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I still dont know why boeing can overthrow airbus in tanker tender on offset aspect is it because all in one package or boeing offers us (GMF especially) maintenance facility for 767 and sertifikasi perawatan 767 that i atill don't know

Mungkin boeing wants to build factory in here too because airbus just build their factory in malaysia
I still dont know why boeing can overthrow airbus in tanker tender on offset aspect is it because all in one package or boeing offers us (GMF especially) maintenance facility for 767 and sertifikasi perawatan 767 that i atill don't know

Mungkin boeing wants to build factory in here too because airbus just build their factory in malaysia
They often think our engginer is anak nakal pinter modif mereka ada takutnya bikin pabrik disini kalah encer ma engginer kita di PT DI, lagian mainstream kita tu suka belajar TOT ala susah ditebak, kalau bikin disini takut desain medium body ma single alley mereka kesaing proyek nasional kaya N 2130, mereka sukanya tetep desain di seatle disini tinggal tukang cat ma las doank. Beberapa kali produknya airbus dapat input dri kita kaya face foward crew cockpit tu ma modifikasi winglet malah jadi lebih bagus cmiiw
They often think our engginer is anak nakal pinter modif mereka ada takutnya bikin pabrik disini kalah encer ma engginer kita di PT DI, lagian mainstream kita tu suka belajar TOT ala susah ditebak, kalau bikin disini takut desain medium body ma single alley mereka kesaing proyek nasional kaya N 2130, mereka sukanya tetep desain di seatle disini tinggal tukang cat ma las doank. Beberapa kali produknya airbus dapat input dri kita kaya face foward crew cockpit tu ma modifikasi winglet malah jadi lebih bagus cmiiw
But Lockheed Martin got no problem about that,probably Boeing will give some restrictions tho but idk luhut sendiri yang bilang minta boeing bangun pabrik disini toh gara2 airbus udah di malay duluan
But Lockheed Martin got no problem about that,probably Boeing will give some restrictions tho but idk luhut sendiri yang bilang minta boeing bangun pabrik disini toh gara2 airbus udah di malay duluan
I dont know the exact plan either, but looks like their plane plan going to like the astra multibrand single company vs single company branch representative, IDK the manufacture will be as a single complex with DI or not or maybe RAI. Btw RAI will be on rivalry with indian manufacture if they go along with Dassault
They often think our engginer is anak nakal pinter modif mereka ada takutnya bikin pabrik disini kalah encer ma engginer kita di PT DI, lagian mainstream kita tu suka belajar TOT ala susah ditebak, kalau bikin disini takut desain medium body ma single alley mereka kesaing proyek nasional kaya N 2130, mereka sukanya tetep desain di seatle disini tinggal tukang cat ma las doank. Beberapa kali produknya airbus dapat input dri kita kaya face foward crew cockpit tu ma modifikasi winglet malah jadi lebih bagus cmiiw
There are many factors for company to considering investing in Indonesia, specially in a long run. Things like country risk, political stability are the dominant factor for them to take into account. There are other things like supply chain, infrastructure, local industry capabilities, etc, that would make the cost of shipment and manufacture can be less then other country.

But Lockheed Martin got no problem about that,probably Boeing will give some restrictions tho but idk luhut sendiri yang bilang minta boeing bangun pabrik disini toh gara2 airbus udah di malay duluan
Hehehe kata siapa LM got no problem? Itu proyek ifx dipantau dan dicek terus sama mereka to make sure kita ga dapetin informasi yang ga boleh dikasih. Mereka dah tau kemampuan kita, knp mereka khawatir? ya seperti @barjo bilang kemampuan kita sulit terukur. Seorang chef ahli ga akan terlalu khawatir ngasih resep makanannya ke ahli besi karena dia tau kemampuan ahli besinya. Walaupun bisa buat tapi ga akan bisa seenak chef yg buat, knp? Karena ILMU DASAR memasak yg ga dipunyai si ahli besi. Kalau ahli besi punya dasar ilmu masak? Gw yakin ga akan dikasih alias takut dicontek walaupun si chef tau si ahli besi bukan jualan makanan. Kurang lebih seperti itu analoginya :D
There are many factors for company to considering investing in Indonesia, specially in a long run. Things like country risk, political stability are the dominant factor for them to take into account. There are other things like supply chain, infrastructure, local industry capabilities, etc, that would make the cost of shipment and manufacture can be less then other country.

