anadolu €375 mn

Anadolu slightly shorter 10 meter than trieste

Dokdo $296 mn

Baden wurtemberg the shape is nice but the weaponry is very litle power, also they didnt have sonar !

Also €650mn???
You can get €600 for DZP

Even cheaper is of course iver

Dont know why that german ship so uberprice
Probably we'll use star 50 hull for LHD base and we'll follow japan/s.korea steps in building LHD,using existing hull means cheap price:smitten:

The first one probably only to carry helicopter,after that there will be needs to place F35 on that probably around 8-12 f35 per LHA,last time.i checked we're only lacks at elevator technology i think we'll joint research or buy that techno from other producer, as for now i see the current design its looked like enlarged mistral if we want to place F35 on it,Pal need to add ski jump on it just like trieste does

As for now lets get focused for heavy frigate first sticking with iver is the good choice for now look at maersk offers to us:D adding lacm to iver juga bagus for fire support purpose:cheesy:
Probably we'll use star 50 hull for LHD base and we'll follow japan/s.korea steps in building LHD,using existing hull means cheap price:smitten:

The first one probably only to carry helicopter,after that there will be needs to place F35 on that probably around 8-12 f35 per LHA,last time.i checked we're only lacks at elevator technology i think we'll joint research or buy that techno from other producer, as for now i see the current design its looked like enlarged mistral if we want to place F35 on it,Pal need to add ski jump on it just like trieste does

As for now lets get focused for heavy frigate first sticking with iver is the good choice for now look at maersk offers to us:D adding lacm to iver juga bagus for fire support purpose:cheesy:

I prefer buy lacmr friggate or destroyer rather than "carrier wannabe"
But who can trasnfer lacm tech? We have limited by the mtcr
State like S.kor and turkey are mtcr signatories also Brazil mtcr ....

(Are army realy want avibras missile?)

Dont know but f35 for navy is..... DOMPET JEBOL f35B is very expensive.
Have F35 i still think abaout cost for operation amd maintenance

Maybe navy can have... shornet? Or j15:woot:
Or maybe harrier (old aircrfat) or gripen m?
I prefer buy lacmr friggate or destroyer rather than "carrier wannabe"
But who can trasnfer lacm tech? We have limited by the mtcr
State like S.kor and turkey are mtcr signatories also Brazil mtcr ....

(Are army realy want avibras missile?)

Dont know but f35 for navy is..... DOMPET JEBOL f35B is very expensive.
Have F35 i still think abaout cost for operation amd maintenance

Maybe navy can have... shornet? Or j15:woot:
Or maybe harrier (old aircrfat) or gripen m?
Thats why i say "semi-carrier" is for long term project not for 5-10 years from now its a step for step big progress right there

Hyunmoo/SOM is the best for navy right now,we dont have any sattelite to guide cruise missile >300 km,as for army,yeah they really want avtm 300 i heard France itself don't like with the current scalp performance or if you want dompet jebol just buy tomahawk

Last info i got airforce looking for kepd to fill ifx weaponry,idk about our future F16/F16V cruise missile but i think slam-er is a great choice it can be used on poseidon too
Are kepd betel prupen? Senayan will accept if there is embel2 betel prupen

Are kepd can mounted in f16?
Any infos who will fill airforce radar needs? Is it thales/LM or something else?
Last I read it doesn't have internal weapon bay. IIRC provision for internal weapon is use for fuel tank. If anyone have more update info on this?
I doubt we can cancel Su-35 deal outright. Few months ago I kept seeing some news of increasing palm oil export to Russia. The way I see it, we might as well replace our entire Sukhoi fleet gradually.

Extra range with extra fuel tank (block I).
Block I can utilize its belly to carry more fuel, plus external fuel tank it can fly longer.
I'm okay if we cancel Su35 purchase and in exchange we get a green light for F35 purchase, but i doubt US will allow a country that also operate flanker to have F35.

Dah gtu saya ga punya TV (ga mampu beli)

It is almost imposible to not embrace any military faction into politic in current time
Gonna need few ex military general in the team.

That's why i used quote in there, cause at least with such agreement, we can expect that they will not backstab us in dire situations.
(X) doubt.
Their national interest comes first, even if it means by backstabbing us.
Our national interest comes first, even if we need to slap them ozzie cheek.

I would rather to nurture more defense arrangement and even sign a treaty with Singapore, they got more touch with us and quite trustworthy even in our dire condition (they always there when shit happened in Indonesia from Aceh, Lombok, Jogja, Palu and other), heck they even not send a single man to UNAMET mission in Timor to respect us. If not for our ego to see them as an red dot and money grubber banker, i believe we can get more close to them and ditch the Malaysian into gutter.
IIRC ex Singaporean PM said something like "we try to align our interest with those of Indonesia" or something like that.

For a small country like Singapore in the global stage they quite standout.
Are kepd betel prupen? Senayan will accept if there is embel2 betel prupen

Are kepd can mounted in f16?
not yet , can be mounted or not is depend on original manufacture if they really wanted to integrate it or not , even the lighter FA-50/T-50 are designed to carry KEPD taurus .
View attachment 581735
Extra range with extra fuel tank (block I).
Block I can utilize its belly to carry more fuel, plus external fuel tank it can fly longer.
I'm okay if we cancel Su35 purchase and in exchange we get a green light for F35 purchase, but i doubt US will allow a country that also operate flanker to have F35.


Gonna need few ex military general in the team.

(X) doubt.
Their national interest comes first, even if it means by backstabbing us.
Our national interest comes first, even if we need to slap them ozzie cheek.

IIRC ex Singaporean PM said something like "we try to align our interest with those of Indonesia" or something like that.

For a small country like Singapore in the global stage they quite standout.
Did you forget that US and Lockheed Martin offers us to join the F35 project in the past eventho we do have flankers? Its a green light for F35 but lets just wait for F35 bugs to get fixed and the price getting more cheap cause Lockheed promised to fixing all the bugs plus decreasing F35 price,as for now F15X/Shornet or even typhoon is capable for us,jadi inget pak Purnomo dulu gagasin "good bye flankers":D
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