Hehehe kata siapa LM got no problem? Itu proyek ifx dipantau dan dicek terus sama mereka to make sure kita ga dapetin informasi yang ga boleh dikasih. Mereka dah tau kemampuan kita, knp mereka khawatir? ya seperti @barjo bilang kemampuan kita sulit terukur. Seorang chef ahli ga akan terlalu khawatir ngasih resep makanannya ke ahli besi karena dia tau kemampuan ahli besinya. Walaupun bisa buat tapi ga akan bisa seenak chef yg buat, knp? Karena ILMU DASAR memasak yg ga dipunyai si ahli besi. Kalau ahli besi punya dasar ilmu masak? Gw yakin ga akan dikasih alias takut dicontek walaupun si chef tau si ahli besi bukan jualan makanan. Kurang lebih seperti itu analoginya :D
Yeah simple like SU 30KI with single seat from SU 27 baseline configuration, now the base use to develop SU 35 although diferent assembly line (first IAPO to KNAAPO) and twin engine K-FX with no canard and delta wing, maybe SAAB got the canard version (you know what i mean) from the leaking design, and offcourse NC212i fully developed by our enginer from NC212 base. I know one house in utan kayu, design by one of the senior enginer from DI, damn he design a very good accoustic damper almost like in the inner plane cabin. Looks like we're better to make plane than car anyway LOL

And yes almost forget the modification 206 sub walau nga jdi dulu

Yeah simple like SU 30KI with single seat from SU 27 baseline configuration, now the base use to develop SU 35 although diferent assembly line (first IAPO to KNAAPO) and twin engine K-FX with no canard and delta wing, maybe SAAB got the canard version (you know what i mean) from the leaking design, and offcourse NC212i fully developed by our enginer from NC212 base. I know one house in utan kayu, design by one of the senior enginer from DI, damn he design a very good accoustic damper almost like in the inner plane cabin. Looks like we're better to make plane than car anyway LOL

And yes almost forget the modification 206 sub walau nga jdi dulu
Yea, we can argue that we have the knowledge but the industry itself is not yet ready for the knowledge of know how to move on to the knowledge of design and produce. We are on the right track, but looking at the latest news Im seeing our submarine industry would move further then Fighters industry in the next decade. Since we have the tools and knowledge to fabricate and produce the submarine hull by ourselves. The next step is to design and build our own submarine which is the most pain in the butt stage considering the cost and risk involve in it :D
Yeah simple like SU 30KI with single seat from SU 27 baseline configuration, now the base use to develop SU 35 although diferent assembly line (first IAPO to KNAAPO) and twin engine K-FX with no canard and delta wing, maybe SAAB got the canard version (you know what i mean) from the leaking design, and offcourse NC212i fully developed by our enginer from NC212 base. I know one house in utan kayu, design by one of the senior enginer from DI, damn he design a very good accoustic damper almost like in the inner plane cabin. Looks like we're better to make plane than car anyway LOL

And yes almost forget the modification 206 sub walau nga jdi dulu

i think "canard" and "stealth" does not really fit together .
Yea, we can argue that we have the knowledge but the industry itself is not yet ready for the knowledge of know how to move on to the knowledge of design and produce. We are on the right track, but looking at the latest news Im seeing our submarine industry would move further then Fighters industry in the next decade. Since we have the tools and knowledge to fabricate and produce the submarine hull by ourselves. The next step is to design and build our own submarine which is the most pain in the butt stage considering the cost and risk involve in it :D
I think we should borrow airbus factory and plant since some high grade macinery is can't not owned by us.. LOL i dont know why, maybe we must ask singapore harbour for the reason.. sorry OOT

i think "canard" and "stealth" does not really fit together .
Yes is like superman to be ask to reduce his flying drag by not using his cowl LOL

His highness Mr Jusuf Kalla, due to my respect for you, let me in humble way to give my expression. Freedom, Dignity and Sovereignty is earned sir, let me said once more, all of them is earned and you cant get them by asking other to do so. So Indonesia must invest more on military, influence, diplomacy engagement aboard by top notch cohorts of lawyer and diplomats along with economy might. Without them it is just an empty rethoric and words banter.
Does pakistan interested in our weaponry or medium tank?

I think we should borrow airbus factory and plant since some high grade macinery is can't not owned by us.. LOL i dont know why, maybe we must ask singapore harbour for the reason.. sorry OOT

Yes is like superman to be ask to reduce his flying drag by not using his cowl LOL
I got no problem with airbus,but its really visible that we're leaning toward boeing now
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